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Visionary Investigator

Page 30

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "But. I...I want her to have a normal life." Mommy whispered, tears in her eyes.

  "Baby, don't you think I want that. She's OUR child. I hide behind this profession on Earthala versus doing my duty as a King! Thankfully, your mother and father are still alive, but our people are talking. It's only a matter of time before a new heir has to be chosen. If you won't assume your position, it will go to Scarlet by default. It's only thanks to your mom's connections with Winterlya's family and King Heart’s assistance that we get this opportunity. But it's not benefiting Scarlet."

  Mommy stood there; tears rolled down her cheeks, making me sadder.

  "Just…when she's older..."

  "Marilyn. I...I can't keep watching this. I can't keep watching you live when you're always looking over your shoulder. Your guards can't be everywhere to save you from being kidnapped or killed. I want us as a family to go home. I hate playing this Uncle crap. I watch as that piece of shit of a man abuses you. It's only a matter of time till he releases that pent-up frustration on Scarlet."

  Mommy’s eyes widened as she looked back up.

  "He wouldn't."

  "How can you say that confidently? Scarlet tells me what he does to you. She watches everything. You think he won't hurt her too? What kind of husband am I watching a man hit you? I bet if you weren’t in his life, he’d abandon Scarlet in a heartbeat. Yet, you stay in this relationship or whatever for show. Just because of this dream you envision for Scarlet. She's hurting, Marilyn. We all are."

  I opened the door lightly, walking quietly to Kendrick; my hand slid into his as he jumped. My mom’s eyes wide.

  "Daddy? Can I stop calling you Uncle Kendrick? I don't like new daddy. I want you." I felt the tears roll down my cheeks. Moonlight dropped to the floor; my dad gave me a sad expression as he picked me up, hugging me tightly as I cried on his shoulder.

  "Hey, baby, it's okay."

  "But I don't like it when Mommy and Daddy fight. I wanna go home. I wanna see Grandma Neptune. Moonlight wants to see his friend Nightmare. I want friends like me." I cried.

  "I know baby. I know." I cried into his shoulder, as he walked back and forth. I felt another hand on my back. I turned to see my mom's tear-filled eyes.

  "I'm sorry Scarlet. You don't want to be here anymore?" She asked softly.

  "I wanna be with Mommy and Daddy. I want to be together with Moonlight. I don't like it here. Mommy, the kids call me mean names. They laugh and giggle when you drop me off. They hate me. Everyone hates me but Mommy, Daddy, and Moonlight. I want a friend. I'm lonely." I confessed; the sobs made me shake as the tears fell from my cheeks and onto Kendrick's shirt.


  I pointed at Moonlight.

  "We're lonely, Mommy. Can't you see? Moonlight's my only friend. He's not supposed to be here. He belongs to the stars. But he stays for me. He's my only friend who doesn't think I'm weird. I belong too. I work hard, but everyone calls me a monster. I'm a freak...a mistake."

  "Scarlet, you’re not mistake."

  "That's not what the adults say!" I screamed; anger raged within me. The lights flickered.

  "Easy, Scarlet. Mommy and Daddy get it. What else do the adults say? Tell me." Kendrick directed my attention to him.

  "They say I'm a mistake and they only watch me because you and Mommy have money. Other Daddy is an alc-oho-lic anyways. Mommy was just lucky to have had me before meeting other Daddy, or I would be an alc-oh-olic too. At least if I was other Daddy’s child, I wouldn’t be a mistake."

  They both stood there in silence; their eyes wide.

  "I don't care. I know I'm not but...why am I here if I'm a mistake? Moonlight said we all have a purpose. Grandma Neptune said my best friend’s coming too. So…I'll be patient...if you want me to." I whispered, looking down at the floor; my shoulders slumped.

  "I'm sorry, Scarlet. No one should say that about you." Daddy pulled me to rest against his chest, his warm hugs always made me feel better.

  Mommy was silent.

  "Scarlet dear." I lifted my head to Mommy's voice; Daddy turned so I could see her. Her brown hair was already losing colouring, the top part of her head that she always hid when she went outside turning bright orange like mine.

  "Yes, Mommy?"

  "Why don't we go back home after Christmas? I know it’s still a few rotations away, and we’d still have to take you to Saikkiku for show, but she can remove the seal before we leave. We'll spend our last Christmas here and play in the snow, bake chocolate chip cookies and then Grandma Neptune can pick us up, and we’ll go home.”

  "Together? All of us? Even Moonlight?” She smiled, nodding.

  "Yes, together."

  I turned to Daddy.

  "I don't need to call you Uncle Kendrick anymore?"

  "Yup. Once we go back, you can call me Daddy anytime you want."

  I looked at both of them back and forth, excitement brewed within me.

  "And I'll have friends like the best friend Grandma Neptune said I'd have?"

  "Yes, love. Cece's a few cycles older than you but she'll never let you down."

  I squealed hugging Daddy before stretching out for Mommy, who laughed; her warm arms wrapped around me and Daddy.

  "Thank you, Mommy and Daddy! Thank you, Starlight gods."


  We broke apart to look at Moonlight who sat at our feet. I giggled.

  "Daddy, I need to hug Moonlight."

  He chuckled, lowering to his knees to let Moonlight jump into my arms. He rose back up as I cuddled Moonlight; his black fur so soft, and his turquoise eyes so vivid they reminded me of the sky.

  "Thank you Moonlight. I love all of you."

  We stood there in a bundle of love and I was grateful to the stars for blessing me with a family that loved me.

  I'll cherish this memory forever.

  I woke up to indescribable pain – the sensation so strong it took everything not to succumb to the darkness once more. Just to get an ounce of air hurt, like I was inhaling needles; my body cried in agony.

  I struggled to open my eyes – my lids felt so heavy.

  My mind drifted – flickering in and out as I tried to keep taking little breaths; the small inhales and exhales alternated from pins and needles to burning flames within my lungs.

  I felt like a broken doll and while I lay in the darkness; I truly believed I wasn't repairable.

  "Scarlet? Can you hear me? Scar please."

  I tried to focus my mind on the voice – the soft, soothing melodic voice I recognized. What was her name...Seren...Serenity? She was someone dear to me. Why did she sound so far away? Why did I forget? Forget about Kendrick being my Dad? He's my real dad, I wonder if he's worried about me? Would he miss me like Mom? I didn't want to see him cry alone in his office. I knew he missed Marilyn. I just didn't remember how close they were.

  "Scarlet? Please, let us help you. Concentrate."

  Aurora? That was her name, right? My, my spirits?

  They always stayed up with me when I had bad dreams, or got angry when people called me names.

  Everyone was afraid when I got mad. Nothing went well when you angered Serenity and Aurora. They were my protectors and they loved me. Would they be sad if I left?



  Through the pain I felt something lick my face, nuzzling against me.

  I opened my eyes, needing to see him with my own eyes.

  The ceiling above was pitch black, barely any light wherever I was. Moonlight's head came into view; his turquoise eyes glowed softly.

  I wanted to pet him so bad. To give him one more cuddle or scratch behind his ear, but I couldn't move.

  "Scarlet? Let me help you." Serenity’s voice was louder, reminding me of her presence.

  Serenity. How? I can't move.

  "Just close your eyes, relax. I'll heal you. Just try not to fall asleep. I need you to wake up. We don't have much time."

  Time? What else was there to do but lie he
re and die? I was in so much pain. I was going to die, that was just reality.

  "We won't let you give up and die, Scarlet. You survive everything, remember? You promised."

  Promised. I did promise someone. Who was it? Jax? Jaxson...and the others. Where are they?

  The memories hit me at once – Xerxes' shocked expression; my body plunged down the thirty-seven floors from the tech building at Mc. Ryerson.

  I began to panic; fear coursed through me.

  "Scarlet it's okay. Don't breathe so quickly. It will only hurt worse. Please. You're safe, but I need to heal you, so we can get out of here. The bomb is going to go off."


  The words echoed in my mind; the sheer reality of what was happening around me kicked me into gear as I shut my eyes, trying to calm my racing heart which pounded furiously, each palpitation contributing to the pain radiating through me.

  After a couple of attempts, I was finally able to drift – Serenity took over to switched places with me. I tried not to focus on the on-screen image as I floated in the darkness within my mind.

  I felt something warm next to me; my eyes turned to see the purple-black glowing orb.


  "Yes Scarlet. Just stay calm. The pain will decrease. Serenity will heal you."

  "But...but magic limit. Will you disappear? I don't want you to leave me."

  "We aren't going anywhere. You’re close but we should make it out okay."

  "But...the bomb? We can't leave it here."


  "No. Can't we do anything? We can use the elements! Can't we stop it?"

  I flinched; my attention returned to see my hand; a bunch of markings showed on my hands, glowing a red color.

  " that my hand in front of me?” I questioned.

  "Scarlet. Let's switch first." Serenity announced.

  Hearing my cracking voice made me shiver. I took a deep breath, calming myself as my mind switched places – my control returned.

  I cautiously moved my fingers, moving one at a time, waiting for the crippling pain to shock me – but the sensation never plagued me. I sighed, slowly sitting up.

  I stilled; my eyes grew wide as I raised my trembling arms.

  Multiple swirls wrapped around my fingers; the intricate design roamed down to my wrist and up my arms, glowing a light red.

  I tried to ignore the pool of blood beneath me; the metallic smell enough to make me gag. My hands pressed against my mouth as I held in the vomit that wanted to escape.

  Sure, I'd seen tons of dead bodies and pools of blood, but it was a different feeling seeing your own.

  "Serenity...what’s wrong with me? What is this?" I questioned, trying not to panic.

  "Scarlet, open your locket."

  My locket? I looked down to the necklace, remembering the tiny red light that peeked out of the space as I fell to my doom.

  It was now wide open – the inside completely empty. I frowned. Where did the red glow go? Actually, what was in there, to begin with?

  "It's the Stone of Awakening."

  I whipped my head to the deep, shiver-inducing voice – my eyes grew wide as my mouth dropped open.

  The person who walked out of the shadows was absolutely spectacular looking. I'd never seen anyone radiate a beauty like his.

  The six-eight male stood a few steps away from me – a few steps as in he just needed to walk two steps to reach me with those long legs.

  He wore a black outfit; the blue silk material outline reminded me of an expensive uniform or suit. He wore black, polished shoes, and his jet-black hair had blue streaks. His arms were crossed; his black cloak that hung over his shoulders was trimmed with white fur and floated lightly as if the wind itself would not dare allow the fabric to touch the ground.

  His stunning heart-stopping turquoise eyes glowed with authority – one look made you cower in submission. If it wasn't for the fact I was already sitting on the ground, I probably would have fallen to my knees and begged for forgiveness.

  The power flowing from him made me tremble in both fear and adoration. I knew from one glance that this man was not human or shifter. He was beyond and apart from the almighty beings – the only thing coming to my mind to compare such attributes were Starlight Gods. The gods I only just found out about and apparently the ones I knew about all along, but had somehow forgotten.

  I gathered enough courage to look away, scanning for Moonlight. He's not here...which means...

  I gulped, returning my gaze to him as he stood there. Though he held a blank expression, those powerful blue orbs held kindness, maybe a hint of empathy?

  I couldn't ignore the itch to bow, attempting to switch positions but flinching; pain in my chest stopped me from moving any further.

  "Stay still Scarlet. You're not fully healed and the crystal hasn't finished integrating itself."

  I had about a million questions in my mind, yet I couldn't stop the words from escaping me.

  "But I need to bow. You're a god...right? I don't know how or why I would possibly think that, but my gut is telling me you are." I rambled, the words so fast; I felt like Ethan.

  He smiled – making his facial features even more stunning, that I felt like crying.

  "Indeed. Your gut has never steered you wrong before, Scarlet Sinclair, daughter of Marilyn and Kendrick Sinclair, and future heir of Feminara. It's nice to meet you in this form. I must give my utmost thanks for loving me since you could crawl. It gives me hope that there's still kindness in this realm."

  "Moonlight?" I whispered; my voice barely audible to my ears.

  "Risuki. The Starlight God of War. I am the assigned ruler of Minato which is Realm Five or your neighbor. Deathpre is taking my place as ruler. It's a pleasure to finally introduce myself. It seems your locked memories have returned."

  "Locked...memories. Um...this is a lot of information, but I should say it's nice to meet you Risuki. Wait, you’re my cat...I mean Do I call you by your God name?" I frowned, looking at the floor in embarrassment. My thoughts weren't flowing properly in my mind – everything jumbled up which wasn't helping my thought process and only made me look like a fool in front of a god.

  I'd imagined if I ever met a god I wanted to impress them and be as professional and respectful as possible. Guess that failed.

  "Raise your head, Scarlet."

  I looked up at him with disappointment. I didn't feel worthy to speak to him.

  "You may refer to me as whatever you're comfortable with. I do suggest you keep my god status on the down low. I do recall you accidentally told Michael Moore and Junho Suk. I'm fine with the boys knowing. Cece and Kendrick are both aware of my familiar form. Anyhow, your memories have returned to you now that the stone that stored them has returned to you."

  "Stone, returned to me? Sir, I mean uh, Risuki...hmm. That doesn't feel right to say so casually."

  "Scarlet, uh bomb ticking away." Aurora reminded. OH RIGHT!

  "Before we get into the whole Stone of Awakening attaching to my body and giving my sealed memories back, shouldn't you be concerned about the bomb?"

  I had no idea where it was in this place, but it had to be close by for Serenity and Aurora to see it.

  "I've stopped time momentarily, but we don't have long." He confessed.

  "Alright. Before I go to the bomb subject what's wrong with me?"

  I lifted my arms to show him the tattoo like design on both arms and hands.

  "They are known as markings and yours awakened when the stone attached to you."

  "Stone as in the Stone of Awakening that Xerxes is after?"


  "Is attached to me...attached where exactly?"

  He lifted his arm up; his finger touched the area of his heart.

  "It's a part of your heart now, Scarlet."


  I opened my mouth to speak but stopped. I knew whatever words that came out of my mouth would either be jumbled together or would be a silen
t plea for help. I have a fucking stone in my heart.

  "Yes Scarlet, you have a stone in your heart." Risuki confirmed.

  "I didn't say that out loud."

  "You don't have to. I can read your thoughts." I gawked at him. All my thoughts? Like everything? Even the time I cursed him for scratching my furniture and destroying my favorite lamp. He sighed.

  "Yes. I can read thoughts whenever, but I choose to zone out when I'm in familiar form. It’s hard enough to fight the urge to kill rats and stare outside all day. But to answer your concern, I did hear you curse me, but your lamp deserved to perish. It was ugly anyway." He mumbled the last part, looking away.

  "Ugly? It was vintage!"

  "Still ugly as fuck." He retorted.

  "You can't swear! You're a god."

  "Yes, I can. I'm not Jehovah. Plus, it's not my fault my master swears every three sentences with her best friend."

  "That's bullshit." I argued. He shrugged.

  "You’re getting distracted."

  "Oh! Fuck. I mean, Fudge? UGH! How do I get the stone out of my heart!" I cried out, frustrated.

  "You can't." I blinked at him.

  "Come again? I think my ears aren't working because you just said I can't take a stone that I wasn't born with, out of my heart. An organ in the human anatomy that is not supposed to have a jewel in it." I proposed; my voice two octaves higher as I gestured to my chest; my finger that pointed at my heart trembled.

  " died. The impact from the fall broke multiple bones; the head trauma caused blood to pool in your brain and your heart stopped right away."


  "Dead as in..."

  "Dead Scarlet. Gone, no heartbeat, one with the stars above dead."

  I gulped, looking away; my entire body shivered.

  I heard him exhale; footsteps followed until my body was pulled into a warm embrace. I blinked back the tears that pooled in my eyes, remembering my last moments as the shock of pain shot through me before I blacked out.

  "I'm sorry. I'm a bit up front with my explanations. It’s harder for me to be as comforting as I am in my familiar form. I didn’t mean to be harsh." He apologized. I nodded, relaxing in his embrace. Who knew I'd be comforted by a god?


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