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Visionary Investigator

Page 31

by Yumoyori Wilson

  "Then why am I here?" I whispered, looking up at his face – his angular, clean-shaven skin, smooth of any imperfections.

  "It wasn't your time. We all have a purpose we need to fulfill. Some people die without fulfilling their duty in this universe. As gods, we can't save everyone, and in some cases, we have no say, even as gods. The galaxy is the one who brought us together to rule all of you. She is the one who can allow us to save your soul or let you perish to be reborn. In your case Scarlet, the galaxy didn't want you to join the stars, yet. That stone is a part of that decision."

  "Therefore, the stone and Mother Galaxy saved me? Did you interfere?" I questioned.


  "Aren't you going to get in trouble?"


  "Thank you." I whispered, leaning into him and hugging him tightly. I didn't need an explanation for his intervening. Just the thought that he helped save me, knowing his actions could get him in trouble if it wasn't the indulgence of Mother Galaxy made me beyond thankful.

  He tightened his embrace.

  "You’re welcome, Scarlet. Now, I can't delay time any longer."

  He gave me a rub on the back before pulling away, standing up and looking around.

  "I'm going to need your help Visionary Elemental." He announced; his eyes landed on something to my right.

  I followed his gaze; my eyes widened as I noticed the red digital timer – 01:50sec.

  "WHAT! One minute and fifty seconds!" I shrieked, attempting to get up, but hissing at the pain in my chest.

  Risuki's hands landed on my shoulder, easing me back down to sit.

  "Don't move. We can't stop it at this point, but we can manipulate the fire and air elements to make it stay within this section. "

  "Can't you just, I don't know, snap your fingers and make the bomb disappear?"

  He chuckled.

  "No Scarlet. I can stop disasters pertaining to war. I can't stop a man-made contraption like this without Mother Galaxy’s permission or if one-fourth of the population is at risk. It's easy to whisk you away from here, but if that bomb goes off, half this campus will go with it and that includes your lovers who will be approaching the entrance in seventy seconds."

  "The guys! Oh no. But, I don't know how. I can barely use my magic." I said, frantically.

  He gripped my tense shoulders; a wave of calm flowed through me.

  "Scarlet. You survived falling thirty-seven floors. Mother Galaxy and I didn't save your plump ass for you to be blown to bits." Risuki huffed.

  "Was the plump comment really necessary?"


  "Okay, okay. I'll do my best...just don't leave me."

  "Of course." He whispered.

  I watched as the clock began to count down again; time reverted back to normal.

  "Wait, Risuki! Rebecca...." I looked up to see his frown as he shook his head.

  "She can't be saved, Scarlet."

  I frowned, nodding. I gulped; eighty seconds remained on the timer.

  "Alright Scarlet. Take a deep breath and focus on the wind around you. Listen to its call. Allow the wind to center around you. You're going to use the wind to contain the flames. Fire is going to be the hardest to tame. You must show it who's boss. Fire is an element that hates to be told what to do or how to move. You must prove to it that you're the stronger one – that your attention is as clear as day. You want the fire to release only in this contained environment, not to spread and destroy. Listen to their calls and allow the words to come to you."

  I closed my eyes.

  "Prove to the elements that you are their master." Aurora and Serenity said in unison, both left my mind.

  I felt Risuki kneel; my back pressed against him as he lifted my arms to aim towards the bomb.

  "I trust in you, Scarlet. I believe in your strength. Now, show Xerxes who’s boss, so we can get justice for all those lost by his path for domination. Let's get justice for Marilyn." He whispered into my ear.

  I opened my eyes; the burning sensation returned with force, but I ignored the irritation, not allowing it to stop my validation. My back burned with revenge; the anger boiled inside me growing and growing – ready to explode like the bomb before me.

  I wasn't going to run away or cower. My mom had been a bad ass till the very end – she believed I would bring her justice and live to tell the tale.

  This bomb would not get rid of my existence or the people I cared about. I was in control now, and everything would obey my every thought.

  I heard the whispers of the air; my hair began to float as the wind began to gather around us, cycling upward. I concentrated all my emotions – my anger, sadness and perseverance morphing into power. I opened my mouth; the words flowed out.

  "Oh Wind, free like a bird yet kind like our Mother of all. I request your assistance as we aim to help change a catastrophe. Allow your power to flow within me, as a host to enclose what is about to occur."

  The wind picked up the pace. My hair whipped upward. My left hand glowed a vibrant emerald.

  30 Secs

  "Oh, Fire of might and devastation. I require your aid. Listen to my command. Limit your power of greatness within my territory. Feel free to rise high but not outbound. You will not disobey me because I am your leader; your commander as we face the war ahead. You will not reign free as an aimless soldier on the battlefield. You will stay by my side, as my second in command; I will lead us to victory, but I need your power alongside me. Now make your decision – to obey and prevail, or fall and surrender."

  My right hand burned as the markings shone a bright orange-red. Fire erupted out of nowhere and created a circle around us.

  10 Secs

  I smiled, looking up at my familiar – my friend, companion, and god.

  "Thank you for everything. I love you." I whispered.

  He returned the soft smile; pride reflected in his eyes.

  "And I love you, Scarlet. I'll be by your side when you wake up."

  I closed my eyes, allowing the power that was reaching its limit inside me to release – its own ticking bomb against the one before us.

  Let me prove Xerxes wrong. In stars we trust.

  The bomb went off.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  The heat that hit me was as painful as the fall that killed me – my flesh felt as if it was melting off my body. The impact was indescribable; no words in the dictionary are able to describe the power. I held my ground; my hands trembled as I allowed the power to flow out, like a faucet of water flowing freely.

  I looked up to the inferno of flames that soared above, already damaging the roof that was covered with smoke.

  I had no idea whether I had contained the blaze – above no time to linger. I would not lose this battle, and fire wasn't going to stand by my side if I backed down now.

  I glared at the flames that attempted to break the barrier of wind around myself and Risuki, gritting my teeth as anger coursed through me.

  Did it not know who it was dealing with? Who I was? I was the leader, and it would obey my every command.

  "You will withdraw! I am your leader; your salvation in this world. You may attempt to win this battle, but you will lose this war. I will not submit to you. Surrender to your wielder. I, Scarlet Sinclair command you; the fire that burns with strength and longevity to return to me. I will shield you from misuse and use you to bring justice to those who deserve it. Let me use you for good and not for evil. LET ME LEAD YOU TO YOUR HIGHEST POTENTIAL!"

  The flames pulled back, shooting up into the sky as those flames around us shot upwards – gathering into one large mass.

  I continued my hard gaze; no fear in me as I waited for the final assault. The ball of energy shot down; the wind attempted to slow its descent towards us.

  "Stand still wind." I whispered; the barrier dispersed as the scorching heat made it almost unbearable.

  I knew if the flames wanted to kill me, the heat would have been strong enough to melt my flesh, but the int
ensity was enough to make my skin turn red but not blister.

  The flames made their move – heading straight for us.

  I continued to hold my ground – ready for the impact.

  The flow of flames stopped inches away from my face, fluttering above but not hitting me.

  I stared at the orange, red flickers with confidence.

  "I won't let you down." I whispered.

  I watched as the flames began to disperse; smoke rose upward. I closed my eyes, summoning the wind to purify the air.

  It listened to my request; a gentle breeze flowed around us, carrying the remnants of smoke upward into the sky above.

  I leaned forward, feeling weak as my adrenaline levels dropped. I felt firm hands stop me from falling.

  "I got you." Risuki whispered. I wanted to thank him, to let him know how truly grateful I was for his presence and support. I would have never been able to tackle the flames without him, but I was fighting to stay conscious; the thought made me smile weakly.

  I guess I should be called the fainting lady.

  "You’re not a fainting lady. You're a warrior who just gave it their all on the battlefield and ended victorious. You deserve to rest. Your body needs it. And I know, Scarlet. You’re very welcome, and I'll never hesitate to stand by your side and watch you claim what is yours." He admitted.


  I tried to lift my head at the frantic shrill that summoned me, but I wanted to sleep. The wind sung a soft tune, riding the calming breeze that surrounded us – a lullaby; my victory song.

  It was a soothing melody; I couldn't resist its mission to ease my mind and allow me to rest.

  "Scarlet?" Risuki whispered.

  I felt my body laid straight on the cool surface; something soft pressed against my forehead.

  "Sweet dreams, Visionary Elemental. May the Starlight Gods strengthen you and your team as you fight the coming darkness. In stars we trust."

  I felt a shift in the air before something soft brushed against my face – soft like fur. I relaxed; the low sound of purring let my remaining worries fade.

  One Week Later


  "Scarlet, you’re gonna fucking lose weight now stop being a stubborn ass and eat."

  "I'm not hungry. Whose idea was it to feed me every two hours? That's fucking inhumane."

  "Winterlya's. Now, eat or I'll get Christian over here to seduce you into eating."

  I crossed my arms, letting out a huff as I tried not to set the curtains on fire...again.

  It had already been a week since Mc. Ryerson’s bombing – which was being advertised as a terrorist attack to the criminal investigator organization around the country – PINC included.

  With the help of Risuki, I was able to tame the blaze - the impact stayed within the building. Christian had sounded the evacuation alarm in the building prior to the explosion; a round of gunshots towards the ceiling was enough to motivate the stubborn students and staff, who thought he was joking about a bomb threat.

  Ethan and the others had rushed over to the campus when Christian found out the technician was one of Xerxes’ lackeys, but it was already far too late. The technicians had uploaded a virus – the infection spread and deleted PINC’s criminal files which had ignited a panicked frenzy throughout the paranormal community.

  Kendrick was still trying to settle things down with the other higher-ups – the President of the United States had to make a general announcement about the hacking and assuring the public that the criminals would remain behind bars or on the wanted list till they figured out how to deal with this mess.

  I was now in the Scar Only room of my apartment on bed rest thanks to Winterlya. I'd been unconscious the last five days, just waking up yesterday and was now forced to eat every two hours. Cece was my "nurse" to ensure I ate on schedule, and it was fucking annoying.

  The boys had to help with the chaos occurring at PINC, and the crime rate doubled since the announcement of destroyed records. I think it was a tad stupid, really.

  Just because your past records were destroyed, didn’t mean that new ones couldn’t be made when you landed your ass in jail again. Then again, criminals weren’t always the sharpest tools in the shed.

  I was on sick leave until approved to return back to the field. While I was unconscious, I was officially hired and added to Team Seven as the first female investigator in their group, with an additional raise and rank change for my bravery of containing the bomb that could have killed thousands of students, staff members, and other bystanders.

  With a stone a part of my beating heart and my acceptance of the elements, I'd been having minor accidents - as in short-circuiting the tv three times, making the bath flood twice, and lighting the curtains up after Cece tried to feed me peaches. I hate peaches.

  My eyes lowered to the brand new flat screen TV box on the floor, beneath the window that had a new set of curtains. Jaxson and Junho had come by; Jaxson with the new set of curtains and Junho with the spare TV, just in case I short-circuited the fourth one that was now playing Quantico, Season Four.

  "I'm surprised you haven't short-circuited your Kindle yet."

  I returned my gaze to Cece, who sat at the end of the bed. Her hair was tied in a messy bun as she sat in black shorts and a t-shirt. I frowned at the dark circles under her eyes. I couldn't complain about hers or any of the guys’ roughed up appearances.

  Half of their worry and lack of sleep was because of me, some of the guys taking it harder than the others. I still needed a moment with Jaxson who looked the worst out of the bunch.

  I'd only gotten to see him briefly when he brought the curtains, getting a soft kiss and nothing more. I'd have to confront him about it whether he liked it or not. All I needed was to get out of this stupid bed rest bullshit.

  "I should. Maybe, I'll be allowed to get out of my bed for more than just bathing and pooping." I mumbled. I extended my hand; Cece passed the device to me.

  I clicked the home button; A Demon's Blade popped up as the next book to read.

  "Is that what you're going to read next?"

  "Yup! I'm intrigued, and did you research the name? One of the authors has the exact same name as you. Well, minus the Alexandra."

  "Shut up, really? Give it back."

  She grabbed it back, opening it and scanning the copyright page.

  "Holy shit! Oh god! You're reading this! Want me to read it to you? No, we should make this a group thing and let the boys act like a character in the book."

  I laughed.

  "I hope there's a bitchy role in there just for your ass."

  "Oh, fuck you too. You love my ass for one, and I'm serious. Can we have a book club? Did you tell Marcus to get a Kindle for his girlfriend? I should text him to buy her this first so when they come down here we can discuss. We can call it Paranormal book club...hmm that doesn't sound very unique. Fuck, I'll figure something out."

  I shook my head with a smile. That’s my best friend for ya.

  “Why don’t we get back to your history lesson?” Cece clapped her hands.

  “Ugh. I don’t want to study.”

  “Meow.” Moonlight jumped onto the bed, sitting to stare at me. Cece crossed her arms over her chest. I groaned. Of course, you’d want me to learn.

  “Meow meow.” Moonlight responded to my thought, curling up on my blanket.

  “Fine. I did ask for you to explain to me everything about the realms. Let’s get SPIRIT 101- Introduction to the Shifter Race Lesson One over with.

  “Excellent.” Cece smiled, sitting up straight as she cleared her throat.

  “In the beginning…”

  "So long story short. Latelia is basically what we call Pluto cause it's not a fucking planet anymore. Realms Two and Four I completely forgot, apart from Two cause that's where Winterlya's from. Feminara, of course, is our home, and my grandma’s still ruler. Minato is designated for some knight school or academy or whatever you call it. Earth is actually Earthala, which I have t
o comment was not creative at all. At least we could have deviated from our name a tad more. Instead, we just butchered it by taking the "ala" out of it. I forgot Seven, Nine, and Ten. OH, Seven has lion shifters, those are pretty cool. Eight was...AH, Heila and that's where all the cool shit is. Like how everyone loves New York City and has the best food and shops. That's the jist of it all."

  Cece blinked; the book she held dropped out of her hand on the black and white bedsheets.

  "I did not spend three hours teaching you Starlight history for you to tell me that's all you picked up."

  "That's the basis of all the information you fed me. Just to be honest, I zoned out after the cool Realm One story, Feminara cause that’s my new homeland, and tuned back in at Minato and Heila seeing as they’re the only interesting Realms." I shrugged, petting Moonlight who was sleeping in my lap.

  "How can you be a perfect Ace and have managed to get perfect grades your whole life with your attention span?"

  "Kendrick bribes me with goodies and vacations if I get good grades." I stated, proudly.

  I hadn’t gotten a chance to confront Kendrick about regaining my memories – remembering him as my biological father. It was comforting to know I had a dad in my life, especially now that I discovered it was Kendrick all along.

  "I'm gonna change your Netflix password, that's what I'm gonna do." Cece threatened.

  I gasped.

  "Oh, hell no, you aren't! That's my lifeline. What else am I gonna do besides watching every season of Supernatural and read?" I whined, blinking my eyes.

  "Don't go crying on me! It would be your fault for not paying fucking attention. Ugh, what am I gonna do with you?" Cece exclaimed, lying down on the bed, grabbing the book, and placing it on her face.

  "I'm napping."

  "Don't sleep yet."

  "Yeah Cece, don't sleep yet. We got a guest, and Vinzent said to call him."

  We turned our heads to see Junho at the door, followed by a tall, muscular male.


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