Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4)

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Renegade's Choice (Satan's Anarchy MC Book 4) Page 13

by Erin Osborne

  “You know he’s been at the compound every single day. I see his bike parked out in front of one of the homes that’s occupied,” she tells us. “Do you know what he’s doing there?”

  “No, I’m not sure what’s goin’ on. It’s his business though. Don’t be spreadin’ that shit around,” he tells her.

  “I’m not. I just thought you might know,” she answers.

  Renegade nods his head and goes back to paying attention to everyone in the yard. His eyes are never far from Kora though. Well, until a few of the guys head inside. One of them must motion to him because he’s soon following the men inside. I sit with Cassidy as we watch all the guys disappear inside.

  I’m not sure what’s going on and I don’t want to know. The only thing that matters to me is making sure Kora’s okay and trying to figure out what Renegade meant earlier. I’m not sure what’s going on, but if it involves me then I’ll have to listen to what he says and make some decisions based on what he says. Or wants.

  Kora looks in our direction and I turn my attention toward her.

  “You okay?” I ask her.

  “I need to go to the bathroom. Will you come with me?” she asks looking between Cassidy and me.

  “Of course. Cassidy, can you watch the kids for a few minutes?” I ask.

  “Absolutely. Take your time,” she answers.

  Kora and I walk into the clubhouse and she heads to the bathroom. I wait out in the hallway while she’s in there. The guys are in the common room talking. Because they’re in there, I can’t help but overhear them talking about not being able to find the guys who attacked me. They’ve all been out searching apparently and can’t find them.

  My mind immediately goes to how I can help them. The only thing coming to my mind is using myself as bait. If I put myself out there, they’ll come after me and the guys can find them. However, I know Renegade and the guys won’t let me put myself out there like that no matter how many of them are with me.

  It’s time to take matters into my own hands. As soon as I get Kora back outside, I’ll head to my car and head out. They’ll be looking for me in my car, not at an MC clubhouse. So, I’ll head out when everyone is busy and see if I can draw the guys closer to here. Then the guys can come out and get them. I’ll make sure I have my phone on me so I can call them when I get close.

  Kora comes out of the bathroom and we make our way back outside. She goes back to the kids playing in the grass while I let Cassidy know I’ll be back. Walking around the side of the building, I head directly to my car. I keep looking around the entire time to make sure no one’s going to catch me before I can get out of here.

  As soon as I get into my car, I look for the keys. They’re above the visor. I put them in the ignition and leave the parking lot. There’s a Prospect on the gate and I just wave at him as I drive through the open gate. Once I’m on the road, I take a deep breath and point my car in my direction.

  “I can do this,” I tell myself as my cell begins to ring on the seat next to me.

  Renegade’s name comes up on my screen and I hit ‘ignore’. It doesn’t take me long to get to my street. As I slowly drive by my house, I see bikes and a truck parked in my driveway. I speed up as I go by the house. The man standing on the porch jumps off the steps and races toward the truck.

  He’s yelling and waving his arms around like crazy. I know he’s alerting whoever’s there with him that I drove by. It’s time to turn around and head back to the clubhouse. Driving around the block, the guy in the truck is almost on my ass before I can get anywhere near the clubhouse.


  What am I supposed to do now?

  Picking up my phone, I unlock it one-handed and call Renegade. At least, I’m hoping that’s who I’m calling.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  THE GUYS AND I made our way into the clubhouse to talk about Ravage Saints while the meat was still cooking and the babes were finishing the side dishes. Hawk has found something on the men we’ve been looking for. We’ll talk about it really quick and then head back outside. It’s not a day for club business, but we need to catch these damn assholes.

  “They’re in the house we’ve been ridin’ by. Tanner told us the truth about them not comin’ out until nighttime. Their bikes and other vehicles are bein’ kept in a barn outback. That’s why we haven’t seen anythin’ of them when we’re goin’ by,” Hawk says.

  “How do we lure them out?” I ask, wanting any suggestions the guys around me have.

  “I don’t know. They seem to go after the small establishments in the middle of the night. They don’t leave witnesses and no one ever steps forward if they happen to drive by them,” Chains speaks up.

  “So, how do we get them out in the open so we can take them out?” I ask as my phone starts ringing.

  Pulling it from my pocket, I see it’s Bentley calling. He’s on the gate. Holding my finger up, I motion for the guys to wait a minute.

  “What’s up?” I ask, answering my phone.

  “Uh, do you know Natasha just left?” he asks.

  “What the fuck you talkin’ about?” I ask, heading for the door.

  “She just drove her car out of here. I’m not sure where she’s goin’ but she’s headin’ toward town,” Bentley answers.

  “Motherfucker!” I yell out, hanging up on the Prospect.

  The rest of the guys are now standing outside with me.

  “What’s goin’ on?” Psycho asks.

  “Natasha fuckin’ left. Someone go see if any of the women know where the fuck she was goin’,” I order.

  I pull up Natasha’s name and hit the call button. She hits the asshole button on me. Calling her again, I get the same response. I’m ready to throw my fucking phone, but I need to be able to get ahold of her to find out what the hell she’s doing.

  “She brought Kora into the clubhouse to use the bathroom. She must have overheard us sayin’ we couldn’t find the guys and took off after them,” Grave says.

  “Fuck!” I yell out again.

  Before any of us can make a move, my phone rings. Looking at the screen, Natasha’s name is staring back at me.

  “Baby, where are you?” I ask.

  “Ren, I messed up. I heard you guys talking about not being able to find the guys. So, I drove by the house and they were there waiting for me. Now they’re chasing me down the road. Renegade, I don’t know what to do,” she says, fear and panic lacing her voice.

  “Where are you, baby?” I ask, running to my bike.

  “I’m heading out of town. I don’t want anyone driving or walking across the street to get hurt. I’m getting on the highway now,” she answers.

  “I’m on my way, baby. I’ll be there as fast as I can,” I tell her, connecting my phone to the Bluetooth in my helmet. “Hawk, run her fuckin’ locator and find out where she is. Take the fuckin’ lead and get me to my woman.”

  We peel out of the clubhouse parking lot and head toward the highway. I keep Natasha talking to me the entire time. She’s really starting to freak out and panic. This is making me more nervous because I don’t want her doing something to hurt herself while she’s trying to get away from the men.

  “Tash, we’re on our way. Hang on, baby,” I tell her.

  “Renegade, I want you to know I love Kora and you. It’s always been you for me. I’m not sure when you snuck past my defenses, but you have. Both of you. Please let her know it,” Natasha says.

  “You listen to me. Nothin’ is gonna happen to you. We’re comin’ to get you,” I tell her. “I love you too, Tash. We’re changin’ shit when you come home.”

  “Ren, I’m going over a hundred now and they’re on my ass.”

  “It’s okay. Slow down a little. I don’t want you to crash going that fast, baby,” I tell her, following Hawk. “Just stay with me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  “IT’S OKAY. SLOW down a little. I don’t want you to crash going that
fast, baby,” he tells me. “Just stay with me.”

  “I’m trying, Renegade. They’re going to hit me if I slow down too much.”

  Panic and fear race through my body. The truck is gaining on me the more we drive. Bikes are now also racing up to me as well. I’m really getting scared as we race along the highway. There’s not too much traffic today, which I’m thankful for. But there’s still other cars on the road and innocent people who could be hurt. I didn’t think this through.

  I’m trying to focus on Renegade’s voice as he talks about what we’re gonna do with Kora. How we’re going to go to her dance recitals and other shit she does at school. We’re gonna have babies of our own. He’s going to marry me and keep me as a part of his family for as long as we’re alive.

  Pictures race around my head of Renegade and Kora. Of the time I’ve been lucky enough to spend with them. The main ones flashing through my mind is the first time I spent with Kora. We were in the kitchen and she started dancing around. It’s the first time I saw her so open and free. The picture of Renegade on a loop in my mind is of him watching Kora dance around. He’s got a smile on his face and there’s a look of relief and pure joy radiating from him as he watches her.

  Renegade is such a good man. He’s strong, patient, kind, and deadly when he needs to be. Kora is such a sweet little girl. She craves someone to love her unconditionally the way a parent is supposed to love their children. Renegade will give it to her in spades for as long as she’s with her father. I just wish I were going to be there to witness it. Even if I’m not in their lives for much longer.

  “Tash, where’d you go, baby?” Renegade asks, his voice breaking me free of my thoughts.

  “I’m here. Ren, I’m scared,” I tell him, looking in my rearview mirror.

  “I know, baby. I swear to you, I’m going to get to you. Don’t do anythin’ stupid. Just keep drivin’ and slow down for me, baby. Can you do that?” he asks.

  “I’m trying. But, they’re starting to surround me. Please, just make sure to tell Kora I love her and I’ll always be with her,” I say as the first hit comes.

  I scream out as Renegade yells on the phone. It knocks the phone from my hand and sends it flying somewhere in the car. Another hit comes from the truck at my back bumper. Screaming out again, I frantically look around to see if I can get away from these madmen. There’s no way out though. The truck is behind me while bikes surround me. Two bikes are in front of me while three or four of them are on the driver’s side of my car. On the right side is a guardrail. I’m literally boxed in with nowhere to go to escape them.

  “Renegade, I love you,” I yell one more time as a harder hit comes.

  Screaming out, my wheel jerks to the right and my car goes careening toward the guardrail. There’s a high-pitched squealing sound as my car slides against the metal of the guardrail. I manage to get the car off the guardrail somehow. As soon as I get the car back under control, I get hit again. It’s on the driver’s side of the back bumper and it sends my car spinning toward the guardrail again.

  “Renegade!” I yell out.

  My car hits the guardrail and I can’t stop the accident from happening. I’m going too fast to stop the car from spinning out of control. I fishtail on the road and almost take out several of the bikes next to me and one in front of me. Once I hit the grass in the middle of the highway, my car spins circles through the grass. I come to a stop after almost flipping over. At the last possible second, my car rights itself and I come to a stop.

  Unfortunately, the bikers surround my car and are yelling and screaming at me. They’re waving guns in the air and keeping them pointed at me. Terror like I’ve never felt floods me as I look at every gun pointed at me. Renegade isn’t going to get here in time to save me this time. I love that man more than anything. He and his daughter.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I COME TO a screeching halt as I watch Natasha’s car spin out of control. It bounces off the guardrail, spins across the road almost taking out a few of the men chasing after her, and then spins through the grass median. My heart almost stops in my chest when I watch her car almost flip over before finally coming to rest on all four tires.

  The men surround her car before any of us can jump off our bikes and get to her. They’re waving guns around while one or two keep a gun firmly pointed on her. Not a single car stops to check on her as they continue speeding by. There’s not many but the ones going by have no clue if we’re with the other guys or here to help my woman. Fuck them!

  Jumping off my bike, I pull my gun from the back of my jeans and take aim. Before any of my guys can start firing, I’ve taken two of the scumbags out. Their attention is turned toward me for a second and they begin firing shots back our way. We’re standing on the highway, having a fucking shootout in the middle of the damn day. Who does this shit?

  I duck behind my bike for cover and continue firing on the men shooting at us. We’re successfully keeping their attention away from Natasha for the time being. Grave is at my back while I try to figure out my next move. I never stop shooting at the men. We’re down to two of them against all of us.

  “Fuck!” Smokey yells out.

  Turning my attention from the men in front of me, I look back and see Smokey holding his shoulder. He’s been hit. This just makes my rage build higher. They’re threatening my woman and now a man of mine has been hit.

  “I’m goin’ in,” I tell my guys.

  “Pres, no. Let’s get these last two fuckers and then go in,” Grave says.

  “Not a fuckin’ chance in hell. Bullets are gettin’ wild and I’m worried about one hittin’ Natasha’s car. She’s not gettin’ out and I don’t know if she’s hurt. Cover me,” I yell to him.

  Grave shakes his head, but he’ll do as I ask. I stand from my bike and quickly glance around to see what I can hide behind next. There’s a truck to my left and I decide to make my way over to it. As I run there, firing off a few shots, knowing I need to reload soon. Running to the truck, bullets whiz past me and I start to weave my way over behind the truck.

  As soon as I’m behind it, I pull out another clip and reload my gun. Standing up, I take aim and land a headshot in one of the men gunning for me. There’s only one left standing between Natasha and me. He’s looking around, trying to figure out who to fire at. My guys are all to the right of me while I’m off to the left. Natasha is still in the car behind him.

  I can hear screams coming from her and my fear level rises. She must be hurt and scared because she can’t get out of her car. I need to fucking get to her. Standing up again, I take aim and shoot the lone man while he’s still trying to think of what to do to save his punk ass.

  With every man of Ravage Saints down, I put my gun in the waist of my jeans at my back and take off toward Natasha. Psycho beats me to her and I watch as he tries to wrench the door open. I’m not sure what the hell dented it, but it’s enough to make it not open more than a few inches.

  I reach above him and together we manage to yank the door the rest of the way open. Natasha is sitting in her car, hands still on the steering wheel as I watch blood trickle out of a gash on her forehead. Her eyes are wide and filled with terror as I bend down and look in at her. Natasha finally looks up at me and her eyes slowly start to focus.

  “Natasha, baby, where are you hurt?” I ask her, leaning over to unbuckle her seat belt.

  “I-I-I don’t know,” she answers.

  “Ren, leave her in the car. Don’t move her. I’m callin’ an ambulance,” Psycho says as the rest of the guys surround us.

  “Everyone, get the guys out of here. Cops are gonna show the second we call this in. I want the bodies gone before that happens. Our guys at the station can only do so much and this is above their pay grade,” I tell the guys.

  They all leave to get rid of the bodies as I stay with Natasha. There’s no way in hell I’m leaving her side after almost losing her. I’m so mad at her for putting herself in jeop
ardy and trying to take on these fuckers herself. I want to shake her and find out what she was thinking. But, she’s here and someone should be here soon to take her to the hospital. If I had something other than my bike, I’d be taking her my damn self.

  “Natasha, talk to me, baby,” I tell her.

  “I-I-I’m sorry,” she stutters out.

  “For what?” I ask.

  “For leaving the clubhouse and trying to lead the men to you to get,” she says.

  Well, it looks like I know where her head’s at. She definitely overheard us talking in the common room, our mistake, and decided to take the matter in her own hands. I got that when she called me before, but it just makes it crystal clear she wants a normal life again. Or that she didn’t have faith in our abilities to find the men and take them out without her putting herself in danger.

  Natasha will learn to have faith in us. Not only in me as her man but in the club as a whole. She’ll learn we’ll have her back and make sure no harm comes to her the best we can. Yeah, it’s taken us some time to figure out where these guys were hiding out and how we were gonna get to them. But, we would’ve taken them out eventually and Natasha wouldn’t have had to put herself in danger. Looks like we need to have a long talk when I know she’s okay.

  I finally hear the sirens coming at us. Standing up, I see all the dead bodies are gone and the truck is missing as well. Two cop cars, a fire truck, and an ambulance come to a stop on the side of the road. Men begin rushing to the car and try to make me stand up on the pavement of the road. They can kiss my fucking ass. I’m not leaving my woman.

  “Sir, you’ll have to step back,” one man says.

  “Not leavin’ my woman. Do your fuckin’ job and don’t worry about me. She needs help,” I growl out.

  The man must sense my seriousness because he shuts his mouth and turns his attention toward Natasha. They’re asking her all sorts of questions she can’t answer. Her eyes keep searching for me as I change my position so I’m in her line of sight.


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