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Her Dirty Billionaires

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by L. Nicole

  Her Dirty Billionaires

  L. Nicole

  Copyright © 2019 by L. Nicole

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including but not limited to being stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, groups, businesses, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  WARNING: This book contains sexual situations, violence and other adult themes. Recommended for 18 and above.

  Created with Vellum



  1. Mikal

  2. Andrey

  3. Giana

  4. Mikal

  5. Andrey

  6. Giana

  7. Mikal

  8. Giana

  9. Andrey

  10. Giana

  11. Mikal

  12. Giana

  13. Andrey

  14. Giana


  About the Author

  Also by L. Nicole


  As twins, Mikal and Andrey are the closest of the Serepova brothers. They have similar tastes, run a company together and even live next door to one another. It only stood to reason that they both would be attracted to Giana at first glance.

  Giana isn’t interested in coming between two brothers, and because of that refuses to go out with either of them. That is, until Andrey and Mikal approach Giana with a proposal. She will date both of them and decide which one she wants to continue a relationship with after that. It’s not easy for these two men to hand control over to her, but they do.

  There’s just one very big problem.

  Giana can’t choose. She wants them both.

  L. Nicole is back with the final installment of her Bad Boy Billionaires. This book is coming in hot and contains M/F/M scenes only. These men only want one thing. Giana. She’s a lucky, lucky girl.



  “What are you staring at so intently?” Andrey, my twin brother asks me, and I frown, because I don’t want his interruption.

  “My future,” I murmur unable to tear my gaze from the most stunning woman I have ever had in my presence. She’s gorgeous—flawless.

  “What does that mean?” He laughs, not taking me seriously. Of the two of us, Andrey is the one who is always the life of the party, making people laugh and chasing women. I am not as uptight as our older brother Victor, but I’m not as free as Andrey either. “Your future?”

  “It’s happened,” I tell him, not bothering to hide the astonishment in my voice. I wasn’t sure it was possible, that it would be this easy, but here she is.

  “It?” he questions, all humor slowly departing his expression as he edges forward following my gaze. It’s because he knows what I’m referring to. As much as we have joked about it with our other single friends, both of us have secretly been hoping that we find a woman who will complete us just as our brother Nikolai did when he met, his wife, Gabby and Victor with his Grace. “The brunette?” he asks, sounding mildly hopeful.

  I blink and search for a moment, because I wasn’t even aware there was a dark-haired woman there talking to my woman…my future.

  “No,” I growl out louder than I intended to. “The gorgeous woman with hair that blazes like liquid fire.”

  “You can’t be serious,” he tells me, and finally my gaze pulls away from her to look at him. His face is full of irritation, but his eyes seem soft in their expression.

  “I am,” I insist, wondering if he knows this girl and feels she isn’t worthy of being in our family. It doesn’t matter what he says, I’m claiming her either way, and I rarely go against my family. My brothers and myself own one of the world’s largest and most successful shipping companies, Serepova Shipping.

  “No, she can’t be, Mikal, because I want her for my own,” he says, his gaze going back to her as if he can’t help himself, but then I do the same—because I can’t either.

  “I saw her first,” I warn him.

  “It doesn’t matter,” he growls, his tone showing me that there is no argument.

  “Then may the best man win,” I tell him with a devious grin.

  “I plan on it,” he deadpans, but I shake it off. The woman picks this moment to throw her head back and laugh and my cock feels like it’s going to suffocate in my jeans. I have to have her. Never have I felt like this. Never.

  “She is mine,” we say in unison, causing us to turn at look at each other. Our words nothing more than a declaration of war…



  I shuffle the files on my desk, trying to find something…anything to occupy my mind other than her. Gabby’s friend from the party she threw for Nikolai’s birthday. It’s been days and I can’t shake this feeling of wanting her…needing her. Seeing her has awakened something inside of me. This hunger to mark her and claim her as my own. Mikal thinks she is the girl for him, but he’s mistaken.

  I would do anything for any of my brothers, anything at all, but I cannot give Mikal this. I will not. I won’t stand down so he can move in on the woman who will have my children. No. It mustn’t be. I stare at the phone and do what I should have done days ago. I call Nikolai.

  “Brother, there’s something I need.”

  “What can I do for you, Andrey?” I can hear the humor in his voice. “What is this favor that you require?”

  “At your party the other night, there was a woman, auburn hair. She had eyes golden like honey and a laughter so pure she must be an angel. She was speaking with your Gabby. I must know her name. I need to know where to find her.”

  “It sounds like you have found your one, little brother. I will give you her name and do with it what you must, but I will warn you that I had a similar call from Mikal last night. You two have quite similar interests. May the best man win. I look forward to hearing who wins the girl.” He chuckles, and I scowl as the call ends.

  I should have known Mikal would be thinking along the same lines that I am. I’ve been so distracted by the very thought of her that I’ve tried to forget that he claims to have spotted her first. If you ask me, I’d say we saw her at the same time—not that it matters.

  She’s meant to be mine.

  Time is moving slowly. I keep checking my watch. Nikolai is toying with me. He has the information I need. What if Mikal is out there, right now, trying to sweep her off her feet? I shake my head. It won’t matter. They aren’t right for each other.

  “Mr. Serepova,” Helene, my secretary knocks on my door.

  I wave her in. “Yes. What is it?”

  “This fax just came through from your brother Nikolai, it’s marked urgent.”

  “Well, give it to me,” I snap, harsher than intended. It’s not Helene’s fault I’m an impatient man and feeling on edge.

  “Of course, sir. Here you are.” She places the file on my desk and my fingers twitch to flip through the pages. “Will that be all?”

  “For now.” I don’t even look up as I dismiss her. “Close the door,” I order, not needing any eyes on me as I stare at a photograph of Giana Chavez. Those golden honey eyes stare back at me highlighting the strands of red in her hair that glows like a wildfire. If she’s fire, then I want to be burned. She is simply gorgeous, her skin is creamy as porcelain. She is my little doll.

  Giana works as a waitress at her father’s restaurant. Not a five-star establishment but a family operated diner that
was his father’s before him. A burger joint that Americans seem to love for the fast service and greasy meat. I was born in the old country, but raised here in the states and will admit to enjoying a good burger.

  “Helene,” I buzz my secretary.

  “Yes, Mr. Serepova?”

  “Hold all my calls and meetings until I return. I’m going to lunch.” I smirk and push my chair back. I run and operate our office here with Mikal. It keeps us busy enough.

  “Shall I call your driver?”


  “Very well, sir.”

  “Thank you, Helene.”

  “You’re welcome, sir.”

  I tuck the file on Giana under my arm, then go to the private elevator that will take me to the parking garage below and to my parking space. I can read over the rest of the file during the drive there.

  My dear brother was quite thorough in his findings, which means he had our PI do a quick work up on her. There is no way he got all this information from Gabby alone. There is even a copy of Giana’s latest credit score included along with her father’s financial woes.

  He’s a problem.

  I don’t like problems.

  I dispose of them.



  “Order up, table six,” Harry, our cook bellows shoving plates up in the window.

  “Thanks.” I offer him a weak smile. It’s not even halfway through our lunch rush and my feet are aching. I’m exhausted. I worked until close last night and was back bright and early to get the biscuits in the oven for the breakfast crowd. I can’t remember when I had a real day off. My father gets more demanding of me with each passing day. He didn’t want to give me time off last week, but I put my foot down. It was for Gabby. I never see her now that she lives in Greece with her husband Nikolai, but they were back in the United States, and I wasn’t about to pass up attending the swanky birthday party she was hosting in his honor.

  Money hasn’t changed my friend. She is still the same sassy Gabby I know and love.

  Her husband’s family owns a large shipping company. I know he certainly comes from money. Old money. I am happy for my friend. She’s in love and her husband spoils her rotten.

  I get my orders onto my serving tray and strut through the dining room, hoping that the short skirt of my uniform doesn’t ride up too far, showing off my ass. My father says it’s part of the experience and allure of the restaurant he owns. I think he’s just getting desperate. Things haven’t been great for us lately businesswise, especially since one of the chain restaurants opened up a block away, offering happy hour. My father never would cough up the money for a liquor license though it is exactly the expansion we need to keep us from going under. To cut back on expenses he keeps putting extra duties and hours on me. I ended up taking a year off from school to come to his aid, but he is taking advantage. I know it and he knows it, but everytime I start to quit, he throws a guilt trip on me and I cave.

  I’m all he has. My mother ran out on him when I was twelve with a man she met online. She left me too. Said she got married too young and that my father was a mistake. I guess I fell under that category too. She was always friends with Gabby’s mother. That’s how Gabby and I met.

  I serve my customers and refill their drinks. As I am walking back toward the pick-up station the front door opens, the bell dings and my gaze lands on a familiar face. A hard, deadly sexy, masculine face that belongs to one of the men I saw at the birthday party in Greece. I’m not sure which, but I know he is one of the sexy suit wearing twins that Gabby teased me about when she caught me staring at them during the party. Heat licks up my neck, and I suck in a deep breath. I smooth my hands down my uniform, wondering what a man like him is doing in a place like this. We don’t exactly serve five-course meals. We’re more of a country fried steak and mashed potato place. Maybe a burger and fries. Definitely nothing fancy. Fancy for us would be putting a slice of lemon in our water or sweet tea.

  I should probably pretend not to see him, but he sure sees me. His gaze travels my legs and up to the open collar of my baby blue uniform with the white half apron secured at the waist where I keep my tips, order pad, and ink pen.

  “Order up, table eight,” Harry calls, slapping the bell and I jump. I blink, giving my head a shake and turn my attention back to my job. A tendril of my hair falls against my forehead, and I don’t bother trying to pin it back. I go through the motions of taking care of my table, but still wonder what that sexy suit is doing here of all places. He looks so out of place in his Versace suit. I’m only guessing that is what a man like him would dress in, by the way. I actually have no idea. I don’t know much about expensive suits or rich men in general, other than secondhand information and gossip I read about through tabloids. Not that I ever have the time to pay them any mind. Still, I do know that Gabby’s husband and his family are filthy rich with unlimited resources at their disposal.

  “Giana, there’s a gentleman seated in my area, but he refuses to let me wait on him. He says he’s here to see you,” Candace tells me with a grimace.

  “What table?”

  “Number two. The guy in the suit. He looks dangerous. Are you in some sort of trouble?”

  “No.” I bite back a giggle, because I know she’s being sweet, but the concern isn’t necessary.

  “Can you check on table ten for me?”

  “Sure.” She offers me a smile and squeezes my wrist.

  I slap a smile on my face and pretend that Mr. Dark And Dangerous is like any other customer. “Hello. Welcome to Joe’s. Are you ready to order?”

  “Hello, Giana.” His voice caresses me like fine silk.

  “Erm…do you know what you’d like to drink?” I’m kind of freaking out and wondering how he knows my name, but I’m too flustered to call him on it right away. I’m more than half afraid of what his answer would be.

  “Water is fine, malen'kaya kukla.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  He smiles. “Water and your phone number.”

  My cheeks bloom pink. What could this man possibly want with my phone number? “I’ll get you a water while you look over the menu.”

  I rush off to get the water, wondering just what is going on.



  I finish my business call and glance at my watch. Usually Andrey and I take lunch about this time of day. We have several corporations, but the shipping company was our first venture and we are successful at it. His secretary usually buzzes me directly to get my order. I tap my pen on the hard walnut desk top waiting. When the call doesn’t come, I go seeking him out.

  “Helene, where is my brother?”

  “I’m sorry, sir, but he said to hold all calls and meetings that he was going out to lunch.”

  “Oh, I am sure he did.” Just splendid.

  “Would you like me to take down a message for him? I can have it on his desk upon his return.”

  “No need. I already know where it is he has gone.” Or should I say who he has gone to see. I see I should have acted quicker. That was my mistake. I hit the call button for the elevator and step inside. My jaw ticks and I shove my hands in my pockets to stop from hitting something. I am not a violent man normally, but I told Andrey that I saw Giana first. Moy ogon'. My fire.

  My driver is already waiting with the car to take me to my destination—the burger joint where my Giana is employed by her father. I had Nikolai get as much information about her from Gabby as he could. Then, he had our PI do a workup on my intended. To win her, I must know all there is to know about her. Her likes and dislikes. What she wants out of life. Where she sees herself in ten years. Of course these are things I must learn by getting to know her and I will get to know all about Giana.

  I flip through a few more pages reading about her hobbies when she was in school, though I am sure they differ now. She was president of her book club and excelled in her English classes. She has attended some college, but within the past year she stopped attending.
The event coincides with the downfall of her father’s personal and business accounts. He’s losing everything and working my poor Giana too hard and too often.

  I do not like this man already. He does not manage his finances well. Judging by the shape the man is in, he couldn’t have been a great provider for Giana growing up.

  My driver stops at the diner, and I can already smell the stench of grease. I do not understand how people fill their bodies with such terrible food. I take care of my body. I work out daily to keep fit and toned.

  I see Giana through the front window. Her beautiful hair is pulled up in a ponytail. She’s wearing this tight-fitting uniform that shows off her legs. I don’t like it. Her body is meant for me and my pleasure alone. No one else’s. When I step out of the car, I spy Andrey’s car parked a few rows down.

  I knew I would find him here trying to move in on my territory, but Giana is mine. He’ll see when I ask her out and she says yes. I have the utmost confidence she’s my one. I knew the moment I laid eyes on her. Like Nikolai has his Gabby, and Victor his Grace, I will have my Giana.

  I walk into the establishment and her gaze meets mine. I see the confusion in her honey eyes, but she needs not worry, I will explain all. I will tell her she is mine and therefore it is so. I’m the kind of man who was raised to take what he wants and ask questions later—if ever.

  I make sure to be seated in her section so that she must talk with me.


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