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Her Dirty Billionaires

Page 2

by L. Nicole

“Hello, welcome to Joe’s. Can I get you a drink while you look over the menu?” she asks, clearly flustered.

  “Hello, Giana.” My voice is slightly deeper and darker than my twin bother’s. She likes it. I can see a shiver of awareness course through her when I speak to her. Seeing her physical reaction to me makes me smile.


  “I think we both know I am not here for the bad food. I will cut straight to the chase. I saw you at my brother Nikolai’s birthday party. You were chatting with Gabby, my sister-in-law. The moment I saw you I knew I must have you.”

  “Have me?” Her brows arch and she lets out this laugh that wraps around me and feels so inviting.

  “Yes. You are meant to be my woman. I want to be with you. I want you to have my child. Be my lady.” I smile.

  “Can you give me a minute?” She holds up a finger and I nod.

  “I will wait.” For now…

  She rushes off and does some mundane work things. Taking food to tables. Filling drinks. This is no life for my intended. My moy ogon'.

  I see her at Andrey’s table, and he looks displeased as they speak. He gives her a nod and leaves. I knew she’d choose me. How could she not? I am her one, as she is mine.

  I smile at her as she strolls back to my table.

  “Mr. Serepova, as I told your brother, I will tell you the same. I’m flattered by your attention, but I don’t see how we could possibly have anything in common. You and your brother, while both attractive, I can’t date you—either of you. I’m sorry you’ve wasted your time by coming here today.”

  “No time gazing upon your beauty is wasted, Giana. I will give you time. You shall see.” I am rewarded by a blush spreading against her porcelain cheeks. “I will go, but I will be in touch once you’ve had ample time to reconsider.”

  “Mr. Serepova.”

  “Please. Call me Mikal.”

  “I’m not going to change my mind.”

  “We shall see, my pet.”



  It has been a few days since I went to court my Giana. I have sent flowers, as I am sure Mikal has as well. Judging by his continued brooding, I’m guessing his advances have been met with the same response as mine. It can’t go on like this. One of us should have her. I want her as my own, with her, gorgeous hair, sparkling honey eyes and thick hips, but I want her happiness above all. I know that both myself and my brother can make her happy—just as I know she will do the same for one of us. It just isn’t right we both go without her beauty and love.

  “Helene. Get Mikal for me. I need to speak with him immediately. Tell him it is very important.”

  “Yes, sir. Right away, Mr. Serepova.”

  I put the phone back on the receiver and stretch my arms over my head, feeling pleased with my decision. Mikal will agree that it is the only way. He and I think alike. We always have and maybe it’s the twin connection. Perhaps that is why we are both drawn to Giana. Whatever the reason, Giana will choose which of us is more suited to her. I know she finds us equally attractive. I saw her watching us at the party. I wanted to approach her there, but didn’t want to make a scene. Mikal would have punched me no doubt. One of us must be more compatible with her. I believe it to be me, but Giana will have the final decision. Until that time, we can both date her—with some guidelines.

  Mikal knocks lightly at my office door. “You bellowed, Andrey?” He’s brooding like a spoiled child. It would be almost comical, if I weren’t feeling the same. Neither of us are used to rejection. We come from money and power. The world is our playground.

  “I did. We have to figure this out. Things cannot continue the way they have. Close the door behind you. This matter is sensitive.”

  His brow piques. “You wish to discuss my Giana?” He takes the high back chair across from my desk and leans forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

  “Our Giana.” I correct him, even though it irritates me. “For now she is ours,” I qualify. “I have a proposal for you and I think you will agree it is the best option for us both.”

  “Just a fair warning, brother, if you are going to suggest we walk away from her, that is not an option for me.”

  “For me either, Mikal. If it were, I would have walked away before this began so that you would have had a clear playing field, because my feeling wouldn’t have been true. This problem is because we both know Giana is special.”

  “This is true, although perhaps she doesn’t feel the same. I’ve begun to worry that this might be the issue, Andrey.”

  “I don’t believe so. I just think we might have overwhelmed her.”

  “It is possible, although, I’m not sure how we change the way things are.”

  “I think we need to try a different approach. I know you do not wish to share her any more than I do, but I propose that is exactly what we do.”

  “Then, you have lost your mind, Andrey. I will not share my wife,” he growls. I hold my hand up to try and calm him, because I know the possessiveness that he’s feeling. I feel the same, I’m just trying to be logical.

  “You misunderstand. I think we should go to to her, confirm that we both are interested in getting to know her—”

  “We want a hell of a lot more than just getting to know her, Andrey,” he chastises.

  “I know that, but she’s not ready and I think the fact we are brothers makes her uneasy. I think she needs to know that we’re okay with letting her be the one in control.”

  “And how do we do that?”

  “We tell her that we both want to date her, spend some time with her. Then, after a few dates it will be her choice.”

  “Her choice?”

  “After we’ve both had time to get to know her and let her see who we really are, she can decide the man she wishes to continue dating. She can choose either you or me. Whoever she is more attracted to and then we will both agree to accept her decision.”

  Mikal rubs his chin. “I do not want to share her, even for a few dates.”

  “It is no easier on me, brother, I can assure you.

  “I know this,” he sighs. You are right. With both of us not willing to give her up unless she chooses, I see no other way.”

  “I am glad you see things my way. We must have certain rules in place before we approach her. Hand holding and a kiss are allowed.”

  “Brother—” he growls.

  “Trust me, I know. That’s why sex and foreplay must be off the table. She must make her choice before things develop that far.”

  “It will not be easy for either of us to accept if we lose her, Andrey.”

  “It won’t, but at least we will know where we stand. Things can’t continue like they have, Mikal.”

  “On this, I completely agree. I suppose this means that we need to decide who gets the first date.”

  “Because I am confident that she will be mine, I will give you this. You can take Giana out on the first date.”

  “I do not need your charity,” Mikal snaps, but he smiles. “However, I will not turn down the opportunity to win my Giana’s affections first.”

  “You can try, but I think in the end, you will see it will be me with Giana.”

  “Whatever will help you sleep at night, brother.” Mikal chuckles.

  We both stand and reach out and shake hands. It is done now. The deal has been made, I just hope that I don’t lose Giana because of it.

  “Another thing,” Mikal says.

  “What’s that?”

  “Her father. He is going to be a problem.”

  “Yes, I read about him as well. I do not like how he treats her. I think we will pay him a visit soon. But first Giana.”

  “First Giana,” he agrees. “Shall we take your car or mine? She’s not working today, so we might as well begin.”

  “I’ll drive,” I tell him.

  Mikal follows me out and I let Helene know we both will be out the rest of the day.

  I punch in Giana’s address on my GPS and I hear
Mikal grunt. I know he is thinking the same thing I am. This neighborhood is not safe for our Giana. It is known for drug and gang activity. As soon as she agrees to being mine, I will set her up in a better neighborhood. She will be happier in a nice home in the suburb. One that will be large enough for our children, with a large yard for them to play in. It must also have a pool. I want to see my Giana in a bikini often…

  As soon as I park, I can see she takes pride in her home. The yard, while small, is neat and trimmed. I can’t help but think about what else she keeps nice and trimmed under her little waitress uniform. The thought makes me smile and makes my balls ache.

  “We do not want to scare her, Mikal. Best to let me do the talking. You tend to come on strong.” I don’t need him charging at her like a bull in a china shop. He would try and steamroll the girl. We were raised to take what we want, but Giana is not from our world. It will take a much softer approach to win a girl like her over.

  “Fine. Let’s go get my girl.”

  “You mean my girl.”

  “We shall see, Andrey. We shall see. One date with me may be all that she needs.”

  “One date with you will send her running to me. Why do you think I suggested you have the first date?” I smirk.

  “We can sit here and argue about the fact until we are blue in the face, but it will not get Giana to choose either of us.” We both look at each other, not completely happy, but understanding there is no alternative. Resignation is on both of our faces as we exit the car.

  This is the only way.



  I finally have a day off where I don’t have to wait tables or smell greasy food all day. I don’t plan on doing anything today at all besides being lazy and catching up on some of my favorite shows. I rarely get a day off and I’m too tired for big plans. I just want to sit down and zone out.

  I make myself a tray of cheese and crackers along with some diced up fruit and pretzel sticks. Switching the television on, I grab the remote and start scrolling the list of shows I have recorded. I settle on this new romance movie I have heard about while at work. It’s about a woman who is torn between two men. I snort. I can sympathize with the female lead. After being approached by those sexy suits a few days ago, I haven’t been able to get Andrey or Mikal out of my head. Both men are equally attractive and intense, not to mention bold.

  What were they thinking both asking me out and on the same day? I hope this isn’t a game to them. I know Gabby is married into the family and would never let them hurt me, but if she doesn’t know what they are up to, how can she stop them.

  Then, there are the flowers. Both men keep sending me these over the top arrangements to the diner. They are so large I can barely lift the vases to get them into my car. I made Candace take some of them home. My rental house isn’t that big. It’s a cottage, large enough for one person. There’s definitely little room for all of the flowers they’ve been sending.

  Though the thought is touching, I just don’t understand what either man think they see in me. I’m a nobody. I’m twenty-four years old and still work for my father in his failing diner. We can’t keep anyone worth their salt in the kitchen. It doesn’t help that Dad refuses to pay them decently. Harry has only been with us a few weeks and I think that is only because he is a reformed felon and desperate for the job.

  I’ve wanted to call Gabby and speak with her about Andrey and Mikal, but I know she is travelling again and busy with her husband and child—not that it matters. I’m not going to spend my entire day fretting over these men. I pop some fruit in my mouth and try to get invested in the movie.

  The minute I start paying attention to the screen a knock sounds at my door and I frown. I’m not expecting anyone. If this is more flowers, I may have to track Andrey and Mikal down and give them a piece of my mind. I pause my movie and place my tray of snacks on the coffee table.

  I throw open the door without checking to see who is there. Speaking of the sexy devils here they are in the flesh, as if I conjured them both here from thin air. Both dressed in suits that are so well fitted it should be a crime against nature. My heart flutters in my chest. Both men are tall, dark and lethally handsome. They also make me go weak in the knees. Any woman would be attracted to them. The problem is I’m attracted to both and wondering what they are doing here and how I the heck they have my address.

  “Gentleman, you do know that stalking is a crime.”

  “We only wish to speak with you Giana,” Andrey, the one with the voice like silk, says softly.

  “You came here to talk?”

  “Yes, please. May we come in. We only wish to propose something to you.”

  “A proposal?”

  I admit I am intrigued, and I know I’m weak, but I’d really like to spend time with them. I’m attracted to them both and though I know I can’t have them, I don’t especially want to send them away either.

  “I’ll give you ten minutes.”

  “Thank you.” Mikal smirks and I move back so they can enter.

  “Please have a seat.” I usher them to the couch and take a seat in the chair by the window. “Can I get you a drink? I have sweet tea, or I have some fruit.” I motion to the table but both men decline.

  “Giana, I think you know both my brother and I are attracted to you and we both are interested in you romantically.”

  “I honestly don’t know what you’re doing. We have nothing in common,” I mumble, wondering if they truly are serious.

  “Have you never heard the old adage that opposites attract?” Andrey asks and I frown.

  “We’re more than just opposites, Andrey. What could we possibly have in common?”

  “Say it again, Moy ogon'.”

  “I’m sorry?” I blink, wondering why his use of another language should make me react so intensely that I can feel the insides of my thighs grow damp.

  “My name. Say my name.”


  “Christ, it is sweeter than I imagined,” he nearly moans. I look at him and then Mikal helplessly, feeling like I’m drowning. The problem is, I don’t know if I want to ask for help.

  “What my brother is trying to say, Giana, is that we know that you’ve turned us both down, but we have talked about it and while we don’t want to share you, we think you owe it to yourself to find out which one of us is the man for you.”

  “Mikal,” I murmur, because for some insane reason I feel as if I cheated him by not saying his name too. I’m instantly rewarded as his body physically shivers and his eyes grow dark and intense. “What if I am not attracted to either of you?” Even as I ask the question, I know I’m being silly. I’m already attracted to both of them—perhaps too much.

  “Moy ogon', one of us is going to be your man,” Andrey literally growls.

  “What does… moy ogon', mean?” I ask tripping over the words in a way I know the use of their language in my accent probably hurts their ears.

  “My fire,” he says, and his brother nods his head in agreement. Suddenly my whole body feels flushed. I’m glad that I’m sitting, because I’m not sure my legs would hold me up at this point. I worried this was all some kind of joke, but they both appear completely serious.

  Could it be possible? Could they both like me?”

  “Our proposal is simple. You will date us both and find out which one of us you are more compatible with. After a few dates you will make your choice and both of us agree that we will respect your wishes.”

  “I don’t see how that could possibly work,” I argue shaking my head.

  “It will work because we are all three adults and underneath everything, Giana, my brother and I want you happy,” Andrey says with such conviction it moves something inside of me that I can’t explain. My gaze moves to his brother Mikal, hoping for guidance, or maybe assurance from him, too.

  “This will work, Giana,” he says, his face softer, and sweeter than Andrey’s, but still just as resolute.

  “So two dates
with each of you. What if my choice is neither of you?”

  “Then we will stop pursuing you, but you will choose. This, I can feel,” Mikal adds.

  “I need a minute. Please excuse me.” I don’t wait for them to answer. I lock myself away in my bathroom and grip the sink. Two very rich, very handsome, Russian billionaires want to date me.

  Am I dreaming, can this possibly be real? Does this actually happen outside of romance novels and movies? Maybe I’m not truly awake. That’s it. I fell asleep watching the movie and I’m going to wake up any minute now feeling silly for having such thoughts. On instinct I reach down to pinch myself, only when I do, I find I am very much awake and when I peer through the crack of the bathroom door, into the living room where Mikal and Andrey are still perched on my couch waiting for my return, my heart beats harder against my chest.

  They both really want to date me. I must be crazy, but my gut tells me that I want to date them too. After a few shaky breaths, I compose myself and return to the living room to face them.

  “So how does this work exactly? Are you both going to be present on the dates or will these be individual dates?”

  “Individual. If you agree, Mikal will take you on a date and then the next day you have free, we will go out. Then, another date with Mikal and myself if you have yet to make a choice between us.”

  “The next day I have free? What about your schedules?” I ask, still not believing all of this.

  “We don’t matter. Believe me when I tell you, Moy ogon', we will always put you first. We want you happy. It is just that we wish to see you happy with one of us.”

  “Okay.” I can’t believe I am agreeing to this. Maybe I am crazy, but I have to try it. I want to try it. I want to spend more time with them. Besides, it’s just a couple of dates. What’s the harm in that?

  “So that is a yes?” Andrey questions.

  “Yes.” I smile weakly hoping I don’t regret this.

  “Great. I will return this evening for our first date, Moy ogon', if that’s okay with you,” Mikal says. I still have no clue what he means by his fire, but it sends shivers of awareness over my body when he says it with his dark voice. It’s as if his voice rolls over my skin in a seductive caress.


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