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Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry

Page 31

by Laura María Agustín

  money management, sex industry, ♣

  Montgomery, Heather, ♣

  moral entrepreneurs, ♣

  moral reformers, extremists, ♣

  Morokvasíc, Mirjana, ♣

  Mort, Frank, ♣

  multi-faceted relationships, ♣

  Mulvey, Laura, ♣

  Munby, Arthur, ♣

  Nader, Laura, ♣

  Nair, Mira, India Cabaret, ♣

  Nairobi, women selling sex, ♣

  Nash, Mary, ♣

  Nead, Lynda, ♣, ♦; Myths of Sexuality , ♥

  ‘necessity’, ♣; creation of necessities, ♦

  negotiation, ♣

  neocolonialism, ♣, ♦–♥, ♠

  Nicaragua, ship culture, ♣

  Nigeria: colonial, European women in, ♣; sex workers from, ♦; women, ♥

  Nightingale, Florence, ♣

  non-commercial sex services, ♣

  novels, 19th century, ♣

  nuns: Adoratrice, ♣; Anglican, ♦; asylum seeker shelter, ♥; Oblata, ♠; pragmatic, †–‡; Spanish, Δ

  nurses, ♣

  oral sex, ♣; popularity, ♦

  Otis, Leah, ♣

  outraged indignation, normalised, ♣

  outreach projects: sex sellers, ♣, ♦; workers’ necessary characteristics, ♥

  paedophiles, ♣

  Pakistan, travel fixers, ♣

  Pamplona, Spain, ♣

  Papal decrees, ♣

  Parent-Duchâlet, Alexandre-Jean-Baptiste, ♣–♦, ♥, ♠, †

  Paris, ♣; 19th-century novels, ♦; Chamber of Commerce, ♥; police, ♠, †; pre-Revolution, ‡;‘prostitution’ research, Δ; sex selling, ∇

  Parramatta, Australia, Female Factory, ♣

  participant-observer, ♣, ♦

  partner swapping, ♣

  passivity, ♣

  Pateman, Carol, ♣

  patriarchy, ♣, ♦

  patrilocality, ♣

  patronage, women roles, ♣

  penitentiaries: obediance teaching, ♣; religious, ♦

  periphery, global, cultural impacts, ♣

  Perkins, Roberta, ♣

  Perry, Mary, ♣

  Perú, ♣

  Pessar, Patricia, ♣

  philanthropy: ‘helping the needy’, benefits, ♣, ♦; 19th-century discourses, ♥; social control mechanism, ♠

  Philippines, official migration support, ♣

  Phizacklea, Annie, ♣

  phonecall shops, ♣

  ‘pimps’, ♣–♦, ♥, ♠

  Piper, Nicola, ♣

  polemics, migrant sex workers, ♣

  police: morals, ♣; state, ♦

  politics, radical sexual, ♣

  ‘poor, the, ’ ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠; sexual

  conduct regulation, ♣

  pornography, feminist battles over, ♣

  poverty, ‘feminisation’, ♣

  power-knowledge, institutional, ♣

  Prague, –Berlin highway, ♣

  prisons, ♣

  privacy, notion of, ♣

  Prochaska, F.K., ♣

  ‘productive’/‘unproductive’ labour, ♣

  professional qualifications, non-recognition, ♣

  Progresistas, ♣–♦, ♥

  progressive discourses, Europe, ♣

  promiscuity, authority figure pronouncements, ♣

  ‘prostitutes’, ♣, ♦, ♥–♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊;‘foreign’, [L11]; Glasgow penitentiaries, [L12]; imprisoned, [L13]; middle class imagined, [L14]; projects directed at, [L15]; rights, [L16]; varied work experience, [L17]

  ‘prostitution’, ♣, ♦–♥, ♥, ♠, †, ‡–Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊, [L11]–[L12]; abolitionists, [L13]–[L14]; anti- discourses, [L15]; classic discourse, [L16], [L17]; control systems, [L18]–[L19]; Cuban denial, [L20]; debate, [L21], [L22], [L23]; discourse, [L24], [L25]; feminist analysis, [L26]; moralising, [L27]; principle of incarceration, [L28]; regulation, [L29]; unresearched opinions, [L30]; violence against women ideology, [L31]; World Cup 2006 demand, [L32]

  Protestant principles, ♣

  prurience, ♣

  public health, concept of, ♣

  public spaces, women, ♣

  ‘purity’, moral crusades for, ♣

  putains, ♣

  queer theory, ♣

  questions, invasive, ♣ racism: analysis lens, ♦;‘racial survival’, ♥

  Ranyard, Ellen, ♣

  Ratliff, Eric, ♣

  refugees, categories, ♣

  Reich, Wilhelm, ♣

  remittances, ♣, ♦

  rescue work industry, ♣, ♦; helper class, ♥; narrative of, ♠; reformatories, †, ‡; rehabilitation projects, Δ; religious, ∇

  Rescue Society, The, ♣

  research: as intrusion, ♣; as weapon, ♦; feminist critique of ‘objective’, ♥; funding censorship, ♠;‘intellectual machinery of government’, †

  rights activists, ♣; smeared, ♦

  Rise of the Social, ♣–♦, ♥–♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇

  Robbins, Bruce, ♣

  Roberts, Nickie, ♣

  Roma people, ♣

  Rose, Nikolas, ♣

  Rossiaud, Jacques, ♣

  Ruggiero, Vincenzo, ♣

  Russian women in Spain, ♣

  Saint Augustine, ♣

  Sanger, William, A History of Prostitution, ♣

  Sarmiento, Domingo, ♣

  Sassen, Saskia, ♣, ♦

  Sayad, Abdelmalek, ♣

  Schreiner, Olive, ♣

  self-esteem, rhetoric, ♣

  self-government, a theory of, ♣

  self-rule, colonial disqualifications, ♣

  sensationalism, ♣

  ‘sensuous reciprocity’: fantasy of, ♣; production of, ♦

  service economy, ♣; jobs, ♦–♥

  sex aids, sales, ♣

  sex change, information leaflets, ♣

  sex clubs, ♣; employment regularisation, ♦–♥

  sex industry, ♦–♥, ♦, ♥, ♠; activities variety, †; components range, ‡; concrete knowledge lack, Δ; jobs, ∇, Ο; male workers, ◊; policing, [L11]; pragmatic solutions, [L12]; sites, [L13]–[L14]; Spain, [L15]; see also commercial sex; prostitution

  sex sellers/workers, ♣, ♦; belittled, ♥; broad range persecution, ♠; ‘dangerous classes’, †; fashion innovators, ‡; homogenised illegal, Δ; in establishments, ∇–Ο; itinerant, ◊; moralising views on, [L11]; origins, [L12]; public clinic provision, [L13]; remuneration, [L14]; street, [L15]; transgender, [L16]; treatment behaviours, [L17]

  sex work, ♣; concept of, ♦;‘migrations’, ♥; professional identities, ♠

  Sex Workers in Europe Manifesto, ♣

  sexual desire, ♣; repression of, ♦, ♥

  sexual ‘liberation’ discourse, ♣–♦

  sexual risk, literature, ♣

  sexual services: bought abroad, ♣; buyers, ♦, ♦–♥, ♠; children selling, †; commercial relationships, ‡; demand for, Δ, ∇; discourse, Ο; global price comparisons, ◊

  sexuality: ‘continent of knowledge’, ♣; hydraulic model of, ♦–♥

  Shanghai, colonial, ♣

  shipboard parties, ports, ♣

  shopping, ♣

  Simon, Jules, ♣

  sin, sense of, ♣

  ‘slavery’:‘modern forms of’, ♣; sex rhetoric, ♦, ♥, ♠

  Smith, Adam, ♣

  Smith, Dorothy, ♣

  ‘smuggling’, of humans, ♣, ♦; differentiated services, ♥

  SOA-Bestrijding, Netherlands NGO, ♣

  social control sector: employment for women, ♣; knowledge, ♦; mechanisms, ♥

  social inclusion, insistence on, ♣

  social movement ‘communities’, ♣

  social sector, ♣; agents lack of self-criticism, ♦–187, 192; funder power, 163, 183; ideological investigators/reformers, 126–127; jobs, 121, 153, 182; construction of
problems, 194; project evaluation, 141; salaries, 139; sex sellers, 135; theorising/policy making, 139; work, 4, 116

  solidarity: discourse of social, ♣; economies, ♦; rhetoric, ♦–♥

  South Africa, colonial middle class, ♣

  ‘space of flows’, ♣

  Spain, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ, ∇, Ο, ◊, [L11]; AIDS conferences, [L12]; borders, [L13]; colonialist mentality, [L14]; commercial sex estimates, [L15]; empirical research lack, [L16]; gender ideology, [L17]; homes for needy women tradition, [L18]; Labour Ministry, [L19], [L20]; Madrid, see Madrid; migrant sex workers, [L21]; Ministry of Health, [L22]; national AIDS plan, [L23], [L24]; pragmatic nuns, [L25]; pro-immigrant demonstration, [L26]; solidarity rhetoric, [L27]

  speculum, ♣

  Spivak, Gaytari, ♣

  Sri Lanka, official migration support, ♣

  staged authenticity, ♣

  state, the, as web of devices, ♣

  statistics: constructed, ♣; recycled, ♦, unreliable, ♥

  STDs (sexually transmitted diseases), ♣

  Stein, Martha, ♣

  stereotypes, ethnic, ♣

  stigmatisation, by omission, ♣

  Stoler, Ann Laura, ♣

  street children, objectified, ♣–♦

  street rows, normal, ♣

  street selling, crafts, ♣

  structural adjustment policies, feminised impact, ♣, ♦

  surveillance, ♣–♦

  sweatshop labour, women, ♣

  Sweden, client criminalisation, ♣

  Sydney, ♣–♦

  symbolic power, ♣

  syphilis, ♣, ♦, ♥

  Tahiti, ‘prostitution’ regulation, ♣

  Taiwan, ♣

  Tampep, European AIDS project, ♣, ♦; leaflets, ♥

  technology of the self, ♣

  Thailand, ♣; Japanese husbands, ♦; sex worker estimates, ♥

  Thatcher, Margaret, ♣

  The Good Woman of Bangkok, ♣

  the west, self-presentation, ♣

  Tönnies, Ferdinand, ♣

  tourism, ♣, ♦, ♥;‘sex’, ♠; sociology of, †; the gaze, ‡; varied services, Δ; women, ∇

  ‘trafficking’, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †–‡, Δ–∇, Ο, ◊, [L11]; anti-ideology, [L12]; circuit, [L13]; definition lack, [L14];‘traffickers’, [L15]; unresearched opinions, [L16]; victimising discourse, [L17], [L18]

  Transexualia, Madrid NGO, ♣, ♦

  transgender people, ♣, ♦; Latin American, ♥; sex workers, ♠

  transnational crime, ♣

  transsexual people, ♣

  transvestite people, ♣

  travel: fixers, ♣; formal sector agents, ♦; history of, ♥

  travelling women, sexuality panic, ♣

  Tristán, Flora, ♣

  Turkey, ♣

  Ukraine, ♣; women in Spain, ♦

  UN (United Nations), ♣, ♦; Commission for the Prevention of Crime and Penal Justice, ♥, ♠; Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, †; Convention on the Rights of the Child, ‡; Crime Commission, Δ; gender migration data, ∇–Ο; High Commission for Refugees, ◊; international crime hearings, [L11]; migrant statistics, [L12]

  unpaid work, ♦–♥

  unruly poor, bourgeois concern, ♣

  ‘uprooting’, sentimentalising of, ♣

  Urry, John, ♣, ♦

  USA (United States of America): anthropology as espionage, ♣; Cuban asylum-seekers, ♦;‘gentlemen’s clubs’, ♥; political asylum-seeking, ♠; Revolution, †; State Department Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, ‡

  Vázquez García, Francisco, ♣

  Vagrancy Act, Britain 1822, ♣

  Valcárcel, Amelia, ♣

  Valverde, Mariana, ♣

  Venezuela, ♣

  Vicinus, Martha, ♣

  victims: class of, ♣; discourse of, ♦, ♥; research expectations, ♠; services reinforcement, †; sex sellers, ‡

  violence against women: definitions expansion, ♣; rhetoric, ♦; theory of, ♥

  virtue imposition, jobs, ♣

  visas: forged, ♣; spurious granting, ♦; tourist, ♥, ♠, †

  Walkerdine, Valerie, ♣

  Ware, Vron, ♣

  Weeks, Jeffrey, ♣–♦, ♥, ♠, †

  welfare of the governed, ♣

  West African women sex sellers, ♣

  western metropoles, anthropological study of, ♣

  ‘white blouse’ work, ♣

  ‘white slavery’, ♣

  ‘whiteness’, ♣

  ‘whore’, ♣; /Madonna dichotomy, ♦; stigma, ♥, ♠; undefined category, †

  will, issue of, ♣

  Willis, William, ♣

  Wilson, Elizabeth, ♣, ♦

  Wolf, Eric, ♣

  ‘woman’s mission to women’, ♣

  women: domestic virtuous, ♣; feminist employment, ♦; fundamentalist essentialism, ♥; genteel image, ♠; middle-class rights, †, ‡; migrant statistics, Δ; moral superiority assumption, ∇; movement, Ο; 19th-century work, ◊–[L11]; production participation, [L12]; public spaces, [L13]; suitable tasks, [L14]; super-exploited labour, [L15]; working-class, see working-class women

  work permits, ♣; Europe, ♦

  working-class women, ♣; disciplining, ♦; incarceration, ♥; rescue of business, ♠; subjects for civilising, †

  working conditions, deceptions, ♣

  working travellers, ♣

  Wright, Richard, ♣

  ‘writing culture’, ♣

  xenophobia, ♣

  ‘yellow cabs’, Japanese women, ♣

  York Female Penitentiary, ♣

  young–old sexual relations, ♣

  Zelizer, Viviana, ♣

  Zemon Davis, Natalie, ♣




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