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Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry

Page 30

by Laura María Agustín

  Trabajo Sobre SIDA y Minorías Étnicas/Inmigrantes. 2001. Programme of meeting of work group, 13 December. Escuela Nacional de Sanidad. Madrid.

  Transnational Training Seminar on Trafficking in Women. 1998. Proposal and schedule by Global Survival Network and Open Society Institute (Soros Foundation). Budapest.

  Trousson, Patrick. 2001. Reply from head of Daphne Programme to Director of CATW regarding ‘positions’ on prostitution. Brussels.

  UGT (Unión General de Trabajadores). 2000. Informe sobre la prostitución. Madrid.

  UK Network of Sex Work Projects. 2002. Statement of aims. Telford.

  UNAIDS. 2000. Men and AIDS – a gendered approach. Geneva.

  Universida. 2000. ¡Me gustas más así! AIDS-prevention leaflet. Madrid.

  —— 2001. Relax con vida, Relax sin SIDA. Programme description and materials. Madrid.

  Urbez, L. 1979.‘Prostitución femenina’. Razón y fe, 978-979, 77-95.

  USAID. 2002. Trafficking in Persons:The USAID Strategy for Response.

  van der Helm, Thérèse y van Mens, Lucie. 1999. Mobility in Prostitution in the Netherlands: An Inventory done under the auspices of Europap-Tampep 1998– 1999: A Report for the European Network for HIV/STD Prevention in Prostitution. Amsterdam: Europap.

  Visser, Jan 1997. Prostitution in the Netherlands: The Dutch Law Proposal on Prostitution. Amsterdam: Mr A de Graaf.

  —— 2001. Commentary on European Court case on non-European sex workers in Holland. Amsterdam: De Rode Draad.

  Ward, Helen. 1999. ‘Policies on sex work and health produced by the coordinating centre of the European network for HIV/STD prevention in prostitution, 1999’. London: Europap.

  WHO (World Health Organisation) Programme on AIDS. 1993. Making Sex Work Safer: A Guide to HIV/AIDS Prevention Interventions. Draft by Priscilla Alexander. Geneva.

  Wolffers, Ivan. 1998.‘Why this initiative is important’. Research for Sex Work. June. Amsterdam:Vrije Universiteit.

  —— 2001. Proposal for funding of Research for Sex Work to Stichting Aids Fonds. Amsterdam.

  Working Party on Women Migrants. 1978. MigrantWomen Speak. London: Search.

  World Council of Churches. 1991.‘Proclaiming Migrants’ Rights:The New International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families’. In Churches’ Committee for Migrants in Europe Briefing Papers No. 3, Geneva.


  Aberdeen Association for Reclaiming Fallen Females, ♣

  Aberdeenshire Association of Ladies for the Rescue, ♣

  abolitionism, ♣ ;‘prostitution’, conference, ♦

  Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, ♣

  Acton, William, ♣

  adultery, authority figure pronouncements, ♣

  advertisements: classified, ♣; matrimonial agencies, ♦; personal services, ♥

  Africa, ♣

  agency, ♣; social project agents, ♦


  Albania, ♣

  Algeria, migration to France, ♣

  Allison, Anne, ♣

  Alloula, Malek, ♣

  anthropology, ♣; ethical ambiguity, ♦; imperialist, ♥

  Anti-AIDS, Spain, ♣, ♦–♥

  Appadurai, Arjun, ♣

  APRAMP, Madrid NGO, ♣, ♦

  Argentina, ♣; European women to, ♦

  Ariès, Philippe, ♣, ♦

  Armstrong, Nancy, ♣

  Asad, Talal, Anthropology and the Colonial Encounter, ♣

  Asian women, Europe, ♣

  Association for the Promotion of Social Purity, ♣

  Association for the Promotion of Social Sciences, ♣

  asylum seekers, USA border, ♣

  Australia: government accounting, ♣; sex workers, ♦; travel fixers, ♥

  autonomy, diverse forms, ♣

  Bangkok, sex workers, ♣

  Béraud, F. F-A., ♣

  Becker, Howard, ♣

  Beijing + 5 meeting, New York 2000, ♣

  Benabou, Érica-Marie, ♣

  benevolent ideals, personal expectations, ♣

  Berlin–Prague highway, ♣

  Bernstein, Elizabeth, ♣

  Bhabha, Homi, ♣

  Bildungsroman, story template, ♣

  Bland, Lucy, ♣

  Boswell, James, ♣

  Bourdieu, Pierre, ♣, ♦

  bourgeoisie: nuclear family ideal, ♣; rehabilitation confidence, ♦; self-appointed civilising mission, ♥

  Brazil, ♣; homeless children, ♦

  Bristow, Eric, ♣

  Britain, ♣: anthropology as espionage, ♦; brothels, ♥; cash transactions estimate, ♠; commercial sex, †; Empire, ‡; England incarceration use, Δ; England ‘prostitution’ control system, ∇; evangelical Protestant revival, Ο; government accounting, ◊; Office of National Statistics, [L11]; ‘prostitution’, [L12]; rescue model, [L13]; Rise of the Social, [L14]; women 1851, [L15]

  British Ladies’ Society for Promoting the Reformation of Female Prisoners, ♣

  brothels, ♣; French inspectors, ♦; Paris, ♥; regularisation, ♠

  bureaucracy, documents, ♣

  Butler, Josephine, ♣

  Butler, Judith, genealogy concept, ♣

  Callaway, Helen, ♣

  capital, recomposition of, ♣

  Caribbean women, structural adjustment impact, ♣

  caring work, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠; migrant women, †, ‡; sadness, Δ; wage levels, ∇; see also emotional labour

  Casa de Campo, Madrid, ♣; outreach work, ♦

  cash, transaction estimates, ♣

  Castells, Manuel, ♣–♦

  Catholic Church, ♣;‘social’ Catholicism, ♦

  censorship: AIDS leaflets, ♣; authority figures, ♦–♥; by ‘prostitution’ abolitionists, ♠

  Central Americans, USA asylum-seeking, ♣

  Centro Montesa, Madrid, ♣

  chaperos, male sex workers, ♣

  charity: charitable impulse, ♣; profession-alised, ♦

  Charles, UK prince, ♣

  children: ‘child labour’, ♣; concept of

  childhood, ♣; sex bought from, ♦

  Chile, ♣

  Chisholm, Caroline, ♣

  choice, issue of, ♣

  CIA (Central Intelligence Agency, USA), ♦–♥

  cleaning jobs, disgust feelings, ♣

  Clifford, James, ♣

  Coalition Against Trafficking in Women (CATW), ♦–♥

  Cohen, Erik, ♣, ♦

  Colectivo en Defensa de los Derechos de las Prostitutas Hetaira, ♣, ♦

  Colectivo Ioé, ♣

  Colombia, ♣; ship culture, ♦

  colonialism, ♣, ♦; see also neocolonialism

  commercial sex, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠; authority figure pronouncements, †; brochures, ‡; cosmopolitan, Δ; eradication campaigns, ∇; satisfaction, Ο; Spain, ◊; suppression attempts, [L11]; the west, [L12]; unreliable statistics, [L13]; see also sex industry

  condoms: access, ♣; distribution, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡; mouth–genital contact, Δ

  Connell, R. W., ♣

  consent, issue of, ♣

  constructed concepts, labour markets, ♣

  Contagious Diseases Acts, Britain, ♣, ♦, ♥; export of, ♠

  Corbin, Alain, ♣, ♦, ♥

  Corso, Carla, ♣

  Costa Rica, ship culture, ♣

  Crick, Malcolm, ♣

  Cuba: migrants from, ♣;‘prostitution’, ♦

  Cullwick, Hannah, ♣

  cultural impacts, periphery–centre, ♣

  ‘cultural pluralism’, ♣

  cultural relativism, ♣; as censorship, ♦–♥

  cybercafés, ♣

  ‘dangerous classes’, ♣

  Davidoff, Leonore, ♣

  De la Bretonne, Restif, ♣

  De Lucas, Javier, ♣

  debt(s), ♦–♥, ♦, ♥, ♦–♥, †; varieties
of, ‡

  deceived migrants, ♣–♦

  devalorization, produced outcome, ♣

  deviance, modern concept of, ♣

  dichotomies, ♣; artificial, ♦–♥; questionable, ♠

  disinformation, by ‘prostitution’ abolitionists, ♣

  divine right, discrediting of, ♣

  domestic service work, ♣, ♦–♥, ♠, †; insulting remuneration, ‡

  domesticity: cult of, ♣; ideology, ♦; Protestant principle of, ♥

  Dominican Republic, remittances, ♣

  Donzelot, Jacques, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠

  Duggan, Lisa, ♣

  Durkheim, Émile, ♣

  e-mail use, ♣

  Eastern Europe, sex workers from, ♣

  economic growth, partial statistics, ♣

  elites, European, ♣

  emigration/immigration, ♣

  emotional labour, ♣, ♦–♥, ♠

  employment, legal, ♣

  empowerment: as unwanted imposition, ♣; rhetoric, ♦

  engaged couples, sexual relations, ♣

  Engels, Friedrich, ♣, ♦

  epidemiology, ♣; data evaluation lack, ♦; projects, ♥

  Equatorial Guinea, sexual culture claims, ♣

  essentialism, feminist critique, ♣

  ethnography, ♣; multi-sited, ♦; narratives, ♥; power issues, ♠

  Europe, ♣, ♦; dynamic diversity, ♥; elites, ♠; EU AIDS prevention campaign, †; immigration policy (ies), ‡; live-in maids, Δ; marriage, ∇; migrant women demand, Ο, ◊, [L11]; migration discouragement, [L12], [L13]; Parliament, [L14]; sex workers, [L15]; syphilis epidemic, [L16]; tourism, [L17]

  European Commission, ♣; Daphne Programme, ♦

  evangelical Protestantism, ♣

  ex-USSR, sex workers from, ♣

  expense accounts, ♣

  experimentation, sexual, ♣

  export production/trading zones, ♣, ♦

  extended families, reduced, ♣

  ‘false consciousness’, ♣

  family life, objective impossibility, ♣

  family, the, ♣, nuclear, ♦, ♥; policing mechanism, ♠

  fashion, ♣

  Female Bible Society, ♣

  Female Factory, Parramatta, Australia, ♣

  Female Mission to the Fallen, ♣

  feminism:‘correct positions’, ♣; fundamentalist, ♦; institutional, ♥; hegemonic discourse, ♠; Knowing Best variety, †; migrant feminists, ‡; pornography battles, Δ; postcolonial, ∇; psychoanalytic, Ο; theory, ◊; varieties of, [L11]

  femmes isolées, ♣

  Ferguson, James, ♣

  filles de joie, ♣

  flâneurs, ♣–♦; female, ♥

  ‘flexibility’, employers’ notion, ♣;

  ‘flexible woman’, ♣

  flither girls, ♣

  Foucault, Michel, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠, †, ‡, Δ; History of Sexuality, ∇

  France, ♣, ♦; Algerian migration to, ♥, ♠; colonialism, †; commercial sex estimates, ‡; incarceration use, Δ; municipal bureaucracies, ∇; postcard pornography, Ο;‘prostitution’ regulation campaigns, ◊, [L11], [L12]; rescue projects, [L13]; Revolution 1789, [L14]; Rise of the Social, [L15]; sexually repressive movement, [L16]; women’s work 16th century, [L17]

  Frank, Katherine, ♣, ♦

  Fundación Triángulo, Madrid, ♣

  fundamentalisms, characteristics, ♣; feminist, ♦

  funding, loss of threats, ♣

  gay tourism, ♣

  gaze, the: European, ♣; masculine, ♦; tourist, ♥, ♠

  Geertz, Clifford, ♣

  gender: equality discourses, ♣;‘gendered geographies of power’, ♦; inequality, ♥; politics, ♠; Spanish ideology, †; verbal equity, ‡; wage differentials, Δ; western couples, ∇

  ‘gentlemen’s clubs’, ♣

  Germany, ♣: prostitution demand, ♦; sex industry, ♥;Turkish guestworkers, ♠

  Giddens, Anthony, ♣

  Glasgow penitentiaries, ♣

  Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW), ♣

  governesses, ♣

  governing principles, transmission of, ♣

  governmentality theory, ♣

  Grupo Fénix, Madrid, ♣

  Gulf States, ♣

  Gupta, Akhil, ♣

  gypsies, ♣

  Hacking, Ian, ♣

  Hall, Stuart, ♣

  Harding, Sandra, ♣, ♦

  Harsin, Jean, ♣

  Hart, Angie, ♣

  Hecht, Tobias, ♣

  Hemingway, Ernest, ♣

  Henderson, Tony, ♣

  Higgs, Mary, Three Nights in Women’s Lodging Houses, ♣

  ‘high-risk’, classifying, ♣

  Hill, Octavia, ♣

  HIV/AIDS: different theories, ♣; literature censorship, ♦; patients, ♥; prevention, ♠, †; projects, ‡, Δ; research industry, ∇, Ο

  Hochschild, Arlie Russell, ♣, ♦

  Holland, ♣; brothels regulation, ♦; migrants, ♥, ♠; sex industry, †

  home piecework, ♣

  home, concept of, ♣

  homosexuality, ♣

  Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierette, ♣

  Hong Kong, ‘prostitution’ regulation, ♣

  hooks, bell, ♣

  hospitals, ♣

  housework: migrant women, ♣; economic non-accounting, ♦

  human desires, multiplicity, ♣

  Hustling for Health: Developing Services for Sex

  Workers in Europe, ♣

  hygiene, western ideas of, ♣

  Hymes, Dell, ♣; Reinventing Anthropology , ♦

  identity: deterritorialisation, ♣; genealogy concept, ♦; professional, ♥; sex link, ♠; temporary condition versus, †; and work, ‡

  illegal status, ♣; exploitation of, ♦

  ILO (International Labour Organisation), ♣; The Sex Sector, ♦

  IMF (International Monetary Fund), structural adjustment programmes, ♣

  immigration: national policies, ♣, ♦, ♥; policy, ♠; state discourses, †

  immune systems, information leaflets, ♣ incarceration, escape attempts, ♦; see also penitentiaries

  India, Contagious Diseases Acts, ♣

  individual responsibility, Protestant principle of, ♣

  informal economy: capitalist necessity, ♣; /formal, artifical dichotomy, ♦–♥

  ‘inscription devices’, ♣

  interculturalism, ♣–♦

  intergender people, ♣

  intermediaries, sex work, ♦–♥

  internet pornography, ♣

  intimacy, ♣, ♦; money intersection, ♥; production of, ♠; retailing of, †

  investigation, as social control mechanism, ♦–♥

  IPSSE (Institute for the Promotion of Specialized Social Services), ♣

  Italy, ‘foreign prostitutes’, ♣

  itineracy, sex selling, ♣

  Japan, ♣, ♦; men with Thai wives, ♥

  Kandy, ♣

  Kapur, Ratna, ♣

  Karras, Ruth, ♣

  Kiel, Germany, ♣

  Kracauer, Siegfried, ♣

  Kristeva, Julia, ♣

  Kymlicka, Will, ♣

  labour markets, formal discussion of, ♣

  labour rights, ♣, advocates, ♦

  Landes, Joan, ♣

  language, discriminatory forms, ♣

  Languedoc, medieval period, ♣

  Latin American women, Europe, ♣

  legal status, bureaucratic process, ♣

  leisure, ♣

  Lerner, Gerda, ♣

  liberal government, authoritarian form, ♣

  listening, ♣

  Liverpool, shipboard parties, ♣

  lobbying, social sector, ♣

  London, ♣; charities formation, ♦; 19th-century, ♥, ♠

  McClintock, Anne, ♣

  MacKinnon, Catherine, The Sex
ual Liberals and the Attack on Feminism, ♣

  madams, ♣

  madonna/whore dichotomy, ♣

  Madrid, ♣; religious organisations, ♦; sex selling, ♥

  ‘mafias’, ♣

  Mahler, Sarah, ♣

  Mahood, Linda, ♣

  Malaysia, sex industry data, ♣

  male chromosomes, localised, ♣

  Malinowski, Bronislaw, Argonauts of the Western Pacific, ♣

  Marcuse, Herbedt, ♣

  marginalisation, ♣

  marginality, modern concept of, ♣

  marriage(s): arranged, ♣; common law, ♦, ♥; legal status acquirement, ♠;

  matrimonial agencies, ♣

  Marx, Karl, ♣

  masculinity, ideas about, ♣–♦

  Maurice, Frederick, ♣

  Mayhew, Henry, ♣; London Labour and the London Poor, ♦

  meals, culture of, ♣

  media, the, ♣, ♦; clichés/stereotypes, ♥, ♠

  mediation, migration contexts, ♣

  Médicos del Mundo-Madrid, ♣–♦, ♥–♠

  methodologies: anthropological, ♣; undescribed, ♦

  Mexico, –US border, ♣;The Valley, ♦

  Middle Ages, prevalent sex selling, ♣

  middle class, certainty of ability to help, ♣

  migrant sex workers, ♣, ♦, ♥, ♠; unreported, †; deportation risk, ‡; empirical research lack, Δ

  migrant women: backwardness assumption, ♣; feminist, ♦

  migrants: associations of legal, ♣; belittling treatment of, ♦; commercial sex statistics, ♥; cultural differences, ♠; deceived, see deceived migrants; European demand, †; grassroots networks, ‡; inadequate dichotomous descriptions, Δ; incoherent pro-grammes, ∇; intimate grilling of, Ο; legal/illegal ambiguity, ◊; multiple ‘homes’, [L11]; power of receivers, [L12];‘reconquering’ Europe, [L13]; services providers, [L14]; solidarity marrying of, [L15];West African associations, [L16]; working-class cosmopolitan, [L17], [L18]–[L19]

  migration, ♣; autonomous, ♦; colonial relations, ♥; complex motivations, ♠; discourse dichotomies, †; European, ‡; feminisation, Δ, ∇; ideas about, Ο; methods, ◊; networks and intermediaries, [L11]–[L12]; personal motivations, [L13]; projects on, [L14]; selective process, [L15]; statistics construction, [L16]; studies, [L17], [L18], [L19]; temporary, [L20]; theories of, [L21]

  Migration Policy Institute, ♣

  migrations, document centre, ♣

  Mill, John Stuart, ♣, ♦

  Miller, Peter, ♣

  Mitchell, Timothy, ♣

  mobile phones, ♣, ♦, ♥

  ‘modern forms of slavery’, ♣


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