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The Beta's Mate

Page 17

by Tanya Gilford

  “He was parked a few rows back in a damn rental car. I felt like I was being watched so I instinctively looked around and made eye contact with him.”

  “Well, we need to tell Steve and Charlie immediately.” Sophie sounded scared. She pushed a button on her steering wheel and was prompted by a computer to say a command. “Call Steve.” She ordered. Steve answered after one ring.

  “Hey sis, what’s up?” He sounded so relaxed with her. She anxiously told him that Sal was in the parking lot and approached me. I rolled my eyes because she had no idea what the whole conversation was about. I let out a loud sigh and interrupted my friend to set the story straight about the whole encounter. I hated telling someone other than Charlie, because Charlie is my mate, and I should go to him first about this.

  As soon as Steve hung up, Charlie was calling me. Great, now I needed to recap this whole fucking story again. I answered it, ready to be completely annoyed with all wolves, when Charlie surprised me. “Are you okay baby?” He asked gently. I wanted to cry, here I was getting all worked up and ready to snap, but all he was doing was making sure I’m okay.

  “I’m better now.” I admitted.

  “Good. I love you Anna.”

  “I love you.” I replied. “I’ve missed your voice.”

  “I’ve missed your everything.”

  “We’ll be home in about ten minutes.”

  “I’ll be in the driveway waiting for you my love.” Charlie said as he hung up the phone. Could I possibly be falling in love with him all over again? He just took me by surprise with his call to make sure I was okay.

  As we pulled into the driveway, Charlie was there sitting on the tailgate of his truck. I opened my door before Sophie even put the car in park. I rushed over to him as he stood up off his truck. He caught me in his arms, as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He held me tight as I began to sob quietly into his chest. “I’m here baby. You're safe now.” He whispered into my hair as he gently brushed my waves off my shoulders and down my back. “Steve put it on speaker so I could hear what was being said. You don’t have to talk about it anymore.”

  “Okay.” I croaked out. “Can we go inside?” I was so shaken by what had happened I wanted to be in the house behind closed doors. I felt exposed out here in the open. Sal could be anywhere watching me and that thought alone gave me the chills.

  Once we were inside, Sal called a pack meeting. Charlie pulled me onto his lap in the living room, wrapping his arms around me as the rest of the pack gathered around. Sal gave everyone the recap of what happened. “It appears that Sophie has identified the mystery wolf as this guy Sal. It appears Sal is convinced that Anna is his mate, but she herself says he’s not.”

  “Sal is after Annie’s powers. He has for years now, somehow, he learned that we’re fairies, and has been plotting to get his hands on her. She was young, naïve and vulnerable when Sal came into her life. Somehow, he tracked down our bloodline and knows the potential powers that Annie could develop. He’s watching and waiting to see if his research is correct, and honestly maybe. My grandparents were hunted for years for their abilities. My parents, myself and my brother all lived in the human world and among elves to ensure no one discovered our bloodline. Unfortunately, Annie is showing signs of possessing the powers that many seek to control.” Aunt Carol interrupted Steve. “When we catch him, I want to have a few minutes alone with him. I want to know how he learned about us, and who else he is working with. He’s too young to know much about anything.”

  Steve nodded to her. “When we catch this asshole, we will secure him. Then give you all the time you need to find out answers.” Steve assured her. “As for the in between time. We have two options, and I prefer the second one. One, the girls are driven to and from school by one of us every day until the threat is eliminated. Meaning whoever drives them, will sit in the car as a look out the entire day to ensure their safety. Or they don’t go to school until this threat is eliminated. Carol and I can call the principal and explain that we had a death in the family and you will need to miss school until the new year since we’re flying to wherever to attend the relative’s funeral. Anna’s dad really did pass recently, so Carol can call pretending to be Pam and say Anna is flying back east to mourn her dad. Sophie will be going to Europe to attend dear uncle Vinny’s funeral in Italy.”

  I stared at Steve in disbelief. He had seriously thought this whole thing out. “What about our course work?” I blurted out.

  “The principal will have to notify your teachers and they will have to prepare and email it to you. It works since you’re not in any of the same classes, and you're new to the school the principal wouldn’t even think twice if your mom called.” Steve explained.

  “I like plan B.” Carol and Charlie said in unison. Clearly Sophie and I have no true vote here. Sal was a threat to me and now her, therefore the pack is closing ranks. Though I am surprised to see how well the pack and aunt Carol have accepted each other.

  “Then it’s settled. I’ll call first thing in the morning. Carol will go make the phone call now to avoid suspicion.” Steve instructed, then dismissed the meeting.

  I felt tired all of a sudden and nuzzled in close to Charlie’s chest. My eyes began to feel extra heavy. Charlie must have noticed, because he began stroking my arms to help lull me to sleep.



  I held her as she fell asleep, hearing how scared Sophie was about the ordeal, I can only imagine what is going through Anna’s head. The idea of him stalking her at school made my blood boil. We needed to catch this guy and eliminate the threat soon. He’s taunting us right now, and it’s getting under my skin.

  How can I keep her safe, if I don’t know who we’re looking for? Her birthday is less than three weeks away, and I need to make it safe for her friends to come here for her. She has suffered so much over the past two months; she deserves a month of fun and happiness.

  I find it truly amazing how innocent and fragile in my arms. I wanted nothing more than to protect her and keep her safe from everything. As I watch her sleep, I begin thinking about everything I know about this guy Sal, but I feel like there were pieces of the story missing or omitted for a reason. I decided maybe Billy or Debbie would know more, or tell me more than Anna has.

  Only problem was that I didn’t have their numbers, but Anna does. I feel terrible trying to pull her phone out of her pocket, but I needed those numbers. As began slipping the phone out of her pocket when her eyes snapped open. “What are you doing?” She asked.

  “Trying to sneak your phone out of your pocket.” I admitted.


  “I wanted to chat with Billy a bit more about what you guys usually do for your birthday. I have been trying to think about some ideas, but with everything going on I was hoping for some ideas.” I half admitted.

  “Are you sure that’s the reason you're going with?” She questioned me suspiciously.

  “It’s the truth. I don’t have Billy’s number, so I was going to take your phone and text myself his number.” I explained.

  “Fine, here. I’ll give you his number. Anyone else you may think I have?” She sounded pissed off.

  “Whoa babe. What are you implying? I really only wanted to ask him for ideas to celebrate your birthday with you.” I’m a bit shocked.

  “Whatever, here. Not like there’s anything special on it.” She snapped. She stood up off my lap, tossed her phone at me, and stormed off. I got up to follow her as Steve came back down the stairs.

  “How’s Anna doing?” He asked. I sighed and shrugged my shoulders. I honestly don’t know how she’s doing and that concerned me. “I was just upstairs talking to Sophie. She seems to think this whole situation rattled her more than it did Anna. Anna was talking to him when Sophie got to the car. She said Anna provoked him before she got into the car.”

  “Provoked him how?” I asked, trying to keep calm.

  “She told S
ophie he wasn’t important. Then told him to stop stalking her because she’s not his mate or his prey.” Steve shook his head. “I wish we knew more of the conversation. Did Anna tell you anything more about it?”

  “No. I was thinking about asking Billy and Debbie what they remember about him, when Anna woke up to me trying to grab her phone. She got pissed off and stormed off leaving me her phone.” I explained with a sigh. “She’s quiet and angry. I don’t know how to proceed with her so I think giving her some space would be a good option.”

  “She feels like she doesn’t get a voice in this pack. You both just made that final decision for her. You only heard Sophie’s side, but Charlie, did you talk to her when she got home? Even I know when she’s crying, she needs to vent. What took place in that pack meeting is how Pam and Bo have treated my niece her whole teenage life. She’s going to be pissed, and if you let it sit too long, she’s going to explode.” Carol interrupted. “As for calling Billy and Debbie about this I wouldn’t. Debbie will go protective of Annie, and Billy will want to know why you're asking him instead of talking to Annie. They close ranks on each other quickly, that’s why Sal had so much trouble getting close to Annie. It took over a year for Annie to consider him an option, because her friends kept him away.”

  “She’s not telling us information about him that could help us prepare against him.” I protested. “Why is she protecting him?”

  “He was her first love. I know it’s hard to wrap your head around it, but the reality of this situation is you’re asking her to betray someone who she has known for almost four years. The information you’re asking her to share is personal to her. Ever stop to think that they are connected because they share some common themes in their lives.” Carol pointed out. “I will put it this way, when Ray told her she couldn’t see Sal anymore after almost a year, because Sal was older and has a mean streak. Annie began sneaking out to meet up with him. His mean streak was only towards others, he got arrested once for fighting. Annie was there, but she wouldn’t talk about it. She really was in love with him. You need to watch her, not smother her.”

  I clenched my teeth together listening to Carol talk. We only heard how this encounter made Sophie feel, Anna barely said anything. In fact, she sounded annoyed when she explained that he was parked in the parking lot and when she was waiting for Sophie and he approached her. They had a brief conversation and then she left as soon as Sophie arrived. I called to see if she was okay and she began crying so I assumed she was upset over the encounter, but maybe it was from something else.

  “Charlie! Come quick.” Justin called from the kitchen door. I ran into the kitchen concerned when I saw him turn around and jump off the deck. “Anna.” Was all he said before he shifted in midair. He took off into the woods before I could ask anything.

  I followed suit, shifting midair off the back deck heading into the woods. I heard Paul’s howl from somewhere up ahead and it sounded pained. Robby’s howl echoed from the direction of the street. What the fuck was going on? Robby came barreling through the woods towards me. He stopped just in front of me and shifted back to his human form. “He took Anna.” Robby panted. “I chased him as far as I could before I lost the car on the highway.” My eyes went wide with panic.

  “What?” I asked when I shifted back to my human form.

  Justin shifted back, “Paul is continuing through the woods. She was relaxing on the patio. We were in the kitchen, and then we heard her yell and then scream. I came out to see if she was okay, and I saw him dragging her away, she fought until he slung her over his shoulder. He’s fast, none of us could catch him. We saw his car pull out, but it was too late.”

  I shifted back to my wolf and took off through the woods in the direction Paul was. That asshole had nerves of steel to come kidnap my mate from my pack house without a care in the world. I hoped the others would tell Steve and Carol what was going on and come up with a plan. I finally caught up to Paul as he kept pushing northeast. I had no idea what he was doing, but I wasn’t ready to waist a second shifting to talk to him. I trusted my friend, so I continued to follow him.

  After a few hours, Paul stopped and shifted. I followed suit, eyeing Paul. “I lost the scent. He must have rolled up the window. I’m sorry man. We’ll figure out how to find her and get her back.” Paul assured me. “I’m going to continue this way; we should veer away from each other and cover more ground trying to find her scent.”

  I nodded, “Anna, baby. If you can hear me tell me what you see. I’m coming to help you, I’m sorry baby. Please talk to me so I know you’re okay.” I tried through our mind link. All I got was silence. “Fuck. I can’t mind link with her. How did I let this happen?”

  “I was getting a damn drink for her and I when I heard her tell him to fuck off. She screamed for you. I got out and shifted as she struggled to free her arms and tried kicking him between the legs. He just grabbed her waist and flung her over his shoulder. She began begging and pleading with him as he ran through the woods with her. Robby and I almost had the damn car, but he was accelerating towards the highway.” Paul explained. “We’re either going to find their scent at a truck stop or wherever he’s taking her.”

  I nodded. “I’m going to kill him.” I growled. I shifted back, done wasting time. I took off more north then we were going in hopes that if Paul went east, we’d eventually find Anna. I needed to find my mate before that asshole hurt her. I would never forgive myself if something happened to her because I was inside talking to Steve instead of trying to comfort her. She was upset, and I assumed wrong.

  Chapter 16


  I opened my eyes and looked around me. Where was I? What happened? The last thing I remember was Sal tossing me in the backseat of a car, with child locks on the doors. He was speeding fast, and when he stopped, he covered my mouth with a rag that was soaked in something. It must have been that chloroform stuff you see people use in crime shows.

  I was on a very lumpy and uncomfortable bed, or at least a mattress. I blinked trying to get my eyes to adjust to the poorly lit room. A small window towards the top of the cement wall told me I was in some kind of basement. I moved to walk around and almost landed on my face. I looked down to see what practically tripped me to see that my left ankle was changed to the cement floor. How convenient?

  I’m going to kill Sal. Who did he think he was just coming in and fucking kidnapping me? I understand he’s a bit attached to me, but I have made it clear that he’s wrong about me being his mate. I really wish I had my powers now. I mean I had my wings, and I could probably figure out how to fly if I could get free, but right now I’m kind of chained to the ground literally.

  The door to my right opened and I heard someone walking down the stairs. I dare Sal to show his face, I’ll knock him in the head a few times. But the man who stepped around the stairs to face me was not my tall, dark, and handsome former lover. This man was older with salt and pepper colored hair, and his green eyes looked deadly. I felt nervous as his tall stature strode across the basement floor towards me.

  “Did you really think you could hide with a pack of wolves?” The man asked. “My protégé only needed to watch for a while to figure out when to grab you. Though it took longer than I’d like.” The man’s face was stern and smug.

  “Who are you and what do you want from me?” I shot trying to sound confident and not terrified at all. I have to have faith that Charlie will find me.

  “You can call me Henry. And you Anastasia Keller are a fairy with great potential. Once your powers come in in two weeks, you are going to help me avenge my daughter and wife. After that, you and my protégé will be married, binding you to him for life. From there the three of us will eliminate those who try to get in our way of taking what we want.”

  “I think you're mistaken, I’m human. Ask Sal, he’ll tell you.” I babbled. I needed to act confused and shocked at this news. I was a bit, has this old man lost his damn mind? I’m not going to use my powers to he
lp him, especially on the fact that I was kidnapped.

  “Oh, I know who you are and who your family is. You come from a long line of fairies, and many with great powers. When you turn 18, you will have your powers and you will help me avenge my family.”

  “What happened to your family?” I tried to redirect this conversation. Taking control required getting him to talk more.

  “They were murdered by your grandfather.” He snarled.

  “Then how am I supposed to help avenge your family? Both my grandfathers died before I was born.”

  “I know that. But when you begin working for me alongside my protégé, you will begin to avenge my family by turning on yours.”

  “I’m not ever going to marry Sal. He needs to think that through.” I stated, tossing my hair behind my shoulders.

  “He was going to bring me you or your elf friend. I wanted to kill you, but you made him fall in love with you. So, I’ll just turn you and teach you how to use your powers to get what you want.” Henry snarled.

  “You’ve lost me old man. I don’t have any friends who are elves, and I’m not a fairy. I am 100% human. You're wasting your time here.”

  Henry narrowed his eyes at me. “You have a smart mouth.”

  “I’ve been told. You don’t scare me, and I know if Sal is your protégé, he won’t let you touch me.” I let out a small laugh. “For once, something good came out of Sal’s obsession with me.”

  Henry moved quickly, clearly, he was a wolf. His fist connected with my stomach, and then his open hand slapped me across the face. I tasted the metallic liquid fill my mouth upon impact. I spit my blood at him. Which made him growl. He knocked me back onto the bed with force. As soon as I hit the mattress, I didn’t bounce but the air in my lungs rushed out. I gasped for air watching Henry. “You’ll learn who is the alpha here.” He snarled then turned and walked away. I listened to his footsteps stomp up the stairs and the door open and slam shut.


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