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The Beta's Mate

Page 18

by Tanya Gilford

  Well, that was fun. Something about his story seemed odd to me. He wants me to avenge his family, but yet he’s an alpha? Why use Sal to do his job for him? This is actually the first time in over a year, I hope Sal comes down here. I needed to know what this guy’s true plans were and why Sal is working with him.

  “Charlie, can you hear me?” I tried, but heard nothing but dead air. I hope he’s looking for me and doesn’t think I ran off with Sal. I thought I saw a wolf chasing after us through the woods, but yet again I didn’t know who it was. If I ever make it out of this, I need to learn who’s who in wolf form. These mysterious powers could come in any second now. Please be ones that will actually help me get myself free from this chain on my ankle. I prayed to myself. I laid back down on the lumpy cold mattress. I am exhausted from that damn beating I took. I can feel my eyes growing heavy with every passing second.


  “Anne, you need to eat.” Sal’s deep voice woke me up as he wiped a cool rag over my face. I groaned and grimaced with pain as I opened my eyes. “I’m sorry Henry did this. He has a tempter when pushed.” He cooed as he kept wiping my face.

  I pushed his hand away. I looked him in the eyes as tears began to fill mine. “How could you do this to me Sal? What did I do to you to deserve this? You’re the one who broke up with me. I was devastated, I could eat, daily tasks were a struggle for six months after you ended it. How was I supposed to know you’d want me back? You promised me you’d love me forever and never leave me, and then you did?” I let the tears fall as I forced myself to ask him the questions, I wanted to ask him for so long. I don’t regret moving on with Charlie one bit, but Sal doesn’t need to hear that right now. If I can convince him that I’m still in love with him, maybe he’ll let me go, or at least unchain me.

  “Anne, there’s so much I can’t explain or tell you yet, but soon you’ll know the truth and understand why I did what I did.” Sal replied, handing me a tray with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on it and an apple. Great, this is all I get.

  “Can I at least have some water to wash it down with?” I asked. To my delight he handed me two bottles of water.

  “Anne, in time he will release you. When he does, you and I can be together like we’re meant to be. For now, try not to provoke him.”

  “Sal, what does he want from me? He keeps going on and on about me being a fairy. I’m a human, I thought fairies are those tiny things from Peter Pan.” I looked confused as I spoke. “Can you tell him he’s wrong?”

  “Anne, you are a fairy. I found the proof in my research of your family. Your dad had the power to heal others, your aunt has the ability to read minds and see the future, and your mom has the ability to grow things, just not children.” Sal explained somberly. “I know it’s hard to understand, but on your 18th birthday, you're going to use your abilities. Henry needs your help when your powers come in.”

  “If what you're saying is true, then how does he know what my abilities will be? How is he so sure that I’ll have more than one?” I pressed. Sal was telling me everything I needed to know, I just had to keep playing dumb.

  “Any fairy ability can be used to help. If you can heal like your dad, then you can help heal Henry’s heart and mind. If you have your aunt’s abilities, then you can grant him the answers he’s searching for. Everything else can be used like a weapon when taught how to use them properly. He taught me more about being a wolf than I found on my own.”

  “He called you his protégé but referred to himself as an alpha.”

  “He is an alpha, just his pack was attacked and most of the members were killed by elves. I went looking for more information about my birth parents and more information about being a werewolf when I found Henry. He took me under his wing and taught me what I needed to know about being a wolf. Together we tracked down the pack or what was left of my parent’s pack. I learned that they were killed when I was a pup, and when the human’s found me they brought me to the orphanage.” Sal continued to tell me his story.

  “So, he needs my powers to get avenge for his pack?” I questioned in surprise.

  “Yes. As you know a wolf’s pack is like their family. When they were killed, Henry was left devastated.”

  “How did you know about me?”

  “I met Henry when I was 14. It was the first time I shifted; I ran through the woods panicking. He saw me and explained what was happening to me and how to control it. He is my foster dad in the human world.” Sal explained. “Henry tracked down a few potentials.”

  “He said I have an elf friend.”

  “Debbie. He told me to become friends with her or you. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with you, Anne. My mission was to gain your trust, and get you to willingly help.”

  I stared at him blankly. Debbie is an elf? Henry must have hit me harder than I realized because I think I’m imagining things. I finished eating the sandwich and began eating the apple. The first bite made a crisp crunching sound as the tartness dripped onto my tongue. I sighed a little at how good it tasted. When I was finished, I placed the apple core on the tray and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand. I grabbed a bottle of water and drank it. “Umm. Where or how do I use the bathroom down here?” I was a bit embarrassed.

  “That chair with the bucket under it. The bucket has a lid to help with the smell, and I will empty it when I come down with each meal. You have toilet paper next to. I wish I could give you more, but Henry said I spoiled you enough with this living arrangement.” Sal gave me an apologizing look. He was serious, and clearly afraid of Henry.

  “Why are you doing this to me, Sal?” I pleaded again.

  “I don’t want to Anne, but you left me no choice. If you came with me willingly, you’d be locked in my bedroom. But you kept insisting that the other wolf is your mate, which means you can’t be trusted.”

  I reached out for him. I wondered if I could seduce him into thinking I wanted him, but my heart wasn’t in it. Even to save my life and avoid being chained to a floor with poor living conditions, I couldn’t bring myself to cheat on Charlie. Charlie is the only man I want to kiss, to touch my body, to be with me the rest of my life. I am Charlie’s mate, not Sal’s and this moment echoed this truth back to me. I dropped my hand into my lap and shifted on the mattress uneasily. My eyes fell to the floor in defeat. “I need to use the bathroom.” I mumbled more to the floor than to Sal. I really only wanted him to leave, but I also did need to pee.

  To my surprise Sal just nodded and stood up off the floor. He rested a hand on my shoulder, and whispered “I’m sorry Anne.” Then walked away and up the stairs. I sighed with relief. How long was I going to endure this torture?

  I used the make shift facility, then laid back down on the mattress again. I hope help comes soon, or my damn powers wake up inside me sooner than later. I can’t be held prisoner like this forever. I need to be with Charlie. My heart ached for him so much, to the point tears were streaking down my cheeks. “Please come get me soon. I miss you Charlie. I love you.” I tried the mind link again. No sense in giving up, even though it is only good for 100 yards Charlie explained. I can’t lose hope, or I’ll lose myself and I can’t let Henry win.



  I am running myself tired, but I keep pushing. Steve called us all back to regroup, but I didn’t listen. She’s my mate damn it, and I wasn’t there to help her when she needed me. I was trying to find out more information, instead of being with her. I can’t give up; I need to find her. If something happens to her, I’ll never forgive myself.

  “Charlie, you need to rest. Go home and regroup.” Steve called through my mind link.

  “Not until I know she’s safe. She’s my mate Steve, I can’t give up. I’m going to continue north. Have you heard from Paul?”

  “Yes, he’s still moving northeast. I’m going to head East. Justin is going south east, and Robby is going hanging back
with Sophie and Carol. Carol is making calls to see if she can’t get a lead on Sal. I’m worried about you man, you haven’t slept.”

  “I will in a few more miles. I just feel like I need to keep pushing forward a bit longer.” I replied as I whipped pass some more trees. I carefully approached a truck stop, ensuring to stay in the woods as I took a whiff. I keep hoping to find Anna’s scent at one of these to tell me I’m on the right track. Even that asshole’s scent would give me a reason to push on tonight, but unfortunately, I keep coming up empty.

  I’ve been going for almost 24 hours now, but I keep willing my wolf to search. I am exhausted, heartbroken and sore all over, but I need my mate. I can not rest easily until she’s safe in my arms where she belongs. Another hour of searching and coming up empty, I curled up at the base of a tree for a nap. I needed to rest and regroup.

  Chapter 17


  I woke up on this uncomfortable bed, shivering. If I don’t die from a beating, I’m going to freeze to death. I pushed myself into a sitting position on the mattress trying to look out the window near the ceiling. There was a good amount of light coming through the dingy glass, which told me that it was definitely past seven in the morning. My whole body was stiff from how hard and lumpy this mattress is. I pushed to my feet and made my way to the chair with the bucket. God this was degrading, and so unsanitary.

  I paced the floor as far as the chain would let me, waiting to hear that someone was here. When I heard no footsteps or noise on the floor overhead, I began pulling at the cuff around my ankle. I know I’m not strong enough to break a metal cuff, but I was also trying to summon my nonexistent powers to break me free.

  I heard footsteps approaching the door of the basement, so I stood up and moved as far from the mattress as I could with the chain. I need to show these asshole’s I’m not breaking. Sal came around the corner holding a packet of pop tarts and three bottles of water. He gave me a smile until I glowered at him. How does he think a smile will make me feel any better? I took the pop tarts from him as he set the bottles of water next to the bed. He picked the bucket up from under the chair and carried it back upstairs.

  I sat down on the lumpy mattress to eat my breakfast. I had to hand it to him, at least he remembered some of the food I like. He returned as I finished the pop tarts and placed the bucket back under the chair. He sighed and took a seat on the concrete floor in front of me. “How did you sleep?” He asked, reaching up to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear.

  “Let me think about that… How did I sleep? I’m chained to the damn floor by my leg, this mattress is the lumpiest thing I’d ever seen, it’s freezing down here with no heat, and I have no blanket to keep warm with.” I scoffed. “How did I sleep? Are you fucking kidding me Sal…? You kidnapped me and are keeping me prisoner in your basement for some fucked up reason. I doubt that old guy even remembers why he sent you after me. He told you one thing, and then told me a completely different reason.”

  Sal hushed me. “Keep your voice down. I really don’t want him to get angry and hit you again. I know this is tough for you, but after a while it’ll get better. I promise.”

  I sighed and shook my head. “The only way this will get better is if you let me go.”

  “I can’t do that Anne. I’m sorry.” Sal looked ashamed as he stood up and headed back upstairs.

  I groaned and began pulling at the damn cuff again. I’ll be damned if I don’t try. Why can’t these damn powers come in already? Ugh, I just need them enough to escape. I screamed in my head. I need to get out of here.

  Another couple of hours seemed to pass, but for all I know it probably was more like half an hour. I don’t have a clock, and I’m not good at telling time by the sun. Nevertheless I was exhausted. I barely slept last night, and I keep straining to break this stupid cuff. I laid down to sleep a little. No since in fighting it, who knows maybe I’ll develop my powers if I sleep. After all, my wings knocked me out for almost four days after I sprouted them.

  I woke up again sometime later. Sal must have come down again, because I had a throw blanket draped over me and a plate with another peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and an apple. Plus, another two bottles of water. I know Sal truly cares for me, but this Henry guy has him brainwashed. I happily drank two bottles of water before eating my sandwich and apple. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I took my first bite.

  When I was finished, I tossed the plate at the wall across the basement from me. I was pissed and needed to do something to show I’m still not happy with being held hostage. The door swung open and heavy footsteps came stomping down the stairs. Henry stopped at the bottom and looked at the pieces of the broken plate. He spun around on me with pure hatred in his eyes. “You're acting like a damn spoiled child. Why would you break my plate?” He spat at me.

  “I felt like it.” I snarled. I wish I had a better reason.

  “You felt like it?”

  “Yes, I felt like it. You keep lying Henry, and I will never help you especially if you won’t tell me the truth. Why am I here?” I needed to get his attention away from the broken plate and onto a more meaningful topic in my opinion.

  “You are going to help me. Your right, I did lie. I tried to seek your grandfather’s help, but he turned me away and it angered me. I attacked him, but he wounded me so I left. I knew I would need a younger fairy to help me. When I found Sal, and took him under my wind I used him to help me locate and know more about the potential helpers. You the fairy and your friend the elf. He proved a great resource to get close to you.”

  “What if I don’t have the powers you seek?” I asked.

  “I’m sure Sal explained to you that any power could help me, I just need you to use it the way I need you to.” Henry replied smugly.

  “And if I refuse to use my powers to help you?” I questioned, looking at him carefully. His hand came across my face again, and I stumbled towards the floor.

  “You will help me or I will beat you to death little girl. For now on, you get only a paper plate to eat off of.” He snarled before walking back up the stairs. “Inconsiderate, and ungrateful child. Why do I have to put up with such shit?” He continued to mumble to himself before he closed the door.

  I was left alone in silence. I touched my cheek where he slapped me and felt the sting. When I pulled my hand from my face, I saw the blood on my fingers. His slap broke the skin on my cheek. This is truly hell. I began tugging and pulling at the cuff. I’m beginning to see the pros and cons of breaking my ankle and trying to slip my foot out that way.

  I groaned again, “Okay body, now would be one hell of a time to develop the power to blow shit up or at least apart, or something.” I whispered to myself. “I need to get out of here.”

  I paced the floor for a while, trying to plan an escape out of this hell hole. If I manage to get this cuff off, then I can get up the stairs and then… I groaned when I realized I have no clue where the doors are in this place. There’s a lot of unknown variables in my escape plan and it didn’t help that I don’t know where anyone is sleeping upstairs either. The only thing I am sure about is that if by some sheer miracle I break this cuff off, I need to make my escape late at night. I may want to start training myself to sleep during the day so I can function enough to escape one of these nights.

  I sighed as I laid down on the lumpy mattress. I curled up with the throw blanket and willed myself to fall asleep. I tried thinking about Charlie and other happy things, but it only made me cry. “I love you Charlie.” I said through my mind link hopefully. I felt myself begin to drift off when I focused on the different powers I could potentially develop and the different ways I’d use them against Henry and Sal.



  I kept pushing on as I crossed the border into Nebraska. I have yet to find any traces of either of them, but I needed to keep going. Most of my pack is out searching for them, for her. My beautiful mate needs me.
br />   “Paul caught the wolf’s scent going north out of Missouri. Paul is going to head toward Iowa. Justin is turning back to the house, and I’m changing directions to move towards Paul’s last known location.” Steve’s voice sounded through my head.

  We found the asshole’s scent. Paul was going to need back up; Sal was moving towards Missouri. “I just crossed into Nebraska. I’ll let out a howl when I enter Iowa.” I replied back to Steve, turning east. The sun is beginning to set, but I have a new glimmer of hope to be reunited with my mate soon.



  I woke up again as the sun was setting outside the window. The door opened and someone began to descend down the stairs, and panic gripped my throat a little. I let out a little sigh of relief when I saw Sal come around the stairs. He carried a plastic bowl of what smelled like soup and two more bottles of water. He carefully handed me the bowl with a smile. “It’s chicken stew. It didn’t come out too bad for my first time cooking it. You upset Henry again.” He replied, grabbing my chin gently. “I need to talk to him about hitting you, it’s deeply troubling to me.”

  “Then let me go.” I stated looking him in the eyes. “If it’s troubling to you, then let me go and he won’t be able to hit me anymore.”

  “He’ll stop hitting you when you mind your tongue and stop acting like a bratty child.” Sal replied smugly.

  I gaped at him. Did he just call me a bratty child? Who does he think he is? I’m being fucking held against my will, chained to the floor, and they think I’m going to behave. He was just making my blood boil, so I glared at him and took a seat with the bowl of soup.

  It was room temperature so I could eat it with ease. When I was finished, I shoved the bowl back to him. “It was pretty good, but it won’t take away the fact that I’m your fucking prisoner, Sal!” I reminded him. “You're treating me like a criminal and calling me a bratty child. I’m sorry, am I supposed to thank you for keeping me chained to the floor of your basement against my will? Am I supposed to thank you for taking me away from my friends and family by force? What do you expect from me?”


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