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Cobalt Dragon (Dragon Guard of Drakkaris Book 5)

Page 13

by Terry Bolryder

  Cobalt tried to speak, but the muscles in his jaws were locked tight. Whatever Hora had used, it was a powerful paralytic. He couldn’t even feel his limbs or the beating of his own heart, let alone move his hands or feet to get up.

  With cold nonchalance, she stepped over the bodies of her minions, standing above Cobalt with wicked smugness. “Oh, how I waited for that escape artist of a human to cross the barrier surrounding your little mansion so I could spring my trap.”

  “What?” Cobalt murmured through grated teeth.

  “The little Houdini who managed to escape my prison. I used some of my best spells to track her. I figured she’d run from you just like she did from me. The second she left the safety of the oracle’s barrier, I came to find her.”

  “If you touch Sylvie, I swear…” Cobalt tried to glance to the side where Sylvie was hidden. But he saw no one there. Maybe she’d run for help. Or for safety.

  At that, Hora threw her head back, dark hair flipping in the midnight breeze as her vicious amusement filled the quiet evening.

  “Why would I care about a stupid human? I just knew one of you buffoons would come after her. Such idiot romantics. So predictable.”

  With ease, she grabbed Cobalt by the neck and dragged him over to where Chromium sat slumped over, still on his knees. She then unceremoniously hoisted him up so he too was on his knees on the ground next to his cousin.

  “No, I have no use for humans. Or wolves now. They pulled back due to all of the losses they’ve taken. Cowards, all of them. No, the only master race will be dragons, and I intend to do my part to make sure they take over the world. All I need is a male dragon. One I can use for my purposes.”

  Cobalt watched as Chromium’s eyes went wide as she lowered a clawed finger to his neck. Then, with a swift swipe, she cut open Chromium’s shirt, appraising him openly with corrupt hunger.

  Cobalt was next, his shirt cut open and torn aside as she looked down at them.

  “Hm… which fine specimen should I choose?” The tap, tap, tap of her foot on the cement sidewalk only added to the ominous air of the situation.

  The dragons at the house would still be fast asleep.

  “Take me, dragon bitch,” Chromium muttered beside Cobalt.

  Cobalt could see that Chromium was trying to fight the poison, but his efforts were useless.

  “Tempting… but I don’t think so.” Hora took another appraising glance at Chromium’s half-naked figure, then turned to Cobalt. “This one.” She leaned down to cup his chin, and he wished he could fight her fingers off. “You’ll be perfect.”

  “He has a mate, you evil—”

  “That’s why he’s perfect. Why hurt one person when you could hurt two?” She grinned. “It doesn’t hurt that you have the greatest knowledge of Drakkaris customs as its librarian.” She straightened, making a portal behind them with her hand. “You were too good for a human anyway. You should be glad I’ve saved you from a fate with a weak, lowly—”

  Hora shrieked as she suddenly stumbled forward, a long silver blade protruding through her chest, right at her heart. Her eyes bulged as she looked down. Then she let out another horrible shriek as she clawed at her chest, looking angry and disbelieving that anyone could have had the audacity to attack her at all.

  Something hit her in the back with a thump, and as she fell forward onto her knees and then her face, Sylvie was revealed, standing behind her.

  “Weak? Lowly? I’ll see you die before you touch my mate, you rapey dragon bitch.” Sylvie gave Hora another kick as she writhed and gurgled on the ground. Sylvie pulled the blade from her and then stabbed her again, this time pinning Hora to the ground.

  Sylvie crouched down and watched as Hora’s feeble movements slowly stopped. “That’ll keep you from kidnapping or trying to rape anyone else, you evil bitch.”

  Then she stood, brushing her hands off as if she’d just baked some rolls, and Cobalt and Chromium merely stared up at her in shock.

  “Thanks for the tip on wyvern poison,” Sylvie said, nudging Hora with her foot just to make sure she was done. “I wouldn’t usually approve of killing, but some people got to get got.”

  “Right,” Cobalt said, his mouth dry.

  “I mean, I don’t think I’ll get in trouble for ending an evil megalomaniac who was trying to take my mate.”

  Cobalt just nodded. It was still barely occurring to him that they were safe. That he wouldn’t have to go with Hora. That Sylvie was here and she hadn’t run.

  She didn’t even seem mad at him.

  “Did you say I’m your mate?” His jaw was finally loosening, and he was relieved to be able to talk, even if his body was still stuck in place.

  “What?” She looked at him wide-eyed, as if she’d just been caught, and a smile spread over Cobalt’s face.

  Chapter 16

  Sylvie fought the blush rising into her cheeks as Cobalt’s words hung in the air between them.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You called him your mate,” Chromium added unhelpfully, and she gave him a glare.

  She’d been so busy making and then executing a plot to take out the lady dragon that she hadn’t even been watching what she said.

  She only knew that she’d felt a feral, possessive rage throughout her entire being when she’d seen the bitch lay a hand on Cobalt.

  He was hers.

  No one else was to touch him.

  And she didn’t regret killing Hora. In the time she’d been captured, she’d heard enough about Hora to know that someone would have to condemn the bitch to death in order to stop her.

  And since she’d threatened to rape the most amazing person that Sylvie had ever known, the man that Sylvie was in love with, she was honored to be the one to make sure Hora was stopped.

  She hadn’t felt anything but rage and satisfaction as Hora had met her end.

  Chromium was looking at Hora’s body, now able to move his head. Sylvie knew it probably wouldn’t be long before the rest of the paralysis wore off, and she had some things to say before it did.

  The portal behind them slowly faded, much to her relief, and she stepped over Hora’s body to stand in front of the dragons.

  “So you thought I’d just leave, huh? Leave my friend and my mate and just run and save my own skin?”

  “It was dangerous,” Cobalt muttered. “I didn’t want anything to happen to you since you’re a human.”

  She crouched. “Oh yeah? Just a human?”

  Cobalt looked up at her, that infuriating grin on his face. “Not just a human. The best human I know. A precious human.”

  She felt her flush grow deeper and stood up, folding her arms. “If I’m going to stay around, there are going to be some new rules around here.”

  Chromium and Cobalt looked at each other, puzzled expressions on their faces.

  “First, no one is to touch you but me,” Sylvie explained, ticking her first demand off on her fingers. “You can’t let any other evil she-dragons touch you.”


  “Ah-ah, my turn to speak,” Sylvie said playfully, putting up her hand. “And you aren’t allowed to get jealous of Chromium. He just wants the best for you, and he was giving me help.”

  Cobalt nodded reluctantly. “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. My dragon isn’t as rational as I’d like sometimes.”

  She pursed her lips and paced, stopping in front of him again and putting her hands on his firm shoulders. God, she loved touching him. “And my last request? Love me forever. Don’t ever stop, or I’ll break. Because I love you so much.”

  She felt his paralysis break as he threw his arms around her, pulling her down and against him so tight she could barely breathe.

  “I could never stop loving you,” Cobalt said quietly, pressing his lips to her ear. “I was born to be by your side.”

  She closed her eyes, too touched by his words to speak, and heard Chromium clear his throat next to them.

ross. Save it for later.” He stood, trying to pull his shirt together and then giving up with a huff. But when he looked at the two of them, he couldn’t help giving them a smile. “I’m glad you two worked things out.”

  “Oh, we haven’t worked everything out yet, but we will.” She stood, reaching out a hand to pull Cobalt up with her, and he put a hand around her waist. “So I guess we should head back?”

  Cobalt groaned as he looked at the road leading back to the mansion. “Ugh, I guess we should probably get the others out here. Explain what happened with Hora.”

  Chromium closed his eyes for a moment and concentrated.

  “Hey,” Sylvie said. “This is no time to sleep—”

  “Wait,” Cobalt said, stopping her. “That’s not what he’s doing.”

  “I have the ability to communicate telepathically at a much greater range than other dragons,” Chromium said. “I got ahold of Zinc. The others should be coming soon.”

  They sat back down on the grass together and surveyed the large number of fallen wyverns around them.

  “Do you think I’m going to get in trouble?” Sylvie asked, leaning in against Cobalt. She felt so warm and safe against him, and she was never letting him out of her sight again.

  “I don’t think so,” Cobalt said. “Chromium and I are here to speak up for you if you are.”

  “I couldn’t let her take you,” Sylvie said. “And she was never going to stop. And I… I love you, Cobalt. I’d do anything for you. I know I ran, but I couldn’t really have left you. The second I left, I knew it was a mistake, that I wanted to be by your side. I was just being stupid, and Chromium helped me see I was wrong.”

  Chromium just nodded, picking absentmindedly at the grass. Nothing seemed to shake him.

  “You said I was your mate,” Cobalt said resolutely, and she laughed.

  “Is that all you heard? Are you even listening?”

  “I am, but that’s all that mattered. It’s all I’ve wanted since I met you, Sylvie. I’ve wanted you to be mine.”

  “Then I’ll mate you.” She leaned against him, and he tilted her head up for a kiss just as they heard the sound of beating wings overhead.

  Zinc and the other dragons landed in front of them with a thud, shaking the ground.

  Zinc walked forward, sword drawn, and surveyed the scene. “What happened here? Is everyone okay?” His eyes fell on Hora, lying still on the ground, and Sylvie thought she saw a flicker of triumph in his eyes. “You killed her?”

  “Sylvie did.”

  “Sorry,” Sylvie said. “But I couldn’t let her take Cobalt. Oh, and she wanted to take over the world. But all that really mattered was she wanted to take my world.”

  Zinc gave her a smile, looking between her and Cobalt. “I’m glad you two worked it out.”

  Cobalt ran a hand through his hair. “Did everyone know about us?”

  Zinc ignored that and just laughed, walking over to where Hora was lying and staring down at her with a solemn expression. “I guess that’s over, then.”

  Cobalt nodded. “She showed up with a bus full of wyverns. It was a trap. Hard to explain. I’ll talk to the oracle if you’re upset—”

  Zinc put up a hand, keeping his always-kingly demeanor. “I’m not upset. Hora tried to get my mate to roofie me. She was full of evil and would never have been stopped any other way.” He cocked his head and looked at Sylvie. “Though, I’m a little surprised it was a human that took her down.”

  “More like her own stupidity in underestimating me,” Sylvie said with a little huff. “She thought I was so far beneath her that she didn’t bother to watch her back. She thought I’d run. As if I’d leave my mate behind.” She let out a little snort. “She can suck dick in hell for all I care.”

  Zinc threw his head back in a laugh and then gave the order for the dragon guard to start cleaning up.

  “Are you going to call the oracle?” Cobalt asked.

  “No need,” a voice interrupted, and they turned to see a blue portal open with the oracle stepping through. She looked at Hora on the ground and then over at Cobalt and Sylvie.

  She folded her arms and cocked a curvy hip. “I don’t know why I even bother interfering in your choices of mates because you dragons just do whatever you want.”

  Cobalt shrugged. “Some things are just fated.”

  Sylvie nuzzled against him, sure that no one could ever come between them again. “Yup. He’s mine now. Sorry, oracle.”

  The oracle threw her hands in the air in frustration, but her eyes were definitely twinkling. “Who am I to argue with love?”

  Then she shook her head and walked over to join the other dragons.

  “I guess I should go help, too,” Chromium said, pushing to his feet.

  “Thanks,” Cobalt said, shaking his extended hand. “And don’t think I won’t want you around just because I have Sylvie. You’re still my best friend and an important part of my family.”

  Chromium stared off into the distance. “I know. But I have my own adventures to seek.”

  “That’s right,” Sylvie said, glaring at him suspiciously. “You never did say what you were doing out here.”

  “He was here when you got here?” Cobalt asked.

  Sylvie nodded.

  “Yeah, what were you doing?” Cobalt pursed his lips. “That’s not safe.”

  “Oh, look at the time,” Chromium said flatly. “Looks like I’d better head back to the mansion.”

  “Oh no you don’t,” Cobalt said, leaping after his cousin and grabbing his shirt. “Get back here and tell me what you were doing outside the mansion.”

  Chromium laughed and jerked out of his hold, and Sylvie couldn’t help smiling as she watched the two argue back and forth, ignoring the dragons dragging bodies around in the distance.

  It was chaotic and crazy here, and there would probably never be a dull moment. But her life here with her friends and her mate would also be full of hope and love.

  As Cobalt gave up on chasing Chromium and looked over at her, his blue eyes sparkling with love, she felt her heart swell to bursting.

  She’d finally found the place she was meant to stay.

  Chapter 17

  “Come on. You can hit harder than that.” Sylvie lowered the pads in disappointment. “I’m never going to be able to train you like this.”

  Cobalt raised an eyebrow, having soaked his tank top with sweat already during their workout and now from the exertion of pretending to punch hard while restraining himself so he didn’t hurt his mate.

  If he actually punched with all his strength, he was pretty sure the flimsy excuse for a pad she was holding up would do nothing to protect her.

  And protecting her was basically his life.

  “You know I can’t go full power with you,” he said, grabbing a towel and wiping off his face. It had been several days since she’d agreed to mate him, since she’d stuck a sword through Hora and ended her reign of destruction.

  The oracle had been in touch with the wolves, and a tenuous truce had been drawn—for now.

  That meant things were quiet, and aside from needing to still dig into the mystery of what Chromium was doing outside the mansion, Cobalt was pretty content with his life.

  More than content when it came to spending time with his mate.

  He’d promised Chromium he would just trust him for now. After all, Chromium was an apex predator among apex predators, and Cobalt really didn’t think he could come to any harm.

  He still couldn’t help worrying about his cousin slightly, though.

  “Hey,” Sylvie said, putting a hand up to his cheek. “Whatcha thinking about?”

  He put a hand over hers. “Sorry. Lost in thought.”

  “Is it about Chromium?”

  He nodded.

  “He’s going to be fine. Hell, now that things are working out in the shifter world a bit better, without Hora causing chaos, maybe the oracle will openly let dragons go out in the world.”

��That could be nice. We could have a honeymoon.”

  She shook her head. “No need.” Her hand moved down to his crotch, and he jumped as she lightly groped him. Possessiveness lit her eyes. “We can honeymoon whenever we want to, right here.”

  He laughed and moved her hand aside, pulling her into a hug. He loved his audacious mate. Loved the way she tried to surprise him, loved the way she often did.

  “I love you.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head, and she looked up at him with a soft expression.

  “I love you, too.”

  Then she grabbed his hand. “Now come on. If I can’t make a fighter out of you, we might as well skip to the good part and go take a shower.”

  Cobalt laughed, letting her drag him along. “The best part of your day is a shower?”

  She smiled at him mischievously. “When it’s with you, it is.”

  He disrobed and walked into the shower, starting the water running while he watched his mate change. “Oh dear, my back’s hurt. Sylvie, I think I’ll need you to come in.” His tone was teasing, and she narrowed her eyes at him in a glare.

  “Think you’re funny, huh, dragon?”

  He shrugged, letting water run over his bare shoulders, steaming hot already.

  She ran her small, pink tongue over her lower lip and looked him over, and he knew that despite her feisty attitude, there was no way she could resist. “So you’re injured, huh?”

  He laughed. “Yes. Very.”

  “Where?” She stepped in, utterly naked, curves gleaming with sweat and glowing from her workout. He pushed her short curls back.

  “I lied. I just said that to get you naked.”

  She ran her hands over his shoulders and down his waist, letting out a little growl. “I’ve taught you well, nerd.”

  He laughed and pulled her in close, then tilted her chin up and took her lips in a kiss, letting water soak both of them and steam swirl around, keeping them warm.


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