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Cobalt Dragon (Dragon Guard of Drakkaris Book 5)

Page 14

by Terry Bolryder

  When he pulled back, her expression was tender, her smile sweet. “I’m never going to get tired of you, dragon. Cobalt.”

  He loved the sound of his name on her lips. “Whatever you want to call me is fine as long as you’re mine.”

  She jumped up, knowing he’d catch her, and wrapped her thighs around his waist and her arms around his neck. “You know I am already.” She buried her head against his shoulder and gave him a little nip that sent a shudder down his spine. “Damn, you’re amazing. If I’d known you’d be like this, I think I would have pursued you even harder.”

  He leaned back to look down at her, one eyebrow cocked. “Really? You could have pursued harder?”

  She grumbled something under her breath.

  “What was that?”

  “I guess not.” She wriggled against him. “Take me, dragon.”

  He did, placing her carefully against the wall of the shower and holding her up, then entering her smoothly. They hadn’t had to use a condom since he explained to her that dragons didn’t need them since they couldn’t pass things to humans and pregnancy could only happen under very specific conditions.

  It was nice to have absolutely nothing between them.

  He bit down on her shoulder, just enough to satisfy the possessive urges in him and stifle the surge of pleasure that being inside her brought.

  Her nails dug into his shoulders. “So good, Cobalt. Don’t stop.” She worked against him, urging him to move, but he was in control now, and he would go as slow as he wanted.

  He slowly pulled out, making her groan, and then pushed back in. She bit her lip and sighed, and he began to kiss along her neck, her ear, as he kept moving slowly out and in.

  Her moans became more insistent as he bit and kissed at her sensitive flesh, keeping her tight against him as he showered love on every piece of skin he could reach. His body was on fire just from being with her, and he wanted her to feel the same.

  He could sense the tension rising in her, see her arching back against the wall as water splashed over her gorgeous breasts and perfect brown skin. He looked over her, thinking she couldn’t be any more flawless. Then he lowered his mouth to hers, sliding his tongue in insistently at the same time he was sheathed deep within her, and she came.

  She screamed against his lips, and he caught every bit of it, holding her as she writhed desperately, her clenching sex surrounding him on all sides.

  Moments like this were utterly priceless, and he wished these seconds of overwhelming pleasure could go on forever.

  She let out a hoarse sigh and slumped against him, pressing kisses to his neck and then kissing his mouth, already moving against him.

  He began to thrust harder, enjoying her moans against his lips, enjoying the trembling of her body as she fought her own release. He loved how sensitive she was, how much she reacted to every single motion. How she gave love so freely in his arms.

  “You demon,” she murmured against his lips. “You don’t know what you’re doing to me.”

  She was shaking slightly, and he put his cheek to hers, leaning against her and taking a break from thrusting for a moment.

  “No, I know exactly what I’m doing.” He pulled slowly back, then came forward, inch by agonizingly slow inch. “I’m going to make you come.”

  And then he slid in, bringing them so tightly together they felt like one being, and she screamed out his name and arched in his arms.

  “Cobalt, Cobalt.” She almost sounded as if she was sobbing as her body tensed around him, and she moved rhythmically in his arms.

  He pressed her back harder, left one hand to support her, and then used the other to gently stroke the side of her face. “I love when you call my name.”

  “Egomaniac,” she choked out. “Nerd.” She threw her arms around him. “Mine.”

  “Yours.” He nodded, beginning to move again, holding her with both hands under her thighs because she was starting to tremble from exhaustion, both from the workout and what he was doing to her body right now. “And you’re mine. Forever.”

  “Forever.” She nodded. “Whatever you want. Just come with me this time.”

  So he did, working them both to the point of nearly insane tension and then waiting for her to tip over the edge in shuddering ecstasy before joining her there himself.

  As he held her, calling her name and hearing his in response, he knew that nothing could ever be this perfect. Until their next moment… and the next… and the next.

  All his life, he’d been searching—for more knowledge, for more stories, for the books that would complete his journey and give him that thing that had always been eluding his grasp.

  Now that he had Sylvie, he knew he was done searching. He would always be learning, always a curious dragon, but he’d found the knowledge that mattered most of all. The only fact that was worth holding his mind.

  Sylvie was his for eternity, and he couldn’t wait to write the endless story of their love together.

  I hope you enjoyed Cobalt and Sylvie’s story. If you enjoyed it, I hope you’ll give it a review to help other readers find it.

  Thanks again so much for your support! I always know I have the best readers.



  Sign up for my newsletter for announcements on new Dragon releases! Chromium’s story is coming up soon!

  Boxed set for Rent-A-Dragon!

  I decided to release a limited boxed set of my popular Rent-A-Dragon series, with all three books for only .99. Hope you enjoy!

  Rent-A-Dragon Box Set

  Sample on the next page:

  Rent-A-Dragon Boxed Set

  “Can I get the next round for you?”

  Liam Steel looked with odd curiosity at the sound of a woman’s voice as she took the stool next to him at the bar.

  All around him, noises of glasses clinking and people talking created a dull roar that filled the room. Behind him, his two crew mates, Magnus and Titus, practically filled the booth they sat in.

  Titus was ignoring furtive glances from a group of women at a nearby table and Magnus was busy disassembling his smartphone for the umpteenth time.

  Liam took in the scent of the woman as she scooted ever-so-closer, just enough for her body to graze his. But as attractive as she probably was, with long, straight hair and full, red lips, Liam didn’t feel much except slight annoyance.

  Undeterred by his response, or lack thereof, the woman put several bills on the bar in front of him.

  “I’ll have whatever he’s having. And get another for my friend here,” she said, her perky voice an odd contrast with the sounds of late-night drunkenness.

  Liam’s eyes narrowed slightly. A woman buying a man his drink? Ridiculous.

  What had the world come to since he and his crew had been frozen at the bottom of the sea?

  With a thump that shook the wood of the bar, Liam plopped his hand down on the money in front of them and pushed it back in front of the woman, who looked up in surprise. Even though he didn’t want to hear her thoughts, he could certainly feel disappointment coming from her at his not-so-subtle rejection.

  “Don’t bother. I’m not looking for company.”

  “Come on. Big, strong guy like you, sitting alone in a bar like this. Don’t tell me you just came here to drink,” she said, smiling through the dismissal as she put an arm around his and ran her hand appreciatively up his muscles.

  “That’s exactly why I came here,” Liam replied nonchalantly. The more she touched him, the more he was certain.

  This woman was not his mate.

  And after months of searching, he was becoming increasingly skeptical of the possibility he and his crew would indeed find their mates as hoped.

  When Liam didn’t respond to the woman’s pouty look, she got the hint and slid off the stool. But he couldn’t help but notice the one last, long glance she gave over her shoulder, accompanied by a sigh of apparent lust or longing, before she found a new s
eat by herself at the opposite end of the bar.

  That was mean, Liam could hear Magnus’s voice in his head, eager and inquisitive as always. Why not give her a chance?

  Unlike modern dragons, who could share thoughts for the most part only when they were together, Liam and his crew mates shared an almost inseparable mental connection that could span long distances.

  Why do you think? Liam replied.

  He’d learned pretty quickly that if you didn’t make your point strong and quick, women got ideas. And he wasn’t here to lead people on.

  He was here to find his mate.

  Just because she’s not your mate doesn’t mean you couldn’t have a little fun, Magnus replied.

  Oh really? Then why don’t you go talk to her or any other women instead of playing doctor on that damn phone of yours?

  Magnus’s silence said everything.

  He went back to fiddling with his phone, pale, light green-blue eyes focused, dark reddish-brown, shoulder-length hair tied back low with a few strands escaping around his face.

  Titus sat next to him, his wheat-blond hair trailing down is back in a long braid. His firm jaw was shaded with stubble, his expression somber as he stared down at his drink.

  No one was saying it, but his crew was losing hope.

  No one knew how long they’d been locked in ice before the oracle had found and revived them. But Liam knew for sure that neither time nor space had diminished their longing to find their fated companions.

  Do you actually think they’re out there? Titus’s deep voice resounded in Liam’s mind as icy blue eyes met his.

  Our mates? Liam replied.

  Yes. Our mates.

  Liam tried to think of a meaningful response. Something inspiring that would raise the spirits of his crew. But before he could, a disturbance at the bar broke his focus.

  “No,” said a familiar voice to his right.

  Liam turned to see the woman from earlier no longer by herself, a man standing next to her. His glazed eyes were drunk and mean, and the little blonde clearly didn’t want whatever he offered.

  “You asked that other guy out and he said no already. So I think you should give me a chance,” the drunken man said, speech slurred. His unkempt hair didn’t add to his appeal. The bartender brought up another round for Liam, but he hardly even noticed; he was so focused.

  “No, because I’m not interested, you creep,” she said, waving the man away and turning back to ignore him.

  Captain? That was Titus, leaning forward, icy eyes narrowed. Despite his giant size, Titus was often the gentlest and keenly aware of things like this.

  Suddenly, the man grabbed the woman’s wrist and yanked it backward, pulling her to him.

  “Now look here, you little slut—”

  Liam didn’t even hear the rest of his words as he pushed off the bar and cleared the distance between himself and the woman in two steps.

  “Hey,” Liam said forcefully, loud enough to get the man’s attention, but hopefully not loud enough to make a scene.

  “What do you wa—” the man started to say, turning to face Liam, before being interrupted by Liam’s fist driving into his face like a hammer on steel.

  The man flew backward, ricocheting off the bar and into a pile of stools and splintered wood.

  Just because Liam wasn’t interested in the woman didn’t mean he was going to sit idly by while other men took liberties they had no right to take.

  Nice one, Captain, Magnus thought.

  But as Liam turned to go back to his drink, hopeful no one was paying attention, he saw a group of men get up from a nearby table and approach him, cracking their knuckles and rolling up shirt sleeves.

  Company. Shit, Liam thought.

  “Hey, he was just asking her out,” one man said, clearly a friend of the creep who had just been dished a deserved beat down.

  “He wasn’t hurting anybody,” another blurted out as they circled around Liam.

  Despite being various degrees of drunk and smelly, the men were all on the large side and certainly would have been an intimidating sight for any normal human. But dragons, especially the metal dragons, were made for fighting.

  This would be child’s play.

  Want a hand? Titus asked.

  What he really means is ‘can I come, too?’ Magnus clarified with a grin.

  No, I’ve got it, Liam said.

  The first man came at him without warning, swinging a meaty fist at Liam’s face. Liam stepped effortlessly to the side, then grabbed the man by the back of his head and slammed it into the bar, making the mugs and glasses jump and rattle from the impact before the man slumped onto the ground.

  Two more came at him, one grabbing a nearby beer bottle and breaking it to create a makeshift weapon as they charged.

  Glass. How pathetic.

  Liam just kicked the first in the gut as he came forward, sending him flying back into the table they had come from and upturning it. The second, with the broken bottle in his hand, he grabbed by the wrist, then punched him hard in the nose. With a loud crack, the man tripped backward, then crumpled onto the ground as he held his face.

  But as the rest of them all lurched forward in unison, Liam became vaguely aware of a thin, green mist in the air, filling the room like tinted cigarette smoke as he punched faces and crushed bar furniture on the attackers. And with that came an odd sensation at the back of his neck, tingling like a bug crawling on skin, a sixth-sense sort of insight into something ominous and nearby.

  “Everyone stop!” a man’s voice shouted into the room, commanding and incredibly pissed off.

  All at once, everything stopped, as if the entire world had been frozen in time. Liam’s muscles all froze, his fist mere inches from a guy’s cheekbone.

  Conversations stopped mid-sentence. Raised glasses poured their contents all over their unmoving, non-drinking owners. Everyone stayed in place, unable to speak or shift even slightly.

  And out of the corner of Liam’s eye, he saw a tall, blond man come through the door to the bar, striding like a pompous asshole and glaring furiously with piercing green eyes.

  Dammit, the emerald dragon had found them.

  The fun was over.

  Aegis, the emerald dragon, cursed the day he’d agreed to take this assignment and watch over the metal dragons as they adjusted to society.

  He paced angrily in his office, fuming with rage, and stopped only when he heard a loud knock at the door.

  “Come in,” he said sharply, ready to punch whoever came through the door first.

  Especially if it was Liam.

  Aegis should never have had to track the metal dragons down, only to find their leader brawling like a maniac with a group of human men.

  Magnus had tried to explain their captain had only been doing it to protect a woman being harangued by some drunkard, but that didn’t change the fact that Aegis had needed to use his powers to stop the fight and later erase everyone’s memories of the occurrence.

  Which he wouldn’t have had to do if they hadn’t been there in the first place.

  The door opened and the citrine dragon, with his long brown hair, champagne-colored eyes, and infuriatingly calm demeanor, walked in, taking a seat by the door.

  A second later, Aegis’s mate, the opal dragon, with her long black hair and shimmering beauty, glided in after him.

  Aegis felt his blood pressure drop a few degrees, if only for the sake of not throwing a temper tantrum in front of his wife.

  “You know, you’ve got to stop erasing people’s memories like that,” Citrine said coolly, as if commenting on the weather. “It’s dangerous.”

  “What did you expect me to do? The metal dragons were acting like Neanderthals again.” Aegis fumed, pacing again.

  Opal, who had made herself comfortable in the oversized leather chair at the head of Aegis’s desk, just watched him, both concern and amusement in her gaze as he walked in circles.

  “Aegis, you’ve got to stop worrying
so much,” she said, the sound of her voice more soothing than any earthly food or drink.

  “Worried? Ha, I’m not worried. I’m angry. Angry with these miscreant dragons. Angry with the oracle for putting me up to this charade. Angry that we haven’t been able to make progress on the mission we’ve been given.”

  At that, Opal stood and took one of his hands in both of hers, her soft skin sending calm surging through him.

  “You can’t control everything, you know,” she said with a light giggle, the sound charming and a strong reminder of just how lucky he was to have her.

  “Yes, I can. And I will,” Aegis insisted.

  “Very well. But in the meantime, have a seat.”

  At her command, Aegis plopped himself into a chair, and Opal took another seat beside him.

  “Have there been any updates from the oracle lately?” he asked.

  “None,” Citrine said flatly. “She’s still dealing with things on Pride Island. And with the gem dragons working closely with the regional dragon teams and local shifter groups, things are pretty quiet out here right now.”

  “Which means all we have to worry about is finding mates for the metal dragons,” Opal added.

  Aegis was starting to lose hope. The Oracle had trusted Liam and his crew so much that she hadn’t even collared them as she had Aegis and his counterparts. And at first, they’d tried letting the crew have total freedom. But one too many incidents had occurred, so Aegis ordered they be sequestered at the castle.

  But there had to be some way to help the damn dragons find their mates so they would aid humanity in the fight against evil. Some way without endangering humans and without revealing their identities as dragons.

  Reading his mind, Opal offered a suggestion. “How about using a dating service?”

  “Too risky. We can’t have their faces and information online somewhere public,” Aegis replied, thinking it out.

  “How about setting them up as chaperones for hire or something?”

  “Liam and his crew as male escorts? Kill me now,” Aegis said, tasting bile at the back of his throat.


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