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Melting Her Wolf's Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 9)

Page 12

by Vella Day

  “You said they didn’t recognize you,” Devon said, worry sinking into his gut.

  “I don’t think they did, but perhaps they believed their invisible mystery woman might be around.” She held up a finger. “The Vinea of old would have tried that misdirect.”

  He had to hand it to her; she was trying to help them. “They didn’t mention any other place?”

  “No, but I’d make sure the police beef up surveillance all around town. There have to be other places that have a sizeable amount of cash.”

  Devon addressed Connor. “Can Jackson use his drone to do some surveillance, not only on Saturday but each day this week? We might be able to see them checking out different places.”

  “That’s a good idea.” Connor nodded at Vinea. “Thank you.”

  She smiled warily. “Any time.”

  Devon pushed back his chair. “How about coming to my office with me? I’m sure Connor has work to do.”


  There was something about her rushing over to see him that had his juices flowing, along with a few other body parts standing at attention.

  Told you, his wolf shouted with way too much cheer, but this time Devon was willing to admit he’d been wrong.

  “Have you eaten?” he asked as he escorted her inside his inner sanctum.

  “No. I came straight from work. I figured we couldn’t afford to waste time.”

  He liked the we. “Would you like to have dinner at my place?”

  “Is Androf evil?”

  He laughed. “How about I order something to go, pick it up, and take it back to the guesthouse? You can meet me there in say an hour, unless you’d like to come with me?”

  “Not if there’s a chance someone could see us together.”

  “You’re right.” Being this close to her was really messing with his ability to think.

  “Besides, I need to check if I have heat,” she said.

  “If you don’t, pack a bag.”

  Vinea clasped his arm, and the heat from her touch seared him. “Only if you let me sleep on the couch. I don’t want to take your bed away from you for two nights in a row.”

  “Ain’t going to happen, Goddess Lady.” He tapped her nose. She must have no idea that his protective sensors were now in high gear.

  “We can discuss it later. I’ll see you in an hour.” She winked.

  With a quick nod, she was gone. Her ability to disappear like that was so awesome. Too bad it was such a dangerous talent. Even Vinea didn’t know the extent of her capabilities or whether she was still immortal. Now that he’d found his mate, he wasn’t going to let her go.

  He stopped back at Connor’s office and knocked. “I’m heading out.”

  “Hot date with Vinea?” Connor sounded snarky.

  “Actually yes, asshole. I invited her to my place. I’m picking up something to eat. She was the one who suggested we not be seen together since she doesn’t want to draw attention to McKinnon and Associates.” He studied his brother. “You could work on not being such a stubborn dick. I realize you want to protect me, but I got this. Just try to give her a chance, please. For me?”

  His brother’s eyes closed for a second as he exhaled loudly. “I’m glad she’s being careful.”

  “Me too.”

  “By the way, I talked with Kalan. He said the sheriff’s department wouldn’t be able to spare any more men to stake out other potential targets, but they will be ready Saturday night at the Lake Steakhouse.”

  “Which means it’s up to us to help.”

  “Looks that way.”

  Devon left and headed straight to the restaurant. Before he went inside and ordered food, he walked around the perimeter to see where the Changelings would most likely enter. If they intended to rob the place after closing, the only viable entry point would be the back entrance. Instead of breaking down the door, all they had to do was wait for the owner to leave with the cash and attack.

  Devon would have to ask if Jackson could string up some extra surveillance cameras around the restaurant. Tomorrow, his team would discuss other possible targets. If the Lake Steakhouse was a diversion, they needed to be ready.

  Once Devon understood the logistics of the place, he went inside and ordered two take out dinners. If Vinea didn’t like the steak, he’d give her his lasagna.

  Once his order was ready, he drove home, careful to check his rear view mirror. He wouldn’t be surprised if the Changelings decided to create some chaos by attacking a McKinnon. Devon had to make sure that if they came after him, he could keep Vinea safe.

  Chapter Thirteen


  When Vinea arrived at her place, the heat still wasn’t on. Dang. After checking the front door, she found a note from the landlord stating the new furnace would be delivered in a few days. He apologized for the inconvenience but said nothing about discounting her rent. For a moment, the image of a demon appeared, but she quickly dismissed that unpleasant thought.

  There was a silver lining. It gave her an excuse to be with Devon once more. For that, she should probably thank the man. If her heater hadn’t died, her landlord wouldn’t have been able to provide an alibi for her the night Brother Jacob took her form. Whether Devon would have believed she hadn’t had a drink with John Ernst without her proof was anyone’s guess.

  Trying to adapt to the human lifestyle, Vinea packed some clothes instead of swiping her hand over the suitcase to create them. She then headed over to Devon’s. If she happened to arrive before him, she didn’t think he’d mind if she made herself comfortable. Staying in the chilly trailer just wasn’t fun.

  One second later, she was in Devon’s wonderful house—or rather his parents’ guesthouse. He wasn’t there yet, but that suited her fine. While the fireplace didn’t look as if it had been used in a while, there was a pile of wood stacked next to it. She might never have lit a fire with matches before, but there was a first time for everything. It wasn’t as if she hadn’t watched Slater build a fire or two when EmmaLee had invited her to a few parties at his place.

  Vinea stacked the wood on the grate, stuffed paper underneath it, and lit it. The flames flared, heating the area within a few feet of the fireplace. Sadly, within minutes the fire died without igniting the logs. Determined to conquer fire making, she tried again, only this time, she added a bit of magic. Her ability to shoot fire from her fingertips was almost useless, but it would light the paper and maybe even the logs. To her delight, she had a roaring fire going in less than five minutes. Success! It gave her a warm and happy feeling each time she used her talents for the good now.

  The roar of an engine came to a halt outside the house, and Vinea jumped up. Devon was here. As much as she wanted to rush out and greet him, she didn’t need any Changelings seeing her pop out of his house. If they were spying on them, they’d have to wonder where the inside light was coming from now that Devon was just arriving home.

  However, since the Changelings didn’t like coming anywhere near Silver Lake because the pink quartz weakened them, most likely they were safe from their prying eyes.

  The door burst open and Devon rushed in. “Looks like it’s going to snow,” he said as he wiped his feet on the doormat and then set a large bag on the dining room table. Unzipping his coat, he looked over at the fireplace. “I trust the heater didn’t arrive?”


  “I’m sorry.” He nodded at her handiwork. “Nice fire.”

  “Thanks. It’s my first.” His brows rose and then a small smile lit his face. He was so handsome.

  “Impressive. You’re adapting to regular life quite well, I see.”

  She smiled. “I’m trying, but sometimes even simple things are a challenge.”

  “Like what?”

  Like lighting a fire without magic. “The first time I came to your realm, I had to learn how to drive a car. I couldn’t just appear and disappear all the time. That would have caused a stir.”

  Devon chuckled. He stepped over to th
e delicious smelling food and unpacked it. “You had no one to teach you?”

  She shook her head. “No. The gods from the dark realm aren’t exactly nurturing. We do have powers to help us, but sometimes they aren’t enough.”

  “Come on over and eat, and you can tell me more. Care for some wine?”

  “I’d love some.”

  The wine might help Devon relax, and maybe she could snatch another kiss. The remembrance of the last one they shared still made her body tingle.

  Devon located two glasses and poured the wine. “I’ve been thinking,” he said. “For the next few days, I want you to stay here—at least until after whatever the Changelings are planning has passed, and we know there isn’t a threat to you anymore.”

  Her pulse soared. She’d love nothing better. Vinea studied him, trying to detect his motive. Did he want her to stay because he didn’t trust her to do something or because he wanted to keep her safe? “I’d like that, but if I’m here, I want to help.”


  She smiled. “Afraid I might be harmed?”

  “As a matter of fact yes. If they kidnapped you, who do you think would have to save you?”

  Her smile faltered as an ache stabbed her gut. “What, you don’t want to be inconvenienced?” She tried to keep her tone light, but she suspected she failed.

  “It wouldn’t be an inconvenience as you so politely put it. Being kidnapped would be frightening for you, not to mention potentially harmful.” He opened the two meals. “Steak or lasagna?”

  “You’re not very good at changing the subject. Since you asked, how about we split both?”

  “That works.”

  She remained quiet while he divided the food, wanting to give him the chance to understand his own motivations.

  Once seated, Devon handed her the plate. “Do you want to know why I have this need to protect you?”

  He had a need? This had potential. “I do.”

  “I’ve been going crazy from the first moment you walked into that bar in Vermont. This time, since you’ve returned here, my wolf has been out of sorts, demanding that I believe you.”

  “Smart wolf.” Dare she hope he recognized they were mates? Her pulse soared. “I’ll admit that when I first saw you, I was instantly attracted to you too, but being my evil self, I didn’t understand what those urges meant.”

  His eyes widened. “Do you know why now?” He stabbed a forkful of lasagna and ate it in one gulp.

  She sipped her wine to give herself a moment to think. “Yes. For lack of a better word, it’s called lust. Before I was cleansed, I only used sex as a means to an end. I never really felt anything. I was filled with too much bitterness and hate. Just so you know I’ve faked every climax I’ve ever had.”

  His whole face fell. “Really?”

  “I’m pathetic, I know. I’m guessing that in order to have a real climax, I’d have to care about the person I’m with. Until six months ago, I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to emotionally give myself to anyone.” After she was cleansed, she realized Devon was her mate and that prompted her to keep from committing to anyone. She tasted the lasagna and inwardly groaned at the divine taste.

  He whistled. “That must have been tough.”

  “It was.”

  “After you were cleansed, did you feel the same about me?”

  Vinea pointed a fork at him. “I want to hear your side of the story before I tell you mine. After all, you started it.”

  He stuffed a large chunk of steak in his mouth and chewed slowly. “Fair enough.” He blew out a breath. “Before I was aware that you were this evil goddess, I was highly intrigued by you. But you knew that.”

  “I suspected it.”

  “Even after I saw you floating over Sam, I refused to believe that the feelings I had for you were based on nothing.”

  Vinea reached across the table and placed her hand on his. “It was based on something.” Clearly, Devon was having a hard time telling her what she was sure he wanted to say. So she decided to make it easy on him. “You believed I was your mate, right?”

  His eyes widened, and his jaw tightened. “You’re a witch too, aren’t you?”

  She laughed. “No, but I can see the signs. Your eyes often turn amber when I’m near. I also didn’t miss how your nails sharpened, and your hair sprouted the day I returned to your office.”

  “Your back was to me. How could you tell?”

  She shrugged then smiled. “I’m not giving away all of my secrets.”

  He leaned back, acting as if a huge weight had been removed from his shoulders. “What are you saying? That I was right in thinking we’re mates, or that the whole concept is ridiculous because you’re a goddess?”

  “That you were right in thinking we are mates. Mentally, you’re having a hard time believing it though—and rightfully so. After all I was a dark realm goddess.”

  “That’s true.”

  “So what are we going to do about it?” she asked. Vinea was pleased by her calm delivery despite her heart pounding away faster than a hummingbird’s wings.

  “How about I show you?”

  He pulled her to her feet, wrapped his arms around her waist, and sealed his lips over hers. Between the pressure and his strong, woodsy scent, it was as if he’d poured liquid joy into her, and at that moment, Vinea was convinced that she’d been returned to the light realm.

  Goddess, but she wanted him so fucking bad, but she needed him to make the first move. The last thing she wanted was for him to say she’d seduced him and put some kind of spell on him—as if she could.

  Devon groaned, and his hands lowered to her rear, pressing her against his hard erection. Take me. And hurry. What she wouldn’t give to have a telepathic link with him right now.

  When Devon deepened the kiss, Vinea could no longer hold back, and she ran her tongue along the seam, begging for entrance. Devon opened up, and it was as if she was once more at the bottom of the lake, drinking in the love and acceptance. Her muscles sagged, and her head swam with endorphins. Their tongues twisted, and as fire swept through her body, she couldn’t tell where hers left off and his began.

  He broke the kiss and jumped back. “Where did you go?” he asked.

  She hadn’t gone anywhere, but when Vinea looked down, she wasn’t there. Oh, shit. She dragged her hands down his back, and he jerked. A second later she reappeared again. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Why was he angry? “Yes, I’m sure. I was so excited that I just disappeared.”

  His faced softened. “You were excited?”

  “Of course I was. Being with you felt so right that I completely relaxed; my mind floated and my power just did its own thing. For the first time in my life, I totally lost control. That’s what you do to me.”

  Devon grinned. “I see.” He then sobered. “Can you warn me next time?”

  “If I could, I would.”

  Devon moved closer and stroked her face. “I guess I need to be a little less passionate. I like being able to see you.”

  “Don’t you dare give me anything less than your full attention. I want all of you—heart, body, and soul.” With a sweep of her hand, she disrobed him.

  His eyes widened as he looked down at his naked form. “Whoa. I knew you could do that with your clothes, but I didn’t know I was fair game.”

  Vinea giggled. “I didn’t know either.” But she was very glad that she could do it.

  While she had seen him naked once before by the lake—before the cleansing—he was far more magnificent than she remembered. Slim hipped, his waist flared outward to form a broad chest and muscled shoulders. What was happening below the waist wasn’t something she could describe—other than he was other-realm worthy.

  Devon stepped closer. “If you’re going to play dirty then so will I.”

  She was hoping he’d say that. “What are you going to do, wolf man?”

  He laughed. “From the firs
t moment I met you, I thought you’d be a challenge for any man. And I was right.”

  Vinea kicked off her boots. “Will you do the honors of taking off the rest of my clothes?”

  “I can’t think of anything better.” Instead of unbuttoning her shirt, he rubbed his chin. “Hmm. I need to decide what will torment you the most. Should I make slow love to each piece of clothing, or strip you naked and eat you until you scream my name?”

  Vinea’s knees lost strength at those fabulous sounding promises. His words were balms to all the hurt hurled at her for centuries, and she ran a finger down his chest. “Why would you want to torment me? I thought you liked me.”

  “Oh, I like you all right, but you are a wild woman who needs to be tamed.”

  “Is that so? And you’re going to be the one to tame me?” She lifted her chin and then nipped his bottom lip.

  “Absolutely.” Devon stepped back, grabbed a hold of her button-down shirt with both hands, and ripped it open, the buttons pinging on the floor. “Just to set the record straight, taking off a man’s clothes without his permission has consequences.” He dragged his gaze up and down her body.

  “Like ripping mine off?” She wasn’t upset at all. Seeing Devon cut loose like this was such a high.


  Excitement sizzled inside her, and she grabbed his cock. “This calls for my big guns. I wonder if I can make you shift?”

  “If I let my wolf have his way, he’d be baying at the moon right now.”

  She laughed. “I’d like to see that.”

  “Keep looking so fucking sexy and you just might.” Devon slipped the torn shirt from her shoulders and let it drop to the ground. Keeping his gaze on her face, he unhooked her bra.

  In return, she squeezed his cock to let him know how much she enjoyed what he was doing. Devon’s teeth sharpened, and the growth on his face thickened. Yes! When he growled from deep within his chest, she let go. “I thought you could control your wolf?”

  She loved challenging him, but she hadn’t meant it when she said she’d like to see him in his animal form—at least not now.

  “I thought so too, but you’ve put your spell on us once more.”


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