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Melting Her Wolf's Heart: A Hot Paranormal Fantasy Saga with Witches, Werewolves, and Werebears (Weres and Witches of Silver Lake Book 9)

Page 13

by Vella Day

  “Have I?” Let him think that. In actuality, she had no magical abilities when it came to that kind of witchcraft.

  Devon moved closer until his lips were inches from her mouth. With his gaze transfixed on her eyes, he lowered the straps and let the bra join her torn shirt. He sucked in a breath. “You are more beautiful than I imagined.”

  Joy shot through her at his words. Over the ages, men had always told her how sexy she was, but none of their words had any effect on her. Only Devon’s did. Her nipples hardened under his scrutiny, and heat swamped her core.

  “Want to lick them?” she asked with as much innocence as she could muster.

  He groaned. “I want to do more than that, but it’s a good start. He moved the dining room chair out of the way and backed her up until her butt hit the table. Grabbing her shoulders, he leaned over and kissed her again. This time, he took control, and when he demanded entrance into her mouth, she gladly granted it to him. Vinea wrapped her arms around his waist then ran her palms up his corded back. He cupped her face and held her so tight it was as if he was afraid she’d slip away again. He didn’t have to worry. Leaving him was the last thing she desired.

  He made tiny strokes with his tongue, drawing out every ounce of passion from her body, swamping her with the strongest of yearnings. She couldn’t get enough of him. Devon had been in her dreams for months, and now that he was here in person, she never wanted to break the contact.

  His hands left her face and found the button on her jeans. With amazing efficiency, he had the waistband undone and managed to tug down both her pants and panties without breaking their lip seal. Anticipation soared through her. They would finally make love, and she couldn’t wait.

  Devon was the one to move back. He then dropped to his knees. “Step out of these.”

  She held onto his shoulders and did as he asked. Now naked, she suddenly felt vulnerable. When sex had been a way to get what she wanted, being naked had meant nothing. Now that she wanted to please him, Vinea feared she would fail.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Devon was beside himself with lust and desire. He’d never met anyone as alluring and enticing as Vinea, and as much as he wanted to sink his cock into her, balls deep, he had to make her first experience more than just pleasurable. If she’d never climaxed, he had to take it slow. The problem was that he wasn’t sure he could keep his damn wolf at bay.

  Burying his face between her legs, his animal growled then scratched and kicked for release.

  Don’t you dare show your face, he warned. If you want her in our lives, behave.

  All he received in response was a whine.

  Vinea widened her legs and draped one leg over his shoulder, giving Devon better access. He inwardly groaned at the divine feast before him. One inhale sent him into a spiral of total bliss, and the first lick had his cock so hard and his balls so tight, he groaned in pain. Vinea grabbed his shoulder and responded with an equally powerful moan.

  “That feels so amazing. Don’t stop, please,” she whispered.

  Her breathless reply jacked up his libido even more. With each flick of her tiny nub, her sex perfumed the air, and her excited gasps pulsed pleasure through him.

  “Do you want something bigger?” he asked.

  Her fingernails dug into his shoulder. “Fuck yes I do.”

  When he slipped two fingers into her wet opening, she stood on her toes and cried out. Her leg nearly gave way, and Devon reached up, grabbing her waist to steady her. Once her leg slipped from his shoulder, he slowly lifted her back onto the table.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  Her eyelids fluttered. “What happened?”

  He wasn’t sure how to answer that. “What do you mean? Did you feel something?”

  “One minute I was holding onto your shoulder and the next it was as if I was floating on a cloud.”

  Devon couldn’t help but smile. “I think you might have had your first climax.”

  She stroked his face. “I’ve never felt anything so wonderful in my life.”

  “I hope I can transport you there again, many times over.”

  When Vinea wrapped her legs around his waist, he nearly shifted. Fuck, she felt so good. His cock throbbed and pulsed, but he didn’t know if she was ready for him to plunge into her.

  “Take me there, now,” she begged.

  She didn’t have to ask twice. Making love with her on the table wouldn’t be comfortable, so he slid her to the edge. “Drop your legs.” As soon as Vinea obeyed, he twisted her around. “Grab onto the table and enjoy the ride.”

  Not only did she bend over, she widened her legs, clearly understanding what he planned to do. His wolf went wild, sprouting facial hair and cracking bones. Placing his dick at her entrance, he reached under her and massaged her pendulant breasts. Devon had to close his eyes to keep from shifting, and since his teeth were so sharp, he could mate with her with ease. But he wouldn’t yet. They both needed time.

  Don’t you dare shift, he warned his wolf one more time.

  Vinea pressed her hips back, and he concentrated on staying in his human form. “Don’t move,” he commanded.


  “Because if you do, you might not like what happens.”

  Vinea stilled. “Okay, but hurry.”

  Thrilled she wanted to make love with him as much as he did with her, Devon slowly eased into her. With each inch, his need grew, until he had to grit his teeth to keep from coming.

  “I want it hard,” she begged.

  Do it, his wolf urged.

  Not yet. Exercising more control than he thought possible, Devon withdrew and pressed her breasts together as he lowered his head to her neck. The temptation to make her his own nearly toppled him, but he resisted.

  Vinea moaned, and when she wiggled her rear, he finally gave in. With one long push, he thrust into her. Devon squeezed his eyes shut as he inhaled her delicate scent, which was a combination of lilac and lemon. Vinea might be a goddess, but she was more woman than he’d ever had in his life.

  Because she’s your mate! his wolf reminded him.

  I know.

  Vinea must have sensed that he’d mentally drifted, because she wiggled her hips. That did it. He pinched her nipples and pummeled into her again as he kept his lips on her neck. As they were both transported to another realm, they became one, her shoulders bunching as she met his thrusts stroke for stroke.

  “Devon, yes.”

  Her plea was too much, and he had to fight to keep from coming. It was only after her scream signaled she’d finally climaxed that he unleashed his hot cum. Once his cock stopped pulsating, he held her tightly, relishing the feel of his skin on her smooth body. With his future mate in his arms, Devon never wanted to let her go.

  It wasn’t until Vinea dropped her head onto the table that he finally pulled out.

  “I need to get something to clean us up. Stay here,” he said.

  “I couldn’t move if I wanted to.”

  Devon trotted into the kitchen. He wet a towel, and when he returned, Vinea was lying on her back on the table, her eyes closed, and her mouth open. Never had he seen a more appealing sight.

  As much as he wanted to take her again, he had to let her recuperate. Once he cleaned her up, he did the same for himself.

  Devon then leaned over her and kissed her. That was a mistake. His cock throbbed, and Vinea’s eyes flew open. “Give me five. Okay?”

  He chuckled. “I think we both need to rest. How about getting dressed so I won’t be tempted?”

  She gave a small wave but nothing happened. “I think I’m broken.”

  “That’s okay. I can help you dress.”

  Vinea sat up. “If you touch me, I’ll have to have you again, and I’m quite confused right now.”

  That didn’t sound good. “About what?” he asked.

  “Why I have no energy, yet I want to fuck you till dawn.”

  Oh, boy. He’d been right. Vinea w
as a handful.


  One of the hardest things Devon had to do was watch Vinea dress the next morning after she made a quick breakfast, only to disappear to go back to her house. Having her in his home seemed so right, but the fact remained that they both had jobs to do.

  After she left, he headed off to work. He’d been there less than five minutes when Connor stepped in his office. “Did Vinea remember anything else about the upcoming robbery?”

  “No.” Though to be honest, Devon couldn’t remember if they’d even talked about it.

  “She’s not planning to follow them on Saturday night is she?” Connor asked, sitting in the chair across from him.

  “I told you that would be too dangerous. She’s not even as powerful as Izzy. She might be able to disappear, but that’s about all.” He wasn’t going to mention she could strip him naked with a wave of her hand.

  His brother leaned back in his chair. “You might be right. If she did hover over them again and then reappeared by mistake, they’d probably try to kill her.” His lips pressed together. “Can she be killed?”

  “I asked her that, and she doesn’t know, but I am not willing to take any chances that she could be.”

  Connor nodded. “Kalan alerted his boss about the potential robbery, and the place will be surrounded, ready to take them down. The department will set up roadblocks at every exit point. I asked Jackson to send his drone up to the hill throughout the day to see if there is any suspicious behavior going on at the Changeling’s headquarters.”

  “That’s great. Vinea and I will be holed up at my place, assuming I can convince her not to go off by herself and try to be some hero. We both know she’s rather headstrong.”

  Connor stood. “Let me know if she learns anything else.”

  “You’ll be the first person I call.”

  For much of the afternoon, Devon and Jackson conferred about the drone’s timing and placement. Jackson said he would also be installing some cameras to overlook the parking lot before Saturday night.

  Devon then touched base with Kalan about what his team was planning to do about the Lake Steakhouse robbery. Once Devon was convinced he’d done everything he could, he wanted to touch base with Finn. Being a bartender, his youngest brother probably knew better than anyone what was going on in town. It was time to pick his brain.

  Even though it was cold, Devon decided to walk to the pub, needing the time to clear his head. The existing snow had already melted on the sidewalks and the sun was shining, making the day chilly but nice.

  As he headed east, he realized that with the exception of the visit from John Ernst and Brother Jacob—who was posing as Vinea—the Changelings rarely visited the McKinnon pub—or at least that was what everyone believed. Except for Ainsley, no one could tell a Changeling from a regular shifter, so perhaps more had stopped in the establishment than he’d been aware of.

  After a brisk walk, Devon slipped into the bar then slid onto one of the bar stools. Finn finished up with a customer and came over. Fortunately, the bar was fairly empty this early in the afternoon.

  “What’s the occasion?” Finn asked. “I never see you here during the day.”

  “I came to ask you a few questions.”

  Finn grinned. “Ask away. Can I get you a drink first?”

  “Coffee would be great.”

  Once his brother delivered the hot brew, Devon made sure no one else was within earshot. “Have you heard anything about a potential robbery in town?”

  His brother’s eyes widened. “A robbery? Fuck no. If I had, I would have notified Kalan. What do you know?”

  Devon sipped his coffee, debating how much to tell him. The bar wasn’t totally secure. “Vinea overheard someone talking about a robbery at the Lake Steakhouse this Saturday night.”

  “Holy shit.” Finn stabbed a hand through his hair. “I’ll be sure to pay more attention.”

  “That’s all I can ask.”

  After they chatted a bit more, Devon tossed down three bucks and then headed out. As he neared his office, his cell rang. It was Vinea, and his wolf suddenly awoke. “Hey, what’s up?”

  She’d told him she rarely had a moment to talk during the day because the café kept her busy.

  “The landlord called and said the heater arrived. His men are installing it now.”

  He couldn’t tell if she was happy she wouldn’t have to stay in his place, or if she wanted to spend a few more days with him at the guesthouse. A horn blared, and Devon realized he’d crossed the street without looking. Vinea was too much of a distraction. “That’s great.”

  “I’m happy too. I wanted to let you know you can have your place to yourself again.”

  Ask her to stay, his wolf begged.

  Don’t worry. I plan to.

  “Remember I suggested you stay at my place, at least for the next two nights, until after the robbery? I’m serious, Vinea. I don’t trust anyone not to come after you.”

  She hesitated. “How about I come over Saturday? I have the day off, and I promise you can watch me all day if you like.”

  He chuckled. “I trust you, Vinea, and I don’t need to watch you. I need to make sure you’re safe.”

  “Thank you. I’m the first to admit that I have a tendency to meddle.”

  Devon appreciated her honesty. “Fair enough, but why not come over tonight?”

  “I have a few things I need to take care of.”


  “Don’t worry. I’m not going to visit the Changelings.”

  “I don’t like it. They know what you look like. What if one of them spots you at the café?”

  “They’re not going to drag me out. There would be chaos, and someone would call the cops. Besides, as soon as they take me outside, I’ll disappear.”

  She had a point. “Okay, but if you finish early, you know where to find me.”

  Someone called her name. “I gotta go. I’ll see you tomorrow night then.”

  “I don’t like it, but I guess I don’t have a choice.”

  She chuckled, clearly knowing she’d won that battle of the wits. “No, you don’t. Tomorrow then.” With that she disconnected.

  Damn, he was actually disappointed not to be with her tonight. Making love with Vinea last night had been the most amazing experience in his life, but he couldn’t force her to do anything she didn’t want to. At least it was only for one night.

  We need to be with her, his wolf whined.

  Don’t get your tail in a twist. We’ll survive. Maybe.

  You’ll be the one twisted. We need to mate!

  Devon refused to respond. Damn wolf had too much control over him as it was. A sharp blast of cold air swept across the land and Devon picked up his pace. Something troubled him, but he wasn’t sure what it was. His faith in Vinea was strong, so he had no reason to believe she’d double cross him. But Connor would say, she’d fooled him once and she could do it again.

  Devon debated calling her back and asking her nicely to take off the next few days from work and stay in the office with him, but she’d never go for it. He only hoped her powers were as strong as she claimed.

  Chapter Fifteen


  When Vinea entered her trailer, she was met with wonderful warmth and sighed. To her surprise, being home actually calmed her. Staying with Devon had been wonderful—no, amazing actually—but it hurt her to see him withdraw, even if it was only for a few seconds at a time. Sure, the sex was mind-blowingly good, but whenever the topic of the Changelings came up, he’d hesitate. It was as if he still wasn’t sure whether she was working with them or not, and that concept nearly sucked the breath out of her. Unfortunately, there didn’t seem to be a damn thing she could do about it. Building trust took time.

  As much as she wanted to spend tonight with him, Devon needed the time to understand his feelings. In truth, she could use a little internal contemplation too. The last thing she needed was to mess up now, just when things were looking up. At
least Devon had his family and his Clan to confide in. Other than him, she only had EmmaLee.

  Not that her friend could offer a lot of advice about how to handle the Changelings, but it was always nice to spend time talking with someone who wouldn’t judge her.

  Vinea took off her coat, made some hot coffee, and then settled down on the sofa. With her feet propped up on the coffee table, she called EmmaLee.

  “Vinea?” Excitement laced her voice.

  “Yes, it’s me. How are you?”

  EmmaLee hesitated. “Good, but I miss you.”

  “I miss you too.” While Vinea should ask how things were going with Slater, knowing EmmaLee, she’d say they were fine, even if they weren’t. Besides, just hearing his name grated on her nerves. If she got started about what a loser he was, EmmaLee would become upset, which meant Vinea needed to keep the topic on her favorite subject—Devon. “Guess what happened last night?” Vinea said.

  “What? Were you with Devon again?” Vinea loved the hope in her voice.

  “Boy was I.” For the next half hour, Vinea filled her in, telling her about hovering over the Changelings one minute and then reappearing in Devon’s office the next. That led to dinner and then to the amazing seduction.

  “He sounds divine,” EmmaLee said, dreamily.

  “Devon McKinnon is a fine man.” Vinea wasn’t ready to talk about him being her mate until they made it final.

  “I wish you didn’t live so far away.” EmmaLee sounded sad. Most likely it was because her life with Slater wasn’t the fairytale she’d always dreamed of.

  “Are you at home?” Vinea asked.

  “Yes, why?”

  “Are you alone?” Vinea didn’t want to run into him.


  “Be right there.” Vinea giggled and then disconnected.

  Picturing EmmaLee’s house, she nodded and landed in her friend’s backyard instead of in the living room. Shit. She needed to figure out why her internal system was off, but that would have to happen later. Right now, she needed to see her friend. Focusing on the brown plaid sofa and the dingy white walls, she tried again. This time, she arrived exactly where she’d pictured.


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