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Between the Sheets

Page 7

by Bella Emy

I lightly laugh at her confession.

  “I can take a look at it once the weather clears,” I offer.

  “Really?” Her face lights up at my generosity, and it’s the cutest thing ever.

  “Yeah, really,” I say, chuckling.

  “Thanks, D! I’d really appreciate that.”

  We walk out into the living room and both take a seat on the couch and begin digging into our slices.



  He had arrived home earlier than I expected. I have to say, I’m shocked he came back tonight. I thought for sure he’d be spending the night with some random chick. I didn’t think he’d leave wherever he was to head back out in the storm and come here. For him to leave a fuckfest? That doesn’t sound like Derek at all.

  Anyway, after my car had failed to start, I grabbed my bags and marched right back toward the apartment. What was I supposed to do? Sit in my car and freeze?

  Fuck that. I think not. I walked my ass right back.

  Once I got inside and placed my bags back in my room, I headed back out to the living room for a bit and put on a movie. I watched it ‘til I dozed off in front of it. I woke up after an hour and decided to go into my room to lie on my bed. Once I did, the floodgates burst open, and the tears were nonstop.

  And then, I heard the door. I never thought it would have been Derek back so soon. I heard him calling out to me, but I couldn’t form any type of words. I was just too upset.

  I have to admit, it worked out nicely in my favor when he had seen me bawling my eyes out, that when I asked him to hold me, he couldn’t refuse. Oh my fucking God… I have no words for the way that felt.

  Of course, I wasn’t faking my tears. My Grams meant a lot to me, and now she was gone. The thought alone makes my eyes water again. But we all knew her time had been limited for a while now.

  As Derek’s arms had wrapped around me, I felt so safe, so secure. Damn, what I’d do to know how it feels to spend the night in his arms naked.

  Ugh, fuck. I know he’s a whore, and he sleeps with numerous amounts of women, but I still want him. I want him so damn badly. Is that so bad? Why can’t I have a turn with him? I want to know why all these women flock over him after they’ve already had him. He must be some kind of amazing, so why not me? Because I’m not like that and don’t fuck around? Fuck that. I need some. It’s been too long since I felt a dick filling me. Maybe I’d never done that because before I had always had a man. This is the first time I’ve been single this long. Singledom = no sex. I need sex. Fuck, I must sound like such a guy to my subconscious. She’s probably saying fifty Hail Marys right now. But I can’t help it. My pussy is tingling at just the thought of having him in my bed… doing all types of things to me.

  Anyway, I had to get up when I was telling him about Shaun. I didn’t want to, but I knew if I remained that close to him a moment longer, I wouldn’t be able to control my urges. I wanted to place my hands on him and strip his shirt off his perfect body.

  “This ain’t that bad,” he says through a mouthful of pizza.

  I nod my head and continue chewing as my gaze stays on the TV before us. It would be weird if I were to turn and face him while we’re eating, right? Like creepy stalkerish type weird. But damn, I love to watch his mouth. His all-too perfect mouth.

  I lick my lips but catch myself right away. As I finish my slice, I place my plate on the coffee table and take a chug of my beer. Lord knows I need the alcohol right now. So much alcohol.

  He’s now done, and he does the same. Picking up the remote that’s sitting in between us, he flips through some channels.

  He leans back in his seat. I just want to get up and straddle his perfect form. Yum.

  He interrupts my X-rated thoughts of us by saying, “Damn, they’re still talking about this storm. Looks like it’s going to be worse than they expect.”

  “Yeah,” is all I manage to say. The wetness of the storm ain’t got nothing on the wetness in my panties. God damn you, Derek! What are you doing to me?

  A national advisory message flashes across the screen, and as if on cue, we’re suddenly sitting in the dark.

  “Fuck! We lost power,” he blurts out.

  Oh great, at least the television was a bit of a distraction, but now what?

  The snow has been falling all day, and a few hours ago we lost power; it still hasn’t come back. It’s now past nine and we’re still sitting in the living room underneath two fleece blankets.

  Of course, as luck would have it, the heat stopped working, too. This day has just been fucking wonderful. What’s next?

  I’m now two beers in, but unfortunately, the alcohol isn’t helping warm me up anymore. It’s just too fucking cold today.

  “Damn, it’s freezing,” I mumble, rubbing my hands together.

  “Yeah, it is. I can’t get this chill out of my body,” Derek responds as he blows air into his palms.

  It has only been a few hours, but once the power blew and the heat stopped working, the temperature in the apartment dropped rapidly.

  “How long do you think it’s going to be before it comes back on?” I question, looking into Derek’s eyes.

  How the fuck is he supposed to know that, stupid?

  “The power? Could be hours… days.”

  “Fuck!” I roar.

  Without even being able to brew a cup of coffee, how the hell am I supposed to warm up? I have on a hoodie and sweatpants–I traded the yoga pants for those–but still, there’s a chill in my bones that won’t go away.

  “Fuck this!” Derek throws the blanket off of himself and shoots up off the couch. He walks over to where I’m sitting, and once he’s standing in front of me, he reaches out his right hand.

  I look up into his beautiful eyes, but my eyebrows furrow.

  “Come with me,” he states.


  “We’re not gonna sit out here all night and freeze to death. We’re gonna use our body heat to keep one another warm. Now, come with me,” he demands.

  Damn, he’s so sexy. I would love to be his submissive… if he’s even into that. Shit, I’d better watch my thoughts. But yeah, I’m not about to sit here and fight the man. Of course, I don’t want to freeze to death, but I’m really liking where he’s going with this. Still, I have no idea where he’s taking me.

  I give him my hand and he swiftly pulls me up. Mmm mmm mmm. He gives me a wry smile and leads me toward the right side of the apartment… toward his bedroom.



  I may be a bit buzzed from the alcohol, but there’s no way I could have imagined this.

  We walk into Derek’s room, and all I smell is him. His cologne, his scent… him. It’s intoxicating but in the best possible way.

  I run my hands up and down my arms to attempt to keep warm. It’s no use, though; it’s freezing in this house.

  It’s dark as fuck, but I can still make out his silhouette. I watch him as he moves about the room, and the first thing I notice is that he’s slipping off his shirt.

  Holy hell. I swallow the large lump that has formed in my throat. My hands stop trying to heat my body. I’m frozen by his form. He’s a fucking god. I think the sight of him alone is enough to warm me up.

  He looks over to me; I can partially make out his face from the sliver of moonlight streaking into his room. He smirks, and it’s the sexiest thing ever.

  “I’ll let you borrow a wifebeater,” he says, turning to his dresser looking for the offending article of clothing.

  “What? Are you nuts?” I ask. “Aren’t you cold with no… no shirt on?”

  If he’s cold, he sure as hell is doing a great job at hiding it.

  He chuckles. Damn him and his sexy voice.

  “I won’t be cold for long. Our body heat will keep the both of us warm.”

  He closes the dresser drawer and spins around. He tosses me a white wifebeater, and I instinctively catch it.

  “Nice catch,” he says through that same sex
y grin.

  “What the hell am I supposed to do with this?” I ask, turning the wifebeater back and forth in my hands. It smells just like him. Maybe I’ll keep it after tonight when I’m lying in my bed all alone, picturing he’s with me.

  I suddenly avert my eyes back up to look at him and my jaw drops. I quickly close it not wanting to look like a damn fool. Somehow, he had managed to slip off his sweatpants and was now hopping into bed in just a pair of gray boxer briefs.

  I get a nice glimpse of his round booty as he slips under his covers. He looks up at me and slides over to the furthest side of his queen-sized bed. He then pats the empty spot next to him.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, but I already know. I think my brain is just stalling or shutting down. Too much sexiness in just a few minutes.

  He chuckles again. “I told you. We can keep each other warmer than those damn blankets ever can. Change into that wifebeater and leave your pants on. You can change right there. I promise I’ll close my eyes.”

  But before he has a chance to say anything more, I fling his tank top back at him. He catches it like a first baseman.

  “If you’re not gonna wear any type of shirt, then neither am I.”

  I keep my eyes fixated on his in the dim lighting. I gather all the courage within me and peel my sweater off. I still have a T-shirt underneath, but I’m not planning on keeping it on much longer. As I take my hands and grab the bottom of my shirt, his gaze turns serious.

  No more wry grins.

  No more chuckles.

  I pull it up over my head and toss it on the floor. I’m left in my pink bra and sweatpants; I can see his eyes taking in my visual. My heart is racing, practically ready to pound out of my chest. The chill in the air isn’t helping. I quiver.

  “Come here before you freeze, Ellie,” he whispers in a low husky tone. He must have noticed I’m trembling.

  “Wait,” I reply, and as I keep my eyes on his, I slip my sweatpants off revealing my matching pair of panties. It’s a good thing that I hate to wear underwear that doesn’t match my bra on a normal day. This just worked that much more in my favor.

  My body shivers. I need to get warm. “Okay, now I’m really cold,” I say.

  He snaps out of his daze and exclaims, “Hop in, Ells,” pulling the blankets away from his body.

  I’m so cold, I don’t stop to question shit. I race to Derek’s bed and hop into it in just my bra and panties.

  I jump in and his arms wrap around me, tugging the blanket around us. He smells so good, like musk and aftershave. I can feel the heat radiating off his body, already helping the chill in my bones.

  Holy fuck, his form is godly. His chest and ab muscles practically swallow me whole. He is so sexy. How the hell am I supposed to get through this night without being able to really touch him?

  “You’re still shivering,” he whispers into my ear. He tugs the blanket tighter around us.

  I lift my head up so that I’m looking into his eyes. His face is so close to mine, I can almost kiss him. But that’s a line we’ll never be able to cross.

  “Yeah, but I’m already warming up with you holding me like this,” I murmur.

  His body against mine feels so good. A pool begins to form, drenching my panties.

  He doesn’t pull his gaze away, and neither do I. Instead, I move out of his hold and reach my hands behind my back to unclasp my bra.

  Realizing what I’m about to do, his look changes. Like he’s surprised. Granted, I’m surprising myself, too, but I want to feel my chest against his. I want my bare breasts touching his skin.

  “Ellie… what are you doing?” he asks. It’s like he doesn’t want to ask or stop me, like he’s just saying it to say it. I know the type of guy Derek is, and getting the chance to see and feel a woman’s breasts who he had never even slept with before is like bonus points. I have to be some serious bonus points considering the fact that I’m his sister’s best friend, therefore making me unfuckable.

  “I’m doing what I need to do to keep us both warm,” I respond, finally freeing my breasts from the restraint of my bra. I toss it over the bed to the side where the rest of my clothes are lying on his bedroom floor.

  Finally satisfied, I nuzzle back into his chest and feel his torso against my boobs. He feels absolutely fucking incredible. I stop shivering.

  “Damn, baby,” he mumbles. He takes one of his hands and massages the hair on my head.

  “That feels so good, D,” I say. If I wasn’t so turned on right now, I could definitely fall asleep just like this in his arms as he plays with my hair.

  But fuck, I don’t think I’ve ever been so damn horny in all my life.

  “Oh, yeah?” he asks.

  I move back and look up at him. His lips are so incredibly close to my own. I lick and bite my bottom lip, whispering, “You know it does.”

  Once again, he gives me his familiar wry smile and grabs my chin. He brings his lips even closer to mine. In fact, he’s so close that I can almost taste them.

  He now licks his top lip and bites his bottom one. If I had never come on myself before, I surely have now. I’m so fucking wet and so turned on that I’m about to slip off my panties and jump right on his dick.

  “Derek… you’re such a tease,” I whisper.

  “No, because if I were a tease, I’d do this.”

  He places his soft lips on mine without moving them. I feel his warm breath on my lips. I’m frozen in place and shocked at the same time. I want to kiss him, but before I can move my lips, he backs away.

  I reach my hand up and brush it against my top and bottom lip. “Derek,” I whisper.

  “Ells,” he mumbles back.

  Damn, I want him. Why the fuck does he have to be Lauren’s brother? Why can’t he be just some random guy from the bar or the club, or the supermarket, or for fuck’s sake, even the Goddamn church. I don’t fucking care. But why the fucking fuck does he have to be my best friend’s brother?

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing to me?” I can’t control myself. I know I probably shouldn’t have said those words, but him being this close to me half-naked is driving me insane.

  “Why don’t you tell me, sweetheart,” he whispers, running his hand down my face.

  I turn my head and catch his fingers with my lips. I kiss and tease them and then run my tongue up the length of his long middle finger.


  Holy shit, he’s just called me by my name. He never had before, no one besides my mother does, but hearing the way it sounds leaving his lips makes me want to jump on his dick right now. He’s breathless, and I know I probably took it way too far. I shouldn’t have done what I just did.

  I pull back. “Derek, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that but I want–”

  “Fuck this,” he roars, cutting me off and slamming his lips into mine.

  I give into him so easily. It is, after all, what I have wanted all this time. He kisses like a pro, the way he owns my mouth is incredible. I devour every piece of his mouth, as our tongues dance together in symphony.

  Derek pushes himself up and hovers above me, his lips never leaving mine. I reach down and pull my panties down. Then, I pull down his boxers. He leaves my mouth to show attention to my neck. He runs his tongue along the length of it, and I feel like I’m ready to explode. But now I want him more than ever. My pussy is throbbing for his touch. I need to feel his dick buried inside of me.

  He moves down lower so that his head is in between my breasts. He places kisses all over them before ultimately taking my right nipple into his mouth. He flicks his tongue around my nipple a few times before sucking on my nub, causing me to bring a hand down to my sex.

  A moan escapes me a bit louder than I intended, and he chuckles; the sound of it is so fucking sexy.

  Of course, this doesn’t pass him by.

  “Oh, Ells… you’re so fucking perfect. Do you know that? Look at you,” he murmurs before bringing his mouth back down to my ot
her nipple.

  I feel like I’m about to lose control, but right before I’m ready to cum, he moves my hand to the side and inserts two of his own fingers inside of me.

  “Oh, fuck, Derek!” I moan unable to control myself.

  “That’s a good girl, sweetheart. Cum for me. Cum for me just once so that I can ram my cock inside of you and rip your perfect little body to shreds, baby.”

  That does it. Hearing him say those words to me causes me to picture him fucking me, exploding onto his fingers.

  “Derek!” I scream, finding my release.

  He chuckles again and immediately goes down lower to be at eye level with my navel.

  “I want to taste you, Ellie. I want to slurp up all the juices you have released for me.”

  What? Hello! The thought alone is enough to make me cum all over again.

  Before I have a chance to say anything, he has positioned himself in between my thighs and puts his tongue to work.

  Oh my Lord, he is a master of the craft. Now I know why they call him King D. He is a fucking king, THE fucking king, the way he skillfully plays with my clit. His tongue flicking back and forth against it, occasionally tugging and sucking gently on it has me seeing stars.

  “Oh, Derek!” I moan out again as my buildup is ready to let go.

  He pulls away and rams two fingers deep into my cunt, licking my clit. “That’s it, baby girl. Cum for King D.”

  “King D! King D!” I shout. I can’t believe I just called him that out loud, but fuck it, he is damn royalty when it comes to sex. Holy shit.

  I let go and explode into the back of his throat. He slurps up all of my release as promised, and right before I know it, he lifts himself up and rams his cock deep into my opening.

  “Oh my God! King fucking D! You’re amazing!”

  He doesn’t stop this time, nor does he say a word. He continually slams into me harder and faster than I’ve ever been fucked before. Being that my pussy is already so sensitive from his tongue assault on it, it doesn’t take me long to cum all over his dick this time.


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