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Lessande D'Aramitz

Page 3

by Unknown

  "God really don't know what to do anymore. I tried talking to her but she shuts ne out. She doesn't get out from her room and believe if you were to see her she is a walking skeleton."

  "Yes...I think. Could you do it? Thank you" I hear her hanging up and coming towards the door. I quickly get into bed and pretend to be sleeping. She slowly opens the door and whispers

  „If only I could kill the bastard...I want my Kate back" then she leaves. I have been so trapped into my own suffering that I didn't even realize the effect on the others. Maybe I did change my appearance but the truth is that I am still that emotional mess inside. I need to let go...

  The next morning I head to class. English literature, which is my favorite. Mrs. Sweeny is amazing and I love every minute of her lecture .the class is dismissed and I head for the door. I don't even realize when I bump into someone, my materials scattered on the floor. We both begin to pick them up and I apologize for my clumsiness.

  "You are not the one that should apologize." He says and I could recognize his voice anywhere. My eyes widen from the shock and I rendered speechless. We stand up and he gives me the last book.

  "Jane Eyre" he says, almost lost in thoughts. I take it and add quickly

  "It's a particular favorite”. He then looks at me as if I had slapped him. We continue staring for a few seconds. God he is beautiful.

  „What are you doing here?" I ask rather harshly.

  „I think I owe you an apology”

  „You think?" I ask annoyed.

  "I owe you an apology” he rephrases

  “I was a jerk, I am sorry. I don't even know what came to me. It's just that you were really beautiful and you reminded me so much of someone. ..." he trails off

  ."Ex -Girlfriend?" I ask in a small voice

  "You could say „he gives me a sad smile and continues

  "I know we got off the wrong foot but maybe we could start over. Friends?" I take a moment to process. Friends?

  "Who made you apologize; I am more than sure you would not do it in a million years on your own" He looks at me for a second but then grins.

  "You got me. Brad made me. He told me you were his sister's friend and that you are not...the type to go for a one night. “I continue staring at him. He's so changed. The sweet and thoughtful Aiden is now a total asshole.

  "But I do mean it. I mean, friends?" I should tell him to go to hell. But then again, maybe as "friends" I can get over him faster. Yes, definitely.

  "Ok" I give him a smile and leave.


  "In the kitchen" she says

  "What did you tell Brad about Aiden?" She looks at me with uncertainty

  "Just that he kissed you...and I told him that you would never indulge in a one night stand. Did he say anything to you? "

  "Oh no, it was just Aiden paying me a visit to apologize and to 'become friends'

  "Sweetie I am so sorry, I didn't know he would confront Aiden. Wait he wanted to become friends? What did you say?" I shrug and take a coke from the fridge.

  "I agreed. It should help me heal better, getting used to him and...The way he acts with girls.”

  "Sweetie shouldn't...By the way Gregory came by. He wanted to see you"

  "I talked to him on the phone. We are going on a date. "


  "D A T E, you know foreplay before sex.”

  "You don’t plan on sleeping with him? Do you?

  "You know maybe I should just get it over with. It's not like I am still waiting for a knight in shining armor"

  "I just don't think that the answer. Where are you going? "

  "Dinner and after that Pearl. You guys can join us there if you want.”

  "Oh I will be there! I have your virtue to protect" she says and we both laugh.

  Chapter 7

  I wake up early and sneak out of my cabin. It's so hot outside. I head for the lake and begin to undress. I have been dying to take a bath in this lake ever since I first saw it. Of course there are the bad memories. Memories of my dad and when he first taught me how to swim. I slowly ease myself into the water since it's quite chilly but a voice from behind startles me and I go all the way in. Having taken water on board me fight to recover my breath.

  "Aiden" I yell, but not too loud, I don't want to be found by the supervisors. He's laughing at me.

  "It's not funny" I pout. He starts undressing as well and I blush and look away.

  "You didn't strike as the shy type princess" he says as he enters the water as well.

  "I...I" I stammer, but before I even sort the words into my head he's splashing me with water

  "Ahh" it's all I manage. I return the attack and we continue on fighting. I like this. It makes me makes me forget .He suddenly too close and I fear he's trying to get me underwater. Drops of water are dripping from his hair and landing on my cheeks. I look up to find him studying me with such a strange expression. Longing?

  "Ever been kissed, princess?" He asks in a husky voice. I shake my head and he raises his hand and caresses my cheek .his touch is electrifying.

  "I'm going to kiss you now" he says and his lips meet mine. It's a new and overwhelming feeling but it makes me feel alive. He slightly moves his lips across my own but without parting them. He cups my face with both hands and brings me even closer. Then he slowly contours my lips with his tongue. I open my mouth and he accepts the invitation. I hesitate , not knowing exactly what to do , but eventually I touch his tongue with mine .There is a low sound coming from his chest and his hands move to the small of my back , pulling me towards him once again and I can feel the heat radiating from him , his skin on my own . He interrupts the kiss and we stare at each other for a second

  "That was..." I say in between breaths. He kisses my nose and whispers

  "Awesome". I giggle and he hugs my tightly.

  "My princess..."


  I finished dressing up .I am wearing a nice black mini skirt and a white transparent chemise. High heels are mandatory on a date of course. Smokey eyes and pale lips and I are done. Someone knocks at the door and I know its Gregory. I open the door and he's nicely dressed, in a blue polo shirt and black jeans. He is also holding a beautiful red rose in his hand. He is indeed such a sweetie. After putting the rose in a vase we head towards his car. Dinner passes relatively quickly and at the club we meet Sarah and Thomas.

  "Let's take a bigger table. Brad and Brianna will be here any moment. "Says Sarah. Great, so Barbie bitch is also coming. We order drinks and it seems that my date is adamant on getting drunk

  "Kate” he says, almost out of breath.

  "I am sooo happy you came with me!" He gets a bit closer and hugs me.

  "I am so so so happy."

  "Greg, you should take it easy. It's still early ..."

  "Noooo" and he kiss me. At the same time Brad and Barbie come to the table and trailing behind them is Aiden and a stunning blonde. They take their sits and I realize Gregory still has his tongue down my throat. Ok, enough for one evening. I end the kiss and drown my drink. Gregory does the same, multiple times I'm afraid. Sarah smiles at me and mouths

  "You told him?”

  "What?" I ask back.

  "That you plan on sleeping with him?" I shake my head and hide a giggle. I doubt Gregory would be able to do anything right now. Aiden eyes warily our exchange and frowns. What's his deal?

  "I say we play a game "Barbie bitch announces and smirks at me.

  "What did you have in mind baby?" Brad asks her.

  "Truth or dare”

  „Yes yes " Sarah says happily. I know this is her thing. Everyone agrees except me.

  "Fine fine ..." I say, seeing the way everyone is looking at me.

  "I'll start” Barbie says.

  "Aiden... truth or dare?”. I look at him and he's got an unreadable expression on his face.

  "Truth" he finally says. She is quite satisfied with his response and proceeds with the question.

"Is it true that you have slept with over two hundred girls" I choke on my drink. What the fuck? There is no way...

  "Yes" he calmly replies

  "Although I don't usually count...” he says and Brad continues for him.

  "He never sleeps with the same girl twice so I wouldn't be surprised if the actual number would be a lot higher." Oh my God, how is it possible? Well this seems to have upset the doll sitting next to him as she leaves without a word. The guys start laughing and Aiden shakes his head.

  "Sorry man" Says Brad and he pats his shoulder.

  "Next" announces Barbie. Since Sarah is the one standing next to Aiden she chooses dare.

  "I dare you to go at the barman and get a free drink from him" she winks at her. This one should be easy for Sarah considering her cleavage .Thomas scowls but doesn't object

  . "Ok sweetie, your turn" she says to Brad. He grins at her and mouths dare.

  "I shall have to take part in this particular dare" she says and she drags Brad after her. God knows what she has in mind. Sarah seems to have been successful at her task as she comes with a cosmopolitan in one hand and the barman's phone number in the other.

  "Wait, where Brad and Brianna are „she asks looking around.

  "Something involving a dare "Thomas says.

  "Well then I shall take her place”

  "Baby chooses!" She winks at Thomas


  "Hmm..." she says as she eyes him knowingly. "Oh no, I know what you are thinking baby ..."

  „Oh yes. I dare you to accompany me shopping tomorrow and absolutely no complaints.”

  "God kill me now" he says and we start laughing. Barbie and Brad return and they look kind of ...messy.

  "I already gave Thomas a dare" Sarah says

  "Ok so the newest „she says pointing at me .Hell there is no way o am saying dare. She hates me for some reason.

  "Truth" she frowns but quickly recovers.

  "What was the craziest place in which you had sex?” Fuck

  "What?" I manage. Everyone is looking at me. As if I don't know that Barbie is trying to humiliate me.

  "I…." Come on Kate, think of something.

  “You don’t have to be embarrassed Kate” She stresses my name like is venom on her tongue “You are among friends “

  “I…” I, again, stumble across my words.

  "Bra cut it out. She’s a virgin, there is no way you are going to embarrass her by asking her that "Sarah says calmly. Now everyone is looking at me as if I were a weirdo.

  "Wait" Barbie says, still laughing.

  "You're what twenty, twenty one and you are still a virgin? Oh God this is funny" She is still laughing and I am so red. This is beyond humiliating. Gregory, who had almost fallen asleep next to me finally awakes and looks at me.”

  “Oh Katy, you are only mine" he beams in his drunken state

  . "I'll be gentle I promise" What the hell. I am boiling and I can't even slap him because he's already asleep again.

  "I'm leaving” I say simply and try to collect my date.

  Aiden comes and tries to help me carry Gregory. I try to assure him that I can manage but it’s obvious I can’t .God should just let him here...

  "Let me help you” Aiden says and I eventually nod. I have to admit, I definitely wouldn't be able to carry him on my own. Why be absurd? We arrive at the car and we put him in the back.

  "I'll drive" he says and I start to argue but he cuts me off.

  "You won't be able to carry him to his place and to be honest I don't feel alright to let you alone with a drunk man and of course I didn't drink anything tonight whereas you probably drank more than two glasses of whisky "

  "Thanks but...”

  "Get in!" I comply and he starts the car. We drive in utter silence for a while and I am quite restless...having him so near and I replay the kiss into my mind. I blush. Get a grip of yourself Kate...

  "So...” I hear him say. I turn my head and he's focused on the road.

  "How come you're still a virgin? Not that it's any of my business but I can't really figure out why a beautiful girl likes you...” I cut him off.

  "I made a promise to someone. A long time ago. That I would wait for him.”

  "You must have loved him" he says.

  "I still do” I say, more of a whisper .I still love you Aiden...

  "But he never came…”

  This is my chance „You said I remind you of someone, who it is...?" He smiles ruefully

  "You don't just remind me of her...I think if she were your age she would have looked exactly like you. Besides the hair of course. "And he laughs, more to himself.

  "I...I don't really like to talk about her...she died."

  It's all he says and I can tell how much it hurts. I can feel it and it kills me. We arrive at Gregory's place and Aiden carries him to his room.

  "Kate...loves...mine" he mumbles in his sleep and I smile.

  "He really cares about you „Aiden says

  "I know...Maybe in time I will care for him too”.

  He then takes me home and leads me to the door.

  "Thank you"

  "You are welcome" he says and I open the door to enter when he continues.

  "I'm sorry I was a jerk ...It's just that reminded me so much of her and you were so beautiful...and I couldn't stop thinking she would be just as beautiful as you if she were alive.."He trails off and I can see moisture in his eyes .Just how much did he love her? I can't be mad at him...I guess I just wish I were her.

  "It's ok" I tell him. It hurts like hell to see him so heartbroken. Without thinking I raise my hand to his cheek and wipe away a tear

  „What are you? A cry baby?" I say, trying to lighten the mood. His eyes widen at my words and he looks as if he wants to say something but instead he smiles. He takes my hand and places a kiss on my fingers. "Night Kate" and he leave.


  Chapter 8

  "Aiden...” I tried to call him. Hell, I can’t yell, someone might hear me.

  "Aiden”. Finally there was some movement in his cabin and he opens the window.

  "Princess...?" He asks in a small voice.

  "What time is it?” He says as he looks for a clock.

  "Fuck its 2 A.M. What's wrong?

  „I want to do something...Come out? Please?”

  "At this hour? You got me curious. But I do have to get dressed. Come in for a second „He says and closes the window. In the next second he unlocks the door and I enter. He...he's shirtless.”Uhm...could you put a shirt on?" he smiles at me but he doesn't argue. I guess he's not fully awake yet. Now that I can study him better, he is so beautiful. His hair is messy and so sexy. Wow did I just say sexy, well it is indeed. I giggle inwardly. He is definitely hot. But what I love most about him ...his eyes. I swear they are otherworldly.

  "Ready?" He says and I nod.

  "Ok, where to?" He asks as we exit the cabin.

  "The woods ..." I blush.

  "What? Princess you can't be serious „He stops in his tracks and looks warily at me.

  "Well I am so let's going!" We make our way into the forest. He is so near me, our hands almost touching. I have a sudden urge to grab his hand and hold it but I suppress it. Instead I make it seem as our hands touch accidentally every once in a while.

  "Princess” he says, grabbing my hand.

  "If you wanted to hold hands you should have said so” he flashes me a grin and I blush deeply. He reads me so well. His hand is so much bigger than mine. It's soft and hot and I love this little gesture of intimacy. We arrive at the chosen spot and I shrug off my backpack. From it, I take out a blanket and two binoculars. He watches me surprised and chuckles.

  "You know, princess, I should have been the one to surprise you with a picnic”

  „It’s not a picnic ...its star gazing „He gives me a warm smile and takes the blanket from my hands. After nicely putting it on the grass we both lie down.

  "Come here” he says
and gestures me with his hand. I hesitate but I come closer .He takes my head and places it on his chest. I can hear his heart beating and it's such a sweet melody. I relish the moment by closing my eyes. I want to engrave it in my memory. He strokes my cheek and places a kiss on the top of my head.

  "See that bright star over there?" He asks. I slowly raise my head and look where he is pointing

  "That is my mother and she watches us..." he trails off.

  "And see the one next to it? That is your father „tears start forming into my eyes. I love you dad and if you are watching, know that I am happy.

  "What was your mother's name?"

  "Anastasia” he whispers.

  Anastasia, thank you so much for giving me your son. I know that if you were alive you would be really proud of him. Even though you are not here anymore, I'll do my best to love him in your place. Love... I look up and I see him intently watching the sky. I do. I do love him, but who wouldn’t?


  Thanksgiving is just around the corner. The last thing I want to do is go home. Mother has not been the same since dad died. She's closed herself in a shell and if I went there it would be as if I were alone. Moreover it hurts to see her like that. Not even a few months safer my father's death, my cousin had a car accident. She wanted to run away with some guy and instead she met with her death. We were not particularly close, but mother held her dear. We had the same name, and sometimes I was really jealous. She spoiled her and spent a lot of time with her (her mother died young) and I was left to my dad. I guess that's why we had a stronger bond. I had never had the perfect family but at least when dad was alive things were different. We were united.


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