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Lessande D'Aramitz

Page 4

by Unknown

  I search through my stuff for my photo album. I have a small collection of photos that represent the world for me. I finally spot the red cover and I take it. On the first page there is a photo of me and dad from when I was ten. We were out; fishing and I had just caught a something. I was so happy. Even now I remember that I began to apologize to the fish for harming it .on the next page there is a family photo from when I was seven. It was Christmas and we were having dinner. I trace the outline of our overjoyed faces and a tear slips. I quickly wipe it away, careful not to damage the photo. I keep on perusing the album, family photos from different events and I reach the last page. It's a picture of me and Aidan from the camp. He's smiling and he's got a hand over my shoulder. I study my expression ... I am beaming.

  "Even though you don't remember me...Thank you. Without your help I don't think I could have ever gotten over my father's death...Thank you" I say in between sobs. I close the album and a photo falls from it. It's of us as well...we were kissing…

  "Katy sweetheart „Sarah enters my room. Seeing me crying she comes next to me and pats my shoulder.

  "What is it honey?" She asks softly. I point towards the picture and she takes it.

  "God...It's you and Aiden. He was hot even then. „I wipe away my tears and say

  „It’s not that, I mean it's not just that. I... I thought about Thanksgiving and my family and I was reminiscing..."

  "Still not going home?" She asks. I shake my head and put the album into the drawer.

  "Actually..." she hesitates "That's why I was coming.”


  "Well, I spoke with Thomas and he's not going home for the break. And neither are Brad and I. So ...Brad actually proposed to go somewhere together. ..And well please consider this Kate”

  "Well I am more than happy to go. Where?"

  "That's the thing... Aiden owns a really big beach house in East Hampton and he said we are welcome to go there.”

  "And he is also coming” her lips formed a tight line. She waits for me to process this and to give her my answer.

  "I...I will come. After all I said I will try the friend thing and the getting over.”

  "God love you" she says as she hugs me.

  "So it's just the five of us?”

  "Six, you forgot Brianna" Oh, of course...

  "And maybe Gregory is you want...”

  "He's already left home. He even invited me to meet his parents, but we are not actually a couple and it would have been really awkward”

  " are right. I am so glad you accepted. Tell you the truth I really wanted to go but was afraid of your response. You know I would have never let you spend Thanksgiving alone. We leave tomorrow so pack up" she winks at me and leaves.

  I can do this. Yes! I start looking around for clothes and other things that need to be packed. No more drama. I really need a break.

  The next day we are all ready and we meet in front of our flat. Aiden is the first to arrive. He's got a really cool black 4×4. He says hi and Sarah and he make some small talk. Eventually Thomas arrives as well and it seems that Brad and Brianna are with him. That leaves us with only two cars.

  "Hey babe " Thomas calls Sarah and kisses her hard on the mouth.

  "You should come with us and Kate can go with Aiden.”

  Fuck. Why?

  Sarah looks at me and sees my horror so she says

  "Can't Bra and Brad go with Aiden and Kate with us?” Barbie scowls at me but it's Aiden who speaks.

  "Don't worry Kate, I promise I'll behave. " he winks at me. He sure thinks I am going to back down. "Fine. I will go with Aiden" I say and proceed to load my luggage in the back. The ride should last about two hours. I can't even begin to think what we are going to talk about in that time. He starts the car and asks me

  ."Any preferences in music?" I shake my head.

  "Not really but I always prefer classic rock" he smiles at me and pushes some buttons.

  „Well it seems we have something in common "he says as "Hotel California" by the Eagles starts playing. I love the song so I start humming. I close my eyes and try to forget everything.*such a lovely face*. After the song ends I open my eyes and find him studying me. I frown and mouth "what?" He shakes his head and turns to face the road. We stay in silence for a few minutes, but he is the one that decides to break it.

  "So considering I suggested being friends , and that we have quite some time on our hands let's get to know each other better " he grins at me .


  "Favorite color?" He asks and I am quite surprised so I giggle.

  "What?" He says and he laughs as well.

  "Well, when you said to get to know each other better I didn't think you meant it so...literally...but fine. Navy blue. Definitely. Yours?"

  He laughs "The same. Another thing in common. We may become good friends after all „he jokes.

  "Favorite song?" I ask

  "I don't know exactly...I think Living' on a prayer by Bon Jove”

  „I love that song, especially the lyrics „I say smiling

  "Yours?” he asks

  "Hmm... Other side by Red hot chili peppers”

  "I think I have it...” he pushes a few buttons on his music player and I can see how concentrated he is in finding it. In a second or two the song starts playing.

  "Thank you...” I say and I mean it. He's as easy to talk to as before... I missed this. Maybe being friends is not such a bad idea.

  "Ok so what's next, favorite movie.”

  "Definitely It Happened One Night ""

  "I don't think I've seen it”

  "It's from the 30s. It's amazing. Romantic comedy. I don't think guys dig that but the male leading role is just amazing. Clark Gable. Heard of him?”

  „Isn’t that the guy from Gone with the wind? I used to watch it with my mum..."he trails off and I know I hit a sensitive spot so I quickly ask him his favorite movie.

  "Vanilla Sky”

  "Oh I know it. I saw it a few years back. It was kind of weird though"

  "Indeed” he laughs and I can't take my eyes of off him. He's such a sight laughing...

  "You are twenty two right?" I ask, trying to make small talk.

  "Yep.” he says in an amused tone

  "So you are a senior... what's your major?”

  "Business management” Well, not that I hadn’t figured. Brad sure used to talk about his financial acumen.


  "English Literature"

  We fall into silence once again.

  "You hungry?" He asks me

  „A little...” I have to admit that I was a little bit more, having skipped breakfast. I am not a morning person so I slept until the very last moment.

  "Let's make a short stop, I am starving"


  We stop at a little Cafe and he orders burgers for both of us.


  „Tea" I reply and he nods. After receiving our orders we take them and head to the car.

  We finish eating and I feel my eyes closing and soon I am dozing off. A jolt wakes me up and I realize we have come to a halt.

  "Are we there?" I ask, taking in my surroundings.

  "Yes, and it seems we are the first ones. Come and let me show you to your room „he says and heads to take the luggage. The house is amazing, of course not as amazing as his other mansion but still ... It's built in a traditional aristocratic mode but feels cozy. Oh and the inside. It screams expensive!!! . My room is spacious and amazing decorated. feels as if no one has resided here for quite a while.

  "This used to be my mother's room." He says and looks so sad...

  "My room is there” he points to the door facing my own.

  "If you need anything. Brad and Brianna is at the end of the hall and Thomas and Sarah the door next to them. I’ll let you get comfortable"

  "Thank you" I say quickly. He smiles and leaves. I start unpacking and I can hear a car which probably means the others hav
e arrived. I lay on the bed for five minutes to clear my head and after that I head downstairs.

  Chapter 9

  „I can do this „I tell myself as I stare in the mirror. I am dressed in a beautiful silky nightgown and underneath I have matching black panties and bra. I study my reflection for another minute and decide is now or never. One week ...only one week and we will part. The thought makes me sick. I take my coat and head outside. It's a bit chilly but his cabin is not so far. Once I make it there I take a deep breath. Ok this is it. It takes every ounce of courage to knock but I do. Nothing. I knock again and finally he opens the door. His hair is messy and his eyes hooded as he takes me in. Its midnight so it's not that late...

  "Can I come in?" He looks at me surprised but nods. I enter and he closes the door after me. I immediately take of my coat, taking advantage of the courage I have left. His eyes widen and the question is on his lips but he does not manage to ask it as I kiss him. I put in this kiss all my love and gratitude. He is hesitant at first but eventually returns the kiss.

  "What?" He manages to ask

  "I want you" I say as I trail kisses across his jaw. His eyes darken with passion as he pulls me closer. His hands settle on the small of my back and he deepens the kiss. I put my hands around his neck and circle my legs around his waist. He moves and we are on his bed. He kisses my cheeks, my neck, and he gets at my ear. He nudges at my ear lobe and I moan. It's such a wonderful sensation. His tongue on my skin. Suddenly I can't get enough of him. I tug at his shirt and he raises his hands. I pull it over his head and I begin my own exploration. His skin is so soft and sweet. I trail kisses all across his chest and he groans in response. I gently pull at his nipple and suck it into my mouth.

  "Princess...” he says, out of breath. I look up and smile at him. Slowly I pull at my night gown until I am left only in my bra and panties.

  "Fuck” I hear him whisper. And he kisses me passionately. I can feel something hard against my thigh and I think I know what it is. I giggle inwardly. Seeing him this aroused is heaven. We end the kiss and we are both out of breath. My hands follow his boxer's waistline and I ask him

  "Have you done this before?"

  "Yes” he says and I blush. Of course he must have done it. I am so ashamed of my clumsiness and inexperience.

  I reach back and unclasp my bra. I am so self-conscious since this is the first time I have ever been naked in front of someone, moreover a boy. He has a hungry look on his face and he follows my every move as I take it off. I am a bit shy and I try to cover myself at first, blushing, but he stops my hands.

  "Don’t, you're so beautiful princess” he says as he starts kissing every spot from my neck towards my breasts. I am overpowered by this new feeling that consumes my body. I want to be closer, closer. He takes one of my nipples into his mouth and I moan. His tongue circles it while he cups the other breast with his hand. I tug at his pants

  "Off" I manage to say.

  He stops my hand and shakes his head

  „Not now princess, this is enough for now. Believe me it's hard enough as it has, seeing you like this but I won't take you tonight. Not like this." He says and he kisses my forehead.


  "Princess, you are not ready, I can tell, and I won't force you to do something you aren't ready to do. We have enough time"

  "But I am and...We don't have time...”

  This time he smiles „Who says we won't see each other after the end of the camp?”

  He hugs me and tugs me in bed. This feeling, me next to him. It's heaven.

  "I love you princess” he says and I gasp. He...loves me?

  "I love you too” I say and I snuggle even closer. "I've known it for a while” I blush as I say it.

  "Really?" He raises his eyebrows and he is so cute.

  "Since when?”

  "Ever since we went star gazing" I answer him.

  "Well I have known it even earlier" he says and grins “Since when?”

  "Ever since I saw you crying and you threw away the tissue that I gave you. I have never seen anyone cuter when angry." He smiles at the memory.


  We all gather in the living room and divide the responsibilities. I am in charge of the cherry pie, Sarah and Brenna of the turkey and the guys of buying the drinks and other necessities. I do my best for the pie to be edible. I am not a master chef but I think I can manage. Technically Thanksgiving is tomorrow, but we want to have everything prepared. After staying quite late, doing my duties, I finally retire to my room, the others having gone before me. After reaching my room, I change into a pair of shorts and a baggy shirt and get into the bed. I am exhausted but I can't seem to fall asleep. Eventually I doze off, but I don't know for how long I manage to sleep as I wake up, thirsty. I decide to go downstairs and fetch myself a glass with water. I turn on the faucet and I drink about two glasses. I didn't even realize I was so thirsty. I take another one with me just in case and go back. As I climb the stairs I hear a something that sounds like a person choking. I stop in my tracks to listen better. Nothing! I proceed again and another sound followed by a thud. What the hell?

  "No ...No" I hear a voice and it gives me the chills. I manage to get to my door and this time the voice is a bit louder

  "No...Please no" It comes from Aiden's room. I hesitate for a moment but I slowly open his door. He is still in bed, shirtless and drenched in sweat. Oh he having a nightmare?

  "Please..." he says in a hoarse voice. I take a step towards him, and another, until I am standing by his side. I check his temperature and he is boiling. God Aiden... He catches my hand midair but he is still sleeping. I climb into bed next to him and I hug him whispering.

  "Hush baby it's alright” That is when I realize he's crying. Tears are running down his cheeks and I wonder just how terrible his nightmare must be. He clutches my hand even tighter and I pull his head to my chest. It hurts so bad to see him like this...

  "Mum...please...Mum...Don't leave me" he manages to say in between sobs. "...Princess, No, please doesn’t leave me alone!!" He begs and I stroke his cheek and hiss his forehead.

  “I’ll never leave you “I say as I tread my fingers through his now damp hair. His breath regulates and I can only hope he's out of that horrible zone. I eventually fall asleep with him in my arms.

  The morning rays wake me up from my reverie. Wait. Wait. I am in a foreign bed. I take a moment to compose myself and I remember last night's episode. There is something heavy on my chest. Aiden...he is still asleep, both his arms circling my waist and his head just beneath my breasts. I stroke his cheek and slowly rise from the bed, careful not to wake him up. After successfully sliding off the bed I take extra care with the door. Once again in my bed I look at the time. It's 7:25.

  It's still early and God I am still tired. I lay on the bed and I try to rest for a second. The next thing I know, someone knocking really hard at my door.

  I reluctantly rise and trudge to the door. I open the door and Sarah's beaming face greets me.

  "Morning sleepy head”

  Oh dear ..."Sarah ...what time is it?”

  "Almost 12, dear „she says and she laughs. "Rough night?" Oh she had no idea...

  "You should really thank me; I stopped Brianna from barging in and maybe throwing some water on you to wake up. We still have some things to do, but seriously girl? What's wrong with the two of you?”

  "Don't know, don't care. Whatever it is, it’s mutual. I'll go shower and dress. See you downstairs in 15."

  "Ok” she says and is about to leave when I ask "What about the others are they up?”

  "Well yeah, Aiden was the first up though ... I have to go. Bra is going to kill me too if I don't hurry up „with that she leaves and I can take care of my own business.

  Downstairs the guys are gathered up in front of the TV, debating sports while the girls seem to be fretting about something.

  "Sarah what's wrong?”

  "Plates ...we don't have anything, plat
es, glasses, cutlery ...we are so screwed"

  "We can eat like savages” I say and she frowns at me

  "Kate its thanksgiving. You know more than anyone how I feel about holidays"

  Oh yes I knew. She wanted everything to be perfect. I guess the fact that her family has always treated holidays as usual work days has influenced her in some way. But I can relate to a certain level. After my dad's passing my mother hasn't been the most accommodating person." I'll go and buy some if I can find a store open. „I say but she dismisses me immediately "No, I am going. You two just stay here and set up the table and ...." she trails off realizing there isn't much to set up "just do something. I'll be right back „She takes the car keys and leaves. Brianna gives me a look and I decide it's high time I confronted her. After all, I haven't done a thing to upset her.


  "What??" She snaps

  Hell what is wrong with her?

  „I know that we may not have started with the right foot but..." she scowls and walks past me

  "Keep that nice talk to yourself. I am not one to fall for your little game. You know...there is a world outside the club 'let's pity Kate. Wake up!”

  She leaves me dumbfounded with my mouth slightly ajar. What the hell. I can't bring myself to shout after her because to a certain degree she is right. I have been too caught up in my own problems that I didn't take the time to pay attention to anyone else. I stay like that for about ten minutes, lost in thought when she comes into the kitchen again.

  "Now won't solve anything by wallowing or feeling sorry for yourself or whatever.” She gives me a sad smile and raises her hand "popcorn” I grin at her and suddenly Brianna is not that shallow bitch I thought she was. We fill a couple of bowls and go into the living room where the guys are watching TV. We take a place on the couch. Brad says something funny and we all start laughing. The guys start teasing each other and for a moment I start just leaving the moment. Not caring about anything, when my cell phone suddenly rings. I look at the screen and I see an unknown number. "Excuse me” I say, answering.


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