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White Mughals

Page 63

by William Dalrymple

  Ibn Sina

  Ibrahim Adil Shah II (Sultan of Bijanpur)

  Ile de France

  Imtiaz ul-Omrah

  independent British

  India: assimilation of conquerors by Britain and, relation between; British in, see British in India; childhood and birth rites; Dutch community ; European responses to; plants in; Portuguese conquest of

  Indian Mutiny (1857)

  Indo-Portuguese society

  Inquisition, Portuguese

  intercultural hybridity. See cultures, mingling of

  intermarriage, xlvin


  Irani Gulli


  Irving, Edward

  Islam/Muslims; abortion in; Bhaki; birth rites; circumcision; conversions to ; festivals (see Maula Ali, festival of; Muharram); Hinduism and ; marriage in; remarriage in; scent, importance to ; Shi’a ; Sufi; Sunnis; women in

  ’Itr-i Nawras Shahi


  Jahan Pawar Begum



  Johnson, Richard

  Johnson, William

  Jones, Inigo

  Jones, William

  Journal (Barnard)

  Jung, Nawab Shumshair

  Kaiwan Jah

  Kama Sutra

  Karbala, Battle of

  Kennaway, John; JAK and ; William Kirkpatrick and ; as Resident in Hyderabad

  Kennaway Papers

  Kennedy, Alexander

  Kent, William

  Khair un-Nissa; Alam Bahadur and; appearance of; ban on leaving Calcutta ; Isabella Buller and; in Calcutta; character of; children of ; death of; death of JAK and ; Durdanah Begum and ; engagement of; exile to Masulipatam; fate of; friendships of ; half-brother of; half-sister of ; illness of; inquiry into liaison with JAK ; JAK on; letters of ; liaison with JAK ; literacy of; marriage to JAK ; moves to British Residency; mystery surrounding fate of; Palmer and; pastimes; portrait of; pregnancy of; purdah; returns to Hyderabad; Russell and ; Sydenham and ; vacates Residency; wealth of; will of; will of JAK and; zenana

  Khan, Adham

  Khan, Ahmed Ali

  Khan, Bâqar Ali (Akid ud-Daula); Alam Bahadur and; as army paymaster; Dalrymple and; death of; granddaughters’ marriages and ; JAK’s liaison with Khair and ; William Kirkpatrick and; property seized ; zenana

  Khan, Dargah Quli

  Khan, Dustee Ali

  Khan, Fojdar

  Khan, Ghulam Husain

  Khan, Ghulam Imam

  Khan, Mahmud Ali

  Khan, Mehdi Yar

  Khan, Mizra Abu Taleb

  Khan, Mizra Qasim

  Khan, Najaf

  Khan, Sadaat Ali

  Khan, Zaman Ali

  Khardla. See Maratha Confederacy



  Khazan wa-Bahar

  Khorsani, Abdul Mansur Khan

  Kimmelman, Elbrun

  Kindersley, Jemima

  Kipling, Rudyard

  Kirkpatrick, George

  Kirkpatrick, James; birth of; death of ; grandchildren and ; illegitimate children of ; India career of; marriage of

  Kirkpatrick, James Achilles (JAK); Alam Bahadur and ; allegiance of; appearance of; Aristu Jah and ; Asaf Jah II and ; birth and childhood of; British Residency and ; career of ; character; children of ; circumcision of; conceals liaison from William ; conversion to Islam ; Cornwallis and; Dalrymple and; death of; domestic life of; East India Company and; epitaph; famine relief programme ; on freelances; the French and ; funeral; Gardner and ; William George on; on harem of Asaf Jah II; health of ; honours and titles of; Hyderabad armed forces and ; Indian bibi of ; Indianisation of ; inquiry into liaison with Khair un-Nissa ; intelligence network and security of ; journey to Madras ; Kennaway and; William Kirkpatrick and ; liaison with Khair un-Nissa ; linguistic abilities of; Malcolm and ; Maratha Confederacy and; marriage to Khair un-Nissa; miniature of; mother’s death; on Munshi Aziz Ullah; William Palmer and ; William Palmer (son) and; pastimes of; political views and policies of; rape of Khair alleged; as Resident in Hyderabad ; rumours about ; Russell and ; Shushtari and; Sikander Jah and; Sydenham and; Tipu Sultan of Mysore and, ; treaties negotiated by, ; Arthur Wellesley and; Richard Wellesley and, ; will of; zenana,

  Kirkpatrick, Katherine. See Phillipps, Katherine Aurora (née Kirkpatrick)

  Kirkpatrick, Katherine (née Munro)

  Kirkpatrick, Maria (née Pawson)

  Kirkpatrick, William; appearance of; Aristu Jah and; Asaf Jah II and ; on Bâqar Ali Khan ; birth and childhood of; bisexuality of; career of; character of; children of; death of; drug addiction of; in England; expedition to Nepal; Francophobia of; health of ; Indian mistress of; intelligence network and security; Kennaway and; JAK and; JAK conceals liaison with Khair; JAK’s children and; JAK’s liaison with Khair and; linguistic abilities of; Malcolm and; on Maratha Campaign; marriage of; papers of; portrait; poverty of; on Raymond; residencies of; resignation as Resident of Hyderabad; Subsidiary Force and; Tipu Sultan of Mysore and; Arthur Wellesley and; Richard Wellesley and; as writer

  Kirkpatrick, William George; arrival in Britain; baptism of; childhood of; death of; disability of; Khair’s will and; on JAK; JAK and; marriage and children of; portraits of

  Kirkpatrick Papers

  Kitab Tuhfat al-’Alam (Shushtari)

  Koh e-Sharif


  Koine, Gottlieb


  Krishen, Gobind

  Krishna River

  Laclos, Choderlos de

  Ladies’ Monitor, A (Stuart)


  Lal, Rajah Chandu

  Layla and Majnun

  Lazat al-Nissa

  Leachland, John

  Legge, Thomas

  Leith, Captain

  Leslie, Matthew

  Leyden, John

  L’Inde Anglaise (de Warren)

  Linschoten, Jan van

  Liverpool, Lord

  Loll Bazaar mansion

  Lord Hawkesbury

  Louis, Clementina


  Luft un-Nissa

  Lugent, Lady

  Ma’ali Mian

  Maasir i-Alamgiri


  Machlipatnam. See Masulipatam

  Madhu Rao

  Madras; Council; Fort George; Government House; hospital; insularity of; potato grown in; Russell in; St Mary’s Church; women in

  Madras Courier


  Mah Munzel ul-Nissa

  Mahomet, Dean


  Makelyne, Nevil

  Malabar coast


  Malcolm, Duncan

  Malcolm, John; on British Residency; and Clive inquiry; JAK and; Mah Laqa Bai Chanda and; military role of; political views; Wellesley and

  Malet, Charles Warre

  Mandelslo, John Albert de

  Manucci, Niccolao

  Man Who Would Be King, The (Kipling)

  Maratha Confederacy, ; army; disintegration of ; treaties with; wars

  Martin, Claude

  Masulipatam; history of; journey from Calcutta to; Khair’s exile in

  Matthews, Richard

  Maula Ali, festival of

  Meadows, William

  Mecca Masjid


  Mee, Ben

  Memoirs (Hickey)

  mercenaries. See also independent British

  Methwold, William

  Mihr un-Nissa

  Mir Abul Qasim. See Alam Bahadur

  Mir Alam Mandi

  Mir (poet)

  Miss Eliza Barker’s School


  Mr Clarke’s School

  Moonstone, The (Collins)

  Moori Ghat

  Mooti Begum

  Moti Begum

  Mubarak Bagh

  Mubarak Begum

  Mughal Empire; attempted conquest of Deccan; birth and childho
od rites; British defections to; British treaty with (1616) ; disapproval of arts in; East India Company in; first contacts between British and; golden age of; power struggles within; sexuality in ; wetnurses; women in


  Mullick family

  Munro, Andrew


  Musi, River

  Mysore Wars ; Partition Treaty

  Nabob, The (Foote)



  Nana Phadnavis; death of

  Napoleon Bonaparte and Napoleonic wars

  Narayan, Laxmi


  nautch girls and parties

  Naylor, Thomas

  Nazir un-Nissa

  Nelson, Horatio

  New Account of the East Indies (Hamilton)

  Nile, Battle of the

  Nizam Ali Khan. See Asaf Jah II

  Nizan ul-Mulk. See Asaf Jah

  Noor Jah Begum

  Noor un-Nissa. See Phillipps, Katherine Aurora (née Kirkpatrick)

  Nugent, Maria

  Nur Bai

  Nur Begum

  Nur Jehan

  Ochterlony, David

  Orientalism (Said)

  Orr, Major

  Osmania Women’s College

  Ottoman Empire

  Palk, Richard

  Palmer, Fanny Khanum

  Palmer, Fyze: background; death of Khair and; grave of ; Khair and ; marriage and children

  Palmer, Hastings

  Palmer, John

  Palmer, Mary

  Palmer, Sarah (née Hazell)

  Palmer, William; on Alam Bahadur; character of; children of ; Cornwallis and ; Creole wife of ; death of JAK and; financial situation; Hastings and ; Indian wife of ; as Indophile; Khair and; JAK and ; on William Kirkpatrick; in Lucknow; Wellesley and ; zenana

  Palmer, William (son); as Anglo-Indian ; army career of; birth of ; as businessman ; childhood of; death of; de Warren on; financial ruin of; JAK and ; mother and; Philothetes letter of; Russell and

  Palmer Papers

  Parkes, Fanny

  Pattle, Sophia

  Pearee Begum

  Pearse, Thomas Deane

  Perrien, Mrs

  Perry, Mrs

  Petrie, William

  Phillipps, James Winslowe

  Phillipps, Katherine Aurora (née Kirkpatrick); appearance; arrival in Britain; baptism; birth of; as Blumine; Carlyle and; childhood of ; children of; death of; ears pierced; William George’s children and; Khair’s will and; marriage of; marriage of JAK and Khair and; portraits of ; Russell and; Sharaf un-Nissa and

  Piron, Jean-Pierre


  Pohlmann, Anthony

  Polier, Antoine

  Portuguese in India

  Preliminary Treaty (1798)


  Purani Haveli

  Qasim, Qadrat Ullah



  Quli Qutb Sha

  Qutb Shahi Gardens

  Rai, Rajah Ragotim


  Rangin Mahal

  Raymond, Michel Joachim; Aristu Jah and; Asaf Jah II and ; Corps de Raymond ; death of; grave of ; intelligence network; William Kirkpatrick on; as Muslim; Sikander Jah and; Tipu Sultan of Mysore and; titles of; wealth of

  Razia Sultana

  renegades. See independent British

  Repton, Humphrey

  Risala i-Baghbani

  Robinson, Mr

  Roe, Thomas

  Roebuck, Ebeneezer


  Roxburgh, William

  Rushdie, Salman

  Russell, Charles

  Russell, Clothilde

  Russell, Constance

  Russell, Henry; Alam Bahadur and; Aman Ullah and; as Assistant at Hyderabad; on Aziz Ullah; Casamajor and;

  character of;

  children of;

  Chinnery portrait and ; correspondence of; death of Khair and; disgrace of; as executor of JAK’s will; health of; Indian bibis of; Khair and ; Khair’s death and; JAK and; in Madras; marriages of ; William Palmer (son) and; Katherine Phillipps and; as Resident in Hyderabad ; return to England; return to Hyderabad; Sharaf un-Nissa and; on Sikander Jah; Wellesley and; on women ; on Zaman Ali Khan; on Zuffur Plutun

  Russell, Henry (father)

  Russell, Jane (née Casamajor)

  Russell, John

  Russell, Samuel

  Russell Papers

  Sahib Allum. See Kirkpatrick, William George

  Sahib Begum. See Phillipps, Katherine Aurora

  Said, Edward

  St Mary’s Church (Madras)

  Salabat Jang



  Sartor Resartus (Carlyle)

  Sarwar Afza, Nawab Begum


  Scindia, Daulat Rao

  Scindia, Mahadji

  Scurry, James


  Select Letters of Tippoo Sultaun (William Kirkpatrick)


  7th Hussars


  Shah, Tajalli Ali

  Shah Jehan

  Shakar un-Nissa

  Shapur I

  Sharaf un-Nissa; Alam Bahadur and; birth of; in Calcutta with Khair; children of ; Clive Inquiry and; confiscation of property; death of; death of Khair and; in exile with Khair ; grandchildren and ; great-grandchild of; illiteracy of; and Khair’s engagement ; Khair’s liaison with JAK and ; marriage of; marriage of Khair and; return to Hyderabad; Russell and


  Shirley, Thomas


  Shooter’s Hill

  Shore, Frederick

  Shore, John


  Shushtari, Abdul Lateef

  Shushtari, Sayyid Ali

  Shushtari, Sayyid Reza

  Shushtari, Zein ul-Abidin

  Sikander Jah: Alam Bahadur and; character of; death of; insanity of; JAK and; marriage of; as Nizam ; public works programme; and Raymond; treaties with

  Silva, Favier de

  Skinner, James


  Southernhay House


  Steuart, William; death of

  Story of Wonders, The (Suroorrs)

  Strachey, Edward

  Strachey, George

  Strachey, Jane Maria

  Strachey, Julia (née Kirkpatrick)

  Strachey, Lytton

  Stuart, Charles (‘Hindoo’)

  Subsidiary Force; Asaf Jah II and; enlargement of; fraud investigation; Residency’s relations with ; rudeness of soldiers

  Subsidiary Treaty of 1800,


  Sulaiman Jah


  Suroorrs, Rajab Ali Beg

  Sutherland, Hugh

  Sutherland, John

  Sutherland, Robert


  Sydenham, George

  Sydenham, Thomas

  Tadhkirat al-Shahawat

  Tafazul, Abu Talib

  Taj Mahal

  Tana Shah

  Tarikh i-Asaf Jahi (Bidri)

  Tarikh i-Khurshid Jahi (Ghulam Iman Khan)

  Tarikh i-Nizam

  Tarikh i-Yadgar i-Makhan Lal

  Tavernier, Jean-Baptiste



  Thackeray, William

  Thevenot, de

  Thomas, George

  Thomas, Jan

  Thompson, Alexander

  Tînat un-Nissa Begum

  Tipu Sultan of Mysore; army of; as astrologer; birth of; death of ; French and; JAK and; William Kirkpatrick and; Napoleon and; Raymond and; treasure of ; wars against ; Wellesley and

  Tod, James

  transculturation. See cultures, mingling of

  Travels (Mahomet)

  Treaty of Bassein

  Treaty of Khardla

  Trullye, Robert

  Tuhfat al-’Alam (Shushtari)

e Years Military Adventures in Hindustan (Blackiston)


  ud-Daula, Akid. See Khan, Bâkar Ali

  ud-Daula, Itmad

  ud-Daula, Mustaqim

  ud-Daula, Rukn

  ul-Fatimeh, Ummat

  Ullah, Munshi Aman

  Ullah, Munshi Aziz

  Umrao, Jan Ada

  United States

  Ure, George; death of; as JAK’s doctor; as JAK’s executor; William Kirkpatrick and

  Ure, John

  Ure, Mrs

  Usama ibn Munquid

  Valentia, Lord


  Vanbrugh, John

  Vauban, Sébastian de


  Vellore Mutiny

  venereal disease

  Venkatchellam, Rai

  Vigors, Colonel

  Vindication of the Hindoos, A (Stuart)

  Vitruvius Britannicus (Campbell)



  Wadyar dynasty

  Walker, Cecilia

  Walker, Robert

  War of 1812

  War of Independence

  Warren, Edouard de

  Wellesley, Arthur; and Alam Bahadur, ; JAK and ; William Kirkpatrick and; military career of; on Richard Wellesley

  Wellesley, Henry

  Wellesley, Hyacinthe

  Wellesley, Richard Colley (Marquess Wellesley); Alam Bahadur and; appearance of; arrival in India ; on Calcutta; character of ; Clive inquiry and; dismissal of; East India Company and ; Francophobia of ; Government House and; health of; honours denied; JAK and ; JAK’s liaison with Khair and ; William Kirkpatrick and ; Malcolm and ; Palmer and; policies of ; post-India career of; on Russells; sexual appetite; Tipu Sultan of Mysore and; treaties ; wars ; Arthur Wellesley on


  Wilks, Mark

  Williamson, Thomas

  Withington, Nicholas

  women; army division; arranged marriages and; aseels; British; as courtesans ; in durbar of Asaf Jah II, Hindu; hookah-smoking by; Indian ; intermarriage ; in Iran;

  in Islam; in Madras; in Mughal Empire; nautch girls ; power of; purdah stricture ; Russell on; Shustari on ; as spies; tawaifs; wetnurses


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