Book Read Free

Pinned Down

Page 22

by C. Michelle

  I go through the routine procedure before I’m escorted to the visiting area. Once again, I’m allowed a contact visit instead of meeting with Diego in that tiny room with half a glass wall separating us. As I sit on the cold steel stool, I realize I’m actually excited to see Diego again. Our past can’t be erased, but our present is work in progress that is headed in a positive direction. The sound of a heavy door opening interrupts my thoughts. Diego along with a correctional officer walk in. As they stand by the door, the officer takes off Diego’s handcuffs, he stands behind the small podium, and turns on the radio to allow Diego and me a private conversation.

  Diego approaches me with a genuine smile. “Hija! What a surprise! I’m so glad to see you.” For the first time since I’ve met him, Diego wraps his arms around me and gently holds me in his arms. I welcome his embrace, it’s comforting and full of love.

  “I wanted to see you and catch up in person.” I explain with tear filled eyes from joy. “Here…I brought you something.”

  “You brought ME something?” Diego’s taken by surprise once again.

  “Yes!” I laugh. “Don’t get too excited. It’s only food.” I place the medium sized lunch cooler on the steel table that’s between us. “I made you chicken parmigiana, lemon orzo, and a Mediterranean salad. My mom sends you cannoli and cheesecake. I hope you’re hungry.”

  It takes Diego a minute to respond. I notice he swallows hard before he thanks me.

  “Can I ask you a question?” I decide to ask since the curiosity has been eating at me lately.

  “Yes.” He tries to remain serious, but a hint of a smile escapes him.

  “Why are you so positive that you won’t be doing a lifetime prison sentence? How do you know you’ll only be incarcerated for a few years?”

  “Because I’ve had an arrangement with the U.S. government for over ten years. I was allowed to smuggle drugs into the U.S. in exchange for information on rival drug trafficking cartels, including all pertinent facts on Mateo Blanco. Not only was he U.S. agents’ most wanted due to his power in the drug and weapons industries, but his capture also became personal to many agencies. You see…Blanco was responsible for the kidnapping, torture, and murder of a DEA agent. Blanco ordered the hit because he was upset the DEA agent insisted that Mexican officials do a raid on one of Blanco’s 200-acre marijuana plantations. The DEA agent’s body was found in a shallow grave within Blanco’s cartel territory. At the time, I was Blanco’s second in command, he bragged about this particular murder, so I was able to easily provide the information to the U.S. government ensuring Blanco never raised suspicion on me.

  As I became independent and established my own drug organization, the Enemiga Cartel; my power, alliances, and information to the U.S. became more valuable. I led agents to a 25-ton cocaine seizure along with several other large confiscations of drugs, weapons, and leaders of rival cartels. U.S. agents were refrained from interfering with my organization’s illegal activities and weren’t allowed to actively prosecute me. This arrangement was authorized by high ranking officials and federal prosecutors. Remember the night Blanco was killed? Well, I led agents to him even if it meant I would be detained for some time.”

  I’m shocked at his confession. “But why are you still here if you have an agreement with the government not to be prosecuted?”

  “The government doesn’t want to bring light to the deal they made with the devil…in this case, me. Although high ranking officials authorized the agreement, not everyone in government is aware or would be in conformity with the arrangement made. Initially, I did earn most of my money from drug trafficking, but the last few years, my wealth came from the investments I made on legitimate companies and real estate projects throughout the world. I’ve been trying to build my empire through valid means. I’m still connected to the Enemiga Cartel because technically, I’m still the leader and with that position comes an immense power that opens several avenues for me.” As an afterthought, Diego adds, “I haven’t killed innocent people in years and I’ve never done business that includes human trafficking. By no means am I trying to minimize my offenses, I’m simply stating facts.”

  I analyze him closely. “When we first spoke, you stated you were probably going to do a life sentence. Did you lie to me?”

  “No, I didn’t lie. If I didn’t have this arrangement, then prison would be my destiny. At the time, I didn’t think you wanted anything to do with me. I didn’t care about fighting my way out. I had given up on myself, but once you came to visit, you gave me purpose to fight once again. Immediately, I contacted my attorneys. Right now, they’re just looking for ways to get me out that won’t raise too many eyebrows, one option is a violation of due process. We’ll see how that goes.”

  “Any news on AX?”

  “The little shit continues to be up to no good. The Blanco Cartel which is now under his command got a hold of three women from a rival organization, they took them out to a field, then made them get naked while pointing AK-47s to their heads with the intention of murdering them. Instead of killing them execution style, they pushed the women to the ground while they were still alive, chopped off their heads then dismembered the rest of their bodies. These sick bastards recorded the heinous murders. In the video, you can hear those men sadistically laughing as they were committing those horrific acts.”

  I can’t believe what I’m hearing. “How do you know about this?”

  “It’s on the internet, but their faces and bodies are completely covered. It took a while to locate the video, but if you search it, eventually you’ll find the gruesome act.” Diego states completely appalled.

  “AX is a danger now more than ever. He’s on a power rush with absolutely no regard for human life. He doesn’t get satisfaction from just killing people, he requires torture beforehand to be completely gratified with someone’s death. How are you and Sancho getting along?”

  I sigh. “Well, sometimes when I see him from a distance in his car, I’ll bring him coffee or food. He always thanks me, but he never smiles. He’s really intimidating. Sometimes, I feel sorry for him because he follows me around when I don’t do much. I’ve only had someone follow me once, Sancho went after him, but couldn’t catch up to whomever was stalking me. Other than that, there’s no news to tell.”

  “Tell me about you and Emme. How are you two getting along?” Diego asks with a straight face as he takes a bite of his meal.

  “Huh?” Oh, shit. I know he knows I’m no longer friends with her, why is he testing me? Why do I feel like a five year old child who was just caught writing on the walls?

  Diego then does the unthinkable. He gives me “the look.” What the fuck? He knows that look too? Why does he appear so intimidating? I thought only moms possessed that power! Ugh!

  I decide honesty is the best policy in this case. “We haven’t really spoken lately. We had an argument and haven’t been in touch since.”

  Diego puts his fork down and stares at me with a grave face. “I have to get rid of her. Emme poses as a big threat to you and me. She knows too much information about us.”

  “What? No!” I cry. “You can’t do anything to her! I can’t live with that on my conscience!”

  “Hija, if Emme seeks revenge or if AX gets to her, she’ll tell him everything. She’s a high risk that needs to be eliminated. Her name was included in the police report, that report is public information. Just because AX hasn’t gotten a hold of her yet, doesn’t mean that he won’t.”

  “Please! I’m begging you!” I’m in complete hysterics now that I realize Emme might actually be killed. I may not be friends with her, but at one point, I loved her like a sister. “Please, dad! Don’t do this!” For the first time, I acknowledge Diego as my father. I understand his dilemma, but I won’t accept his solution.

  “Hija.” Diego seems completely heartbroken from causing me so much pain. “What if I send Emme away until her baby is born? I’ll spare her child’s life.” He tries to compromise.

>   I’m stunned by his words. “What? Emme’s pregnant? How far along is she?”

  “I thought you knew that’s why you want her alive so badly. She almost had an abortion but she couldn’t follow through with it. I believe she’s due the first week of October. Hija, remember…she betrayed you once, she’ll do it again.”

  I stop listening to my dad and immediately start doing the math. Emme became pregnant in the beginning of January. At that time, she was with us every single day and spent every night with Kade.

  Kade! OH, MY GOD! Kade’s going to be a dad!

  My tears are now uncontrollable. I’m in a frenzy over everything my dad has just informed me. “Please, dad! Don’t hurt Emme. Don’t do anything to her or the baby. I’m begging you. Kade is the father of that baby. He doesn’t deserve this loss. Kade has saved me in so many ways, please don’t do this to him…to me. Please leave Emme alone!” I beg frantically, desperate for my pleas to be heard.

  Reluctantly, he agrees. “Okay.” He sighs. “I can’t tolerate seeing you suffer. It breaks me. Just know that I’ll still send my men to speak with her. It’s necessary she understands the only reason she’s alive is because of you. If she opens her mouth to anyone about what she knows, I’ll be the one who kills her with my bare hands.”

  Despite my father’s threat, I exhale with relief.

  Once our visit comes to an end, Diego and I both stand. I approach and embrace him tightly. He wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head. “Thank you, dad.”

  “I love you, Hija.” He whispers.

  I leave the prison with my thoughts in utter chaos. It’s the afternoon and realize I haven’t eaten all day. I was too caught up with my conversation with Diego to take a bite of anything. As I’m driving, my head is pounding fiercely. The news I received and my failure to eat today has taken a severe toll on me. Once I exit and see the first corner store, I stop to buy water, a chocolate bar, and some aspirin for my migraine.

  I pray the pills kick in fast. As I’m approaching my car to head home, I sudden rush of dizziness hits me. Before I know it, everything goes black.

  An annoying beeping sound wakes me. Slowly, I open my eyes. There’s a curtain surrounding my sterile bed area. I notice an IV has been inserted into my right hand. I’m not able to comprehend much else. Just as my heavy lids are ready to shut once again, a female doctor opens the curtains then closes them behind her. “Hey there, sleeping beauty. How do you feel?”

  I consider her question. “The back of my head hurts and I’m thirsty.”

  “Your head hurts because you fainted and hit your head on the curb of the sidewalk. Luckily, you and the baby seem to be fine. Regardless, I want to keep you overnight for observation. I’ll start you off with ice chips and see how you do from there. How does that sound?” The doctor asks.

  “The baby?” I ask despite the dryness in my throat.

  “Oh. You didn’t know you were pregnant. Well,’re about six weeks along. Congratulations! You’re going to be a mommy!” The doctor says with a bit too much enthusiasm then hands me a black and white picture of what…I have no clue. “Here’s your baby’s first picture! See that white/greyish jelly bean looking thing? That’s your baby! How exciting is that?”

  After that…I tune her out.

  I’m pregnant. I’m having a baby and I don’t know who the father is.

  My chest tightens at the thought and my eyes swell, but I refuse to cry.

  To Be Continued…

  Author’s Biography

  C. Michelle loves a good know, the type that accidentally makes you snort. Yeah, that kind. Her love of all things funny, romantic, and bad ass led to the writing of her debut novel, Pinned Up. C. Michelle resides in northern California with her husband and three children. She is currently working on the completion of the Pinned Up trilogy. Initially, Pinned Up was written as a stand-alone novel, but since the characters continue to harass her during the middle of the night, while she’s driving, when she’s eating, and while she’s running against her will...she decided to continue with their stories.

  C. Michelle earned a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and a Master of Business Administration degree while working as a probation officer and probation counselor. She also served her community as a Victim Awareness Program Instructor and an Aggression Replacement Training Facilitator.

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