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Becoming His Collection

Page 9

by Haley Monroe

His big hands flex over my tits, massaging them and making me feel so good. My pussy still struggles to fit him but I start to do as he asks. Rolling my hips on his lap, stirring up my guts with his massive length. My breathing is already shallow, my heart pounding as he stays still under me. He lets me control the speed, for now, but the way he’s touching me and the way he fills me makes me desperate to come again.

  I feel it, right there, just out of reach. My hips move like I’m riding a mechanical bull in some sleazy bar, but the reality is anything but. From behind me, Jacob continues to kiss my back, my shoulders and up my neck. I shiver as he starts to whisper in my ear.

  “Mm, good girl. You make Daddy’s dick feel so fucking good. Make me come, kitten. Work my dick till it explodes in this tight little cunt and then I’ll tuck you into bed.”

  “Yes, Daddy,” I coo. “Yes, I want your come.” Those big hands close around my tits. He squeezes and I feel his hips thrust up under me. Stabbing into my core. I gasp with the stroke and rock my hips hard, digging his length farther into me.

  “Come with me, Hannah,” he demands, dropping his right hand down into the water and pushing his fingers between my closed legs. He finds my clit and rubs it tenderly. I’m so sensitive from our play that it doesn’t take much. The strength of the orgasm rocks me so hard that I don’t even have time to tell him I’m coming, but of course he knows and joins me anyway.

  He’s as deep inside of me as he can go and together we come, like it was designed to happen this way. I scream his name and his forehead presses into my back. His hand stops moving over my clit and moves to rest on my leg.

  I think I can feel his heartbeat against my back and that little fact makes me smile. I lean back against him, enjoying the feeling of his cock still twitching inside of me. Tonight’s events are quickly catching up with me and I yawn loudly as I slump back against him. “I agree, baby girl.” He chuckles. “Let’s get dried off.” Very carefully, Jacob lifts me from his cock. I groan as we part and find my footing, still using the sides of the tub for balance. He stands and pulls the plug, the water quickly washing down the drain. “Sit on the edge so you don’t fall, please.”

  I’m happy to oblige his request and sit on the side of the big, almost empty tub. I watch Jacob’s body as he climbs out and drips his way over to a stacked towel warmer. A smile pulls at my mouth when he wraps a hot towel around me. I snuggle into it and stay seated as he dries himself.

  When he’s finished he reaches for me with his strong arms. Lifting me off the side of the bath and carrying me down the few steps. We don’t speak as he rubs all the water from my body or when he tosses the damp towels into a hamper and hands me an unopened tooth brush from under the vanity.

  He squirts a dab of tooth paste over the bristles of the new brush and then kisses my nose. I start to brush my teeth, leaning against the pretty counter top and he does the same. We both wipe our faces and he holds out his hand for me to take. Our fingers intertwine and he walks me to his massive bed. Jacob pulls back the dark blue covers and helps me climb onto the mattress.

  I welcome the support of the bed as it takes my weight. My eyes blink heavily when Jacob pulls the covers up to my chin. “I have to go finish a few things in my office, baby girl, but it won’t be more than a few minutes.”

  “Stay with me till I fall asleep?” I ask through another yawn. He laughs softly and I feel the bed dip as he climbs over me. He pushes his big arm under my head and kisses my temple again.

  “Okay, kitten. I have a feeling it won’t take too long for you to drift off.”

  “Nope.” I smile with my eyes closed, snuggling into his body even though he’s still on top of the covers, which makes me feel as snug as a bug in a rug. Warm and secure. Safe and happy. I fall asleep so deeply, I don’t feel it when he leaves me to return to his work.


  I’m not sure when Jacob came back to the bed or even if he ever really left, but I wake up still wrapped in his arms. My face pressed into his neck as if even in my sleep I couldn’t get close enough to him. I stretch my neck up and am happy to find him still asleep. His head is lolled to the side, his eyelids flicker like he might be dreaming. Watching him is peaceful. I rest my chin on his chest and admire his beautiful face.

  He must feel me watching because his arm grows tight around me and he hums a sexy, raspy sound. “Morning Daddy.” I sing song like Ariel in the Little Mermaid when she’s lost in love with the mysterious Prince. A smile forms over his sleepy mouth but still his eyes remain closed.

  “It feels good to wake up to your sweet voice, kitten.” I crawl further up his body. Putting myself on top of him to kiss the smile on his lip. I wince as I move, my body is sore in places I didn’t know had muscles. His eyes pop open at my pained sound and his hands move up to cup my jaw. “Are you alright, baby?”

  “Mmhm.” I moan and press my mouth back on his for a brief kiss. “Just well used,” I giggle.

  “I’m actually a bit tight as well.” He shifts me off of him to sit up. He rubs a hand over his head and then down over his jaw. “Let me shower and shave and then we can cook breakfast.”

  “I’m not hungry.” I speak before thinking. He pins me with a death stare and I shrug my shoulder. “Sorry, I meant, oh I can’t wait.”

  “Better.” He grumbles and climbs from under the covers. He’s completely naked and the sight of his firm ass is pretty enticing. I’m not usually a butt kinda girl but Jacob Hoff’s ass is pure perfection. I crawl across the bed as he stretches with his hands high in the air and spank his left cheek with my hand as hard as I dare. He doesn’t squeak or squeal like I do when he slaps me, instead he lowers his arms slowly and turns to face me. His thick cock hung heavy and is intimidating even soft.

  My lips press together to keep from giggling until I see the stern look on his face. Oh, Daddy isn’t impressed. “I couldn’t help myself!” I shriek and he dives for me. He’s on top of me in half a heat beat, pinning my arms above my head. The tight muscles in my shoulders scream in protest. “Sorry, sorry!” I giggle through the pinching pain in my arms. “Ow, Daddy!” I gasp as his hand swats my upper thigh. He’s straddled over my left leg, his cock growing as we wrestle and he taps my outer thigh again. It doesn’t hurt, not really. Not compared to the under used muscles he’s engaged last night.

  “I think you were sent here to test me, princess.” He growls in my ear.

  “No,” I whimper, lifting my leg to rub against his balls.

  “Yes.” He argues. “I tried disciplining you with more orgasms than you could handle and that has obviously failed to get through to you. I think we’ll try a bit of orgasm denial now.”

  “What?” I burst. He can’t do that. That’s mean! That’s cruel! He wouldn’t. I pout up at him and he laughs.

  “You heard me.” He pushes off of me and walks out of the room. Leaving me to wonder exactly how serious he is about this stupid idea. I stay in place on the bed thinking, but after a few minutes I’m beginning to wonder if he’s coming back. I sit up and look back at the bedroom door just in time to see Jacob strolling back in still naked, but with something swinging in his right hand. He holds it up as he comes closer. It looks like a thick, metal thong.

  “Oh, no.” I mumble under my breath.

  “Stand up, kitten. I have a present for you.” His cock is as hard as a rock, bobbing up and down as he comes to the side of the bed.

  “That’s not a,”

  “A chastity belt?” He cuts me off. “Yes. It is. Speak your safe word if you aren’t comfortable.” He says as he motions for me to get off the bed. I do so slowly, eyeing the evil thing in his hand sideways.

  “I don’t think I like this.” I warn.

  “You aren’t supposed to like it, that’s what makes it a punishment.” He replies as I stand before him. He bends down and brings the device close enough for me to step into. I place my hands on his shoulders for balance as I place one foot and then the other in the medieval looking thing. Jacob pulls it
up my legs until the stiff waist line is snug over my hips. The thin leather strip in the back parts my ass cheeks and nestles against my ass hole.

  I look down my body and my mouth hangs open in shock or surprise or disbelief. I don’t even know anymore. There is a solid, stainless steel, rectangular plate that fits over my clit and then just under that there are three rows of tiny holes punched through the steel, making it look like a cheese grater. “How the fuck will I pee?”

  “You can pee in this or ask to be released.” His cheeky smile makes me mad. I cross my arms over my chest as he slips a tiny padlock through small securing rings on either side of my hips.

  “Pee in it?” I scoff. “Are you insane?” He shakes his head and tugs the belt to test its tightness. The motion jiggles me around but I stay on my feet. He hums in satisfaction and cups his hand over the metal plate. I can feel the pressure of it, but I can’t really feel it.

  “Nah,” He smiles down at me. “See this is much more modern than the belts they used to use back in the day. It has breathable holes here,” He rubs it against me, stirring up a tingle in my pussy. “With a cup of water, you can wash away any urine, I won’t keep you in it for too terribly long, but I do suggest you get used to the idea of peeing in it or being willing to ask permission every time you need to use the restroom.” I give an annoyed humph and he bends down to kiss the corner of my mouth quickly.

  His hand rubs downwards and I’m surprised how well I can feel his fingers against my pussy lips. “If I wanted, I could slip my fingers into your sweet pussy. Or you could, but I doubt you’d be able to achieve orgasm with this blocking the ability for any depth or clit play.” His fingers tease my lower lips and I can’t fight the pleasing sigh that slips from my mouth. “If you need to use the rest room for other reasons, I’ll be happy to let you out of it as well.” He steps back from me and brushes his fingers against my jaw. “I’ll be in the shower, if you need assistance.”

  He walks away from me, cock still hard, and the key to my belt in his stupid hand. I shoot lasers at his back with my eyes and huff when I hear him chuckling in the bathroom. The sound of the shower running reaches my ears and I move over into his closet to look at myself in the full-length mirror.

  The belt really does look like some armor like thong, built to protect the pussy in battle or something. I spin half way around to look at my ass. The back looks less threatening and in fact it kind of turns me on to be strapped into this wicked thing. I try to push my fingers under the waist line but it’s too snug against my lower belly.

  I widen my thighs and try to slip a finger into my pussy from around the thick strap covering me. I can get just the tip of my middle finger into my body before it’s impossible to push it in any deeper. Trying to get further in my pussy only turns me on more and I let out a frustrated groan.

  Next, I try to push and pull at the straps around my hips, thinking I can just slip out of it but that doesn’t work either, my waist is much smaller than the width of my hips and I can’t move it hardly at all. I’m stuck. Jacob is now completely in control of my pleasure, physically, I mean.

  We’ve played before that I couldn’t come until he gave me permission but it was never really enforced. With him so busy all the time it’s not like he knew when I masturbated alone in my bed at night. Sneaking would be impossible now.

  I look over my scowling face in the mirror and shrug. “Maybe we should learn to control ourselves?” I ponder aloud to my reflection.

  “Perhaps that would be best.” Jacob’s voice startles me as he walks into the closet from behind, wearing only a towel. His face in cleanly shaven and his smile is striking. I roll my eyes at him and he laughs. “It’s Saturday, kitten. Do you know what that means?”

  “That I won’t be coming today?” My knuckles rap twice against my metal crotch.

  “Precisely.” He drops his towel without a hint of modesty or embarrassment and pulls up a pair of basketball shorts. “Also, it means I’ve canceled my plans for today and thought we could swing over to The Play House?”

  “Really?” I bounce on my toes while clapping my hands, the device around my genitals forgotten. It’s been so long since I’ve been to The Play House and I’ve never gone with a man of my own. I’ve always been Miranda’s tag along or the third wheel to their party.

  “Mmhm, I’ve called up Tom, him and Miranda are free this evening for a play date.”

  “Oh, but,” I pout my mouth and turn back to the mirror. My hairs a tangled mess from not brushing it after the bath and then sleeping on damp hair. The washed out dirty, blonde hair almost reaches my hips and with one hand I pull it all over my right shoulder. “Will I have to wear this?” My eyes search for his in the glass as he steps up behind me and lowers his chin to my bare shoulder. I batt my lashes and try to pull off the ‘I have Daddy wrapped around my finger’ thing.

  His eyes are lit with some kind of joy as his hands come around my body to hold my waist. I think I’ve won when his lips part to speak, but then all he says is, “Yup.” I stomp my foot with a growl as he begins to retreat from the closet. “Do you want bacon and eggs or pancakes? Oh! Maybe both?” He asks from a few steps behind me.

  “I’m gonna pee in your shower.” I mumble lowly.

  “Be my guest,” he laughs like the idea really fucking tickles him and swats my ass with an upward swing. Most of the sting catches the under portion of my ass cheek and actually really hurts.

  “Ow.” I speak at the same time he tells me to come down for breakfast when I’m ready and then he’s gone. I sigh, realizing I have no clothing stashed over here and now that I spoke the stupid threat, I really do have to pee. My knees come together and I do the pee-pee dance, the one only little kids do that I haven’t done in years. I don’t want to call Jacob back up here and asked to be let out of this stupid punishment belt, but I also really don’t want to pee in it.

  I pull one of his dress shirts from the row of hangers, it’s a pretty pale pink and looks like it will be like a dress on me. I carry it to the bathroom, the fabric pressed to my nose as I inhale his laundry scent. Everything about him is so good. The way he looks and dresses. The way he smells and the way he treats me.

  Sure, I don’t like being punished, but I do like that he cares enough about me to put some thought into how to go about it. He tried one way and thought the message wasn’t sinking in, so now, here we are… in a fucking chastity belt.

  The master bathroom is even more beautiful in the daylight. Everything sparkles and gleams in the morning light. I push open the French doors I noticed last night and step out into the frigid air. It’s only October, but in Maine winter sets in early and stays for the long haul. Snow had already made its appearance, but melted away to leave a bite in the air and beautifully colored leaves on the trees. Being out here naked is stupid, but I just want to get a quick peek. I tip toe to the edge of the balcony; the multi-colored slate pavers feel like ice to my poor toes, but I just have to look.

  I cross my arms over my breasts to hug in some of my own warmth. The view is breath taking, all of Maine is beautiful of course, but standing up here is almost like I can see all of it. The rolling hills change from dried yellows to darker greens as the elevation changes and then the trees burst into full fall foliage. Reds and browns, even some purples are thrown in with the small amount of still green leaves. Tall pine trees break up the scene with their spikey pines. I can see the white steeple of the church in town, tucked sweetly in the center square and the dark water of the small lake that everyone is drawn to during the summer.

  Goosebumps take over my skin and my teeth begin to chatter slightly, but I can’t seem to pull myself away. The scene before me is like an oil painting, perfect in its imperfections and gives me such a sense of peace that I’m just not ready for it to end. I stand there, drinking in the New England charm that sprawls before me until I can’t any longer.

  When I pad back into the bathroom, my nose is numb and so is every other part of me. The sho
wer, though it looks super complicated, is easy to work and I turn all of the shower heads on at once. I’m surprised to find steam comes rolling out from jet like spots near the floor. The chill is chased from my bones in a matter of seconds and I twirl around under the rain like spray above my head.

  As I warm up, the need to pee comes rushing back and I whine a little. I step over the drain and stand with my legs parted super wide. This feels wrong, this feels wrong, I chant to myself. I look up at the water splashing down over me and try to relax my body enough to urinate. I’ve never peed standing up before and it just won’t happen.

  My stomach pinches and cramps, it’s been too long since I’ve eaten. I need to pee, wash my hair and get out. That thought gives me an idea and I find a bottle of Jacob’s body wash on the bench. I squirt a ton into my hand and start rubbing it on my chest and arms. The suds appear and begin to slip down my body as the water washes them away. I tell myself the soap with be more effective at cleaning me than toilet paper would anyway and again straddle the drain. Slowly, so slowly it hurts, my bladder releases.

  I keep my eyes closed as I finish and then squeeze even more of his soap on to my body to wash my belly and thighs. I pray that I’m clean enough and spin a few more times to make sure every bit of me is rinsed off. I smell just like Jacob now and that makes me happy. I step from the shower and grab one of the warmed-up towels, this house is like a super fancy hotel or somewhere else that caters to all your needs. It’s luxurious and fancy and so much better than my shitty, run down house.

  I take my time to dry my body and hair, knowing Jacob will come looking for me if he gets concerned, but obviously he isn’t. He must be giving me time to process all that we’ve done together since yesterday. It’s a lot, honestly, but I feel balanced. I’m not confused like I was after our first meeting, nor am I mad with him for locking me in this thing, even if I chose to let him believe I am.

  His shirt feels like heaven when I slip into it and button it up. Its baggy, almost everywhere. I have to roll up the sleeves and I return to his closet for a belt. None of his belts are thin and cute, they are all thick black leather. Functional, that’s what they are. I wrap one around me, imagining what it would feel like if he folded one just like it and struck my skin. Would he hit me hard enough to make welts appear on my skin? Or just a dull tap that thuds enough to turn me on?


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