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Becoming His Collection

Page 10

by Haley Monroe

  I finger brush my hair and use the tooth brush he gave me last night to clean my mouth. After all is said and done, I think I look kind of cute. Which is a new feeling for me. His belt makes my waist look thin compared to how the shirt puffs up around my chest. The chastity belt is well hidden and is so sleek against me, I doubt anyone would guess I’m wearing such a thing if I wore the ensemble outside. With a last shrug at my appearance, I wander out of the bedroom in search of the kitchen.

  I’ve never tried to navigate the house by myself and it seems impossible. I stroll down the hall, admiring the décor and peeking into the rooms as I pass. Jacob gave me a tour before and I nod my head as I remember each one. Down a set of stairs, I explore the second floor for a bit then hurry down another set of stairs when my stomach cramps so hard it doubles me over.

  I find the kitchen and Jacob, finally. He’s standing in front of the stove with a spatula in his big hand. I can hear a sports announcer yacking on about who knows what and gasp when I see the TV is actually a part of the refrigerator door.

  “What kinda rich people magic is this?” I walk up behind him and hug my arms around him. My cheek presses to his smooth, muscular back and I inhale him. We smell like the same soap and it makes me smile.

  “Pretty neat, huh?” He pats my hands that are folded over his abs. “The bacon’s already on the table and so are the eggs. The pancakes are almost done, kitten, why don’t you sit and start? I’ll be over in a second.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask, then kiss the center of his spine. “Do you need help with anything?”

  “Erm?” He looks over his shoulder at the small breakfast nook off to the side of the massive kitchen. “I set out plates and silverware. Food’s almost complete. Oh, could you pour a glass of OJ for me and whatever you’d like for yourself?”

  “Mmhm.” I skip over to the open shelf above the counter where matching rows of glasses are stacked. Some are tall and some are short. I grab two tall ones and yank open the heavy fridge door. A pitcher of orange juice sits on a shelf next to a half gallon of milk and stacks of pre-planned meals. The orange juice has no label and I scoff, assuming his staff must have had it freshly squeezed for their king this morning before we even got out of bed.

  I pour his glass and then choose milk for myself. I carry them over to the cozy table and sit. The smell of bacon teases my nose and again my stomach growls, only this time it’s so loud that Jacob hears it. He turns to me with a frown and points the spatula at the paper towel covered bacon. “Eat.” He demands in a very Daddy like voice.

  I couldn’t argue with him if I wanted to. My head feels light and floaty and the kitchen seems to be tilting a little. I unfold the paper towel to find the bacon perfectly cooked. Not too soft but not too crispy. I pluck a piece between my fingers and take a delicate bite. I might be starving but I still want to be cute.

  Spinning around in my seat lets me look out the big bay window. The view is a little different from down here than it appears from the third floor, but it’s still beautiful. I’m lost in the outdoors when Jacob comes to join me at the table, a big pile of chocolate chip pancakes in his hands. He lowers the plate then kisses my forehead and sits. “There,” he grins. “Let’s eat.”

  I chuckle a bit as I finish my first piece of bacon. Jacob uses a big spoon to serve me some of the scrambled eggs he fixed and then plops a big ol’ pancake next to them. “Oh, this is too much.” I say cautiously. He perks a thick eyebrow at me.

  “Just try, okay?” My mouth droops into a frown, but I nod and pick up my fork. I stab the fluffy eggs with more effort than they require and lift them to my mouth. They explode on my tongue with such a delicious flavor. They are creamy, like he added cheese and taste like fresh garlic and onion, topped with a good-sized dose of salt and pepper.

  “Mmm.” I moan and dig my fork in for a second bite. “These are so good.” I say with my mouth full. He nods with confidence like he already knew they would be perfect. There’s no more talking as we eat. The sounds of silverware tapping the plates and glasses shifting on the table accompany the sports guy on the TV like refrigerator. My feet start to swing back and forth as I get full and my movements get slower. I can feel Jacob watching me and wonder if I’ve eaten enough to satisfy him.

  Half of my pancake is still on the plate but I’ve scarfed down my eggs and a few pieces of bacon now. I lean back and pet my tummy. “Are you finished?” He asks in a deep tone. I bite my lip and nod.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “You can’t fit another bite?” He looks skeptical but it’s true. I really can’t. I shake my head. “Alright then, but finish your milk.” I whine softly as I pick up the glass with only a swallow left in it. He laughs at my dramatics and so do I.

  After he’s finished, I help him clean the kitchen. We make a good team, Daddy and I. He washes the dishes and I dry them then search the giant kitchen for their rightful places. He gives me a container of disinfecting wipes and tells me to wipe the counters and table. I do so with a skip in my step. The table isn’t large but I still can’t reach all of it from one side. I have to bend over the surface and stretch out my arm to reach the opposite edge.

  I’m wiping in big circles, half bent over the breakfast table when I feel Daddy’s hand on my lower back. His hand skims up my spine to press just between my shoulder blades. His hand is firm but doesn’t hurt as he pins me to the table. “You’ve been such a good helper this morning, princess.” He coos playfully while his other hand rubs up and down the backs of my thighs.

  I hum a sound as he teases me, my arm still stretched out and my tits now mashed against the clean surface. I lay my cheek on the table and look back to watch him. My full tummy flutters and heat starts to build up in my pussy. I’m reminded of the fucking chastity belt now that everything tingles and realize just how much of a punishment this device is going to be.

  Jacob’s hand rubs over my ass cheek and I can hear the smile in his voice as he begins speaking again. “Such a pretty little ass. I love this use of my shirt, kitten, very clever, but it isn’t very smart of you to tease Daddy when that sweet little cunt is on lock down.”

  “What?” I gasp. “I wasn’t teasing you! I was doing what you asked.” I struggle to push myself up from the table, but his hand on my back keeps me in place. He runs his finger down the strip of leather between my ass cheeks and I swear my pussy starts to cry. I shiver under his touch and pout. “I didn’t.”

  “I could see the bottoms of your cute ass cheeks every time you stretched up.” He presses his thick erection against my hip. “See what you’ve done to Daddy? You’ve made me so hard and I can’t even use your pussy to ease the ache.” He rubs himself against me and slaps my right ass cheek. It hurts, but not bad. I’m so turned on that the burn fades quickly from my cheeks and takes up home in my pussy. I shift my feet as he slaps at my other cheek. “I love the way your ass ripples and reddens.”

  I moan and close my eyes as he finds a rhythm, slapping one cheek and then the other. No spank is harder than the other. Just dull, open palmed smacks that rock me forward slightly with each one. It feels so good and my arousal start to pulse in my clit. Pretty soon I imagine it will start to sound like its knocking on my pussy’s cage. “It feels good, Daddy.” I purr, thinking maybe I can sway him into removing the device and fucking me here on the kitchen table. “Feels so good.”

  “Yeah? You like it when Daddy spanks you?” I nod and lean my hip into his hard cock. He makes a growling sound that amps up the throbbing in my center.

  “I like it better when you fuck me.” I retort.

  “Then I hope you learn your lesson well today.”


  The spanking didn’t stop. Not until my cheeks were as hot as my pussy and my juices began to run down my inner thighs. When Daddy saw the trail of arousal, he groaned like it hurt him just as much as it was hurting me. He stopped spanking me and got on his knees behind me.

  “No, please. Please don’t do that. I can’t take
it.” I whimpered as he drew his tongue up the path of my liquid desire. I whined again as his tongue traced the outsides of where the metal plate covering my cunt lips, heading towards the leather strap that fit between my burning cheeks. His mouth is just as hot as my body, but his tongue on me makes me tingle and my thighs start to tremble.

  If his tongue was able to lap over my clit, even just once, I know I would burst apart like a firework on the Fourth of July. “You taste like honey, princess.” He whispers against my lower lips. I push my ass back, trying to sit on his fucking face, needing more friction than he’s giving me. I need his lips sealed around my clit and sucking. I need his huge cock pounding into my tender flesh. My hands balls into fists and I pound them on the table top as his tongue finds new ways to make me crazy.

  He licks up that stupid leather strap and I feel his fingers at the base of my spine, trying to fit under the tightly pressed material. When he can’t get in any better than I could, he uses his big hands to part my ass cheeks instead. He pulls my plump flesh apart and licks over my covered asshole. “Take it off!” I cry. “Please Daddy, take it off.”

  He ignores my pleas to kiss my cheeks. Sucking and nipping, he’s giving my rear hickies like my neck has never seen. It’s more than teasing, it’s fucking torture. Jacob moves his kisses up to my spine, standing up as he travels up to the back of my neck. His cock is pressed tight to my ass and I grind my hips back, hoping he feels the same ache I do. His right-hand grabs just under my jaw and he bows my back as he pulls my mouth to his.

  Our kiss is magical. It’s hungry and hard. His lips mashed to mind as our tongues dance with each other. Both of us pushing to control the kiss but I know I’ve lost. His fingers curl slightly to place pressure on my windpipe and soon my brain is a foggy place of pure bliss. Every inch of me tingles in the euphoric haze. I wheeze for breath, trying to suck in the air he’s breathing over me. “Please,” I gulp. His hand relaxes and he breaks the kiss.

  I slump over the table, hauling in the oxygen my brain missed for such a short period of time. “A punishment is a punishment for a reason, Hannah.” Jacob speaks softly as he lowers the tail of his shirt back over my exposed ass. “Parents don’t joke when they say ‘this hurts me more than it hurts you’. The same is true for Doms. I don’t think my dick has ever been as fucking hard as it is right now, but I’m not going to let that be the reason you escape punishment.” His hands are soft when he picks me up from the table and cradles me like a baby his arms. My head drops on to his chest, the frown on my face is so deep, and I can feel wrinkles on my forehead. “If you can remain a good girl for the rest of the day, watch your mouth, eat your meals and the like, I’ll consider letting you out of the belt before we leave for the club this evening.”

  “That’s a long time from now.” I complain.

  “It is.” He agrees and carries me into the home theater. “That means you have lots of time to prove you’ve learned your lesson.”

  The leather chairs are white and oversized, sitting in two short rows of four. The carpet in here is blood red and the giant white projector screen ties the room together. There’s a small old time popcorn machine off to the side and a shelf full of movie candies that Jacob keeps stocked. He drops me into the chair in the center of the first row and walks over to the far wall to open a cabinet built into the shelving that houses all of his DVDs. He returns with a thick, fluffy, plush blanket that has Ariel and Flounder swimming in the center of a school of colorful sea horses. Jacob holds the ends of the blanket for me to see as he walks near and I can’t help it when my frown flips to a smile. “Do you like it?”

  “Yes,” I giggle. “How’d you know she was my favorite?” He motions for me to stand so he can sit and then he tugs me across his lap and covers us both up in the warm material.

  “She’s on your phone case, princess. I just took a wild guess.”

  “Oh, duh.” We both laugh as he messes with the remote and I’m happy to see the ocean and seagulls appear on the screen as my favorite Disney movie starts. We snuggle with his arms wrapped tightly around me and my head on his shoulder. The volume is loud enough to hear but soft enough that we can speak to each other without yelling.

  “I have a trip to Arizona next week, it’s too short notice for me to cancel. Do you want to come with me?”

  “How long will you be gone?” I ask without taking my eyes off the screen. Of course, it’s too early to cancel plans he’s had in the making for a while. We only made the arrangement last night, about kitten Tuesdays and Saturdays. My rational mind tells me this, but my little self is mad. Why can’t he just say no? Or why did he agree to the schedule if he knew he couldn’t make it work?

  “Seven days.” His words tickle my hair line and I snuggle deeper against him.

  “I won’t be able to ask off for that much time.” My boss is cool but she isn’t that cool. I’d never get all my shifts covered in this amount of time.

  “If you have the weekend off, I could fly you out Friday night and keep you Saturday, send you back Sunday and we’d still have Kitten Saturday. How do you feel about that?”

  “Sounds like an anxiety attack.” I answer honestly and peek up at Jacob. He pets my head and nods.

  “It’s up to you, kitten. Give it some thought and let me know. We can make it happen or I can make it up to you, whichever you’re more comfortable with.”

  “Okay,” I yawn. I guess I’m still tired from last night. He kisses my head and plays with my hair as I drift off to nap time in his lap.

  Jacob wakes me up for lunch. We walk to the kitchen with me rubbing my eyes and still yawning. I feel like I could sleep the rest of the day. In the kitchen, I start to hop from one foot than the other and Jacob eyes me. “Do you need the restroom, kitten?” I nod quickly.

  “Yes, Daddy.” He smirks and pulls a tiny key from his shorts pocket. I start to gather the material of his shirt to reveal my belt to him. He inserts the key into the lock on my left hip and looks up at me.

  “This is just to go potty, Hannah. If I find out you’ve touched yourself more than necessary, you’ll be wearing this much longer than anticipated.”

  “I won’t.” I bounce around. He works the second lock and adjusts the waist portion to widen it enough for it to slip over my ass. I hurry out of it, thankful to be free and dash to the powder room just off the kitchen. I pee as fast as possible and wipe with the same speed. The ache in my clit seems to have taken a nap when I did and I’m so thankful she hasn’t woken up yet. I make sure I’m clean and then wash my hands and return to Daddy.

  He has this devilish smile on his face when I exit the bathroom and I wonder just what’s on his mind. “Hi.” I wave like an idiot and step up to him. He’s holding the belt in one hand and the key in the other.

  “Hi.” He answers back. “How are you feeling?”

  “Okay.” I shrug. “Why?”

  “How’s the ache in that sweet pussy?” His head cocks to the side and worry trickles through my system.

  “Um, it’s okay now. Dull, I guess.”

  “Hm,” he hums. “Yes, I was afraid of that.” He reaches between my legs and cups my naked pussy. I shake my head but he lifts the hand holding the belt and places one finger to his lips. “Shh,” he shushes me.

  His fingers part my lips and his middle digit drags up between them to find my clit. The poor abused button springs to life, making my knees buckle and my spine jolt. “Fuck!” My head falls back as I cuss. He swirls his finger around then slips it back to dip the tip into my entrance.

  “Mmm, I can feel you getting wet. Like a fountain bubbling to life. Does this feel good, baby girl?” His fucking voice is as hot as his finger between my legs and I reach out to grab ahold of his bicep. Needing to ground myself in place as I fight to stop the ocean that would be my orgasm.

  “Too good.” I mewl weakly. He stops too soon. Bending down to tap my ankles and make me step into the metal panties. He works it up my thighs and over my ass, the leather brea
king between my cheeks to rub against my asshole again. He locks both locks quickly and lowers the shirt again.

  “How does a sandwich sound?” He asks and turns his back to me to look in the fridge. I stick my tongue out at him and mentally call him every dirty word I can think of. “Kitten?” He looks at me over his shoulder when I haven’t answered.

  “Fine.” I stomp over to the table and sit.

  “Fine?” He laughs. “Are you keeping your attitude in check, my dear?”

  “I’m trying.” I seethe through my teeth. “It’s hard when all I can think about is coming.”

  “I know it’s hard.” He pulls out a loaf of bread and a baggy full of some kind of sandwich meat. Then he adds mayo and mustard to the counter and reaches back in for another deli bag of sliced cheese. “But, I promise it will be worth it.” Again, I wait for him to look away and I stick out my tongue. Worth it my butt. “Turkey or ham?”

  “Turkey, please.” I try to behave.

  “Mayo? Cheese?” He begins making his own first, I can tell because he is piling on both types of meat and condiments. He places cheese on both sides of his bread and slaps it together.

  “Mayo, no cheese,” I stand up and walk to his side. I take his plate from the counter and carry it to the table he spanked me over. I smile, remembering how good it felt and then think of how many more places in his house will hold memories like this one after we’ve been together for a while.

  Jacob joins me and pushes my plate in front of me. He’s cut the crust off my sandwich and even sliced it diagonally. The care in the plate makes me heart skip a beat and my chest feels tight. I like being a little for more reasons than the sexual discipline. Yes, being spanked is fun and yes, being called a bad girl turns me on, but I didn’t think I would ever find a partner who let me slip into actual ‘little space’.


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