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The Boyfriend Arrangement: A Fake Marriage Romance

Page 10

by Lara Swann

  I turn away and start sorting through my suitcase, looking for the night clothes I casually threw aside in the morning - ready to get to bed and try to forget everything that just happened.

  The way my lips still tingle from his touch. The feeling of my body on edge, and horny now, and looking at Josh in all the wrong ways.

  “You can count on it, Caz.” Josh murmurs, his voice deep and thick again, and as my stomach flips I wonder what exactly I just asked for.

  And whether I’m going to be able to deal with another week of it.

  Chapter Seven


  I spend the rest of that night barely sleeping.

  Lying there, awkwardly turned away from Cassie so that she doesn’t notice my raging hard on, with that kiss replaying over and over in my mind.

  I was so close to taking it further. To kissing her like I really wanted to kiss her - fierce and strong and with every part of my body. Pushing her up against the wall and feeling her sweet curves melt into me as I plunge into her mouth, exploring every part of it and tasting her own passion and desire. So close to throwing caution to the wind and seeing where it led.

  But I couldn’t. I was just supposed to be proving my point - finishing a debate gone a little bit too far. And, of course, showing her a little of what kissing me would be like - putting that idea in her head, to linger in the background of this boyfriend-and-girlfriend act.

  If I’d gone too far, so soon, I know just how Cassie would’ve reacted the next day.

  So I kept it cool and controlled - a casual, careless thing thrown out there. Not the fierce passion that’s getting harder to conceal every day we do this.

  At least from the look of it, I certainly had the effect I’d wanted.

  Which only makes the rest of the night torturous, as I imagine what would have happened if I’d pushed further, picturing that clear as day fuck-me look she was giving me as I broke it off.

  When morning finally rolls around, it’s a relieving break to that loop playing in my mind.

  Cassie and I step carefully around each other when getting dressed for breakfast, and I can’t help the small smile that curves at my lips, wondering if she’s thinking about what happened last night too.

  Our usual banter and light-hearted relationship has been broken up with moments of awkwardness since this pretense started and that, if nothing else, is a sure-fire sign that things are getting confused between us.

  “So,” I say with a smile as I come out of the bathroom, raising an eyebrow in Cassie’s direction. “Excited for your sister’s engagement party?”

  “Ecstatic.” She says dryly, turning from where she’s fiddling with a necklace in front of the mirror and rolling her eyes at me.

  I walk over to her, taking the necklace out of her hands and settling it back around her neck neatly, catching her eyes in the mirror as I do so. My fingers brush her collarbone and I can feel her pulse flare as my smile turns just a little more heated.

  I lean down and kiss her temple, not removing my hands from her shoulders. “Maybe I can make it a little more entertaining for you.”

  I try really hard not to make that a sensual promise, but it takes her eyes a moment to clear anyway. Then her hand comes up to cover mine, not trying to move it as she shoots me a small grin through the mirror.

  “What, have we gone from young lovers to old married couple now?” She giggles, and the way that lovers sounds on her tongue has all the images from my restless night flitting through my mind again.

  I give her a small smile, then step back. “Just thought you could use some help, love.”

  But my heart is thudding hard in my chest.

  Cassie doesn’t giggle. And it makes her seems younger, lighter, more carefree in a way that has my cock wanting to spring to attention.

  She grabs my hand as we turn to leave the room, and I feel like some stupid school kid as my heart jumps into my throat. I stop trying to catalog every little signal, and instead I’m just enjoying it, smiling warmly at the woman walking next to me and how close I feel to her - my girlfriend for the week.

  Then we enter the dining room to a mass of chaos - people and decorations and noise everywhere - and that’s enough to bring me back down to earth as we hastily back out of it again with a quick glance at each other.

  “Hey, you two!” John, Maria’s husband, calls from down the hall and we turn to find him giving us both a cheery smile. “I see you haven’t had any luck finding breakfast either.”

  Cassie smiles back and shakes her head. “I didn’t know the plans for breakfast today were different.”

  “Neither did anyone else.” John says with a laugh, as we fall into step with him. “We’ve all been kicked outside while they redecorate the house for Beth’s do - Maria thought it would be a good idea for me to let the stragglers know.”

  “Maria seems to have a better grip on this mothering thing than Adelaide.” I say casually

  John winces, giving Cassie a quick glance. “Maybe don’t say that around anyone else.”

  “Well, I haven’t yet.” I laugh, winking at him as if I don’t sense the sudden awkwardness.

  He gives me an uncertain smile, and then we’re through the large glass doors and outside before either of us can add anything else.

  This game of pissing off Cassie’s family has been an interesting balance so far. It would’ve been so easy to make some offensive comment about John being pussy-whipped there, but while I won’t deny I enjoy irritating the hell out of Beth or Cassie’s Mom, I actually like Maria - and John seems like a good guy, too.

  If I’m going to have them disapprove of me, I’d rather make it things that I could easily clear up later, instead of a personal dislike that’s pretty hard to overcome.

  So far, I think it’s working.

  “Did we really need to hire professional decorators and caterers for this?” Henry is asking as we step out onto the deck, seeing a smaller scattering of breakfast foods and the rest of Cassie’s family dispersed over nearby tables.

  It’s the most I’ve heard from him so far.

  “Of course we do - it’s my engagement party, Dad!” Beth argues, “It only happens once!”

  “You hope.” I catch Anne muttering under her breath and don’t even bother to hide my smile.

  “Maybe it’ll only happen once for you, but don’t forget I have three daughters.” Henry grouses. “Not to mention, your wedding will only happen once, too, but no doubt that’ll put me another few years away from retirement. I thought you said his family are rich - why aren’t they paying for more?”

  The table goes silent as everyone turns to look at Neil, who shoots daggers at a suddenly-awkward Beth.

  “I didn’t say anything like that!” She says sharply, “And, besides, I’m your daughter - don’t you want me to have the wedding of my dreams?”

  Henry opens his mouth to answer, but Adelaide gets in there first, laying a quelling hand on his shoulder. “Oh, come now, Henry. Let’s not spoil today by fussing over silly things like this, hmm?”

  He looks at her, shakes his head and mutters something, then walks away to get another plate of food, refusing to look at anyone else.

  Beth looks like she’s about to complain to Adelaide again, but Neil grabs her attention first and they engage in a rapid-fire discussion under their breath.

  I take a breath I hadn’t realized I’d been holding and wrap my arm around Cassie’s shoulder, bringing her close to my body in a subconscious attempt to shield her from some of the obvious tension.

  She looks up at me and rolls her eyes, whether at me or her family I’m not sure, but it’s clear enough that this is nothing new to her. It makes me smile, and I look around as we start moving towards the food.

  “Is Matthew not here anymore?” I ask the family in general, deliberately keeping my voice neutral.

  Until that had happened yesterday, I’d thought Cassie had been exaggerating about her family - and her mother in particular. But th
e moment I’d worked out what was going on between him and Cassie, I’d had to physically restrain myself to stop from punching the guy.

  Sure, maybe I’m not actually Cassie’s boyfriend, but Matthew didn’t know that - and my fury had been more than real enough to have the guy on the floor. Instead, I’d very reluctantly settled for irritating the hell out of him - and I know if he’d tried anything, I wouldn’t have been able to hold back.

  “No…err, he said something came up.” Adelaide says, giving me an uncertain glance.

  I return her look evenly, taking some small enjoyment from her confusion about how much I’ve guessed about his invitation. It’d take a complete fool to be that oblivious, but since I haven’t said anything, I figure she’s hoping to get away with it.

  “We need the space for my friends, anyway.” Beth interrupts, “I’m not even sure why you invited him. Oh—we need to make sure the beds are made up, in case we all crash out here—not that we’re going to be doing much sleeping—and the jacuzzi too, has anyone set that up? And—”

  “Jacuzzi?” I nudge Cassie, forgetting about Matthew. “How come that didn’t make it to the list of favorite places you showed me yesterday?”

  Cassie laughs and before I can think about it, I’m leaning down, kissing her. Bringing her lips up to mine and brushing them against each other - light and gentle and totally appropriate, but unable to keep the hint of something darker, more illicit out of it.

  Maybe it’s that I haven’t been able to get last night’s kiss out of my head. Maybe it’s that now that I’ve done it once, it feels too natural and normal to deny - especially when she’s here as my girlfriend. It’s what I would do with anyone else, and with Cassie…there’s no chance of resisting.

  I linger just a little, enjoying the soft feel of her mouth against mine and wanting so much more, but knowing better than that.

  I can feel everyone’s eyes on us when I finally break it and give her a heated smile, my warmth overcoming the surprise in her eyes.

  “Well, maybe we’ll have to find some time to explore it.” I say, deep and inviting as I think about getting to pull her body against mine, the bubbles caressing her soft skin and my hands starting to explore…

  She coughs slightly and looks away from me, pulling my wandering mind back from the jacuzzi to finally notice the strange not-quite-subtle looks that everyone else seems to be sending our way.

  “What’s that about?” I murmur to Cassie.

  They can’t have that much of a problem with a little chaste morning kissing - I mean, I’ve seen Beth and Neil doing worse, and with the comments we got yesterday at breakfast…

  “Probably confusion. I’ve got a good idea of the rumors Beth might have spread after that awkward-as-hell moment last night. Enough that watching us kissing like that probably surprised them.” She gives me a sidelong smile, still talking quietly. “They weren’t the only surprised, either.”

  I grin back, then turn so I’m fully facing her and take her mouth in a more dramatic gesture, kissing her again and nipping lightly at her lower lip. If I’ve got an excuse to do this, no way in hell I’m not going to take advantage of it.

  I wait until I feel her slightly indrawn breath and then step back.

  “Good thing we practiced last night, then.” I smile wickedly, keeping my voice low. “Can’t have them thinking that about us.”

  The slightest hint of red appears in her cheeks.

  “Yeah…practiced…” She says, and I know she’s recalling exactly what happened after Beth left…and how the last thing it felt like was practice.

  That brief, enjoyable moment between us is interrupted by Maria’s sharp, clipped voice, and I turn around to see her and Beth glaring at each other. I blink, hear something about Beth wanting Ellie and Lucas to stay out of the way of the party, and then Cassie tugs on my hand.

  “You know…I’m not really hungry anymore.” She glances across to where Mark and Henry are sniping at each other at the table full of food. “Want to get out of here?”

  My stomach rumbles and I look mournfully over at the freshly cooked bacon laid out.

  “Err, sure…just one moment. I’ll catch you up.” I say.

  I push in between Henry and Mark, making some inane comment about the beautiful weather - of course it’s full-on sun, this is springtime in Arizona - and pretending not to notice the way their dirty looks have turned from each other onto me.

  Score one for having full permission to act like a jerk. Who knows, maybe being pissed at me will get them to forget their irritation at each other.

  I quickly fix a couple of bacon rolls and raise them in toast to the two men scowling at me before turning to find Cassie looking at me with a mixture of amusement and exasperation - an expression I know all too well. I grin back, and then rejoin her side to head away from the breakfast chaos.

  “Really, Josh? You needed two of those?” She asks with slight incredulity.

  “Sorry babe,” I say, “I don’t think we’re far enough into our fake relationship for me to give up breakfast for you.”

  “Shhh!” She says, but she’s trying not to laugh. “Not this close to my family - you don’t know who might hear that.”

  I grin and glance around. “I think we got away safely.”

  Cassie sighs and looks back to the decking around the house. “Yeah, I guess so. They’re going to be distracted all morning anyway.”

  “Pool then?” I suggest.

  “Yep.” She nods. “Celebrations are always a terrible time to hang around my family.”

  I laugh. “Sure, that totally makes sense.”

  She nudges her shoulder against mine as we walk together, and I wrap my arm around her waist. “Mmhmm…I’m sure you’re starting to get my point about them.”

  “Maybe…that thing with Matthew almost threw me over the edge.” I agree. “I was this close to punching the guy.”

  “You know, that might’ve been better than boring me for hours with property talk.” She laughs.

  “And you’re usually the one holding me back, Caz…” I raise an eyebrow at her, but I’m enjoying that image too much to profess any innocence myself.

  “There are always exceptions.” She grins at me, then glances sidelong at the sandwich I’ve started eating. “I think you might have been right about breakfast, though. Now I’m away from that stress, skipping it doesn’t seem quite such a good idea.”

  I just smile, and hand her the extra I brought. “Yeah I thought so, Caz - this one’s yours.”

  Her gaze heats as she takes it from me, and our eyes meet for a few moments longer than they should. I tuck her hair behind her ear and lean forward to kiss her forehead.

  “Just trying to be a good fake boyfriend, Cassie.” I murmur, then turn to head over to the sun lounger I claimed yesterday.

  I feel her eyes lingering on my back, and it takes a while for her to make a move to join me.

  * * *

  “Where’s all the real food?” I complain loudly.

  Beth turns to me with a glare, interrupting her non-stop conversation with a couple of her friends to correct me. “This is good food, Josh. The sort of thing you probably should be eating, instead of all the shit we usually get. Wholesome, healthy food for once. The best catering firm in Phoenix’s specialty menu - worlds apart from small-town diner crap…but I can see how it might be too sophisticated for your tastes.”

  I’m too distracted by the ridiculous spread in front of me to point out that LA probably beats Phoenix for cutting-edge food trends.

  “Quinoa cake…celery sticks…chia seed yogurt…” I mutter. “How the fuck is this party food?”

  Beth has already airily turned back to her friends, and Mark shakes his head next to me.

  “Hey, I see your point man, but it’s Beth’s party.” He gives me a disapproving look. “Just let it be.”

  “I’m glad I have the liberty to be a dick about this.” I murmur to Cassie as she takes Mark’s place at the table -
I’ve been standing here for god-knows-how-long and I still haven’t found anything I want to put on my plate. “Because really…some things are too much to ask of me.”

  She gives me an amused look and adds a slice of quinoa cake to her plate, heaping the rest of it with lettuce and salad.

  “Hey, you’re a doctor - can’t you tell them that all this stuff doesn’t do shit for you?” I continue, aware that the glances around the table are starting to become hostile and not giving a fuck about it.

  “I’m not a nutritionist, Josh - or even a qualified doctor, yet.” Cassie points out, then adds a load of…something completely unrecognizable…to my plate.

  “Hey! I didn’t say I wanted…whatever that is.” I object, looking at it suspiciously.

  “Quiche. And you can’t stand here all day, Josh. I was simply…helping you choose.” She pulls me away from the table as I scowl at it.

  She’s obviously trying not to laugh at me, and I’m not entirely sure whether or not I’m putting on an act here.

  We give way to one of Beth’s friends and gravitate towards the edge of the gathering. The room is decked out in elaborate white-and-pink banners, streamers and pom-poms, and the table of alcohol and cocktail ingredients easily rivals the health-food table in size and splendor. Beth is squealing enthusiastically in the middle of her group of friends, and Neil is standing off to the side talking to the couple of mates who seem to be the only people he’s invited. The rest of Cassie’s family is lining up to get food and talking quietly amongst themselves.

  Beth’s party indeed.

  At least we got to spend most of the day relaxing on the ranch before everyone arrived.

  I look at everyone gathered in awkward groups and poke at the quiche on my plate, starting to wonder whether this whole thing is going to be standing around watching Beth and her friends’ increasingly loud-and-excitable conversation. But a few minutes later, the catering staff answer my question as they start circulating with champagne glasses.

  I raise an eyebrow at Cassie as we both take one and she shrugs, apparently not surprised.


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