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Page 10

by Belle Winters

  “Princess” he whispered in my ear.

  I smiled. Being in my father’s arms was like coming home. “Hi daddy.”

  He stepped back to hold me at arm’s length. When his gaze fell on my stomach his arms dropped. I sighed knowing this was going to be big for him. I’d spoken to him twice since my return using Lucifer’s phone but I hadn’t told him about anything even when he asked. I closed the door and walked over to the couch and sat down. My father followed but didn’t take a seat.

  “Look dad…”

  He shook his head cutting me off. “Lucifer?” he asked.

  I nodded slowly. “Yes.”

  He sighed and ran a hand down his face. “God Abelie, is this why you disappeared?” he asked.

  My head sunk. “I did. He found out I was pregnant and went crazy. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “You could’ve come to me! I am your father. Do you know how worried I was about you? Not knowing if something happened to you or why was the worst.” He shook his head and finally sat down across from me. He unbuttoned his suit jacket and fixed his gaze on me. “I knew though. I knew it had something to do with him. He was frantic, a complete mess when he contacted me. At first I thought it was the mob or something but he assured me that wasn’t the case. I knew then he knew more than he was letting on but I just wanted you back. That man who is always in control and calm was barely hanging on by a thread.”

  I didn’t want to hear this, I didn’t want to talk about Lucifer but he kept going. “Listen, I have a confession. That day… on my birthday when you called you didn’t say anything but I just knew it was you. I could feel it, and when you wouldn’t talk to me I got scared so I called Lucifer. He used that to trace and find you. I don’t know exactly how he did it… but, did I make a wrong choice?” he asked worriedly.

  I looked at my dad and thought about it. I didn’t want to be found then, I was scared to death when I saw Lucifer. I wanted him out of my life; I never wanted to see him again. But the more I thought about it the more I knew it was a lie. When I was in Cayuga, I couldn’t stop thinking about him. He was always there tormenting me either in fear and anger or in want and need. He never really left me, and most of all I wouldn’t let him go. Now I’m not so sure that I didn’t want to be found. While Cayuga was great, I missed everyone back here and outside of the drama with Lucifer I’m not upset to be back only that I’d lost the people I met… especially James.

  So in answer I shook my head. “No dad, it was okay.”

  He gave me a small smile. “So a grandpa eh?”

  I returned his smile. “Yes and before you ask I don’t know the sex yet. I want it to be a surprise.”

  He nodded. “And Lucifer?”

  I groaned. “Yes, he’s the father.”

  He nodded. “Well you could do worse.” I scoffed and he gave me a questioning look. “Seriously, he can keep you safe and he obviously cares about you. I don’t think he’d searched for you the way he did if he didn’t care Abee.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Right. Look, let’s talk about something else?”

  He nodded. “Ok, so what’s next?”

  I shrugged. “I need to find a job. I’m staying here but it’s not my place, my friend is basically lending it to me.”

  “I could get you a place.” My dad offered.

  I shook my head. “No I want to do this on my own, I can do it.”

  My dad smiled. “You were always strong, I know you can.”

  He stood to go, I knew this would be a short visit since he was very busy but he just had to make some time to finally see me. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him. “Thanks dad, I love you.”

  He kissed my cheek. “Love you too princess.” He walked towards the door and stopped reaching into his pocket. “This is for you, so I can you know call you and stuff.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You mean to keep tabs on me?” I asked.

  He laughed. “Yes, that too. Talk to you soon.” And with that and a wave my dad was gone.

  It only took me a week to find a job and something inside me told me that my dad had something to do with it, but I wasn’t going to complain. I knew there was but so much I could keep my dad out of. He’s like an addict when it comes to taking care of me; I have to ween him off slowly. I wouldn’t be officially starting until a few months after the baby. Until then, it was just a contract. I would send in some designs to them on schedule… the only issue is that while I’m contracting they get to tell me what they’re looking for and I have to bring it to life. When I’m fulltime I’ll get to dictate what I create.

  Nettie accompanied me to my eighth month appointment. To Dr. Silverman’s delight, my stress levels have decreased dramatically and everything was looking great. I was as big as a house and quite frankly ready to pop. Since it was an early morning appointment we spent the next eight hours buying furniture, clothes, paint… you name it we got it to put together the nursery. I had an assignment due on Friday, so I couldn’t work on it immediately and I made plans with Nettie to start this weekend. Imagine my surprise when she calls me Friday night to say that she booked us the weekend at a spa. No matter what I said she went on and on about needing it to help relax before the baby until I caved.

  Nettie picked me up first thing Saturday morning. I only packed a small bag; we were just staying until Sunday night. She got what she called the everything package which meant everything they had to offer we were free to indulge. Originally I was against this whole idea; I’ve just been so swamped with things that needed to be done. But now that we’re on our way there, having to do nothing for a couple of days sounds really freaking amazing. Plus, my sore feet could definitely use a nice good rub.

  The place – for a lack of better words – was extravagant. It was huge and elegant looking with valet. I was instantly stricken with guilt thinking of how much this had to of cost her. Sure I was used to having money but outside of my shoe obsession, I was never really big on splurging. I for sure would never have thought to book anything like this. She ushered me inside and to the front desk. We were checking in when a commotion caught my attention.


  I spun around and gasped as James strode over to us. “James!” I squealed and ran to him.

  He wrapped me up in a hug and stood back. He threw his hands on his hips and glared at me. “If you weren’t so damn pregnant I would so bitch slap you right now. Jia- I mean Abelie.”

  I smiled guiltily. “I’m sorry. It wasn’t you at all I just couldn’t risk it.” I told him.

  He shook his head and grabbed my hands. “You could’ve told me anything. I wouldn’t have said a word honey. Who knew your life was so juicy?” he asked.

  I rolled my eyes. “How did you find out anyway, how are you here?”

  He threw a hand over his heart. “I’m hurt, you don’t love me? Well fine your girl Nettie over there found me. She needs some help from an expert with planning someone’s baby shower.”

  I groaned. “Not you too! I already told her I didn’t need it. What am I going to do with both of you? You’re both extremely hardheaded and hell bent on having your way.”

  He smiled and looped his arm through mine. “And you love us for it.”

  We went to drop off our bags in our suite and spent the day getting massages and all types of stuff. They had this great package for mothers to be and they indulged with me. By the time we were done I was refreshed and feeling amazing. We grabbed dinner at the restaurant in the hotel and the food was fabulous. When we reached the room I felt like a million bucks. James grabbed a glass with a bottle of red wine, while Nettie grabbed a bottle of whiskey and a shot glass. Me? I was stuck with a pitcher of lemonade.

  “So doll, spill. Now that the cat is out of the bag I want to know everything.” James started.

  I tucked my legs under myself and got comfortable. “Well, I’m not from Maryland…”

  He rolled his eyes. “Obviously, skip the stuff that I don’t need to know and ge
t to the good stuff.”

  I sighed. “Fine. My dad is loaded and so am I. He got into some mess and hired someone to look after me. I got knocked up and I left him. Boom.”

  Nettie snickered. “What’s so funny?” James asked.

  “If anyone has ever given some bullshit half ass story that would be it. If you want to know I’ll tell ya.”

  James held up a hand. “Ok before you start, at least tell me if the man is real?”

  Before I could answer Nettie spoke up. “What’d she say?”

  “Sexy, broody, bad ass, grey eyes, eight pack.” James summarized.

  Nettie gave me a look. “Sexy huh?”

  I shrugged. “I guess someone might think so.”

  She scoffed and turned her attention back to James. “Yes that is true, Lucifer – “

  “Lucifer? That’s his name?” James asked.

  Nettie nodded. “Yep. Anyway, these two were so hot for each other. You can feel the sexual tension coming off of them in waves and instead of jumping each other’s bones they fought like fucking pure bred enemies. They fucking bickered and shit like two little kids and then eventually he finally fucked her brains out and they chilled the fuck out. I mean, he’s a different person when it comes to her that’s for sure. I thought for sure before she left that he was crazy about her… but when she came back… I mean, she slapped the ever loving shit out of him and what’s he do? He kisses the shit outta her. If that aint love then shit I don’t know what is.”

  James gasped. “You slapped him? I thought he was some big bad scary man.”

  I rolled my eyes. “He made me mad.” I grumbled.

  Nettie grunted. “She was pissed for sure, but he isn’t some big bad scary man he’s the fucking worst nightmare of Jeffrey Dahmer, I mean you don’t fuck with this man he has no sense of fucking remorse. No one and I mean no one fucks with him… well except for her.” She said pointing a thumb my way.

  “Whatever, can we discuss something else?” I asked and they gladly changed the subject.

  Chapter 14

  “I’ve got dibs!” I yelled walking to the bathroom.

  “How do you get the bathroom first?” James asked in a voice thick with sleep.

  “One, you can both use the extra few minutes of sleep. Two, I’m pregnant so I’m using the pregnant girl card you can’t tell me no.”

  “Whatever bitch.” He mumbled.

  I smiled and made my way to the bathroom. We stayed up late last night talking and them drinking. I know how long they both take to get ready in the bathroom when hung over so I needed to take advantage in case I needed to seek out breakfast before them. My appetite was insane these days.

  I hopped in the shower and I heard the door open. “I’ve got to piss.” I heard Nettie say.

  I ignored her and continued to shower. I was shampooing my hair when she screeched. “WHAT THE EVER LOVING FUCK IS THIS?”

  Instinctively I pulled the curtain back and peered at what caused her reaction. She had a horrified look on her face as she held up my cotton prenatal underwear that I’d brought in the bathroom with me to put on when I was done.

  I instantly blushed. “Those are my panties.”

  She frowned. “What? You mean you actually wear these?” she asked.

  “What’s going on?” I heard James ask from the doorway.

  Nettie turned around and showed him my panties. I don’t think I could be any more embarrassed. “These are her fucking drawers!”

  James gasped horrified. “Dear mother of god, you cannot be serious.”

  “They’re for pregnant girls.” I argued.

  James stomped. “No, absolutely not. Hurry your ass up in that shower because we have somewhere to go before we do anything else today.”

  “Where?” I asked wearily.

  “Don’t worry, hurry your ass up!” James demanded and they both left the bathroom talking about my choice of undergarments.

  After we were all freshly showered and had our bellies full of pancakes they led me out of the resort and down the block to a lingerie shop. To my utter embarrassment, I was forced to buy a few lacy, racy pieces that I felt were completely ridiculous for a woman that’s as pregnant as I am. I let them talk me into it more to get out of the store and away from the curious stares that they were garnering with their antics.

  We spent the rest of the day getting pampered and beautified. I had a fresh mani and pedi with a nice new hairstyle if I do say so myself. I don’t think my hair has ever looked so shiny. When we got back to the room after an hours’ worth of convincing, I finally put on one of my new bra and pantie sets. I felt completely ridiculous especially considering I couldn’t really see what I looked like in it. Thankfully, no one would be seeing this mess and I would be discarding it as soon as I got home.

  As I was putting on my dress James grabbed my arm. “Actually, I brought you something.”

  He went to his bag and retrieved a large box. I opened it up and gasped as I withdrew the contents. “What’s this?” I asked.

  James shrugged. “A little something that I made for you. Try it on.”

  I didn’t need any further encouragement. I pulled the dress over my head and went to look at myself in the mirror. It was a white dress that was loose and the material crisscrossed in the top. The bottom portion was fitted and fell mid thigh. It looked amazing on me and I couldn’t believe the way it fit, it was perfect.

  “Oh my god James, this is… I don’t even have the words.” I told him.

  He shook his head. “No need, satisfying enough seeing how hot you look in it.”

  Dread set in on the ride back, it would be back to reality soon. The weekend with Nettie and James had been amazing spending time with my two best friends and seeing how well they got on together. If only things could always be that way. Nettie pulled up to my place; James would be staying in Jersey for a few days to help with the baby shower they keep insisting on.

  “Ok James, this is us.” I informed him as I got out.

  He and Nettie shared a glance with each other and I frowned. “What is it?” I asked.

  “Oh uhh… nothing?” Nettie responded and my suspicion went on high alert.

  “Yea, nothing.” James agreed.

  I put my hand on my hip. “What’s happening?” I asked.

  Nettie let out a nervous laugh. “James is actually staying with me. Bull is giving us the space; he’s staying at the club. We have a lot of preparations to make that you cannot be involved in.”

  I cocked my head to the side not totally convinced. “Are you sure that’s what it is?”

  “Yep, absolutely. Get some shut eye now, goodnight biotch!” James screeched and without waiting for any further responses from me they made their way down the block. At this point, you shouldn’t be surprised that Bull’s place was literally on the same block as Nettie’s only a few houses down.

  I decided to let it go and headed inside. I dropped my bags right inside the door and went to my sketch pad. I studied it for a moment debating on whether I should indulge or call it day. In the end, I decided that I was still on vacation so I wouldn’t be doing any work. I went upstairs and decided to stop in the nursery. It was a habit of mine even though I still hadn’t gotten anything in there done yet. I would walk in there and imagine it was setup the way I wanted it and there was a baby in the crib or I was sitting in a rocking chair nursing him.

  I walked inside and frowned. The shadows in the room didn’t look like they should. I walked over and turned on the light and I felt my heart drop, everything was done. The walls were painted cream and white. There were stripped patterns of multiple neutral colors painted over the window frame. There were pictures of different animals lining the wall. The crib was up and in the middle of the room on top of a grey colored rug. There was a matching dresser with a small lion lamp. In addition, there was a sofa lining the other wall that I didn’t buy and the rocking chair was setup and next to the crib. The room was completed with a bean bag chair a
nd a changing table. This was everything I’d imagined it would be and more. I knew for sure that I wouldn’t have been able to do as much on my own.

  I walked to the closet and not only was the clothes that I bought hanging up, but almost five times more. There were cases of pampers and unopened bottle packages and other miscellaneous baby necessities lining the floor. I continued to scan the room confused when I heard a creek behind me. I spun around and had to grip my chest to keep from having a heart attack.


  “Lucifer, what the hell? You scared the crap out of me are you crazy?” I accused.

  He offered me a half smile. “Babe.” He repeated.

  “Lucifer, what are you doing here?” I asked.

  His arm swept across the room. “This amongst other things.”

  I shook my head. “How… how’d you know?”

  He shook his head. “You really asking me that?”

  I frowned. “Don’t tell me you have the place bugged…”

  “No. What the fuck? I’ve just been asking Nettie questions and shit. She told me about you needing to do the nursery. You don’t need to be doing this type of shit, you’re really fucking pregnant.”

  I let out a humorless laugh. “Oh my God. Did you guys work together to get rid of me for the weekend so you could break in and do this?” I asked totally put out. I am so not a fan of being setup.

  “I didn’t break in, I used my key.” He informed me casually like there was nothing in the world wrong with that statement.

  “Your key? How the heck did you get a key?” I crossed my arms. “And how didn’t I know about this?”

  “One, I don’t need your permission… two, did you think this was Nettie’s place and Bull didn’t have keys? I took his and made copies the day you moved in.”

  I slapped my forehead. “Your stalkerness has no bounds do they?” I asked.


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