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Brie's Submission (1-3) (Brie's Submission Boxed Set)

Page 13

by Red Phoenix

  “Stick in the mud!” Lea complained.

  Mary ignored her and spoke to Brie. “I don’t get why you’re still here. I thought they kicked you out last night.”

  “Sorry, Mary. I’m never leaving this place, so you might as well get used to it and stop acting like such a bitch.”

  Mary’s eyes narrowed, but she said nothing. Instead, she briskly moved to the other side of the room and ignored them.

  Brie looked at all the delicate finger foods, but she couldn’t eat. Her stomach was tied in knots—but in a good way. She grabbed a water bottle and downed as much as she could.

  Ms. Clark came back and announced, “Ms. Taylor, you will be first. Miss Bennett will follow and Miss Wilson will end the auction. Do not speak while you wait your turn.”

  Brie obediently followed behind Lea, anxious and excited for the auction to begin.

  The Winning Bid

  Lea walked gracefully onto the stage. Brie could hear the low murmurs of several men. An announcer spoke to the small crowd. “Ms. Taylor is twenty-four and is a certified massage therapist outside these walls. Her trainers describe her as an enthusiastic submissive. Her fantasy involves the reluctant patient/doctor scenario. There are no additional changes to the sexual fantasy. I will start the bidding at one hundred.”

  The auctioneer started rapidly rattling off numbers as the bids steadily climbed to four hundred. “Going once… Going twice… Sold to Master Harris for four hundred dollars.” Brie heard the footsteps as Master Harris collected Lea.

  Brie’s whole body went numb. She was next, but she was rooted to her spot.

  “Next, we have Miss Bennett.”

  She tried to move, but her muscles wouldn’t cooperate. Mary gave her a hard push and she fell forward, barely catching herself before she walked out onto the stage. She paused and gathered herself, keeping her back straight, her lips supple and her body in a pleasing pose.

  “Miss Bennett is twenty-two, with a bachelor’s degree in filmmaking outside these walls. Her trainers describe her as difficult, but teachable.”

  Brie felt her heart drop. Difficult…? Really? Damn you, Ms. Clark! A young male voice spoke softly in a guttural language, which was followed by a low, rumbling chuckle.

  “Her fantasy involves the Indian warrior claiming his virginal captive. There are no additional changes to her sexual fantasy…”

  Brie heard someone in front of her clear his throat in an attempt to get her attention. She snuck a glance and saw Tono standing there. She looked back down, trying hard not to smile.

  Ms. Clark barked, “Stop the auction!” Her stilettos clicked up to the stage as she rushed over to Brie. “You still defy me.”

  Tono spoke from the crowd. “Do not punish her. I was seeking her attention.”

  “You know as well as I do that a submissive is responsible for following orders. She was told to keep her eyes down. I don’t care if the whole lot of you were calling out her name. Miss Bennett’s eyes should have stayed glued to the floor.” To Brie, she hissed, “I will not tolerate this act of disobedience.” She asked the three other trainers, “Do any of you have a blindfold?”

  “I do,” Marquis Gray answered, amusement coloring his voice. He walked onto the stage and handed a strip of lace to her.

  Ms. Clark tied the blindfold overly tight. What she didn’t suspect was that instead of humiliating Brie, it gave her power. Now that Brie didn’t have to worry about keeping her eyes down, it was actually freeing. When Ms. Clark walked away, she held her head up a little higher, but still at a respectful angle.

  The auctioneer stated, “As I said before, there are no changes to her fantasy. I will start the bidding at one hundred.”

  “Four hundred,” Tono said, his voice loud and clear. Brie squealed silently, excited at the prospect of spending a whole day alone with him.

  She heard the low rumblings of the guttural language and then the young man’s voice rang through the room. “Five hundred.”

  Brie felt the hairs go up on the back of her neck.

  Tono confidently answered, “Six hundred.”

  The auctioneer asked for seven hundred. When no one spoke, he rattled off, “Going once… Going…”

  The foreigner spoke and the young man called out, “Seven hundred.”

  Tono immediately followed with a bid for eight hundred. Brie’s heart beat rapidly as she waited. She only wanted Tono as her Dom today. She crossed her fingers behind her back.

  After a string of more foreign words, the young man blurted, “One thousand.”

  Brie heard Tono’s low groan and her heart sank.

  “The bid stands at one thousand dollars. Do I hear any other offers? Going once… Going twice… Sold to Rytsar Durov.”

  A chill coursed through her body. Tono wasn’t going to be her Dom? For a split second she was tempted to rip off the blindfold and run. However, her submissive spirit kicked in. Take this opportunity to learn.

  She waited as his heavy footsteps ascended the stairs. A large hand grasped her arm and led her from the stage. His unfamiliar musk was clean, but rustic. He moved his hand from her shoulder onto the back of her neck. It sent a shiver down her spine that she was sure he could feel.

  She heard Mary’s named called next. “Miss Wilson is twenty-five and works as a pharmacist outside the confines of these walls.” Brie had never suspected Nemesis was older than she was because the girl acted like such a brat. “Her trainers describe her as tenacious. Her fantasy consists of the spy interrogation and infiltration.” There were a few chuckles throughout the room. “There are no additional changes to her sexual fantasy. I will start the bidding at one hundred.”

  The auctioneer rattled on until the bid was at four hundred. Brie felt sick when she heard Tono top the bid at five hundred.

  Silence followed before she heard, “Going once… Going twice… Sold to Tono Nosaka for five hundred.”

  Why would Tono want my nemesis?

  “This concludes today’s auction. A simple reminder for the winners—once you have purchased a sub you are not allowed to bid on her again for the remainder of the training.”

  Her new Dom spoke to her in a deep baritone that reverberated through her body. The guttural way he spoke sounded Russian to her. The young man by his side interpreted, “Rytsar Durov says you are under his rules now.”

  The Dom untied the blindfold and handed it over to an assistant. Brie bowed her head to let him know she was grateful. She suddenly liked this Dom who’d thwarted Ms. Clark in front of her face.

  Rytsar lifted her head to get a better look at her, which gave her the opportunity to see who had purchased her. The man was tall and broad with a bald head, a strong jaw and riveting blue eyes. He was dressed in an expensive tailored suit and a power tie of blood red. She noticed an entourage of three attractive men behind him.

  When he’d finished examining Brie, he smiled and looked over at the panel of trainers, mumbling something to his interpreter. The young man announced, “Rytsar believes that your definition of difficult is not the same as his.”

  They were the first to leave the Training Center. Rytsar guided Brie into an oversized black utility vehicle with his burly, unyielding arms. Once inside, he wrapped the seatbelt around her waist and slipped the buckle into place, double-checking to make sure it was secure. The rest of the men joined them in the spacious SUV.

  Rytsar completely ignored her after that, speaking in Russian to the other men. Brie finally accepted that he wouldn’t be asking anything of her during the trip, so she stared out of the window, wondering what he had in store for the next seven hours.

  She couldn’t help imagining Tono mounting Mary. It aggravated her to no end that he had bid for that horrible woman. Her thoughts were soon interrupted when they pulled up to a large glass house beside the ocean. The home was magnificent, with its modern architecture and pristine landscape.

  Her large Russian Dom spoke to Brie matter-of-factly and then nodded to his interpreter
. The young man addressed her after Rytsar had taken the time to unbuckle her. “Take off your shoes. Your safe word is stoy. Say it.”

  She repeated the word as she slipped off her six-inch heels, unsure why he was explaining that while they were still in the car.

  He continued, “It means ‘stop’. You will exit the vehicle now. I suggest you run. Rytsar has promised to cane you if you prove an easy catch.”

  She glanced over at Rytsar. His eyes held a wicked glint. She had no doubt he would follow through with the threat. As soon as he lunged for her, she threw open the door and bolted.

  Brie ran for all she was worth, but looked back to check if he was really following. She screamed out in fear when she saw he was only a few paces behind.

  Her flight instinct took over as she raced through the garden and headed towards the ocean. There was no thought process to her actions, simply the need to keep out of his reach. She attempted to dart to the side to throw him off, but he wasn’t fooled and grabbed her arm. She cried out when his hand clamped down on her.

  With the agility of a deer, she twisted out of his grasp and continued to run. The fear she felt was very real. She was deathly afraid of being caned, and just the act of being chased had her body humming in terror. There was no acting on her part; it was a rush of adrenaline spurred on by sheer panic.

  She ran down the beach, but a rogue wave wrapped itself around her legs. She stumbled and nearly fell. She could hear his heavy breathing just behind her and shrieked. With a burst of speed that surprised even her, she escaped his clutches again.

  Brie heard him chuckle softly. He changed tactics and edged her closer to the water. Even though she guessed his strategy, he was too fast for her to prevent it. The water hit her ankles again and this time she fell. He was on top of her in an instant. Brie screamed out in alarm, trying to fight him off.

  He forced her to turn over and easily secured her arms above her head. His weight crushed her helpless body as another wave drenched them. His lips landed on hers, firm and commanding. When he broke the kiss, she gasped for breath, still struggling beneath his large frame.

  Her Indian warrior had captured her…

  Rytsar laughed as he pulled a leather tie from his pocket and bound her wrists together. Then he lifted her up, throwing her unceremoniously over his shoulder. He started towards the glass house, saying something she couldn’t understand. His grip was tight—there was no escaping him. It gave her a thrill to know she was at his mercy now.

  When he entered the house, she was bewildered to see it crowded with men. It looked like a party was in full swing with plenty of drinks, joking and manly laughter. The place quieted down as soon as Rytsar entered the home. He put her down and grabbed her chin with one of his massive hands. He forced her to look at him. His look was stern and dangerous but when he kissed her, there was a softness to his lips. She relaxed in his embrace, trusting her imposing Dom.

  A stout man with spiky gray hair and a fearsome demeanor came up to them. He said something to Rytsar that must have been lewd, based on the tone he’d used and the dark look Rytsar was giving him. The vile man stroked Brie’s arm as if he had a right to touch her. She recoiled and pressed against her Dom. Rytsar spoke harshly to the foul man, guiding her away, but the creep grabbed her arm and shouted at Rytsar in Russian.

  Her Dom broke the loathsome man’s unwanted grasp, moving her behind him as he participated in a heated exchange. The other men gathered around, enjoying the confrontation. The loathsome man tried to grab at her again, but Rytsar forcefully pushed him away. He picked Brie up and carried her through a set of doors on the other side of the room.

  When he entered the bedroom, she noticed there was a support beam in the center of the massive space. He carried her past it and headed straight to the bathroom. After putting her down, he barked a single word, pointing to the toilet.

  She blanched. Did he really want her to pee in front of him?

  He barked the command again harshly, letting her know he wasn’t amused by her lack of obedience. Swallowing hard, she awkwardly pulled her red thong down with her bound hands and sat meekly on the toilet. He nodded and exited, leaving the door wide open.

  She glanced into the room while she washed herself clean and saw that he was changing out of his wet clothes. His chest was broad and his stomach rippled with muscles. She noticed a large tattoo in the shape of a dragon covering his left shoulder.

  He returned wearing another suit. This time it was midnight black with an identical blood-red tie. He didn’t look like an Indian warrior, but he certainly looked like a man of great power.

  Rytsar picked her up and carried her to the support beam. He untied her wrists and bound them behind the pole before securing her feet. Next, he placed a gag over her mouth. She protested playfully with whimpers, which made him snort in amusement. He blindfolded her next and to make her sensory deprivation complete, he covered her ears with small headphones that blocked out all sound. Then he left.

  She could feel the emptiness of the large room envelop her. At first, the total lack of stimuli was frightening but gradually she grew used to the all-encompassing silence. She stood there bound and alone, waiting for her warrior’s return.

  When she felt his presence again, she tensed. He took off the earphones and whispered in her ear. Although she could not understand his words, she believed he was listing all the things he planned to do to her. The commanding tone in his voice made her moist between her legs, and Brie moaned softly.

  She was puzzled when he left her again. Outside the room, she could hear the men shouting and joking with one another. It was then that she realized this was his version of the village celebrating the raid in her fantasy. She appreciated his cleverness. To hear the men’s revelry and to have the entire group know what was going to happen to her made it that much more exciting.

  Her Dom came back and removed the gag next. He kissed her passionately, thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth, letting her know exactly how he was going to take her when the time came. He allowed her tongue to taste him and explore the ridges of his mouth before he pulled away and left her again.

  His frequent visits, each accompanied by the removal of a restrictive item, made her hungry for his return. When Rytsar came the next time, he removed her blindfold. She looked into the blue eyes of her captor and quivered in delight. His stare was bursting with desire for her.

  He pulled at the laces of her corset and let it fall to the ground. He leaned down and took her nipple into his mouth. She gasped when he sucked forcefully. His other hand played with her other nipple, pulling and tugging on it with equal vigor.

  She threw her head back and groaned. Would he take her now? No—he left again. This time he did not return as quickly. She looked out of the large glass windows at the beach and watched the waves slowly rush in. It had a calming effect, giving her the patience to wait him out.

  A lone jogger was heading down the beach. He seemed to look in her direction, but continued on. Soon, however, he was back and gawking into the bedroom at her half-naked body tied to the pole. Rytsar’s entourage headed out and shooed him away.

  Brie stood there for what seemed like hours, desperate for her warrior to come back for her. The waiting, she realized, was a seductive tactic. Being completely under his power, not having a say as to when or how he was going to take her, added a provocative element to the encounter. She needed him to return for her—she needed him bad.

  Taking of an Innocent

  Rytsar finally returned just as the sun was setting. She had to calm her breathing; her need for him was great. That changed when he shut the doors and approached her like a predatory animal. Instantly, her defenses were up and she whimpered in alarm.

  He threw off his jacket, then removed his tie and shirt in fluid movements as he stalked around her, spewing nasty-sounding Russian words. His eyes glowed with unrestrained lust. She struggled in her bonds as he descended upon her. Brie was amazed that this Dom knew exact
ly how to play her emotions to elicit the desired response.

  He grasped the back of her neck possessively, but this time he lingered centimeters from her lips before claiming them. She groaned in pleasure as his tongue violently ravaged her mouth. He was rough with her, but in a way that only made her hotter. She couldn’t wait to be released from her bonds.

  Rytsar slowly undid the ties, dragging out the action. When she felt the last of them fall, she tried to make a break for it. He grabbed her waist and wrestled her to the ground, crushing her small frame with his considerable weight.

  Rytsar pulled her arms above her head and held her thin wrists with one hand while the other tugged at her thong. She struggled, but was defenseless to stop him. He threw it to the side and forced his fingers between her legs.

  “No!” she cried, bucking her hips in an attempt to avoid the penetration, like a proper virgin captive. His chuckle was low when he felt her moist outer lips. He explored her smooth pussy, obviously enjoying the soft texture of her bare skin.

  Unfortunately, there was no hiding how much she desired him, despite her feigned protests. His fingers inched inside, invading her moist, velvety depths. She stopped struggling, desperate for his attention after hours of waiting. Rytsar’s talented manipulations had her body humming for release, but he denied her that by pulling his fingers out just as she was about to come.

  Though he didn’t lose his grip on her wrists, she heard him unzip his pants. Apparently, he was going to take her on the floor and not the luxurious bed a few feet away. It fit her fantasy. She moaned in delight when she felt his erection against her thigh. In her story, however, she was an innocent, so she wanted to give him a convincing battle.

  Brie twisted out from under him, but couldn’t move far due to the painful grip he had on her wrists. He easily positioned himself between her legs again, and this time there was no escape. She felt the round head of his cock penetrate her opening. He took his time, as if he were pushing into the tight opening of a virgin. She whimpered and cried, loving every second of his claiming. Once he had sunk his shaft fully inside her wet walls, he looked into her eyes and murmured what she assumed were Russian sweet nothings.


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