Book Read Free

It Is What it Is

Page 23

by Ivory B.

  Bogota was just as picturesque during the day as it was at night. The streets were crowded with people as they drove through the busy upscale part of the city and ended up at a swanky restaurant that was known for making some of the best traditional Colombian dishes. “Thank you,” Lucky said to the waiter who had just placed a plate with a hearty amount of food in front of her. Lucky scanned her plate with skepticism while picking through her food with her fork. There were some foods on the plate she didn’t recognize. She had listened to Los’ recommendation on what would be tasty, now she was having second thoughts and thinking she should’ve probably ordered something else. She picked up a plantain and nibbled on it while looking over at Los who was going in on his plate. The plantain was really sweet and good but she was hesitant to taste the rest of the food on her plate. “Baby what’s this?” she asked pointing to the food on her plate she didn’t recognize. Los looked over and smirked “Arepa,” he answered. “Arepa.” Lucky repeated looking at the fried thing that resembled a pancaked shaped fried dumpling. “Yeah arepa, eat it with your meat, put the meat on top or stuff it.” Lucky made a face. “Well what’s all this red stuff on the beef?” Lucky’s questions were starting to annoy him. “Ma just eat your food. Trust me you’ll like it. You already came back to me frail as fuck. I thought I was gonna break ya little ass in two when I was puttin it on you.” “When you was what? That’s not exactly how I remember that going down but if it helps you sleep better at night you can believe that,” Lucky said with a smile. Los smirked having a flash back of Lucky thrusting her pussy on him.

  Lucky finally stopped playing with her food and to her surprise the food was really delicious. Los looked on trying to contain his laughter at Lucky damn near cleaning her plate. The waiter came back to clear the table and bring out their dessert. Lucky looked over at Los and listened to him order something called a flan for her and rice pudding for himself. According to him this was the only place that made rice pudding close to how his Abuela made it. Lucky waited until the waiter was out of ear shot not wanting to offend him.

  “Baby I didn’t know so many Black people were over here.” Her comment caused Los to put his phone down and give her his undivided attention “Luck it’s a whole lot of people over here that look like you and me, some darker, some lighter. Colombia, Venezula and Brazil got large populations of Black people.” Los tilted his head to the side and squinted his eyes. “Know your history ma. You see they got niggaz everywhere only difference between niggaz over here and the ones in America is niggaz here speak Spanish. We all came from the same place our ancestors just took different routes in the slave trade and ended up in different places. I’m glad my father taught me to embrace and love my history, all of it. See that you learn somethin new everyday from Big Los ha smart ass.” Lucky pursed her lips together and twisted her mouth to the side giving him a look that said shut up. “I wish I could’ve met him, he seemed like a good man.” Los got quiet before he looked into Lucky’s eyes and nodded his head. Yeah he had his faults but he was a good dude, I wish you could’ve met him too, he would’ve loved you.”

  After Lunch Los did as he said he would and took her sightseeing. Driving through the streets he pointed out different attractions and landmarks. Lucky was in like with Bogota. They spent a few hours at a park that reminded her a lot of Fairmont Park in Philly. The nice part of Fairmont Park that is; holding hands in the park laughing and feeding ducks highlighted their visit to the park. Yeah Lucky had that type of affect on Los, she made a G want to hold hands and walk through the park on some lovey-dovey shit. Lucky had a fun filled day and was worn out by the time they reached the apartment. She ended up drifting off to sleep on Los’ chest on the oversized leather sectional in the living room.

  A Night to Remember

  The very next day Lucky watched nervously as Carlos prepared to leave. She wasn’t exactly happy to be left alone in a foreign country she wasn’t used to. He ordered breakfast that morning and as they shared a great breakfast he informed her that he would be going out that afternoon for a while and would be back later in the day. This would be the very first time out of the few days they’d been in Colombia he was leaving her alone. Since Lucky’s phone wasn’t getting service out there he left her with one of his to use.

  “If you need me call me. I’ll call to check on you in a little bit. Don’t forget I got a friend coming through a little later, love you.” Was all he said before rushing out the door. Once he was gone, Lucky stood in the middle of the living room and let her eyes roam the spacious apartment realizing she didn’t know what to do with herself. She decided to pick up her Ipad read or either kick some ass in Subway Surfer. Hours flew by and just as she was setting a record for highest score in her game there was a knock at the door. “Shiiiit,” Lucky fussed. She hopped up and went to the door peeking out the peephole. There stood two women and a man. Lucky quickly called Los back. “Baby girl what up?” Los asked after the second ring. “Hey you said one person was stopping by but its 3 people at the door.” Los smiled, good girl he thought “It’s alright, let them in. I’ll be home in a minute.” Lucky opened the door. “Hi I’m Maria. Are you ready?” the woman asked in a thick Colombian accent. Lucky raised an eyebrow with clear confusion written all over her face. “Ready for what?” “To get all dolled up.” It was only then that Lucky noticed the garment bag draped over the woman’s shoulder along with shopping bags and make-up cases the other two people were holding.

  Three hours later Lucky was looking and feeling nothing short of a Cinderella story. Maria and crew shook their heads in approval, Lucky looked absolutely amazing. The strapless form fitting Alexander McQueen evening gown clung to her body then cascaded down into a subtle train. The bodice of the dress was covered in jewels that seemed to reflect off her eyes and make them sparkle. Lucky always had her doubts about anyone doing her hair besides Mika but she had to admit ole boy put it down with the up-do. All three of them started to applaud causing Lucky to blush. “You look beautiful,” Maria complemented. “Thank you,” Lucky uttered. She did indeed feel beautiful too. Lucky was used to putting on a fly fit and going out but this was on a whole other level of flyness, she was officially red carpet Oscar Award ready. The glam squad gathered their things and made their exit as quickly as they came. Lucky admired herself in the mirror for nearly 10 whole minutes smiling back at her reflection twirling around admiring the way the dress fit her from all angles. Her private viewing session was interrupted once she heard the front door unlocking.

  Carlos stepped in the door looking like a million bucks. He had a fresh cut Caesar with his natural waves looking deeper than the sea. The black Armani custom tux he wore made him look nothing short of a distinguished gentleman. Denzel ain’t have shit on her man right now; he was looking good and smelling even better. Lucky felt her inner thighs getting moist just looking at him.

  Carlos froze; his heart sped up as he looked at Lucky, she was looking like the best money he ever spent. There wasn’t a jewel or whip he owned that could compare to her beauty. He closed the door behind him and walked over to Lucky scooping her up into his arms before planting a loving kiss on her forehead. “You look…” Los was at a loss for words there were so many words to describe her yet he couldn’t find one. “You look beautiful ma…stunning.” Lucky beamed from the complement. It was crazy he still had the ability to put butterflies in her stomach and make her feel as if they were going on their first date. Lucky looked into his handsome face and pouted “Baby you cut your hair,” she said running her hand over his deep waves. Although he was looking like he could get it every which way from here to Sunday she had gotten used to the curls. “Awe I got a little attached to the curls, I liked them.” Lucky admitted. Carlos shook his head no while he ran his hand over his hair. “You know that’s not me.” Los said right before kissing her ear, then her neck and easing her back down onto her Prada open toe jewel encrusted heels that matched her dress to a T. Los stepped back to admire her again and Lu
cky noticed for the first time he had a gift bag from a jewelry store in his hand.

  “What’s in there for me?” Lucky asked playfully. “Nothing spoiled ass,” Los bluffed. Lucky smiled knowing better. He reached for her hand and walked over to the couch pulling her onto his lap. “Close your eyes,” he instructed. Lucky did as she was told tucking in her bottom lip trying to contain a cheesy smile. She was going to get something good, she could feel it. A cold piece of jewelry was suddenly lowered on her neck. Lucky ran her fingers across the necklace trying to get a mental image of how it looked. “Don’t peek Lucky,” Los ordered popping her hand lightly causing her to burst out laughing. “I’m not,” she said through light laughter. The earrings came next, Lucky helped him put in earrings she hadn’t laid eyes on yet into her ears. “Can I open now?” “Not yet.” Lucky heard Los shuffling through the bag before she felt something being pinned into her up-do on top of her head. No one had to tell her what it was she knew instantly. Her heart started racing with excitement. “You can open them now.” Lucky opened her eyes and shot to her feet rushing over to the oval mirror hung on the living room wall. She was immediately taken aback the necklace with matching tear drop earrings were stunning “Carlos these are beautiful!” The icing on the cake though was the small diamond tiara that was placed perfectly inside her up-do. The tiara was elegant and fit her total look. Lucky looked on in awe at her reflection never in her life had she felt so pretty. Los wrapped his arms around her from behind and gently kissed her on the cheek. Lucky turned around to face him with her eyes watering up. “Thank you,” Lucky said not knowing really what else to say. He placed a tender kiss on her forehead. “You know you my Princess, so tonight you’ll have to look the par.” And Lucky never felt more like a Princess in her life than she did now this was truly what she dreamt of as a little girl. She blinked rapidly trying to hold back tears not wanting to ruin her make-up. Lucky cupped his face with both hands kissing him deeply. The kiss became intense when Lucky began to suck on Los’ tongue causing him to moan out loud. “Ummm Ma stop that before you have me lock ya lil ass up in here like a hostage,” Los moaned with his lips still planted on hers as he groped her soft backside. Carlos stepped back creating space between the both of them. Here she had his man on swole hard enough to rip through his tailored tux pants. He bit his bottom lip and bobbed his head up and down as he often did when he was telling her she was going to get it good tonight. Lucky took a deep breath and fidgeted with her hair trying to compose herself. Carlos had her ready to drop her thong right where she stood. “Baby girl come on we running late.” he said offering his cuffed forearm like a gentleman. Lucky wrapped her arm around his and off they went.

  Lucky took note of all the turning heads they were causing as they walked through the lobby to their awaiting vehicle. Lucky beamed as she stepped out of the building to see a Maybach. Once outside a burly looking man approached Carlos whispering something in his ear. Lucky felt a little uneasy as she noticed the stockade surrounding the vehicle they were about to get in. Two black tented out Escalades in front and two in back. Lucky looked at Los for an explanation as she was being helped by the chauffeur into the vehicle. “Baby what is all this about?” Lucky asked eyeing him intensely as he slid in the vehicle and sat beside her. “It’s just security.” Lucky furrowed her brow in alarm. “Security from what?” Los chuckled lightly picking up on Lucky’s uneasiness. He turned his body towards her to give her his undivided attention. “It’s nothing to worry about, just an extra precaution that’s it.” Seeing that Lucky still looked a little unnerved Carlos continued. He reached over and lifted her chin so that he could look her directly in her eyes. “I would never let anything happen to you, you know that right?” She shook her head in agreement. She knew without a doubt that he meant every word he spoke. He didn’t want to alarm Lucky and let her know that Colombia could be a dangerous place, especially for a man in his line of work and at his level. It was the Don who insisted that his team were heavily secured and made sure of it. “Relax Baby, here have a drink.” Los said pouring her a flute of champagne. She took the flute and they both toasted to what was an amazing night thus far and it was only going to get better Lucky could feel it.

  Lucky leaned into him and laid her head on his chest as they picked up speed merging onto the highway. She looked on in amazement at the city lights in the night they were as bright as Vegas lights. Lucky lifted her eyes and looked at Carlos as he sat in silence looking out the window. Feeling her eyes on him he looked down at her with her head laid on his chest. “What up Princess?” A slight smile spread across her face. “Question” she said never breaking her stare. “Shoot” “Why am I only your Princess when you’re my King?” A slight smile spread across his face “Ma once you bless me with a Princess or a Prince I’ll upgrade ya status, that’s my word. Until then you’ll be my Princess.” Lucky smiled hard and then her smile suddenly turned into a solemn look. “But…but you don’t want kids,” Lucky said with a sad look on her face. Lucky had always thought that this one issue could possibly be the breaking point of their relationship; it hadn’t always been this way, in the beginning they talked about a future that included children then one day suddenly he said he didn’t want any. She definitely wanted to be a mother and wife someday but how could that work when the love of her life didn’t feel the same way. Carlos could see the hurt expression in her eyes. “Luck it’s not that it’s…” Carlos started to explain but was interrupted mid sentence by two rapid knocks on the window before the door was opened from the outside. It’s what? It’s what?! Lucky thought to herself. She wanted to scream on the chauffeur to close the damn door! However, Carlos had begun to adjust his diamond cuff links and exit the car. He paused before he exited completely. Looking her deep in her eyes he said “We’ll talk later” What he had to say would take longer than the time he had to offer at the moment therefore he didn’t want to even get into it. Carlos reached into the car to give Lucky his hand in assisting her with getting out. Once Lucky stepped out she was captivated by the scene. She had literally stepped onto the red carpet of an award show is what it felt like. Not just any ole award show either but the Golden Globes.

  Everyone there was dressed to kill in expensive couture and the jewelry people had on was drop dead gorgeous, diamonds, rubies, emeralds you name it someone had it on. The scene was a complete whirlwind. Constant flashing lights of cameras from what seemed to be paparazzi standing behind the roped off red carpet temporarily blinded Lucky. Every couple of steps she and Los took they would stop pose and smile for a different camera. What Lucky didn’t realize is that she was rubbing elbows with some of Colombia’s rich and famous. Many of Colombia’s elite were in attendance from politicians, celebrities, and socialites as well as some of the most infamous drug Kingpins South America had to offer. They were all there to celebrate the Don’s birthday who was the biggest drug lord Colombia had ever seen since Pablo Escobar himself.

  To some people of Colombia the Don was a successful businessman and philanthropist who gave back to the country in abundance no matter how he got his money, to others however he was a tyrant and murderous drug lord. But from the looks of it you wouldn’t be able to tell the man had one enemy in the world. People had come out in droves to celebrate this man’s birthday. Carlos never stepped too far away from Lucky as he shook hands and greeted individuals he knew. By the time they reached the end of the red carpet Lucky was feeling a little dizzy from all the flashing lights and her cheeks were sore from puckering up for so many play, play air kisses. Los looked over at Lucky reaching for her hand and squeezing gently. “You okay baby girl?” Lucky looked up at Los flashing him a quick smile assuring him she was okay.

  The party was actually being held inside a renowned museum and some of the exhibits were available for viewing to partygoers. The atmosphere inside the building was totally different from the chaotic scene outside. Waiters circulated the party offering top of the line champagnes and a variety of Hors d’oeuvres.
Lucky bit down on her bottom lip feeling a little nervous, it wasn’t hard to tell she was amongst the elite, she couldn’t say she felt completely comfortable Lucky preferred her crowd just a little more laid back. But after her second glass of champagne she was feeling way more at ease. Los suggested they go to the ballroom to dance and she was all for it as he led the way.

  They had danced for about two songs when Los called himself being frisky grinding up on her instead of slow dancing. Lucky giggled sexily “Carlos stop before someone see you, nasty.” Los smirked as he took her hand holding it up to give her space to twirl. Lucky was half way around with her back facing him when she felt him pull her into him from behind and grind his hard-on all up on her ass. Lucky couldn’t help but let out a laugh. She spun around to face him giving him the eye to cut it out. Los laughed lightly before continuing to dance with her like a gentleman. She had her eyes closed and head on his shoulder swaying side to side to the smooth jazz the live band was providing when suddenly someone cleared their throat. Both Lucky and Los turned to see a waiter, “Sir your table is waiting, follow me.”

  Lucky felt a little nervous once she noticed people were already seated at the table her and Los were approaching and it seemed as if they were waiting on them. Los pulled out her chair before he seated himself. Lucky scanned the table discreetly and relaxed a little after realizing everyone was involved in their own personal conversations or either returned her look with warm smiles. All except one man who was seated at the 12 o’clock position of the table, he had a powerful aura and wore a blank expression. Lucky pegged him to be the guest of honor. They were only seated for a few minutes before the first course was served. The army of waiters and waitresses that were lined up in perfect lines holding food trays split in two different directions and began to serve the table.


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