It Is What it Is

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It Is What it Is Page 54

by Ivory B.

  “Ky! Ky!” Lucky called out as she passed two teenage boys who looked to be around 14 or 15 coming out one of the three bedrooms in the apartment. The door on the far end of the hallway swung open and out came Ky running full speed into Lucky’s arms. Lucky bent down and scooped her up hugging her tightly and swaying her from side to side. Lucky’s nostrils were immediately assaulted by the smell of Pee but she didn’t care she still held onto Ky tight. “Baby did you have an accident?” Lucky whispered in Ky’s ear. “No Auntie John John pee’d da bed.” “Ohh okay, come on we gotta go; where’s your clothes?” Ky was still in a dirty nightgown, sleep coal in her eyes with her long curly hair in a messy ponytail. Ky pointed towards the bedroom she just came out of. Lucky stepped in the room and was taken aback. Three little kids were in the room jumping up and down on a dirty mattress that had slid its box spring onto the floor. There wasn’t even a bed frame, the box spring and mattress was smack dead on the floor. And the smell of urine alone could wake someone from out of a coma. She had little hope of finding anything in the room with bedding, clothing and toys all over the floor. Lucky jumped into action tossing clothes left and right trying to dig for something to put on Ky’s feet which were currently clad in a pair of filthy socks. “Ky baby do you remember where you last saw your shoes?” Lucky called over her shoulder as she dug into the mess. “Unh, unh” was the only response Ky gave. “Oh shit!” Lucky shouted as she grabbed a shirt from the floor and saw a quick flash of something black dash deeper into the pile of clothes. The tail on the mysterious creature told Lucky exactly what it was. Her heart was beating so hard it nearly beat out of her chest. “Ohh hell fuckin nah! Kynah let’s go!” Lucky spun around and snatched Ky up making a quick exit towards the front door. The three kids followed Lucky to the front of the house waving and saying bye to Ky repeatedly. When Lucky was at the front door she placed Ky on the floor, took off her own pea coat and put it on Ky. “It’s too big for me Auntie,” Ky said flapping the arms of the coat. Lucky dug in her Birkin bag and took out two hundred dollar bills handing them over to Ms. Carolyn who was standing at the front door. “Here this is all I have on me right now.” Carolyn snatched the money fast. “Thank you,” Carolyn smiled hard exposing the gold caps in her mouth. “Alright tell your peoples the next time they bring this pretty lil girl back ova here to leave her with some spending money, you know for food and stuff.” Yeah bitch I bet these damn kids ain’t eat yet today and its close to 3pm. “Oh there won’t be a next time trust me,” Lucky snapped before picking up Ky and placing her on her hip. Carolyn furrowed her brows, placed her hand on her wide hips and jerked her head back with attitude. She gave Lucky the whole ‘who this uppity bitch think she is’ look. Lucky paid her no mind she turned to leave out the front door not without looking over at the three kids who stood there looking on with sad eyes that pleaded take me with you. Lucky’s heart broke and if she could take them all she would.

  Lucky looked in her rearview mirror repeatedly while driving as if she expected Kynah not to be there the next time she looked. “Baby are you hungry?” Lucky asked as they passed a highway sign that read food and gas one mile ahead. Ky shook her head vigorously. After making a quick stop Lucky watched through her rearview mirror as Ky tore through her Wendy’s kid’s meal like a starving refugee. There was no reason on God’s green earth that Kynah should’ve been that hungry. Mia is a fucking idiot Lucky thought to herself. It was obvious that Mia really didn’t want to be bothered with Ky. But instead of handing her over to her father a man who wanted her more than the air he breathed, she would rather let Ky stay in the type of condition she was just in to be spiteful. Lucky thought that was pure evil of Mia.

  There was something gnawing at Lucky’s insides like a pesky dog. From the moment Lucky noticed the two older boys in the house amongst the kids her mind started to wonder. She was hoping and praying they hadn’t done anything inappropriate to Ky. She wanted to bring her concerns up but didn’t know how to address them. “Ky you remember what Auntie told you about those special spots?” Ky shook her head yes. “No one…no one tried to touch you there did they?” “Nooo,” Ky answered. “Are you sure Lil Mama?” Lucky asked gently. “Umm, hmm I sure,” Kynah answered shaking her head to emphasize her answer. Lucky took a sigh of relief. She knew a higher power had answered her prayers every night to keep Ky safe.

  “Auntie,” Ky called taking Lucky away from her thoughts. “Why my Daddee didn’t come get me?” “Ky Baby your Daddy didn’t know where you were. No one did and we were worried about you and looking all over for you. Your Mommy, Uncle Carlos, Uncle Jah, Auntie Keema…” “And Grandma too?” Ky cut in. “Yup and Grandma too both of them. Grandma Kit Cat and Grandma Tina were looking for you, we all were. We didn’t come get you because we didn’t know where you were. You see once you called me today Auntie came right over and picked you up right?” “Umm hmm,” Kynah said shaking her head.

  Lucky looked in her rearview mirror to take a peek at Ky when she went silent. Ky was looking out her window as if she were in deep thought. “Did my Daddee and Ty have a new baby?” Ky asked. Ky’s question threw Lucky for a loop, she wanted to be careful in the way she answered Ky. There was no sense in trying to explain to Ky it wasn’t possible for Ty to have had a baby in the short time she’d been gone. It was apparent though that Mia had been in Ky’s ear. There was no telling what Mia had been filling this child’s head with.

  “Ky listen to me your Daddy loves you, you know that Ky and that’s never going to change even if your Daddy and Mommy have another baby, all that’s gonna change is you’ll be a big sister and have to help change stinky pampers.” Both Lucky and Ky laughed at that last statement. “Your Daddy’s gonna love you and the baby the same. You understand that right?” Ky shook her head after a little while of sitting and letting Lucky’s words marinate. “And no; your Mommy didn’t have another baby while you were gone Lil Mama.” “I wanna go home,” Ky requested softly. “That’s where I’m bringing you now.” Lucky assured as she passed state lines into Pennsylvania towards Nice’s house.

  Lucky exhaled and finally started breathing at a regular pace once she saw Nice’s house in the distance. All during the ride from Jersey she looked in her rearview mirror half expecting to be suddenly surrounded by the whole New Jersey police department and accused of kidnapping across state lines. Messing with Mia that scenario was more plausible than not. Lucky pulled into the driveway with a hard screech jumped out of the car and picked up a now sleeping Ky. She rung the doorbell and banged on the door with urgency.

  The hard banging at the door caught both Nice and Ty off guard. Nice blew a frustrated sigh “Now what?” he said more to himself. He had no idea who was banging at the front door like they were crazy but the last time someone came banging it wasn’t anything good. “Stay right here,” he instructed Ty in a protective way as he made his way towards the front door placing his hand over the slight imprint of a bump on his waist band. Ty knew he was checking to see if his hammer was right by his side. Nice got a few feet away from the door when he felt Ty nip him on the heel with her feet nearly bumping into his back. He looked over his shoulder giving her the look that said you don’t listen. Ty didn’t care though whoever was banging at the door like they wanted it with her man was going to have to deal with her too. “Niiice!” Lucky called out knowing someone must’ve been home because the house was lit up and the Aston Martin was in the driveway. Nice fumbled with lock opening the door as fast as he could once he heard Lucky’s frantic voice from the other side of the door.

  The door swung open and Lucky pushed her way into the doorway. Both Nice and Ty froze in shock momentarily. “Oh my god,” Ty said throwing her hands to her mouth. “Kynah!” Nice said rushing towards Lucky. Kynah’s head shot up from Lucky’s shoulder the moment she heard her father’s voice. She stretched her arms out for him at the same time he went to grab her from Lucky’s arms. Nice hugged Ky tight brushing her unkempt hair from her forehead and kissing her al
l over her face, despite the strong aroma of urine covering her. Nice would take Ky funky, dirty, dusty and musty it didn’t matter all that mattered was she was back where she belonged with him. Ty reached over with shaky arms outstretched towards Ky. Ky had her little arms wrapped around her Daddy’s neck but she let go to go to Ty. Ty lost her battle with her tears, “Hey lil Mama, we missed you,” Ty said through sniffles trying to keep her emotions at bay not wanting to scare or confuse Ky. Nice stood by Ty’s side while he rubbed Ky’s little back and let his eyes roam over her from head to toe examining her. He kissed Ky on the forehead and then Ty’s too. Lucky looked on and suddenly felt out of place as if she were intruding on an intimate moment that was to be shared amongst the three of them.

  Nice finally tore his eyes from his daughter for the first time since he opened the door. He looked over at Lucky and wasted no time pulling her into a big brotherly hug. “Luck I don’t know how you did this but I swear whateva you want Luck you got it.” “Boy please you know how we do. I really didn’t do anything though it was all Ky. She just called me out the blue. I gotta call Los and let him know Ky’s back,” Lucky said pulling her cell phone out of her pocket. Nice placed a kiss on Lucky’s cheek before turning around to let her make her call. “Baby I found Ky!” Lucky rambled into the phone excitedly. Los pressed the volume button on the steering wheel of his Benz, he thought he heard Lucky but he wasn’t sure. “You what ma?” “Ky baby she’s home. I brought her home to Nice.” The line went silent for a second before she heard Los exhale long and hard. “I’m on my way right now,” was all he said before hanging up.

  Within hours Nice’s driveway was filled with cars. The news of Ky’s return spread amongst the family fast and everyone wanted to come out and welcome her home. Nice sat back on the couch with Ky planted on his lap. She had ate for the second time since being home and wore herself out playing with Lil Jah now her eyes were getting heavy as the Sand Man came to stake his claim. Ty looked over at her and decided now was the best time if any to give her a bath so she could sleep better. “Ky c’mon lil Mama it’s time to take a bath,” Ty said standing in front of Nice with her arms outstretched to take Ky. “I’ll put lots of bubbles in there,” Ty offered. The promise of a big bubble bath was enough to persuade Ky to leave Nice for a little while.

  Once Ky was out of earshot Lucky replayed the events that took place that day. Kynah calling her out of the blue, her going out to Jersey and finding Ky. She didn’t forget to leave out one detail especially the conditions Ky was left in. Pretty much everyone in the room had something to say all except Nice. He was as quiet as a mouse but his facial expression spoke volumes as Lucky relived seeing a rat dash past her hand as she looked for Kynah’s clothes and the pissy, dirty mattress with no bedding on it that the kids were jumping on and obviously slept on.

  “Mia wasn’t there?” Jah asked for more clarification. “Nope and according to the chick Mrs. Carolyn she took off with her daughter a week ago.” “That shit is crazy. So she just left her in the fuckin PJ’s? Yo Mia is definitely on some other shit. That bitch is straight trash,” Jah fumed. “Damn that’s wild cause we was out in Jersey in the hoods with her picture asking around like every other night and she was right there in Trenton,” Real said, he couldn’t believe Mia was able to hide Ky out in plain sight. The room went dead silent until Cathy spoke up. “Well all I can say is God is good. He made sure she stayed safe and she’s home now.” Cathy rose from her seat and walked over to Nice giving him a hug and kiss on the cheek. “I’m headed home today was a good day and I’ve had enough excitement for one night.” “Mom why don’t you just stay the night?” Nice finally spoke for the first time. “Oh no, these Grandkids of mine won’t let me get no sleep,” she said with a chuckle. She made her rounds kissing up all her grandkids and then left. “I think Ma had a date she was over there whispering to someone on the phone and you see how sexy she was looking tonight with her young lookin self,” Keema spoke the obvious with a smile only to hear grunts and groans from nearly all the men in the room. Carlos took it a step further jumping from his seat and peeking out the blinds.

  Ty was upstairs giving Ky a thorough cleaning washing her from head to toe. Ky played with her toys as Ty washed her little feet for the last time. Kynah’s feet and hands were wrinkling up showing it was time for her to get out. “Baby girl you’re all done. C’mon so I can dry your hair and put you on some pajama’s. If they still fit that is you look like you grew a whole 3 inches,” Ty teased making Ky beam. “I do? Okay Ty I’m ready to get out,” Kynah answered lifting her arms so that Ty could wrap her body in an oversized towel. Ty’s smile faded slowly, she had noticed Ky had been calling her by her first name since she’d been home amongst other things that were a little unsettling. “Ky Sweetie you know you can still call me Mommy if you want to? Nothing’s changed baby,” Ty said brushing Ky’s big curly wet hair from her little face. Ky avoided eye contact with Ty and shook her head before walking off to her room with the big towel dragging behind her. Ty watched Ky for a second before hopping up from the edge of the sunken tub to grab a bottle of bathroom bleach cleaner. The ring that was left around the tub was absolutely shameful. As Ty sprayed down the tub she couldn’t help but feel rejection weighing heavily on her heart. Ty had prayed for the day Ky returned home and naively assumed that things would be the same once she had. It was becoming painfully obvious that wasn’t the case. Mia had gotten to Ky and filled her head up with a bunch of garbage. Ty was trying hard not to take the rejection personally knowing Ky was just a child innocent and most likely more confused about everything that was going on around her.

  After her bath Kynah ran right back to her spot on her father’s lap and dozed off immediately. Ty who was lying beside Nice on the couch had followed suit falling to sleep with her head laid against Nice’s shoulder. He chuckled at the sight of both of them knocked out. “A'ight fam I’ma call it a night; don’t expect a red carpet to be rolled out. Y’all know where the extra rooms at,” Nice said before nudging Ty awake and picking up Ky to head up stairs. He helped a groggy Ty up the stairs with one arm and held Ky in his other.

  “Jah and Keema called it a night as well being that both of the kids had already fell off to sleep. It was close to 1AM and everyone had decided to crash there for the night instead of going to their own homes. The late night owl of the house was Real. While everyone headed to bed he was in the kitchen on his cell whipping up a sandwich and spitting game to some chick. Los and Lucky decided to turn in for the night as well and were passing by the kitchen when they caught the tail end of Real’s convo. “I’m sayin Ma fuck you mean you can’t fuck wit me cause I got too many bitches? Where the fuck is yo competitive spirit? How you just giving up like that? How you ain’t telling me when you fuck me you gon make me forget about all them other bitches?” “Mah nigga,” Los drawled like Denzel from the movie Training Day before he chuckled genuinely tickled by the playa shit Real was kicking. Lucky on the other hand wasn’t amused she turned giving Los a cut it out look before pushing him playfully. Real looked up and nodded his head towards the couple as they climbed the stairs.

  Lucky stepped out of the shower in the guest room that Los had long staked claim to as his very own room in Nice’s house. After her long and crazy day a hot shower was exactly what she needed. Los sat at the edge of the bed with his legs spread apart. He pulled Lucky to stand between his legs and looked into her eyes as she stood there in front of him with a slight sexy smirk on her face. Los slid the towel from her body and let his eyes bestow a work of art. Lucky was dead right; all the hard work she put in at their home gym spoke for itself.

  Los’ fingers traveled from her soft thighs up her toned flat stomach stopping at her dangly diamond studded navel ring that bore his initials CJ. Lucky exhaled slowly enjoying his touch, his fingers felt like a whisper or a light breeze on her skin.”Ummm,” Lucky moaned in satisfaction although she had fought hard to keep that in. Los ran both his hands down the small of her
back cupping her ass and pulling her into him. The gentle kiss he paced on her stomach caused her to shiver. “You know you made my day right?” “Umm is that right?” Lucky asked running her hands over his head loving how the texture of his waves felt. “Yeah that’s right,” Los responded while caressing and kneading Lucky’s supple, soft ass cheeks with his hands. Lucky hiked her knees up placing them on either of his thighs pulling herself up so that her stomach was smack dead in his face. Los traced his tongue along her stomach then slid it across her belly button ring causing Lucky to shutter. “Damn you beautiful; you make a man proud to have you on his arm. You were my hero today you know that?” he asked above a whisper while massaging her body. “That sounds good so far Daddy tell me more. Cause you know flattery might get you everywhere with me tonight.” By now his hands were cupping both of her breasts. He let his forefinger and thumb tug at her nipples gently before rolling them between his fingers while he stared into her eyes. Lucky let out a moan and made a fuck face as Carlos slid his tongue over her areola then sucked her nipple into his mouth. Lucky arched her back towards his mouth and gasped for air. “Ain’t nothing else left to say but you know I’ma make you scream my name right?” Los said sexily between suckling on her nipple. Lucky let out a light chuckle followed by another moan as she felt Los fondle her clit. She bent down leaning close to his ear as if she had the biggest secret in the world to tell him. “Not if I make you scream mine first,” Lucky whispered seductively before pushing Los on his back commencing to make good on her words. Long gone was the shy, inexperienced, young woman when it came to sex. The once timid student had now graduated top of her class and was now teaching her teacher a thing or two.

  “Ty you up?” Nice whispered not wanting to wake Ky who was sleeping right in between them. He had placed Ky in her own bed and within 20 minutes both he and Ty were running down the hall towards Ky’s cries. After that Ty insisted she sleep with them for the night. Ty turned her head to face Nice. “I’m up,” she whispered back. “You okay?” Nice asked reaching over to hold Ty’s hand bringing it to his mouth and kissing it. Ty smirked. “How do you do that?” “Do what?” “Know when there’s something wrong with me?” “Don’t know I guess I’m supposed to know.” Ty smirked in response to his answer and then a look of deep thought appeared on her face. “Give it some time ma things will get back to where they used to be.” “I know, I know it just feels weird. She used to call out for me when she had a nightmare. Now everything is Daddy this and Daddy that.” “Awe, I can smell the hate from way over here, Ya secret side job at Mickey D’s must’ve had you on fry duty last night cause you soundin mad salty right now,” Nice joked. Ty smiled hard then burst out into a giggle. “I’m serious though I don’t want you stressin, things will get back right,” Nice said in a serious tone. “I know but Bae what happens when Mia crawls her triflin ass up from whatever rock she’s been hiding under then what?” “Let me worry about that a'ight,” “Kamar how can I not worr…” “Ty chill, all I need you to do is be right by my side holding me down like you been doin. I’ll handle the rest.” Nice assured. Ty stared into his eyes she didn’t respond but she didn’t have to they had that type of understanding.


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