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Alluring Turmoil

Page 18

by Skye Turner

  Jude kisses me in the kitchen and says he’ll call me later with details about our date and then he leaves me in my kitchen. As he walks out, I suddenly realize he’s leaving tomorrow, and I can’t stop the tears from falling. I indulge myself a quick pity party and then dry my face, wash my hands, and get to work.

  Before I know it, hours have passed and I’ve knocked out three of the four cakes I have to complete today. I only realize the time when Erik makes me take a quick break, as he brings me a coffee and a piece of biscotti.

  He pulls up a stool and motions for me to sit down. “So, love, how are you doing today? How are you handling Jude leaving tomorrow?”

  My eyes get cloudy as I answer him, “It’s rough. I had a mini breakdown earlier when it hit me that he’s actually leaving, but I’m ok. It’s only for ten weeks, so it’ll be ok.”

  He smiles and pushes back a piece of hair that’s fallen loose, tucking it behind my ear. “Yes, it’s really not that long. But I know it’s going to be hard on the both of you. You’ll be ok though. And I was thinking… you know I can handle this place alone sometimes. Not for extended periods of time of course, but I can handle a day or two without you here and there.”

  I smile as I hug him. “I know you can. And I am planning on going for a day or so at least once or twice. But thank you for saying it’s ok. You know that goes for you too. If ever you and Alec want some away time, I can handle this place too.”

  Erik holds me close and says, “Look at us… both of us… all in relationships and shit. Who would have thought it?”

  I laugh. “I know, right? This has been a crazy few weeks, huh? So, you and Alec… that’s pretty serious?”

  He wipes his hands on his thighs, looking a little nervous. “Yeah, I think so. I really like him. He gets me and we are great together. Not to mention, he’s hot as hell. I think… I think I could love him, Lex.”

  I hug him tight. “I’m so happy for you, E! I really like him and you seem so happy. If he’s what your heart wants, I say just go for it!”

  “Thanks, love. And I am… But the same for you and Jude… I never thought I’d see you like this again. Your love for him is so evident. And he really does love you. You’ll work out this time. I feel it.”

  “I hope so, E. I hope so… I love him so much it scares me.”

  “I know, love. I know. The two of you have something. Something real. Everyone can see it, so just go with it. You can’t live in fear. You’ll miss out on a lot of stuff that way.”

  Chuckling, I kiss him on the mouth. “You’re so wise. Now get out of my kitchen. I have work to do and I have a hot date tonight.”

  “Yes, ma’am. Love you, Lexi. I’m glad you and Jude found a way back to each other.”

  “I love you too, E. And me too.” Sighing, I get back to work.

  Just as I’m placing the finishing touches on my last cake, my cell alerts me to a new text.

  “Sexy Rock God

  Talked to Erik.

  He’s bringing you home.

  Wear a dress.

  Pick you up at 7:30.

  I love you.”

  I check the time. Its 4:30PM now, so if we leave at 5:30PM, that will give me plenty of time. I send a reply.


  Sneaky, aren’t you?

  And bossy.

  But I’ll wear a dress. For you.

  I love you too.”

  I wait for a reply, but don’t get one. Oh well. I start sorting out the supplies I’ll need for tomorrow. Before I know it, Erik is asking me if I’m ready to go. I take one last look around, grab the box I’ve made up, and we head on home.

  I take my time getting ready and once I’m done, it’s 7:10PM and I’m pleased with what I’m seeing in the mirror. My hair is half up and I’ve left the waves in, I’ve lined my eyes with black eyeliner and worn gold eyeshadow to bring out the honey tone of my eyes. My lips are shiny and lush from the berry gloss I’m wearing. My dress is short and nude, with a black lace overlay. Lots of leg is exposed and I look pretty good with my black peep-toe, four inch heels.

  As I take one last look in the mirror, I spritz on some perfume and walk out to wait for Jude. Erik and Alec are in the living room, on the couch. Both of them whistle when I step into the room.

  “Wow, Lexi, you look amazing! Simply gorgeous. Jude is a lucky, lucky man,” Alec says approvingly.

  Erik responds with waggling eyebrows and a wolf whistle. “He’s going to want to devour you. Hope you didn’t actually want dinner, love.”

  I blush as I thank them.

  A few minutes later, I hear a car pull up outside. Are Erik and Alec expecting company?

  There’s a knock at the door and I open it, expecting someone for the guys, and I’m floored. Jude is standing there in black jeans, a red button up shirt, and a black suit jacket. He looks gorgeous! I almost miss the small box he’s holding I’m so enthralled with his appearance.

  I get caught staring and he smirks. “I’m guessing you like me this way?”

  His eyes rake over my body. It feels like he’s looking through my clothes.

  “Oh wow! Wow… you’re breathtaking, Lex! You look amazing.”

  From the living room we hear, “You two just going to stare and strip each other with your eyes or are you coming in, Jude?”

  We snap out of our sexual fog.

  “Oh shit. I’m sorry. Uh, what did you say? Oh right… Um, yes. Yes, I like it. You look great. Shit… come in.” I grab his hand and pull him in the house, blushing profusely.

  Well that was embarrassing. I got caught drooling and yes, I was actually drooling. Shit!

  Jude laughs and pulls me into his arms for a quick kiss, careful so he doesn’t smear my lipstick. He hands me the box. “This is for you.”

  I open it with shaking hands. I gasp. Inside is a gorgeous white gold, diamond, and pink stone necklace.

  The pendant is a daisy… a pink Gerber daisy.

  My fingers reach for it as Jude nervously asks, “Do you like it? I saw it and I had to buy it for you. It is you.”

  My hand touches my lips and my eyes fill with tears, “Oh, Jude it’s beautiful. It’s perfect! I love it. Thank you.”

  He takes it out of the box and places it around my neck. I lift my hair, so he can close the clasp. “You are as precious to me as diamonds, Lex. And as rare as the pink diamonds in the necklace.”

  Grabbing his hands, I pull him towards me and kiss him. Lipstick be damned!

  Breaking the kiss, he pulls away. “Yeah, well I am taking you to dinner tonight, so we need to get going. We have reservations at eight.” He pulls me out the door, towards the Corvette in the driveway, as he shakes the keys, calling over his shoulder, “Night, fellas. She’s staying with me tonight.”

  At my questioning look at the car, he opens the door and helps me in. He shrugs. “It’s mine. I figured I needed a car too, since we can’t take the bike everywhere.”

  He bought a car… And a house… I guess he really is staying. My heart swoons.


  Holy shit, Jude. Keep your hands to yourself. You are taking Lex out tonight. You promised and she deserves it. But damn she looks so good. She’s simply the most beautiful woman in the world. How the hell am I going to do this? How am I going to leave tomorrow without her? I need her with me.

  Lexi is sitting in the front seat with her hands folded on her lap. Her teeth are nibbling at her bottom lip. She’s nervous about something, but what?

  “Lex, you ok, baby? Why are you worrying your lip? What’s wrong?”

  She looks over at me and licks her lips. “I’m fine, just thinking about you leaving tomorrow. And well, I’m kind of sad.”

  She’s sad I’m leaving? She must feel for me what I feel for her. Dammit why does she have to work? I’m rich, she can come with me. Wait… no she can’t. She has a business and she loves it. I would never ask her to leave that behind to follow me on the road. Damn… this sucks!

  “It’s only for a lit
tle while, Baby. And we’re going to talk all the time. I promise. Before you know it, I’ll be back. But I do like that you are going to miss me, because the thought of being without you, even for that short of time, is killing me. I’m going to lose my mind, Lex…” Reaching over the console, I cover her hand with mine, interlocking our fingers.

  She leans her head back and looks over at me. I glance at her and then back at the road. “I know. It’s really not that long. I’m just being a girl. And I don’t want you to lose your mind.” She’s smiling.

  We have a romantic dinner. We take our time and talk about everything. The conversation with Lexi just flows. As we leave, I ask her to stay the night with me, since I have to leave so early in the morning.

  She does and we make love several times before the dawn. Once the alarm on my phone goes off, I get up, grab my bags, leave her a note and the keys to my house and my car on my pillow, kiss her lightly on the forehead because I can’t bear to wake her, and tuck the box of red velvet brownies she made for me under my arm.

  With one last look, I walk out of the bedroom, whispering into the quiet, “I love you Alexia Sloane. Only you. Forever.”

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I wake up to cold sheets and look around Jude’s quiet bedroom. Reaching over to his side of the bed, my hand finds cold metal. I see two sets of keys and a note on his pillow.

  Sitting up, I reach over and open the folded paper.


  I woke up this morning with you in my arms and thought to myself, ‘I want to do this for the rest of my life.’ You in my arms is perfection. It’s cosmic. It’s simply the way we are supposed to be.

  I couldn’t wake you. You were sleeping so soundly.

  I know that you and I are moving fast. It’s exhilarating. When I’m with you Lex, it’s like we were never apart.

  A lot has happened between then and now, but the now is what I want us to concentrate on. Now it’s you and me. You are what’s important. We are the only thing that matters to me anymore.

  What happened in the past is irrelevant. I want you. I want you always.

  You are what I see when I look into the future. Five years from now, ten years from now, hell fifty years from now, you are there.

  As a teenager and young man, I loved you. You were my everything. But I didn’t really understand what that meant. Now, as a man, I love you even more.

  You are the reason I smile, Lex. You are the first thing I want to see when I wake up and the last thing I want to see before falling asleep. I want to see you smile every day and I want to know that I’m the reason you’re smiling.

  These next few weeks are going to be hard for me. I’ve gotten so used to you, to sleeping with you, to talking with you, to kissing you, to just being with you, that it’s kind of hard for me to imagine me functioning without you.

  Know that I may not be next to you, but that you are with me. Always. In my head and in my heart. You’re a part of me again. The most important part of me. Lex, you own me. You own my heart.

  I’ve left you the keys to my house and my car. I want you to use them and I want you to give serious consideration to moving in with me when I get back.

  We’re adults. I know what I want, and what I want is you. It’s always been you.

  I see no need to beat around the bush.

  I want you. In my life, in my arms, in my bed. Every night.

  Think about it…

  You own my heart. You own everything I am.

  I love you Lex.


  By the end of the letter, tears are rolling down my face. He wants me. He loves me. He wants me in his life long term… my life is pretty much perfect.

  Later in the day, I get a text from Jude. His contact info has changed, and his picture is now the photo of us from bed the day before. When did he do this?

  “Rocker Who Loves You

  I love you.”

  Jude might say I own him, but the truth is he owns me… he always has.

  The next two and a half weeks are busy for me, which is good. Wedding season is in full swing in South Louisiana with the weather cooling off, and I’m getting new orders almost every day.

  Work keeps me from missing Jude too much. His constant texts also help.

  We talk everyday on the phone and we’ve even had phone sex a few times. At first, it was awkward and we both laughed, but once we got into the swing of it, it’s actually pretty erotic.

  We’ve also exchanged a few racy photos, though I have yet to send him any of me actually exposed.

  I’m leaving work for the day after working late and my phone chimes. It’s Wednesday, so Jude is supposed to be having a signing at a local music store somewhere in Texas tonight.

  “Rocker Who Loves You

  Where are you? Are you home yet?”

  I sit in my car and send him a reply.


  No. I worked late, since I didn’t have plans tonight.


  Where are you?

  I thought you had a signing?”

  Thirty seconds later I have his response.

  “Rocker Who Loves You

  I do.

  At it now.

  Done in an hour.

  Call you then?”

  He’s texting me from his signing. What is he doing, texting under the table? That thought makes me laugh and I get an idea. Looking around to make sure it’s dark enough that no one can see and no one is looking, I lean back, lift my ass, push up my skirt some, and slide my panties down my legs and off. I push them into my purse. Then, opening my legs and looking around one more time, I take a picture.

  I can’t believe I just did that. But before I can delete it, I attach it, and hit ‘Send.’

  I decide to wait for his reaction before I drive off. My phone rings and I glance down at it.

  Oh shit. He called me back. I was expecting a text.


  “Jesus Christ, baby! What the hell are you doing?”

  “Um, I just wanted to send you a picture. The idea just kind of popped into my head and I went with it. I’m sorry.”

  “Shit.” He groans and I can hear a banging noise. “NO, don’t apologize. I’m finishing up here and I’m calling you back. Go home, undress, get in bed, and wait for my call.”

  “What? Jude, what is that sound?”

  “Go home. I’m blowing this place and going someplace private and calling you back. Twenty minutes. Be ready for me. And what sound?”

  “Um… ok. That banging.”

  “I’m banging my head against the wall because you just sent me a fucking picture of that perfect pussy and now all I can think about is tasting it and sinking my rock hard dick into it.”

  “Oh… ok. Twenty minutes.”

  “Yeah… be ready.”

  Be ready? I’m ready now! My pussy is so wet, it’s a wonder I don’t soak the seats.

  I fly home. I’m sure I break several laws.

  Erik is out with Alec and has been spending the night with him occasionally, so the house is quiet when I open the door. Running to my room, I strip all of my clothes off, tossing them this way and that and lie on the bed… waiting for Jude’s call.

  I’m so horny. He needs to call now.

  Three minutes later, I’m about to just take matters into my own hands, and my phone rings. I answer it and put it on speaker, laying it down beside my head.

  “Hey, baby.”

  “Are you naked?”

  “Yes. Naked and ready. God, I’m so wet.”

  “Ohhh. Good, me too. My hand is already on my dick and it’s so hard. It’s throbbing, Lex.”

  “God, Jude, I want it. I want you. I want your dick and not my hand. I miss your dick. But I’m so horny.”

  “Good, baby. Good. Touch yourself. Rub that wet pussy and grab your nipples. Close your eyes and imagine it’s me.”

  “Ohhhhhh. Talk dirty to me, Jude. Tell me what you’d do to me if you
were here.”

  “Are you touching yourself? How wet are you, baby? Is your juice running down your thighs and into your ass you’re so wet?”

  “God, yes. I’m so wet. You’d slide right in. I could take you balls deep right now.”

  “Mmmmm. Cup your wet pussy and flick your clit for me. Imagine it’s my hand on you. Take your other hand and finger yourself. Just use one finger. Make sure you go deep and once you’re all lubed up, suck on your finger. Imagine it’s my rigid length in your mouth. Move your hand from your clit and use three fingers to fuck yourself, while you suck on your other fingers, and visualize my cock in those lush lips.”

  I’m so drenched at his words that my fingers sliding inside of myself are making suction noises and they’re turning me on even more. I can’t speak. All I can do is feel and take in the sensual images in my head.

  Suddenly, I feel my orgasm build and I realize Jude has stopped speaking to me. All I can hear are his moans, and I can actually hear him working his cock.

  It’s so sexy. His sex sounds are so sexy. They push me over the edge and I scream out his name. “Jude… Oh God, baby. JUDE!”

  He follows along with me and I hear his release through the phone.

  He’s struggling to breathe and he asks me, “Do you want to see, Lex? You want to see what you did?”

  I think about it. I’ve never had anything like that sent to me before. I do want to see. “Yes, Jude. I want to see. Show me what I did. Show me, baby.”

  He’s quiet for a minute and then he says, “Ok, you’ll have it once we hang up. Can you take one for me? Can you show me what I’m missing? I want to see you with your cum all over you.”

  I grab my phone and take a few. Select one of them, and send it. “You’ll get it once we hang up too.”

  He groans. And then he laughs. “Well… I just blew off my fans to have phone sex with my lady love. If you didn’t know I loved you, you should know now. But that was awesome, baby. I feel like I’m fifteen again. I miss you.”


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