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The Inquisitors (The Space Merchants Book 6)

Page 27

by Wendie Nordgren

  “What exactly are you up to?” Tracy asked.

  Jazon smiled at her. “You’ll see. Here.” He handed her a bag. She looked inside and grinned back at him.

  Our men were all wearing swim shorts and an amusing array of T-shirts. Phillip drove us in a large land transport out to the Lake of Mist. My Omnes Videntes were already there guarding the area. Phillip parked and handed Terre a bag.

  She pulled out a yellow swim dress. “What is this?” she asked him.

  “It’s a swim dress. You’ll need it.”

  Terre looked at me for confirmation and asked, “They seriously wear this much clothing into the water?”

  I nodded. “On our first trip to Thalassa, I was scandalized.” Eli handed a bag to me. I looked inside and found a pink, ruffled swim dress. I laughed.

  Yukihyo said, “Eli bought you most of a lingerie boutique’s merchandise today. I wonder why he has such a thing for costumes.”

  Zared said, “He’s been fantasizing about her in various negligées since prior to our journey to Talpa.”

  I laughed at how I had tormented them. Wiggling my eyebrows at Zared, I said, “That reminds me of the best shower ever.”

  Nico said, “Ladies, go ahead and change. We’ll wait for you outside.”

  When the men got out, it gave us the room we needed to change. Jazon had Tracy in his arms before her feet could touch the grass and carried her away. Phillip offered Terre his arm which she actually took. I hopped on Nico’s back and rode him into the water. I kissed his neck.

  “I feel so free!” I yelled while kicking the water’s surface and splashing my husbands. A cloying weight had lifted from me taking away worry and fear that I hadn’t realized I had harbored within me.

  Dario stared at me as though seeing me for the first time. “You’re so very beautiful.”

  Yukihyo said, “I propose we do our best to keep our wife happy.”

  “That means no fighting amongst ourselves unless it’s in a ring,” Nico said.

  I nodded. “It hurts me when you fight. I want us always to be on the same side.”

  “Agreed,” Zared said.

  Yukihyo said, “Still, if it weren’t for your new rule, I would beat the shit out of Eli for what he and his team put you through.”

  Eli met his gaze. “You are welcome to try.”

  I started imagining a naked cock fight between Yukihyo and Eli which got me aroused. Zared threw his head back and roared with laughter. The mists had risen up around him, and the ends of his long, dove-grey hair were wet. I became envious of the water that touched him. He said, “Do it, please. I beg you.”

  I adjusted my arms around Nico’s neck and smiled at Zared. I wasn’t sure if he meant he wanted me to make them cockfight or to touch him as the water did. Yukihyo pulled me from Nico’s back and tossed me. Water closed over my head like a pleasantly warm bath. I came up spluttering and laughing while he explained to Eli why fighting with Yukihyo would be a mistake. Suddenly, a game of tag started, and I was it. Later, I stretched out lazily on a blanket and rested. After playing in the lake and enjoying a couple of clandestine encounters with my husbands, I was exhausted. Yukihyo sat behind me and combed his fingers through my wet hair.

  “Yukihyo, how will Hiroshi return to Arachne once I have taken his crew?”

  In his deep, sexy monotone, Yukihyo said, “He hired a couple of kids who are hungry to go exploring. He’s trying them out to see if he can train them. When he doesn’t need them, they can help out Uncle Lee.”

  “Tell them to stay out of our rooms.”

  Yukihyo chuckled. “We don’t fit in those rooms anymore. Where would we put all of the children?”

  Sadly, I said, “You’re right. Should we clear out our stuff?”

  “No, Hiroshi would be furious. He intends for us to join him on his buying runs when he visits the Empire. He’s planning two trips a year.” He moved my head to his lap.

  “That’s wonderful news. Just thinking that our lives with Hiroshi onboard Tora were over really hurt.”

  “Nothing has to be over, Lady Wife. Some things may need to remodeled, for instance bunk beds for Neema and Niklos. We will do as we wish. At first, your marriages to Nico and Quaid angered me. However, I would be foolish not to realize the power and stability we have gained with each of your husbands.”

  “Flavian said I have two and a half billion credits. Is that true? Is that your account or my separate spending account?”

  Yukihyo grinned down at me with a glint in his eyes. “It is true, and that is your personal account where your husbands provide for you. Our funds will continue to amass. I was contacted by a starship mogul from Earth who is eager to begin negotiations with me for our photonic film.”

  “More talk of Earth. A trip there may be in our future.”

  “This no longer troubles your emotions. Why?”

  “Yukihyo, we’re so rich, powerful, and have our own private army. We’re badass.”

  Yukihyo laughed long and deep.

  After a full day of playing and picnicking at the Lake of Mist, Terre, Tracy, and I were bundled into blankets, fastened into our seats, and driven back to Eli’s ship. The three of us rushed off to shower. Fitz was waiting for me when I came out.

  “Hey! How did it go?”

  With a smile, he freed me from my towel and pulled me into his embrace. “It went well,” he said as he lowered my back to the bed. Fitz quickly found his release which didn’t bother me at all. I’d had enough attention throughout the day.

  While brushing through my hair, I gazed out of the viewport at the stars. Eli’s captain had taken us up. I could see Farowyn’s ship in the distance. I asked, “What put you into such a good mood?”

  “Other than your creamy, white thighs and what is between them?”

  I snorted at him.

  “Farowyn was offered free and open trade, priority docking, complimentary translators if desired, and a guard detail anytime he wishes to visit Scipio. The planetary leaders are eager to ingratiate themselves with the Empire.”

  “What do they want in return?” I watched Fitz. He was on my bed, stretched out, and completely naked. I tickled the bottom of his foot which he yanked away to hide under the blanket.

  “Powerful friends.”

  “Well, I’m powerfully hungry. Get dressed. Let’s go eat.” While he dressed, I took notice of the bags stacked along the side of my room. “What’s all of this? I only got a few things when we went shopping.”

  “Those are gifts from Eli.”

  I pulled out a purple camisole and undies set. “Cute.” I put them on and slipped a dress over my head.

  The sitting room and kitchen were empty. “Where is everyone?” Two of my Omnes Videntes were on guard. I looked over at them. “Walter, Rozz, did we leave everyone on Scipio?”

  “No, Teagan,” Rozz answered. “Tracy and Jazon are in their quarters.”

  “Where are my husbands? They should be here. Our problems are over.”

  Fitz answered for him. “Teagan, they are in the gym.” Fitz gave me a wry grin, but otherwise he chose not to extrapolate.

  “Damn it. I said no fighting.” Fitz followed me into the lift. “Were you tasked with distracting me?”

  “Yes, and I’m ashamed I didn’t last longer.”

  The exercise deck was filled with loud cheering, groans, and betting. Dario caught sight of me and began making his way toward me through the throng of uniformed bodies. I avoided his interception. When tapping soldiers didn’t get them out of my way, I started pinching butt cheeks. That got me through fast.

  “Stupid fucking assholes,” I mumbled under my breath.

  Eli made it to my side. I was surprised that he wasn’t one of the combatants in the ring. When I got close enough to see, for a moment I felt intense fear. Yukihyo was in the ring with Flavian. The two men were beating the shit out of each other. The crowd made a collective groan. I didn’t get angry. I understood why Yukihyo was doing this, and it wasn�
�t because of his own anger or pride. It was to make a statement. Flavian had used Yukihyo and made me afraid by disguising himself as my husband. Yukihyo was sending a message, and it required all of his concentration and skill against such a deadly opponent. I turned and left.

  “You aren’t staying?” Eli asked.

  “No, I understand why he’s doing this and how important it is to him. Please, have a doctor nearby. Seeing Yukihyo hurt….”

  My eyes got hot, and my nose started to tingle as big wet tears fell down my cheeks. Seeing Yukihyo and Flavian staggering around each other dripping with blood and sweat had me sobbing as I tried to run blindly from the gym to the lift. Fitz picked me up and carried me while I hid my face against his shoulder and gave into my sobs. The gym became less noisy.

  “Why did you allow her to come down here in the first place?” Dario angrily asked.

  “Allow her? My wife will go where she pleases. They needed to see the effect of their actions on her.”

  In frustration, Dario said, “She has never cried from watching a fight in the past. She bets on them and laughs.”

  “These are completely different circumstances. He’s fighting in her honor. She doesn’t want him hurt because of her,” Fitz said.

  “You understand?” I asked between sobs.

  “Of course, I do, darling. At this point, sometimes I think I know you better than I know myself. You aren’t to worry. Nico, Zared, Drex, and Eli are with him. Everything will be fine. Let’s do something different and go to the cafeteria the crew uses. You can pick anything you like, and after one look at your tear-streaked face, most of the Inquisitors onboard will feel like shit. Do you like that idea?”

  I nodded while sniffling. “You’re smart. I’m glad I married you.”

  The three of us were seated at a table, quietly eating when loud voices reached us. “Did you see that last roundhouse?”

  I stared at the soldier who had said it. They hadn’t noticed us yet. Dario and Fitz’s large bodies partially concealed me from view. I hoped Yukihyo had delivered the kick and not received it. Fitz scooted his chair closer and put his arm around me.

  Getting up, Dario said, “I’ll go check.” He moved away from us to use his vid-screen. I watched him while he talked.

  I heard Yukihyo say, “Tell her I’m fine and that I won.”

  Dario said, “She will be glad to hear it. She could wash you clean with her tears.”

  Yukihyo said, “With the way her nose runs when she cries, it would probably be something else.”

  Dario chuckled and handed me a silk square. Scowling, I blew my nose and finished eating.

  Yukihyo didn’t make an appearance until after he had showered, changed, and received medical attention. He had waited for the nanites to get to work repairing his battered flesh before he had left the infirmary. He still looked bruised and sore. I could see where his knuckles and a place on his cheekbone had burst open and been sealed shut. He held himself as though he expected an argument.

  “Husband, please come and lie down,” I softly requested.

  Yukihyo went into our bedroom. Following after him, I turned down the bed, helped him undress, and tucked him in. “Even your feet are bruised. Are you hungry or thirsty?”


  “What do you want?”

  “Surprise me.”

  From his answer and the way he was moving, I realized it had been a tough fight. I went to the kitchen and returned a short time later with a tender steak, sautéed vegetables, a basket of bread, and some iced tea. I sat beside him in bed while he ate and took everything away once he was finished. Then, I changed and put my head on his shoulder.

  “Are we going to sleep?” he asked.

  “You know the rule. You’re spending the rest of the day and part of tomorrow in bed, but I’ll keep you company.”

  Yukihyo played with my hair while I snuggled against him. “Flavian was the most challenging opponent I have ever faced.”

  “Did he hold back because of who you are?”

  Yukihyo chuckled. “He tried to but gave up on playing nice after I stopped using any restraint. What he did to you and how he disguised himself as me isn’t something I will forgive regardless of his orders or his objectives. While we were fighting, memories of our battle against Parvac soldiers on Chione when my family was slaughtered resurfaced. Zared had to pull me back from blind rage.”

  “You have your mother and sisters.”

  “And a daughter, two sons, and a wife who I adore. All will be well, Lady Wife.” Yukihyo’s breathing became steady as he drifted off to sleep.

  Late the next morning, I woke between Yukihyo and Nico. Stretching and yawning hard, I sat up and accepted the steaming cup of coffee that Drex brought to me.

  “Where’s ours?” Nico grumbled.

  Drex stared at him. “Your breakfast is waiting for you in the dining area.”

  Grumbling some more, my blonde giant got out of bed and went to shower. I kissed Yukihyo’s cheek. “Here. Hold my cup.” I got out of bed and went to the kitchen where I made Yukihyo his cup of tea. Then, I traded cups with him and returned to bed. Yukihyo gave Drex an arrogant grin. I kept Yukihyo in bed until lunch.

  Each of my husbands quickly immersed themselves in their own administrative duties. Yukihyo concerned himself with Ponidi Propulsions, Nico had his military base to oversee, Dario had the worries of a fleet to keep him busy, and Fitz divided his time between his pineapple plantation and discussions with Farowyn. Eli and Drex were on the bridge. That left Zared. He was smiling to himself and sharing the occasional grin with Izaac.

  “What’s going on?” I asked.

  “Oh, nothing,” Zared answered. A thin area of white sclera surrounded his otherwise black eyes because of the affection he had been receiving.

  Narrowing my eyes at him in suspicion, I made my daily calls to Momma, Papa, and the children, Grandmother and Gram, and Quaid. Commander Quaid Bosh snagged my attention because he was in an unfamiliar setting when he took my call.

  “Where are you?” The sterilized environment behind him wasn’t that of a starship or a planet. Metal, plasti-materials, and consoles were all I could see.

  “We are at a lunar military outpost.”

  “Sounds boring.” I let my eyes roam over his short, blonde hair, naturally tan skin, strong jaw, and solid black eyes in blatant appreciation. He seemed tense. Alarms went off in my mind. “I’ll let you get back to work. Call me when you have some downtime. I love you.”

  Quaid gave me a nod and ended our communication. Our exchange had been odd. I decided to hunt down Drex and Eli to question them about it. Unlike the sense of foreboding that I had picked up from Quaid, Eli’s bridge seemed serene.

  “Hello, dearest one,” Drex said as he kissed me.

  Eli was seated in his captain’s chair.

  “Drex, I just spoke to Quaid. Something was off. What was it?”

  “He didn’t say?”

  “No, but if it was something Militia related, he wouldn’t be able to.”

  Overhearing us, Eli pulled up a recording of our conversation and began tracing the call. “The Hadrian is at an installation several parsecs from Earth.”

  “Why?” Drex asked.

  Eli ordered a team to find out. Then, the two of them became so immersed in learning what Quaid’s current mission entailed that they became engrossed in the puzzle and forgot about my presence. Leaving the bridge, I returned to the sitting room. Without Thunderdrop and the children, I was bored. I looked for Terre to see if she wanted to do arts and crafts or play a game of stones. She wasn’t in her room.

  “Why don’t you go work on your assignments with your team?” Zared suggested.

  With a shrug, I picked up my vid-screen and discovered them in a lounge on one of the lower decks. I almost turned around and left when I saw that Flavian and Rovek were with them. I ignored both of the men, but secretly took a perverse pleasure in all of Flavian’s visible bruises.

p; After working on our assignments for a few hours, Stayton asked, “Is anyone else hungry?”

  “I could eat,” Ross said.

  I tagged along with them to the cafeteria. Cedrenus said, “You seem quiet. Is everything alright?”

  Shrugging, I said, “I don’t know. I guess I just feel lonely today. My babies are on Ephors, and so is Thunderdrop. My husbands are all working, and I can’t find the ladies.” Briefly, I wondered if Terre and Tracy could have gone to the observation deck without me to paint.

  Cedrenus said, “If your husbands aren’t doing enough to amuse you, perhaps you need another. Shall I take to my knee before you?”

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “Aren’t you a little young for that?”

  “I’m only two years your junior and closer to your age than any of your husbands.”

  Izaac showed up to carry my tray and added a few selections for himself to it while forcefully inserting himself between Cedrenus and me. There was no denying his jealousy, Izaac made a point of being obvious about it. Over lunch, Izaac and Cedrenus eyed each other like ice bear cubs fighting over the same rabbit. Laughing, I wiggled the end of my nose at them. It didn’t break the tension. When Izaac and I returned to the Imperial sitting room, I heard Terre’s tinkling laughter coming from the kitchen and followed the sound. Her head was thrown back, and her arms were around Phillip’s neck as he kissed her throat. Freezing, I slowly backed away. My heel hit a dining chair making me stumble backwards. The chair clattered against the table and then took me down in a heap to the floor with it.

  “I’m sorry! I didn’t know! I thought….” I said in a panic at having intruded and ruined Phillip’s moment with Terre.

  Phillip rushed over to me. “Let me help you up, Cupcake.” He reached down, held me under my arms, hoisted me to my feet, and straightened the chair to its original position. Then, he kissed my forehead and returned to Terre. He fed her a grape which had me cocking my head to the side in confusion. “Terre accepted me. You’re looking at an honest man,” Phillip said with a grin. She showed me the diamond ring her human husband had given her.


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