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The Inquisitors (The Space Merchants Book 6)

Page 28

by Wendie Nordgren

  “Congratulations!” I said somewhat shocked. I left the giggling couple alone. To Zared, I said, “So, that’s what you were smiling about.”

  Yukihyo said, “Teagan, thank you for the gift, but what is it supposed to be?” Yukihyo held a framed painting in his hands and was staring at it in complete bewilderment.

  “I know. It’s awful. I can’t paint. It’s each of your eye colors. I’m worse at painting than sculpting.”

  Yukihyo struggled with his facial features. “I’ll treasure it always.”

  I groaned, turned the painting right side up, and went to take a nap.

  Chapter Twenty

  Returning to Ephors filled me with excitement. “Go faster,” I told Eli as he drove us home.

  “We are going fast enough.”

  I tapped my foot impatiently. The drive seemed to be taking forever. Finally, he parked the transport in front of my house. I got out and ran inside just as Ira was opening the door. I darted through the foyer and past the guards. Thunderdrop dropped down from above and chirped happily at me.

  “I missed you, too!”

  “Mommy!” Niklos yelled as he ran to me and wrapped his arms around my knees.

  “My baby!” I picked him up and smothered his little face with kisses. Soon, he wanted down, even though that was the last thing I wanted to do.

  “Hi, Mommy!” Neema said. “Come play!” She smiled up at me from where she sat busily dressing a doll in a black uniform with a long, flowing skirt.

  “What’s that?” I asked her. Peter was sprawled out asleep in a playpen.

  Momma kissed my cheek and hugged me. “The Materfamilias Caste has no objections to female admittance to the Inquisitors. However, they did take objection to the uniforms that you, Galina, and Rheanna were issued. They have been submitting new designs. I’ll have you try some of them on later. How was your trip?”

  “Successful, but boring. I’m glad to be back.” I sat with Neema and Niklos.

  “You like this one, Nik?” Neema asked. She had one of her dolls dressed in a black jacket and slim, knee-length skirt. He made a face and shook his head. “How about her?” She showed him the one with the full, ankle-length skirt.

  He nodded. “Mommy likes long dress.”

  “Wow, Niklos! Good sentence!” I said. He grinned at me. Niklos definitely took after his genius father.

  “Where is Terre? Victoria Dacia keeps attempting to contact her,” Momma said.

  “Phillip carried her off to his apartment above the infirmary,” Nico said as he walked in and sat on the floor with us.

  “Hi, Daddy.”

  “You grew taller during our absence,” Nico said proudly when Niklos stood and hugged him around the neck.

  “Coco, do this,” Neema said of her doll’s shoes.

  Papa busied himself with welcoming Yukihyo, Fitz, Drex, Eli, Zared, and Dario. “What say you gentlemen to a bit of hunting?”

  “Excellent idea,” Yukihyo said.

  Zared grinned.

  My Laconian husbands had a strong camaraderie which I assumed had been brought about by our continued intimate encounters such as the one we had shared on Naxa. Simply looking at the two of them standing beside each other made my knees weak, knowing what they could do to me with their shared abilities. Yukihyo gazed back at me with his white eyes, and Zared turned his of solid black toward me. Heat began to pool between my thighs, and seductive grins lifted their lips. A deep blush spread across my cheeks, because both of them knew my thoughts.

  “Nico, is that you?” Abbie called. My mother-in-law floated into the room with Viceroy Orson Marcos close behind.

  Orson clasped arms with Nico, kissed my cheek, and then went off with Eli and the other men to the dining room table.

  “Tracy, have a seat, darling. You look worn out. Haven’t you been getting enough rest?” Momma asked.

  Tracy sighed. “I’m not sure that Jazon realizes beds are for sleeping.”

  We laughed at her exasperated tone. It woke Peter who saw me, sat up, and started crying. “Oh, my baby. Mommy is home. I missed you so much.”

  “Mama,” he said as he cried and held his little face close to mine to share air with me. It took me several minutes to calm him.

  Once I did, I said, “Well, Tracy, maybe if they go hunting tomorrow, we can get a few naps in.”

  She sat back and closed her eyes. “You mean it? No shopping or parties?”

  I raised a questioning eyebrow at Momma.

  She said, “I won’t make any plans. I promise. The children and I have made all of our social rounds, and we took Tavere, Abbie, and Marcos along with us. Ephors’ society should be quite satisfied.”

  After a week relaxing on Ephors while the men occupied themselves with hunting, we all returned to Parvac. A day later, Violet, Terre, Sparrow, and I had my sitting room in the Palace to ourselves with the children. From where I reclined on the couch, I watched as Thunderdrop tore down an old web.

  “I’m glad it’s not just me,” Tracy said as she looked around at us. It feels like it has just been go, go, go for weeks.”

  “I agree. Some boredom will be a nice change,” Terre said.

  Violet nodded.

  Momma and Papa had put themselves in charge of us. Nico had gone to Apellan, Fitz had gone to Thalassa, Dario was in orbit somewhere seeing to a problem on one of his captain’s ships, Eli was busy tying up the loose ends of Felix’s investigation, and Yukihyo had gone off with Farowyn and his men to teach them some trading basics in the Empire. Neema climbed up onto the couch, draped herself across me, and went to sleep. I dozed off with her.

  “Well, what else can a mother do? I am so grateful to you for the invitation. Otherwise, I fear that I never would learn what has transpired,” an unfamiliar female voice said.

  My lids fluttered open. Neema was heavy on my chest. I wiped at my cheek.

  Terre bolted upright from where she had been napping across the room. “Oh, stars,” she muttered.

  Phillip sauntered into the sitting room wearing a suit. From the looks of it, he had changed in record time but had still managed to look scrumptious.

  Terre stood as Momma entered with the Lady Victoria Dacia. “Mother,” Terre said with a curtsey.

  Sparrow and Tracy remained sound asleep.

  “I had to resort to coming all of this way to see you. What else was I to do when you either decline or ignore my communications?”

  “We’ve been busy.”

  Lady Dacia gazed around the room. “Apparently,” she said with uncensored sarcasm. She targeted Phillip.

  With a charming smile, he approached and bowed to her. “Lady Dacia, it is an honor to make your acquaintance.”

  Lady Dacia allowed Phillip to kiss her hand. “Dr. Svenson, you must be extraordinary to have convinced my daughter to accept you as a husband. I feared she would never marry.”

  Phillip gazed at Terre with sappy adoration. “I count myself among the most fortunate of men and will cherish each moment I have with Terre.”

  “Romantic words,” Lady Dacia said.

  I said, “Oh, he means them. Momma, help.” She bent down, gently lifted Neema, and carried her to the nursery.

  “Why have you been avoiding me?” Victoria asked. “I’m thrilled you have taken a husband. Your Grandmother is ecstatic that he is human. She wants to meet Phillip to formally welcome him to the family and introduce him to Naxa’s society.”

  “Mother, truly, we have been busy.” Terre blushed. “Phillip and I spend all of our free moments together.”

  Victoria said, “Oh, I understand. Darling, if he is wearing you out with his attentions, place him on a schedule and allow him to see to your needs when it suits you.”

  Phillip’s expression changed to one of horrified disbelief. Laughter had me balled up on the couch with tears rolling down my face. Fortunately, my ladies had already woken up, and it wasn’t my fault. We excused ourselves to the patio to give Terre and her mother some privacy. Kaoti offere
d his arm to a dizzy Violet.

  “A schedule?” Sparrow asked.

  I snorted. “Did you see his face?”

  Rolf and Otto brought us refreshments. Zared, Xavier, and Jazon joined us from across the lawn. They kept sharing satisfied, smug little smiles amongst themselves.

  “Poor Phillip,” I said as I ate a petit four.

  Rather than Phillip, we soon began to feel sorry for ourselves. Momma and Victoria descended upon us dragging a defeated Terre behind them. I tried to ask her what was wrong without being noticed. She gave me a look that said, “Wait for it.” Zared, Phillip, and Xavier pulled the ladies’ chairs out for them.

  “Thank you. Gentlemen, you may go and leave us in privacy,” Momma said with a wave of her diamond covered fingers. I eyed the males’ hasty retreats enviously. Victoria sighed. Momma patted her hand sympathetically. “See, Victoria? I told you that Teagan and Terre would be good influences on each other.” They shared knowing smiles.

  “Indeed, you did. Terre, now that you see the allure of having a husband of your own, perhaps you will attempt to appreciate the offers of some of your other suitors.”

  Momma said, “Yes, aside from Teagan, each of you young ladies only has one husband.”

  Victoria said, “As Teagan’s ladies and Imperial attendants, it would be prudent of you to form alliances to Houses with strong ties to House Probus.”

  Sparrow stared at Lady Victoria while biting into a celery stick. The two of them continued to drone on throughout lunch.

  When Rolf and Otto cleared the table, Momma said, “How about some entertainment?” She had clay and tools brought out to the patio. They started lecturing us again. “Girls, it isn’t a requirement to see to a husband’s needs each time he has one,” Momma stated.

  “Stars, no!” Victoria exclaimed. “A husband should be grateful if you see to him once a year.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  Terre said, “Once a year? I wouldn’t mind cutting back to once a day. I’m exhausted.”

  Her mother choked on her tea. Shocked, she said, “One husband and he… um… more than once a day?”

  Terre said, “You are joking, certainly. Phillip is eager for my attentions a few times each morning and night. I would need to build up my stamina considerably before ever thinking of accepting another male.”

  Victoria blushed.

  Sensing Victoria and Momma’s discomfort at Terre’s candidness, I perked up, and so did Violet.

  Terre asked, “Mother, how often do you and father make love?”

  Victoria looked stunned. “Terre, that is rather personal.”

  Sparrow said, “So is telling us how many husbands we should have.”

  Victoria said, “All of your fathers and I have a traditional marriage.”

  “So, once a year?” Terre confirmed.

  Sparrow laughed and pointed at Victoria and Momma. “Neither of you could handle my husband. He gives me in a week what your combined husbands probably give you in a year.”

  Tracy said, “Parvac husbands may be more manageable than Laconian husbands. Teagan, what do you think?” She snickered when she saw what I was sculpting with my clay and started copying me.

  “Not mine. After being on a warship with them for weeks, I’m glad they’ve gone off to get some work done. I’ve started to worry that I’ve bitten off more than I can… swallow.”

  My friends burst out laughing.

  Momma said, “I believe you meant to say chew.”

  “No, I meant to say swallow.”

  Sparrow explained in calm detail to Momma what I meant. Momma and Victoria both blushed.

  Scandalized, Victoria asked, “Why would you do such a thing? You put it in your mouth?”

  “Phillip adores such attention,” Terre said innocently.

  I held up my clay creation. Tracy, Sparrow, and Violet screeched with laughter.

  “Teagan! Shame on you! Put that down before someone sees!”

  “But, Momma, I made something that looks real. Anyway, it’s not going down. This clay is firm.”


  I got up and walked around the table showing off the huge penis I had sculpted to my friends, who were dying with laughter.

  Violet said, “There’s supposed to be a hole in the end.”

  “Right. I’ll fix it.” Sitting down, I got to work. “Hey, Terre. I have an idea. Every time our mothers nag us about our marriages, let’s make them penises.”

  “Fabulous idea. We can make their sizes in relation to how intrusive we find the conversations.”

  To Terre, Tracy said, “You might need some more clay for yours.”

  “Fine, Teagan. You win. Just stop,” Momma begged.

  I gave her my sweetest smile. My friends and I used all of our clay, and by the time we had finished the table was covered in clay penises. We were laughing so hard that guards were staring at us from across the lawn and gardens. Then, Inquisitor Rovek and my team showed up. They looked at the table, turned red, and then moved to the edge of the patio to stand at attention. It was then that Momma started laughing and soon had tears running down her face.

  “Teagan, what are we going to do with all of these?” Sparrow asked.

  I snorted and wiped my eyes. “Next, we paint them and put them in the kiln. I think every time someone pisses me off, I’ll put one in a gift bag and send it.”

  We all laughed harder, even getting a few chuckles from Kaoti.

  When Papa walked out onto the patio and observed us painting our phalluses in bright colors and patterns, he didn’t ask. My diabolical smile told him everything he needed to know. “How fitting,” he said as he picked one up.

  Taking his comment in an unintended way, I started laughing.

  Momma asked, “What do you mean, Tavere?”

  “I’ve been participating in negotiations with the Galaxic Government for a few weeks. Suddenly, they are eager to establish strong diplomatic ties, not that they have much to offer us. However, at the moment, I have come to take my Empress and the Lady Dacia to dinner. Shall we?”

  Momma said, “Oh, Teagan, I almost forgot. House Galerius has extended an invitation to you and your entourage. They want to meet Dario’s wife. I accepted on your behalf.”

  Papa said, “That will be a nice distraction. I will supply you and your ladies with generous spending allowances to make the trip more enjoyable.”

  “Papa, I have billions of credits.”

  “Teagan, those are yours. Allow your father to indulge you,” Momma scolded.

  “How much time do we have to see to their wardrobes?” Victoria asked.

  “A few weeks. That will give Teagan’s husbands time to return to Parvac. I will have Larkin alert them and see to the arrangements,” Papa said.

  Papa winked at me as he led the ladies away.

  Terre sighed. “Have I thanked you recently for rescuing me from Naxa?”

  “Not yet today.”

  “Thank you, a hundred times.”

  Inquisitor Rovek cleared his throat. I wiped my hands on a damp cloth and turned to him. “Yes, sir?”

  Inquisitor Rovek frowned at me. “When your team came for you this morning, they were informed that you were unavailable.”

  “I’m sorry. I set my alarm, but someone must have disabled it. Why didn’t you guys wake me up?” I asked as I looked around Rovek at my team.

  “We couldn’t get around the Imperial Guards or your butlers. We tried,” Ross answered.

  “Missing hours of instruction must cease to occur. Plenty of allowances have been made for you. To compensate, you and your team will face a survival challenge.”

  I moaned and closed my eyes in despair. “When?” I asked.

  “When the four of you least expect it. Cadets, with me.” They marched away across the lawn.

  “Otto, please bring me a gift box.” I went over to the kiln and pulled out a big, pink, sparkly piece of my artwork.

  By seeing to our wardrobes, Victoria a
nd Momma had meant more specifically diamonds. Momma and her ladies began working on what each of us would wear anytime we were in public. Our outfits and coordinating jewelry were placed in color-coded garment bags and matching jewelry boxes. I wasn’t to make an appearance on Daphoene in anything less than a million credits worth of diamonds. Also, Momma hired stylists for us, insisting that our hair and grooming should be perfect at all times. Luckily, our new stylists, Choji and Ulf, had no qualms in assisting Pierce and Lorca with babysitting. Wisely, Terre, Tracy, Violet, Sparrow, and I gave Momma and her ladies, which included Victoria, and Aunt Seyla, free reign, choosing to stay out of their way. It was important to choose our battles with care.

  The Empress was stocked, fueled, and prepared. Gradually, my husbands, with the exception of Quaid who had become quite secretive about his mission, returned to Parvac. Yukihyo was sharing our warehouse with the Eloneave, and they intended to fill it for Farowyn’s return to Talpa.

  I ran to Yukihyo when he stepped across the threshold and into the Palace. His large muscular frame was partially in shadow as I linked my fingers with his and pressed my face to his warm chest.

  “My Lady Wife has missed me.” His words rumbled through my ear.

  “Very much so.”

  “You had Zared, Eli, and Drex to keep you company.”

  I didn’t tell Yukihyo out loud that he was my favorite, because he already knew. “Zared stayed at my side, but Eli and Drex were working.”

  Yukihyo bent his face to mine and kissed me. Then, he traced my lips with his fingertip. The click of claws to the tiles alerted me to Farowyn’s arrival.

  “Hi. Did you enjoy your trip?”

  Farowyn bowed to me. “Yes, my Queen, but that enjoyment is nothing in comparison to how I feel when gazing upon your beauty.”

  I blushed. “Farowyn….”

  Later, when we were outside playing with the children on the lawn, Farowyn offered me his arm. “Will my Queen join me for a walk?” With a smile, I accepted. We walked along a garden path and out to a secluded swing that was situated beneath a pink flowering arbor. We sat and looked out over the lake. “Travelling to Daphoene on separate ships, I will not be able to touch your soft skin for days.”


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