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Twice Burned: An MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 5

by Aly White

  “Okay, Doc. Drive safely.”

  As soon as I hang up, another wave of last night’s hook up with Julian and Lucas flashes in my head, and I couldn’t help myself but moan because it has been a while since I got a good fucking. Although I’m pretty sure that what happened last night is a one-time thing, I could feel my legs getting damp just from the thought of having sex with them again.

  I sigh, knowing that I might not get another good fuck or dicks for that matter. Maybe never.

  Heat pools at the pit of my stomach at the thought of their dicks inside of me again. Good lord, Aubrey. Getting horny in the morning will do you no good.

  I head straight to the bathroom, hoping to get the scent of sex and alcohol off of me, as well as the first licks of arousal.


  The car halts into a stop as I park directly in front of the shelter. The memories of last night’s events flash in my mind as I get off the car, my mouth getting dry at the thought of Aubrey’s lips against mine. I shake my head, smiling at myself, as I walk towards the shelter.

  The chimes fill the room with its tinkling sound when I open the entrance door, announcing my arrival. I walk towards the front desk, only to find no one behind it. I press the bell on the small table, the metallic, melodious sound bouncing off the walls in the empty room.

  My mind flies to the events of last night. It is really nice to see Austin again, but what really made the night for me is seeing Aubrey. She really grew up to a beautiful woman, and her beauty even rivals that of Aphrodite. I mean, Aubrey is already beautiful when she was in college, but now? She is fucking gorgeous.

  Aubrey became a piece of art.

  I press the bell twice, and its tinkling sound reminds me of Aubrey’s laughter.

  I lean on the front desk, my finger busy pressing the bell, and I smile as memories of last night’s activities in Aubrey’s house resurface in my mind once again. I could feel the ghost of her bare skin against mine, her hands roaming on my skin, sending shivers down to my spine because she is no longer the sweet, innocent Aubrey that we knew a few years ago.

  I close my eyes, and I can feel my dick hardening at the thought of my hands traveling all over Aubrey’s body, my fingers exploring every plane of her soft skin. A soft groan escapes my lips as I remember her body rubbing against mine, the memory of the friction of my hips against hers sending a shiver of lust down to my spine.

  “Hey, you should stop pressing that bell,”

  I look down to my pants and sigh in relief as my boner is not quite obvious unless someone really looks into it. “Finally—,” I look up, running a hand through my hair, and see the vet coming out from the back. She looks up and halts to a stop.

  I feel my mouth curving upwards, a small smile that slowly turns into a grin. What a small world. I think of Aubrey, and here she is, standing in front of me, looking hotter than ever in her white coat and eyeglasses.

  She wipes her hands on her coat and smiles back at me in return.

  Did I just summon her out of thin air?

  I nod at her, acknowledging her presence, and I couldn’t help but think of her pinned to the bed last night as Lucas, and I fuck her brains out. She gives me a look that sends heat to my body.

  A moment of silence passes through us, and it’s evident that both of us are not expecting to run into each other after what happened last night.

  I fake a cough as I run another hand through my hair. “Are you the vet in charge?” I ask, my body pressed against the front desk, leaning casually.

  She walks towards me. “I am,” she replies, raising an eyebrow at me. “I’m sorry for letting you wait. What can I help you with?”

  I smile inwardly at the curious expression plastered on her face. I didn’t realize, however, the effect that she has on me. I mean, seeing Aubrey in her profession somehow makes my dick harder as blood starts rushing down there. Who knew that seeing her like this, in her own field, would make her a thousand times hotter? Control yourself and your libido, Julian.

  “Did you book an appointment?” Aubrey asks when I didn’t answer.

  “Uhm, no, I didn’t,” I reply as I scratch the back of my head. “It just happened this morning, and after seeing my pet, I immediately went here.”

  She nods at me, her face serious. “Did you bring your pet with you? Did you leave it in the car?” Her eyes widen at the sudden realization. “It’s bad to leave your pets inside cars at this heat!” She almost slaps me, her hand already raised, but she immediately puts her hand down at the last moment.

  “Sorry,” she says, smiling at me sheepishly. “I’m really against leaving pets in the car, especially under this heat. I’m a vet, so I know the consequences.”

  I chuckle at her small outburst. “Don’t worry about it,” I say, nodding my head in understanding. “But you really need to come with me at home because I really need your help,”

  Her expression immediately changes, the smile leaving her lips as fast as it appears only to be replaced by confusion. “I didn’t bring my pet with me because he’s big.”

  I suppress a groan as another flash of her from last night comes over me. My body on top of hers, and she has her eyes shut as moan after moan escapes her lips, and on her face is the picture of pure bliss.

  “Julian,” she starts as she takes out a form and a pen from the front desk and starts writing something. “You need to book an appointment if you need me to come to your house for a checkup,” she trails off and looks up. “What kind of pet do you have?”

  “You really have to go with me and check up my snake,” I say. Her scoff did not escape me. “Look, it cannot really wait. You really have to go with me pronto.”

  “A snake?”Aubrey repeats, an incredulous expression plastered on her face as if she didn’t expect me to tell her about my snake. “You have a snake as your pet?” she repeats again, this time, raising an eyebrow.

  “Yes,” I sigh. “I have a python at home, waiting for you.”

  “Slow down, Julian. I need to figure out what’s wrong with your pet snake,” she says. “Come and follow me to my office.”

  Aubrey turns and walks towards the room where she came out earlier. All she has inside is a huge mahogany desk, a small bed on one corner, and chairs. An image in my mind fucking her on the desk suddenly comes, and I immediately will myself not to get a hard-on.

  “What exactly is the problem with your snake?” she starts as she walks behind the desk and sits on the chair. I could see her rolling her eyes, even though she is looking down again and writing.

  I scratch the back of my head as I try to remember what is exactly wrong with my python. “It’s actually a python,” I tell her, and she chuckles. “Well, my python doesn’t want to move, and it looks like it’s going to burst,” I continue, describing to her what I’ve seen this morning when I walked into the living room, only to find my python like that.

  She looks up, staring at me as if she is looking for some answers. Aubrey always has this kind of look ever since we met her when we were young. Her gaze did not leave my eyes for a good few seconds, and I couldn’t help but feel the heat setting in the pit of my stomach under her gaze.

  My mind starts wandering to places that even Austin wouldn’t want to know. I wonder how many people Aubrey brought in her workplace just to fuck? I bet they didn’t give her the kind of sex that she deserves because Aubrey certainly knows how to use both her hips and her tongue.

  I clear my throat, willing my sexual fantasies away. I look expectantly on Aubrey, hoping that she will just say ‘yes’ and go with me at home to check on my python. Still, she didn’t look up as she continues to write on the piece of paper that she took from the front desk earlier.

  I clear my throat again, softly, as I try not to make too much noise. “Is my python dying?” I ask, and I really do hope that it’s not dying.

  She looks up with a serious expression on her face. “Well,” she starts, her voice trailing off as she takes her time to think of wh
at to say to me. “I couldn’t give you a proper diagnose since I haven’t seen your snake yet.”

  Her reply is not what I expect, but at least there is a chance that my python is not going to die at any moment. I sigh in relief. “Yeah,” I hum in agreement. “You got a point.”

  She gives me a tight smile as she plays with the pen, making it twirl on around her fingers. She clicks her tongue, shifting on her sit before she looks down on the paper again and then at me. Aubrey then starts asking me questions about my snake, like how long I have it, what was my snake’s last meal, how old is he, and other things that most vets ask a snake owner.

  If this were some regular doctor, I’d be pissed, but this is Aubrey questioning me. I sigh; she just really needs to see my snake for real.

  “Will you just please come with me right now and check my python?”


  The excuses men make, am I right, ladies?

  I roll my eyes under my eyelids once more as Julian looks at me expectantly. What I thought of as a one-time booty call turned out to be something a little more regular. Does being friends first then having a one night stand equate to now being fuck buddies? I think I need a Xanax or five.

  Julian clears his throat softly, looking at me patiently. He clearly expects an answer, and something tells me telling him no will fall on deaf ears.

  Not that you want to say no in the first place, a snarky voice in my head retorts. As much as I want to tell it wrong, it is true. Julian’s member felt amazing.

  I always had a hunch he was as hung as the legends in high school say, but feeling that amazing rod pierce me in all the right places was a kind of ecstasy that even my high school fantasies never expected. Hung and definitely knows how to move—if Julian wants to call it his pet snake then I guess the name’s appropriate.

  I clear my throat sheepishly in return. Despite baring our soul to each other—literally—on a night that felt that like a forever ago, both Julian and I are acting like strangers meeting from Bumble or Tinder for the first time.

  Or worse, Craigslist.

  Shuddering, I wave the thoughts out of my head and speak to my brother’s best friend in the most professional yet friendly tone I can manage for the situation, “Alright, then. Take me to the snake, sir.”

  Julian nods his head in reply, then gesturing to the things around the office. “Aren’t you taking anything with you? I know I was pretty vague with describing it, but we should at least prepare for general or common treatments.”

  I almost burst out laughing as he tells me all this with the most serious look on his face. My, doesn’t he take this all so seriously! I decide to go along with the role play. It’s a little more out of my comfort zone, but I’m down with whatever if it’s Julian.

  I bring the bag I have ready out for reptilian patients that require a house visit. It’s a broad assortment of things, but it covers the most general types of issues I usually deal with when making house calls.

  I rummage through the contents of the bag to make sure it is stocked with what it usually contains, and turn to Julian with a look of satisfaction on my face. “I’m ready whenever you are!”

  We take a ride on Julian’s Tesla, speeding down the freeway as Fall Out Boy blares out of the modified speakers. I couldn’t tell how long the drive itself was, but before I knew it, the car is already slithering through a large, sprawling garden to an enormous, Victorian mansion with visible modern upgrades.

  It’s just how I imagined Julian’s house would look like during those fantasy daydreams I’d have while dozing off in my AP Latin classes. I don’t see any white stallions yet, but I might just pee myself a little if I do.

  “We’re here,” Julian announces as he pulls on the hand break in front of the front steps of the grandiose home. A man in a navy blue tweed jacket and navy blue plaid trousers trots down the stairs, his shiny, black shoes making loud clacking noises as he descends. He nods his head to us both and takes the keys from Julian’s hands and drives the Tesla Roadster off.

  My brother’s friend straightens his sweater and turns to me, his eyes seemingly unfocused and…worried? I’m not sure. I was never good at reading people.

  “That was Raul. He helps out around the place,” Julian says. He removes his sunglasses and hooks it into his shirt, showing a bit more skin. Goosebumps crawl into my arm as I get a slight glimpse of his defined chest. He extends a pale, smooth hand to me, “Let’s get going, shall we?”

  My lips tug at the corners as he takes my hand and leads me up the door. The main entrance is over twice as tall as I am, a creamy, pale wood fitted with large panels of stained glass. It looks a little different from the white and mahogany bricks that make up the exterior of the house.

  A gasp escapes me once Julian opens the door to reveal the foyer. The polished, black marble floors reflect the lights dancing from the vaulted ceiling’s glass panes. The large stone fountain of a three-headed dog, frozen in mid-pounce, takes the center of all attention, water spouting merrily from its bared jaws. Below it, etched into stone, was a small inscription, “Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate.”

  “Abandon all hope, ‘ye who enter here,” I translate out loud. Julian chuckles behind me. I blush and comment on the statue without turning around, “I never thought you as someone who reads Dante.”

  “Nor do I figure you for someone who speaks Latin,” he replies. “Come on, my snake is waiting.”

  Taking long strides, Julian veers off to the right. My surprise at the house’s design slowly wears off. I run after him, my heels echoing in the large space.

  I follow Julian in what appears to be a living room. A few beanbag chairs and high backed chairs are scattered around a large, dark coffee table, where a large bowl of Skittles has made their home. A long, comfortable couch sits on the back wall, with an assortment of poufs and footstools littered at the foot of the couch. The wall to the right shows a window offering a view of the garden outside, a path going into the trees that seem to go on forever.

  Julian is standing near the giant bookcase that covers the expanse of the entire wall opposite the couch. It is built with irregularly shaped shelves to contain an assortment of items aside from just books: a television, a few vintage game consoles, and a long, picturesque terrarium. Julian gestures me closer to the tank. I peer into it, my stupid brain already formulating what was inside the tank.

  Yep, it’s a snake. An actual, real, ball python. Not his dick sticking out to slap me.

  You are such a fucking idiot, my thoughts sneer at me. I mentally punch myself, and my alter ego inside my head. I’m cringing enough already as it is, I really didn’t need to put myself down even more with all this.

  “I’d like some room to work on him, if you don’t mind,” I tell Julian.

  He nods and raises his hand next to his ear. “Just give me a ring if you need anything. I’ll be around. And Audrey?”

  “Yeah?” I snap my bag shut and take a glance at him, the light making him look hotter and more radiant than my senses would prefer.

  Jesus fucking Christ, Aubrey. You’re here as a vet, not some secret seductress of the night.

  Julian looks straight into my eyes and gives me a half grin. “Thanks.”

  He walks out of the room, pleased with the stunned look he’s left on my face. The smile is one of the things that, despite being in the AV Club and not really getting out of the socially awkward teen look until college, was the thing that saved him from a lifetime of bullying and emotionally scarring high school experiences. It got a few love confessions, and a few daring others, like Corey White, even left their panties inside his locker. I remember Austin and Lucas thinking it was a riot.

  He’s come a long way from that, I think to myself.

  My hands and eyes move mechanically over Julian’s ball python. It seems to be bored out of its mind, not even acknowledging the checks I’m running. I get my checklist out to make sure I didn’t forget to check anything else when my mind decides to w
ander once more, thinking of what other things Julian might like in bed.

  Maybe he has a checklist for that, too.

  In no time at all, I’ve come to the conclusion that Julian’s python is fine. He even wrapped himself around my wrist, seeming glad to have company. I quickly text Julian my diagnosis and what he needs to make sure his python remain healthy.

  Julian quickly messages back a grateful stream of gratitude and emojis and notifies me that we’re going to be having lunch on the patio. Thankfully, it isn’t difficult to locate.

  The patio looked more like a high-class restaurant than anything else. Long, tufted benches circle the area, the stone walls on their backs lit expertly from behind. Some decorative pillows depict various types of emojis, from the cat faces to the toilet emoji, the benches were full of them.

  A stone pit burns at the center of the whole thing, where the low fire is merrily crackling. Tables and dining chairs were strewn in between the fire and the outdoor benches. Each table and chair decorated with a familiar—but not really—piece of artwork as a centerpiece.

  Julian is sitting at the table nearest the house, gesturing me to come sit with him. The table is laden with lavish dishes enough to feed a small village.

  “Are we the only ones eating? Or are you inviting half of East Africa to lunch too?” I was glad I got a chuckle out of him as I sit down. The tension from earlier is dissipating, and it’s looking to be a good sign.

  Julian gives me one of his patented drop dead smiles. He gestures to the table, “I wasn’t sure what you liked so I had a few options here. This is all to thank you for helping Jörmungandr. And don’t worry; I’ll still pay you for all the work you’ve done.”

  Grinning, I take the bottle of wine and pour myself a glass. It feels nice to talk to Julian, cringey snake pun assumptions aside. Getting to know one of my brother’s closest friends might be a little weird, but I’ve always liked to hang around Julian and Lucas.


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