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Twice Burned: An MMF Bisexual Romance

Page 6

by Aly White

I take a swig of my wine. “So, Julian…how did all of this happen?”

  Julian continues to stare at me, his slender fingers drumming the table lightly. He takes a moment before replying, “I started an app development company right after college. I just kept doing what I knew, and it took off. Most of your commonly used apps continue to do business with us, and now we’re here.”

  I look at my phone and smile. “That’s a tall order. I guess I have you to thank for half of what I like on my phone then. Thank you.”

  Julian winks at me, his eyes crinkling adorably. “No worries. I use those apps myself. That way, I can think from the consumer’s perspective too.”

  His eyes trail to the door behind me, where Raul is trotting to us. He leans down and whispers something to Julian. His smile grows brighter as Raul finishes talking.

  He replies, “Not an issue. Tell the others to get another place here ready. Let him know he’s invited to join us.”

  Join us? What’s going on? My eyebrows furrow in confusion. Before I can ask Julian to explain, the double doors open, revealing Lucas striding towards us.

  Holy shit it’s both of them.


  I take my eyes off my phone as the servants open the large, double doors for me, letting me know that my lunch with Julian is ready. Ever since my interview with Vanity Fair, my poor secretary has been bombarded by requests to have a photo shoot, interview, or contract offers with me. The article, apparently, focused more on my bachelor status rather than the original interview about my career.

  My phone continued to buzz in the pocket of my light green shorts as I take long, powerful strides towards the table. Despite having her back to me, I can tell that the person Julian is entertaining is none other than Audrey Myers. Her mouth turns into an ‘O’ of surprise as she swivels around. A smirk dances on my lips as I reach the table, my cock twitching at how helpless she looks. I give her a swift peck on the cheek before smoothly sitting next to Julian, spreading my thick legs wide as to not crush my balls.

  Julian’s staff were finished setting my place by the time I sit down. They nod—Julian hates the bowing thing—to us and retreat silently. I survey the contents of the table, finding that most of the dishes here are Audrey’s favorites from when we used to eat dinner at Austin’s. The mere fact that there are seven different types of pasta gives it away.

  I take some seafood marinara from its container and add it to my plate. From the looks of the plates of the other two, they barely started eating as well. Julian is busy placing the best cuts of lamb chops on his plate while Audrey slowly stirs her pasta a la puttanesca, her eyes flickering between my best friend and me.

  “Audrey, I’m sorry for springing Lucas on you,” Julian says.

  My cock twitches involuntarily, reacting at the possible innuendo. He continues talking as he spreads some sauce on his chops. “It slipped my mind that he and I were planning to have lunch together today when, you know, Jörmungandr started acting all weird.”

  Jörmungandr is the ball python Julian, and I got after watching Thor. He got into Norse mythology for a couple of months after that, which also explains the strange, seven-foot-tall draugr statue standing guard inside one of the guest bathrooms. It is always fun seeing someone get scared shitless by it.

  Audrey doesn’t respond and just continue to stir her pasta. I clear my throat and try to ease some of the awkwardness. “Hey. We should have let you know that we were meeting today. I am just as surprised as you are, truth be told. But this would be a good time as any to catch up, I think. We haven’t seen each other in, what? Three years? Five years?”

  “Unless you count my brother’s wedding,” Audrey mutters under her breath. My cock starts to stiffen, even more, straining my shorts to the point where it’s almost painful. So that’s what’s making her act like this, I muse. And to be honest, it only turns me on even more.

  “What?” Julian asks Audrey. He has a small speck of sauce on the corner of his upper lip. It takes a lot of willpower not to wipe it off his face.

  “Nothing, nothing!” Audrey exclaims. “So what have you guys been up to?”

  I take a bottle of Vernaccia di San Gimignano to go with my pasta. Sparing Aubrey some more discomfort, I answer, “I’ve been working on my dad’s PR team for some time now. I’d like to prove that I’ve earned my place in the company rather than have them think I’m just riding daddy’s coattails.”

  “Things have actually been going pretty great,” I say, taking another sip of my wine. “We’ve had no screw-ups since I got promoted as head of the department. The recent events we’ve held for product launches and announcements are a success, and we’ve smoothed things out with naysayers online. I would be lying if I wouldn’t say that I had a hand in making all this work.”

  Audrey just stares at me like she didn’t know me. Julian scoffs and takes a break from adding sauce on his lamb chop to say, “Yeah, right. This is coming from the same guy who always had to beg me for notes for History class.”

  My ears grow slightly pink. Sure, I was mostly partying and fucking around back in college; but I’ve managed to turn it around before senior year. Doing something is just a matter of doing it. If I want it, it happens. That’s how it’s always been.

  Of course, that’s not what I told them. “People learn to grow from their past experiences, Julian. May I point out the draugr in the guest bathroom?”

  Julian laughs. “I thought you liked that thing!”

  “I do like it. But I’d still add it to a list of poor life choices, my man.”

  Audrey smiles at me. That’s an improvement. She takes a sip of her pinot noir and says, “Wow, you sure have changed a lot, Lucas! Darcy and I always thought you would be the guy that would end up to live off his trust fund or something. You were just so…relaxed back then.”

  My cock twitches again, begging to impale the offender. I wasn’t even that offended. Maybe it did…but just a smidge.

  “Heh, Aubrey. Don’t worry about it! I was lucky enough to enjoy my childhood and have a good, successful life now. I don’t blame everyone for being so surprised.”

  Aubrey lets out a short laugh. “Yes, I suppose so. Most of us were pretty high strung and messed up on hormones and whatnot. I definitely am not counting myself out of that population.”

  She turns to Julian, her eyebrows arched. “What about you, Mr. Developer? Do you have any stories to tell?”

  Mouth full, Julian gives us his patented smirk. I can see why the girls from back then and the women now find it endearing. Or maybe he just reminds me too much of Labrador puppies. I mean, nobody can resist those, right?

  A sideways glance at Aubrey tells me that she feels the same way. She bites a small portion of her lower lip, making my cock twitch again.

  “I don’t think there’s anything that you two don’t already know. I did a bit of app developing in college. Turned out I was really good at it, so I managed to start my own company. Now we mostly do backend developing for a few big apps like Snapchat and the like. We don’t implement any of the new things you see, but if you get an update and it just says improvements or enhancements, that’s probably us. Or I don’t sometimes know the update is just over the air or on the servers itself…” Julian trails off after seeing the confused look on our faces. “Ahh, I’m going on and on again, eh? Sorry about that. You did ask, though.”

  Aubrey had finished her pinot noir and refills her drink by the time Julian finished his little monologue. I look at her and raise my eyebrows quizzically. She shrugs and turns to Julian again and says, “Sounds like you have your whole life set out for you. Aside from the Nordic ball python and the nice house, what else is there for you? Anyone special? You didn’t really date back when we were still in school.”

  “He didn’t date back in college either,” I add quickly. Julian shoots me a look as Aubrey, and I laugh.

  “I, er, just got around,” Julian says with a coy smile.

  “With the company and all thi
s,” he gestures around the patio and the house. “They all seem more like they’re just in it for the money and all that. I don’t really want to get stuck in that kind of relationship.”

  Aubrey grins, pleased with his response. “Right? Right? The people that come along at this age…nothing ever seems to turn out serious. They all seem to be just…people passing by.”

  Julian and I exchange a quick glance, pondering what Aubrey just said. Her words seem to mean more than what she just said. Perhaps she thinks of us as people that are just passing by her life too.

  “Ah. Is that what’s been keeping you busy lately?” Julian asks, wiggling his eyebrows. He can’t do it properly, and if Aubrey isn’t here, I would probably film it and post it online.

  She playfully slaps him on the arm, laughing. “No, silly. I’m busy working at the clinic. It’s been as busy as ever, especially since we expanded and added more people. But I really love the work. I haven’t had to put down any animal yet, which is more than I can say for most people in my profession.”

  Aubrey sighs, and downs the rest of her pinot noir. I try and lighten the mood by saying, “Well, I’m glad you’re here then! I was going to bring The Duchess of Bork to your clinic to have her shots renewed. I can drive you to my place if that’s easier.”

  “Oh, that is rich!” she laughs. Hard. My ears turn pink again, confused. “This better be an actual dog! Julian’s already dragged me all the way here to tend to his ‘pet snake’,”

  We all laugh. I manage to gasp in between my laughter, “It’s true! I swear!”

  It took a few minutes for us to all get the laughter out of our system. Aubrey has tears in the corner of her eyes while Julian is wiping away tears and lamb chop sauce all over his face. I pour myself some sherry in attempts to compose myself. Julian’s wine selection is pretty good—though my family’s wine cellar has a much higher reputation.

  Once we’ve all settled down and has more wine in our system, Julian claps his hands loudly, breaking us from the calm and the food coma that was inevitably settling in.

  “Well, that was certainly better than the cafeteria food! Do you guys have room for dessert?”

  Aubrey and I both shake our heads.

  “I think all the laughing filled me up too. How about we take a visit to the entertainment room? It’s been renovated recently, and I’ve added a few things I’d love for you guys to see.” Julian’s eyes twinkle as he spoke. That can only mean he has a surprise planned.

  And knowing that room and Julian’s mind…I can hardly wait to see what he has planned out!


  Julian starts to lead Lucas and me to what he refers to as his most prized room in the whole mansion. We wander through corridors and passages I couldn’t even have imagined existing. All the twists and turns start to make me feel like Belle being led by the Beast to the library except instead of books there’ll gods know what.

  Soon enough, Lucas and Julian have left me in the dust with their long legs striding outpacing me. They slow down after the fifth hallway—or was it the eighth?—and looks at me with shining gazes as I struggle like a pig being hunted to catch up.

  Yeah, I just about snort laugh just thinking about that. My amusement is reading all over my face and I have this pure joy in the moment.

  This is what being happy feels like.

  Julian seems to be telling Lucas about the new interiors and the room design, but I did not really hear much because pretty soon their quick legs leave me in the dust once more.

  This is starting to get annoying, I fume, a superficial frustration matching my need to slow down and breath. My eyes, however, find a new focus on the two-toned asses bouncing in front of me, extending down to two pairs of muscular legs, flexing as they go. I guess this isn’t all bad then!

  Who needs to breathe, anyway?

  The two boys stop in front of gargantuan double doors. The frosted glass makes the door glow with a faint, silver light. Again, another thing that looks two centuries too young for a Victorian mansion.

  Julian grins from ear to ear, facing us first before turning his back to us to slowly—in the most theatrical way I’ve ever seen him do—push both of the doors open.

  The smell hits me before I see everything else. Popcorn. Soda. Gum balls. The scent of hard plastic. A wave of nostalgia hits me like an enraged pageant runner-up. Memories of all those times I’ve spent with friends trying to beat each other’s high scores, or the times we all took turns on the Nintendo because there was only one controller after one of my friends poured their root beer on it when he got too frustrated, or that smell after unboxing your new cartridge! All these feelings hit me like Stephen Hawking on steroids. I’m not even kidding when I say I feel like a kid again.

  A soft click echoes in the dim space and just like that, sounds—lots of sounds—and the lights went on. This room looks completely different from what I’ve seen of the house so far. The vaulted ceilings aren’t held up by ornate pillars. Instead they were held by pillars of red brick; in fact, the whole room was brick which gives it this grungy industrial feel.

  Looking around I see that the two walls to my side are lined with newer games while the two rows of cabinets, both back to back, are composed of classic arcade cabinets. At the end of the row, lit as if it were at an altar, is a huge neon sign that read ‘Flynn’s.’ I reread it and tilt my head, trying to jog my memory. Where have I heard that before?

  Someone taps me on my shoulder. “You like my nerdy Tron reference?” Julian asks, he must’ve noticed me standing motionless. I nod in response to his question.

  “This place is just so amazing.” I do a little childlike twirl. “It’s like a childhood dream come true!” Kind of like how getting fucked by these guys was a teenage dream come true.

  “It’s only the best money can buy so I’m glad you like it.” He says, flashing that million dollar smile. It probably is insured for just as much.

  “Julian! Aubrey!” Lucas waves us over, a huge grin covering his face. He’s standing in front of an arcade cabinet from the 90’s, the bright backlight illuminates the signage on the arcade cabinet which reads Tekken 3. I feel old just looking at it. I remember what felt like a lifetime ago when we would play this classic on Austin’s PlayStation. Too bad he’s not here to see all this, but then again, he might not approve of the whole thing I’ve got going on with these two.

  “How about we get a little physical?” Lucas asks biting his lip while wiggling his eyebrow at us. Strangely enough, I find the gesture hot.

  “Getting nostalgic? Why don’t we play something a bit more modern?” Julian says pointing his thumb over his shoulder to the more modern cabinet on the other side of the room.

  “Why? Afraid I’d kick your ass just like the good old days?” asks Lucas.

  They start suggesting games they know they’re better at. Tension is starting to build between the two as both men try to impress me. Admittedly, I find it really hot that two guys are battling it out for my attention but it’s starting to feel a little too toxic for my liking. I step in between the two towering men, hands on their well-defined chests, and I push them away from each other.

  “Play nice, boys, and maybe the winner will get a prize.” I give them a wink.

  That definitely shut them up. I can almost feel their dicks growing, taking the space between us.

  “How about you boys do best of three?” I suggest. I bend over to press the start buttons, and I can feel their eyes all over me. I hover over the buttons taking as much time as possible, letting the boys take in the sight before finally pressing them.

  As the game roars to life, the boys take their seats and start selecting their characters from the roster. Lucas goes for Hwoarang and Julian goes for Jin, both equally hot characters for equally hot guys. It doesn’t take long before Julian beats Lucas. Lucas looks absolutely mortified.

  “I’ve been practicing,” Julian says with a smirk.

  With that, Lucas'ss face changes expression,
his cockiness fades into a look of pure determination. I don’t think this is about impressing me anymore. This has turned in to some kind of dick measuring contest. Although their dicks measure up quite nicely with each other.

  For the next thirty minutes, I watch as their character beat each other up, and finally, after countless rounds, they are tied. This is starting to get boring, so I squeeze in between them and the arcade cabinet, blocking their view of the screen. They both turn to me and give me puzzled and slightly annoyed looks.

  “Here’s the thing, guys, you two are starting to bore me.”

  They raise an eyebrow at me in unison.

  “You’ve been going at for quite a while now, so it’s time for some new rules.” I walk over to the air hockey table. “Two versus one, you two against me. If you win you get to do whatever you want.”

  Again, I smirk to myself.

  “And if you win?” quips Julian.

  “I get to play. It’s a win-win situation.” I’ve enjoyed it when they are in control, but I want to try my hand at it. Glancing down at the visible bulges in their pants, it seems like they want to try it too.

  They start to walk over to me, their silhouette towering over my slender frame. Is this what a feral cat feels like when it’s brought in to a shelter? Terrified yet incredibly curious? They both lean down until they are at eye level with me.

  Bring it on,” Julian says. They are both getting cocky which is something I can use to my advantage.

  Julian flicks a switch, and the hockey puck drops out of the slot in front of me. We take our positions, paddles in hand and hockey puck in front of me. As soon as the air hockey table starts blasting air, I strike the puck and bounce it off the side of the table. But Julian and Lucas have put their earlier rivalry aside and are now working as an incredibly efficient team, parrying and defending their goal. Despite that, I find an opening and score a goal.

  “Watch your side!” Lucas roars to Julian. Julian just brushes him off and assumes his position.


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