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'Dear One' Breathes Fire

Page 3

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Ten minutes later he came back down with Rocky hot on his heels. Brad looked up and said, “I see here you have the North Korean leader traveling by train and are you sure that when he goes on a trip there are three trains in tandem?”

  “Let me say this, the information we get or view or hear about coming from North Korea is suspect without verification. When I was upstairs I asked Sujin about the defector and would the North’s language be the same as the South. She said yes and I’m suggesting we get that dude Kim somewhere we can talk to him to get some facts about the life of the Dear One.”

  Brad thought this was the best idea he’d heard so far. He’d also told Steve before they left DC to get the defector someplace where Sujin could talk to him. Steve said he would work on it and call him when he had an answer. Brad decided to not say anything for the time being about talking to the defector and let it go for now. Brad saw that Wendy wanted to say something so he looked at her giving her the opportunity to say something important.

  Wendy said, “From what I understand is that approaching the leader from inside North Korea is really not an option. So if that is the case, we would probably have to do the deed in China or Russia. Would that not be rather embarrassing to either country if we were successful with the assignment?”

  “No doubt about that Wendy,” Brad answered. “However, we are being told that the Chinese would give a lot of lip service denouncing the deed, but they’re in fact endorsing what we are planning. But once again, we could be being led down the primrose lane too. I think the administration would agree to not deploy any troops anywhere north of the DMZ. In fact I’m told that a withdrawal of most if not all our troops in South Korea and Japan would be agreed to after the fact. At this point Russia is being closed mouth about the intension of the North to make a first strike of nuclear weapons. Mostly the fallout would drift west or east depending on the winds. The political fact is that Russia would be in a position to provide resources to a devastated world.”

  Brad let that hang in the air for a while and went back reading Billy’s report. It seemed to him that this was going to be a tough nut to crack, as Mike would say. While thinking about Mike saying a tough nut, Mike himself appeared in the room as if by magic. Brad thought that some magic was definitely needed to put a plan together on this job.

  Mike said, “Looks like the recent news that a friend died rather than a group of overpaid professional working on a problem tossing back and forth ideas. Ah, now I know, you were waiting for me to show up to lead you all to glory.”

  “You’re right Mike,” Brad said while standing up to stretch his legs. “I tell you what we really need is someone to come up with a really far out idea how to make the deed on the Korean dude a reality and workable. I think you are the man for the job so if you don’t mind tell us how we are going to accomplish our job.”

  Mike had leaned against the wall with one leg crossed over the other one and his arms folded across his chest with a grin on his face that was showing age lines of a guy over forty. Mike could make a friend at a drop of a hat. Even sooner than that he could have the person he was talking to tell him his or her life story before it dawned on them that they were spilling secrets not supposed to be shared with a stranger. To Brad he was the sea stack of his team. Now that he was here the real plan or thoughts would flow like champagne at a wedding.

  Brad told him briefly what Billy’s report said and that getting close to the Dear One would be difficult. He quickly ran out of talk and then he asked Mike if he had some idea about this project. Mike’s smiled had disappeared and now a serious look was upon his face. He ran a hand through his crew cut hair believing there was a full head of hair to be tended to, but in fact the shower drain proved the reality of his hair loss.

  Mike walked over to the sofa and found a place between Wendy and Nancy. He looked at everyone and then he smiled and said, “Yes, folks I’ve an idea that might work providing it’s possible or not. We’d need the latest info on stealth both mechanical and personal to consider what I’m about to say. Here’s what I’m suggesting, we drop a team from the air onto the top of the Dear One’s train car.”

  Mike let it hang there for a minute and then he continued when Brad gave him a wave to expand. He said, “Well first we use a laser to make a hole in the top of train car, then we stick a hose down into the car to saturate the air with a sleeping gas. Then the chopper lands and what comes next is a laser cut big enough for entry by a person to take out the occupants documenting for verification.”

  Both Wendy and Nancy had their mouths hanging open with Agent Jones showing a big white grin of perfect teeth. Billy, who had been standing leaning against the wall, walked over to Mike and gave him a high five. Brad never moved as all knew his mind was in warp factor three because Billy had used that term many times to describe Brad’s thinking.

  Brad looked up and focused on Mike sitting across the glass table from him. “Mike do you think this is doable?”

  “Damn if I know Brad, but why don’t we give your father a call and let him give the idea to some military minds for consideration.”

  “Billy, give me that trick cell phone that can’t be traced.” Billy went to the computer room and returned with a newly given cell that Steve Lewis said the CIA uses this new model for safety in conversations. All waited while Brad made a call to his father down in Palm Springs except Billy who took advantage of the break to have a Marlboro or two.

  Sujin came down with the baby and put him down for a nap. After a while she came back, sat down and when the time was right said, “I talked to my sister and she is ready to assist us at any time you give a go signal. Meanwhile, grandma is coming over to babysit while we go to Bandon for lunch.” The phone rang with Nancy picking up portable identifying herself, then listening. She handed the phone to Brad wordlessly and after saying his name listened for a minute then hung up. Then he said, “Steve is coming bringing the defector along with a half dozen body guards. Steve suggested we use the plane for a conference room. I agreed.” Brad looked at his watch seeing the time just after eleven then he continued, “Let’s make a list of questions and then at noon thirty we will go have a bowl of chowder.”

  Chapter 4

  After lunch the team went to the airport to wait for the special plane from Washington to arrive with the defector Kim aboard. The pilots were back in town after going home to Portland for a break. Now there were on standby and had been informed that take off would happen when the special plane arrived. Brad decided to fly down to Eureka, California and from there rent a hotel room for a two day conference. Nancy had made the reservations and all was set to accommodate the team and its guests. Sujin’s sister would take care of the little guy because Brad needed her for translation.

  The plane landed at just after two pm and quickly passengers and luggage were transferred to the Gulf and in no time they were off to Northern California. Brad sat with Steve and Sujin sat with the defector Kim. At first Kim was very nervous but by the time they landed in Eureka Brad noticed he was much more comfortable after talking to his wife for the last hour.

  The weather in Eureka is very similar to Bandon and the coast. Both sit on the Pacific Ocean. Nancy had made reservation at the Red Lion which had a shuttle service from the airport making the logistics fairly nice. She had also booked the conference room for two days around the clock availability. Mr. Kim was ensconced between his body guards’ rooms and well protected. By six pm all participants were sitting in the conference room ordering dinner. If Mr. Kim thought this was a vacation he was dead wrong. Business was the order of the day no matter how tired he might be from traveling.

  Brad did notice Steve was fresher than normal after a coast to coast trip. He was even a little upbeat on the way down talking to Brad about Thanksgiving with his grand kids coming up, if he wasn’t called for business that is. Brad thought that there should be time for a T-Day and a Christmas season ahead of the implementation of the plan. It was then that he told Steve
the idea Mike had come up with. Steve did not say anything as that was out of his expertise and would let others handle that end of things. Meanwhile, Steve suggested that they should concentrate totally on what Mr. Kim had to say about the North Korean situation.

  Now after dinner the conversation or interview took place with Sujin as the go-between. The first of five meetings were tedious and tense. Koreans or Asians are not used to having to answer direct questions with quick responses. Therefore, it was a long, trying, patient ordeal that finally revealed a picture of a dictator that was similar to most other previous dictators like Hitler, Stalin, and on and on throughout history. Brad and his team tried to focus on the itinerary when the North Korean leader would travel on his train. It was finally gleaned that the bedroom was at the end of his car away from the engine. The middle and opposite end of the car comprised the body guards area where tables and not so comfortable chairs were bolted to the floor. It was thought that about half the car was devoted to his privacy and comfort. The main problem was that his personal car was never in the same position each time he travelled somewhere. And as all the cars looked alike, it was fairly difficult to determine which car the North Korean was in at a given point of time. Mr. Kim pointed out that the leader of North Korea was in fact one smart guy that was paranoid of his safety both from within and from outside North Korea. Simply put this operation needed an inside man to identify the passenger car that housed the leader while traveling. But even if an inside man would have a hard time getting a message out.

  Brad stood up and called it a night with an announcement of an early morning session for the next day. Wearily all made their way to their respective rooms, but Brad and Sujin went for a walk in a slight drizzle of rain that is so regular for a November day in Eureka, California.

  * * *

  The interview continued the next day and into the day after. Finally about noon of the second day they checked out and flew back to North Bend. Agent Jones had videoed and recorded the meetings. Sujin had refrained from elaborating about the discussion until they returned home. Steve decided to stay in Oregon rather than go back to DC. In addition, after Brad told him about Mike’s plan and the subsequent inquiry to Brad’s father it was assumed that soon a meeting would take place. Steve was a little encouraged about the plan and all of the new information that came from the defector Kim. It was obvious that Sujin knew how to elicit information from a fellow countryman, albeit North and South were essentially from the same original culture.

  It was less than two weeks to the Thanksgiving holiday. It was decided that Nancy, Wendy, Billy and Agent Jones would go home for a long vacation. Brad, Mike and Steve would fly to Palm Springs for a meeting with Phillip to discuss what had become known as ‘The Henshaw Way.’

  After packing their bags, Agent Jones went south to see his parents and Nancy and Wendy flew to the east coast while Billy rode with the pilots to Seattle to see his father. Sujin took advantage of the holiday to go with Brad to Palm Springs and have a holiday with his parents with the grandson being the central attraction. Brad’s mother was excited and hired a cook to help out with the long holiday coming.

  Sandy would stay home with Sujin’s sister and keep watch on the place. When the family left with Rocky inside the van, Sandy had a long sad look on her face. Earie would later report that Sandy moped around missing the family. What Sandy did not know was her two off spring were coming back just after the holiday.

  On the flight down Brad had time to talk with his wife and gave her his overall take on the project so far and what it might turn out like in the end. He told her Mike was headed to San Diego for a meeting with some SEALs. After that he would stop by Palm Springs on his way back to Port Orford to report what had transpired. He asked, “What do you think about Mr. Kim?”

  “I think he is not in his right frame of mind. He’s running scared and even though he’s been close to the leader he’s been programmed to tell us what North Korea wants the USA to hear. I believe that the North will think that the USA will try and buy off the North with foreign aid rather than do something foolish like put a hit on the Dear One. The Dear One has a big family and strongly desires to see his family carry on forever as the power of the North. He knows China will always be there so as to protect their western border from the USA. The population has hovered around twenty some million for many years. That is not too many to feed and to keep control of. Right now with the North selling technology and such things to rogue countries, their income of cash is not something to discount. It’s really easier to beg for food aid than pay for it and have it shipped into the North. One thing that really upset the North was the election of a hard line president in South Korea, which puts up a policy of action rather than words. That last Navy ship that was sunk was the straw that will break the back of the North. The Dear One had better be a good boy for a while as the South is preparing, as we fly to your parent’s house, a war footing. Meanwhile Mr. Kim needs some down time to adjust and then we can find out what the real story is up North. I think for the good of the world we are doing the right thing by eliminating a really bad dictator. I also think he is not expecting an attack on his life. Of course he will not let his guard down for even one minute.” Then Sujin looked at her husband and smiled while saying, “But then he’s not as smart as my dear husband.”

  After landing in sunny Palm Springs Brad could not wait to go for a run and sweat the poison out after being denied much exercise lately. A van was waiting for them and in no time they were feeling comfortably ensconced in Brad’s parent’s house. Little Brian was pampered from the time he crossed the threshold until they left the day after Thanksgiving.

  Chapter 5

  On Turkey Day, Brad's father looked and acted ten years younger than his real age. Brad just smiled as his father shuffled from foot to foot anxious to get on with things that demanded his son's attention. The holiday was just in his way as duty called. It felt so nice to be back in the loop and not hear when a secretary or friend said, “Sorry general, but he’ll have to call you back.” Now, by god, when he said who was calling the connection was immediately transferred to the intended person.

  Brad played with Brian in the swimming pool. Philip, or Gramps, as he liked to be called now that he was a grandfather, was standing on the side of the pool talking to his son. He asked, looking around to make sure the women were not listening, “Son, what have you planned for the removal of the family. I understand there are some other sons of his. To exterminate the whole family is a bit risky, don’t you think?”

  “If I told you father, you’d find all kinds of reasons why I shouldn’t do it the way I’ve planned. Some things are best left unknown. It’s not a secret thing I’m afraid to tell you, but it’s a personal reason. I’ll fill you in at another time.” Brad saw his father pout a little, but realized his son was doing what he could to not jeopardize the mission. Brad thought, he still thinks I’m raw recruit. He smiled and paddled around with his son. Soon, his face turned serious and thought Mike would be back soon.


  Mike Henshaw felt rather satisfied with his trip to Coronado to recruit some SEALs. The SEAL commander, formally a SEAL operative during Mike’s time, offered his complete help with anything Mike requested. Not because of the president’s order so much as to once again show the world the prowess of the famed SEAL teams.

  As he flew into Palm Springs to report to Brad and his father, Mike sensed the thrill of action. He licked his lips and took a few deep breaths to slow his heart rate down. The thrill of a mission tickled his senses. He put aside the fact he was over forty and had lost a step or two, but come hell or high water, he was going to be in on the snatch.

  General Phillip’s aid, better known as ‘The Colonel’ met him at the airport. He told Mike they were waiting for him and that he had a message from home. Mike’s smiling face turned sour and dialed his home number. Julie answered tell him to relax and not worry that she had good news, not bad news. She told him their
milk cow had twins. Mike let out a lung full of air and looked to the sky saying thanks to the omnipotent one above.

  A full plate of turkey and all the trimmings were waiting for Mike when he entered the house. He and the colonel sat down to a tasty feast prepared by someone who knew what Thanksgiving was all about when it came to food. Mike thought back at all the times he was away from home on holidays like this one. The first one was the hardest, but even this one yanked at his craw that he wasn’t home with Julie and the kids. Then he smiled and the colonel saw him smiling wondering why the former SEAL was smiling about. Mike realized that even though he wasn’t home, being with his best friend and his family was the next best thing.

  After he and the colonel finished their pie, Mike helped clear the table. As usual, for a man, well most men, he just got in the way and was sent away with a steaming hot cup of fresh ground coffee.

  It was a warm afternoon in Palm Springs. The men sat around a table, with a giant umbrella protecting them from the sun, drinking coffee. Brad had Brian on his knee playing bouncy. Drool was running down the little guy’s chin all the while smiling showing off his pink gums. Mike felt happy for his friend, but on the other hand, wished they would discuss the upcoming mission. However, he knew better than to interrupt Brad. Patience and tenacity was his best assets and those were the primary reasons for their success.

  Brad’s father said, “Son, your mother is going to want to know what your plan is for the Christmas Holidays. Have you given it any thought?”


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