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'Dear One' Breathes Fire

Page 4

by Waggoner, Robert C.

  Brad looked at his father while setting Brian on the table. He said, “At this point I’m not sure. There’re three places we might be at that time: one is here with you and mom; another is up in Oregon at our home; and the last one is, and probably the most likely, Seoul, South Korea at Sujin’s parents house.”

  The general frowned and then smiled. The other two, Mike and the Colonel, were looking back and forth at the two Pratt’s talking. Both knew each had a personal agenda that was underlying their discussion, and what wasn’t said, pin pointed the real plan of action. In this case, Seoul was a key word indicating that Sujin would be playing a large role in this mission.

  Coming out the sliding door ended the conversation between the two Pratt’s. Brad’s mother said, “Enough of business talk and let’s rejoice in a beautiful day with our friends Philip.”

  “As usual, my dear, you’re so right. We were discussing the Christmas season and what we might be all doing at that time. Brad thinks they’re might a possibility he and family might be in Seoul next month.”

  Sujin jumped in saying, “Yes, I might have a photo showing around that time. I’m waiting now to hear from my agent. I’m sorry that our respective families are so far apart. Brad says we are fortunate that all of our family members, on both sides of the Pacific, are healthy.”

  Brad winked at his wife. She gave off a slight grin and sat down next to him taking little Brian away from his father. He thought what a treasure she was and had slipped the photo show in to mask the real need to visit Seoul.


  The next morning, before daylight, found Brad and Mike jogging around the neighborhood. As both were in excellent shape, a conversation could be maintained while running. Mike filled Brad in on the idea of a metal piercing shell penetrating the roof of a railroad car. He added that up to two inches was not enough to prohibit the shell from protruding through the solid steel. Brad was pleased and said, “Let’s set up a test out in the desert somewhere and see how it works.”

  “It’s in the works now. Nancy is handling the logistics and we just need to be there on the date of action. This will be an exclusive SEAL operation. The first thing we will do is practice on a stationary railroad car. After that we will test on a moving car similar to what we might expect in North Korea.”

  “How about the quantity, or the volume of gas that will be needed to put all in one car asleep.”

  Mike answered, “We will have machines to record the level of gas expended by our rockets. It’s thought that one shell every ten feet would do nicely.”

  Brad and Mike jogged on while Brad ran all scenarios through his mind. As they approached the house, Brad said, “Let’s kick this around when we get back to the Round House. Also I’m thinking we need two or three Asian SEALs to accompany Sujin and her sister into North Korea.”

  Mike was slightly shocked when he heard that the two sisters were entering North Korea. Mike shook the sweat off his head and realized that one could never second guess Brad Pitt.

  Brad took a few minutes in the pool with his son before he took a shower. When he saw Mike come out dressed for travel, he handed off his son to grandpa and went to take a shower. He wanted to spend as much time as possible letting his parents share time with their grandson. Also the pilots were still in Portland and would be here in Palm Springs around six pm for the trip back to Bandon, Oregon.

  Chapter 6

  After the Turkey Day holiday, Sunday morning, all team members were back complaining of too much food and the need of some exercise. At the first get together, Brad said, “All of us need to be in the best condition we can be for this mission. Tomorrow there’ll be three SEALSs joining us that will be accompanying Sujin and Earie to North Korea; that is, if they're needed. The other five coming will be support crew and at this point, I’m not sure how we will use the five SEALs. Be that as it may, we’ll have eight guests camped out here. They’ll set up camp in Devils Kitchen. That little enclave will protect them from the winds. The idea is to get to know who you’ll be working with. SEALs depend on team work. Our training will be directed to that end: teamwork. Mike says we can expect them Monday.”

  Brad looked around to see if there were any puzzled looks and saw none. He said, “Mike, Nancy and I will leave Monday morning to see a test from a rocket launched from a helicopter. I’ll let Mike explain it to you now.”

  Mike stood up and went to the white board and drew a picture of a railroad car. He said, “Excuse my poor art work, but the idea here is that at least two helicopters will approach from the rear of a moving train. Usually on any given trip, six cars are used by the North Korean leader traveling. We expect the car he’s riding in is armored. Our plan is to land a chopper on each car, launch three rockets per car and the engine crew will be taken out by SEALs having been dropped off by another chopper. The gas should render the passengers in the cars unconscious. Once the train is stopped, we can enter each car until we find the leader. We will take the leader and any of his family members away by air. The remainder will recover after a few hours. Any questions?”

  Billy raised his hand. Mike nodded his way. Billy said, “If you have a chance, hijack some North Korean cigarettes for my around the world collection of tobacco.” The team members looked at each other and burst out laughing, including Brad. Brad thought, leave it to Billy to relieve any tension and after thinking that, he saw Billy smiling. Billy stood up and left for a date with the devils smoke.

  Brad told them he was going to the airport to pick up Steve Lewis and would be back later after dark. He said to Mike, “Continue with the ‘what ifs’ and let’s see what holes are punched into your plan.” To the team he said, “Do what you do best and I’ll see you at daylight in the morning.”

  Wendy and Scott put on their heavy coats and went for a walk on the beach before dinner. No rain, but a brisk chilly wind was coming down from the north. Usually the November weather was a chain of storms, know as the Pineapple Express coming from Hawaii, peppered the Pacific Northwest. However, a nice fresh break of clear skies hovered over the beach as Wendy and Scott, hand in hand, caught up on their respective T-day stories.

  Agent Scott said, “I broke the news to my parents about us. They weren’t as shocked as I expected them to be. My father told me that this was the twenty first century and nothing out of the ordinary happened anymore. My mother, on the other hand, was speechless. She asked if marriage was in the future and I told her that was entirely possible, she gasped and reached for her asthma inhaler.”

  “I too, broke it to my parents Scott. Both of mine shrugged their shoulders and my dad said, “Whatever makes you happy my daughter.”

  Scott gave her hand a squeeze and they found a place behind a big rock where they could not been seen or be heard.


  Back at the Round House, Brad said to Sujin, “I’m going to pick up Steve. We’re going to stop off in town for dinner to discuss a few things. We shouldn’t be late.”

  “Okay my husband. We’ve nothing special tonight anyway.”

  Brad saw Steve’s plane land. The pilot taxied up to where Brad was parked and off loaded the special passenger, Steve Lewis. Over his Burberry overcoat, his shoulder bag hung like it was part of his body. In his other hand, held his old leather grip, as he called it. The wind did its usual thing to his hatless head: the thinning hair danced and were mere wisps of their former selves.

  For a man that should have retired long ago, he took long strides to the passenger side of the van. In the dark, you couldn’t tell his age as he appeared younger than his years. However, few knew, like Brad, Steve Lewis was running on empty. Each of these major cases was taking its toll on him and also, Mr. X.

  Steve smiled and offered his hand to his friend and protégé. Brad asked, “How about some chowder at the local eatery?”

  “That would be only second to your wife’s cooking Brad.”

  “I thought we would take a few minutes to chat without all the other commotion at the R
ound House,” Brad said.

  “Yes. Indeed we need a little time for me to pass on some recent developments and some orders from the president.”

  “We’ll just make it before closing time. Bandon rolls up its streets rather early after the summer rush is over,” Brad said.

  Parking next to the door, they had their choice of tables as the place was virtually empty, save two employees. The waitress came over and smiled at both through red lined eyes. Brad had heard that the two full time waitresses worked twelve hours a day. He ordered for both he and Steve. Tea was their preferred drink and Brad asked if they had any garlic bread. Brenda shook her head and offered some sour dough bread. Both men nodded yes and Steve took a deep breath.

  “The word has it that another nuclear test by North Korea is planned for this spring. Our thinking it’s a red hearing for the real launch of a nuclear attack on its neighbors. China has its hands tied. Without proof, it can’t do anything. If we move our fleet into neighboring waters, the world will cry foul that the big nasty USA is out to intimidate Asia. The president sends his orders to carry forth to the end your plan of removal. And he says the sooner the better.”

  Brad sat there listening and understanding everything Steve said. He realized the time table needed moving up and he’d known this was going to happen. However, he would do what he thought best for his family and his team. Brad Pratt would not be pushed into something hasty or foolish.

  Brad said, “We’re moving as fast as we can Steve. We have a test run in the desert coming up in a few days time. You, Mike and I will fly down to observe the test. If that comes off without a hitch, we can move forward. We’ll need to outfit the choppers and then have them flown to Japan in a cargo jet. From there we’ll sneak up the west coast of South Korea. The most difficult part is infiltrating the north with our people. Strangers in Pyongyang are watched carefully. I’ll make a quick trip to China to see the Master about the eldest son Jong nam. It’s rumored he is in exile living in China since he fell out of favor with his father. That will leave two sons and the middle son is gay so no real worry. We understand he loves music and we’re arranging a concert in Manila where he’s sure to go. The daughter is the most difficult as she is a staunch follower of her father and his favorite. She takes care of his security and acts as his secretary. She also struts around in a light colonel uniform. It’s thought and said she is quite lovely and tall for a North Korean. It’s quite possible she will be on the train with her father.”

  “Tomorrow Mike’s SEAL team arrives. After he gives them their instructions we’ll fly south to the test site near Edwards Air Base.”

  “If I understand you correctly, Sujin will take care of the daughter if she isn’t on the train?”

  “Yes. But first we’re going to send in three Asian Seals to see if they can pinpoint where she is or will be. I’m a little worried that our South Korean Seals will be spotted as they’re heavy in muscle and rather tall for Koreans,” said Brad.

  “I’m sure the proper disguise will work. You’ll figure something out. Anyway, the heat is on my young friend. There’s nothing like facing World War III if you fail. How’s that for a little pressure?”

  Brad and Steve both laughed to break the tension. Without speaking they finished off their chowder and left for home.

  Chapter 7

  A grey dawn greeted the team as they began their run on the beach. Billy was the exception as usual. However he watched from the cliff above Devils Kitchen, while smoking, a blue haze drifted off a rather still windless morning on the Pacific Ocean. Mike also stayed behind as he expected the Seals at anytime. He had a few shovels for digging the sand out of Devils Kitchen.

  Devils Kitchen was an outcropping rock wall running parallel with the ocean. It was also an enclave that protected the visitors from the constant wind blowing off the ocean. A creek ran nearby empting into the ocean. Consequently, for the Batt Team and also for the thousands of visitors over the years, Devils Kitchen provided a great place to picnic or camp overnight. For now it would serve to provide a campground for the Seals coming.

  As the beach joggers headed north, a Navy helicopter was southbound not far from its destination. Mike was using a hand held radio standing next to Billy when he heard the sounds of a chopper beating the air. Mike had placed a red X made of silk on the beach in front of Devils Kitchen. The pilot expertly placed his helicopter on top of the X.

  By the time the blades quit rotating Mike was greeting the Seals. Billy was seen walking back to the Round House with blue smoke trailing behind him. The Seal’s part of the operation had nothing much to do with Billy and his computer was calling him.

  Mike had met the pilot and team leader, Lt. Jeremy [Blaze] Blake previously down in San Diego. The other four team members were new to him. Lt/ Blake said, “As you know Mike, we’ll just use nicknames as usual. Let’s start with the big guy, Hoss, as he loves the old reruns of Bonanza. Next is Wiggy, due to him being a little wacko once in awhile; alongside him is Gizzard. He’s our star gizzard eater with a record that appears unbreakable; and last is Sugar Jay who is our residing boxing champion. All Seals snapped off a smart salute to Mike, who felt damn old at that moment looking at the fresh young faces of super trained Seals.

  Mike returned the salute and said, “First let me say thanks for volunteering for a very risky mission. Second, we’re on a mission in North Korea. If everything goes to plan, we’ll kidnap the leader and his youngest son. It’s very similar to the Pakistani mission with the use of stealth helicopters. Your job will be to hoist the drug induced bodies out of a railcar, into a coffin, then transported the two coffins to a destination yet unknown even to me. It’s possible that a third person will be going, but that is yet to be determined. Well, that’s the overview and now let’s shovel some sand to make a habitable place for you to hangout for a few weeks."

  “By the days end, we should have all the creature comforts of home: shower and shitter.” That brought forth a round of chuckles as the SEALs picked up their gear and walked the short distance to Devils Kitchen.

  At the jetty, where the Coquille River empties into the Pacific Ocean, a stones throw from downtown Bandon, Brad and team made the turn for home. Sandy was chosen over Rocky to run this am and she seemed eager to be part of the group. She jumped and barked at the sea gulls who in return teased her by swooping down buzzing her head.

  Brad picked up the pace going back and Nancy could feel the lack of exercise lately due to the holidays. Scott looked over at her and winked. She smiled and kicked it up a notch to keep up with the boss. Wendy felt terrific and was matching Brad stride for stride. She was in the best shape of her life and loving every moment of it. About a quarter mile before the creek and Devils Kitchen, Brad slowed to cool down. The sun was just peeking over the cliff and it appeared the day would be clear. However, he noticed the sky over the ocean as red and the old, “red skies in morning, sailors take warning,” rang in his head.

  As they neared Devils Kitchen and the trail up to the Round House, the team saw the SEALs setting up camp. Mike was busy with the team leader as Brad slowly walked up so as not to interrupt some serious talk. He could see the look on both faces as business was being discussed and not idle chatter. Mike wrapped it up and then introduced Brad to the team leader. Then Mike introduced the rest of the Batt team as the other SEALs joined the group. Brad glanced up towards the house and saw Billy, blue smoke trailing, sauntering down the trail from house to beach.

  Billy was introduced and then he whispered into Brad's ear that he was wanted on the phone soonest; which translated into right now. Brad borrowed Billy's cell and called his boss.

  Steve Lewis said, "Mr. X is in a bad way Brad. Also, there're some new developments and the president would like to talk to you. Are you available?"

  "We've a test scheduled for Monday and it would be Wednesday before I arrived in DC. This test is very important so please relay the message to the president. By the way, with Mr. X's condition, does tha
t mean you will be accepting his responsibilities?"

  "Yes, I'm afraid so. I'd like you to bring Nancy Longstreet with you please. I'll tell you why later next week Wednesday."

  Brad didn't spend a lot of time wondering what was going on in DC, but his thoughts were on the test upcoming. Mike had told him stealth helicopters would fire gas laden rockets through a two inch thick armor roof of a railcar. Mike sounded positive, but then he rarely showed any negative attitude.


  Nancy and Brad flew into Edwards Air Base just at daylight Monday morning. Mike was waiting with an Air Force van. A SEAL commander, the air base commander and a cameraman were among the passengers. The ride was short and before long they parked about one hundred yards away from a stationary railroad boxcar.

  The viewing area had a canopy and folding chairs for everyone. The SEAL commander, Mike and Brad walked over to the railcar. Mike said, "We've a pair of goats inside and other instruments to detect the amount of gas that occupies the air space inside. We'll now close it up as the helicopter is in-flight as we speak. It'll be here in about ten minutes. Let's hurry back to our places."

  They no more returned when from the west came a black object, but no noise. Mike beamed as he pointed to the stealth helicopter. Almost soundless it approached and the noise of the rocket fired made most everyone jump. Nancy was reminded of the Fourth as bright flashes of red escaped from under the helicopter. After the rockets were fired, the helicopter circled around and landed downwind so as not to stir up too much dust.

  As the helicopter came to a halt, Brad and Mike went to check out the boxcar. The support crew opened the door and let the air clear. The goats were lying down asleep. Mike said, "So far so good. Now we need a moving train at night test. I'll make that happen while you're off to Washington."


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