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The Woman Upstairs

Page 17

by Camryn Eyde

  “Hey!” Tara called out as she arrived home, making Ricci jump and fall back on her bottom. “You okay?” Tara asked a second later.

  “I’m good.” Ricci put a hand in the air and rolled her head back to look at Tara. She looked beautiful as ever, and today had gone to work in a dress. It made her arms, legs, ass and breasts look amazing. Ricci jumped to her feet. Time for cowardice was over. Enough was enough.

  “Impressive, Miss Velez.”

  With a cocky grin, Ricci walked over to Tara, wrapped her arms around her waist and kissed her soundly. After a short grunt of surprise, Tara gave in to Ricci’s exploring mouth. It was the most possessive kiss Ricci had ever delivered, and it made her head swim with possibility. Tara was putty in her arms, and the moans she pulled from her throat were intoxicating. Ricci lifted her from the ground and walked her to the outdoor sofa. Laying her down, she deepened the kiss without complaint. If anything, Tara’s moans deepened, and her hands began to claw at Ricci’s clothes.

  Ricci pulled her mouth away and attacked Tara’s exposed neck with nipping teeth and soothing tongue. Pressing a thigh against Tara’s searching center, she palmed Tara’s breast.

  “Don’t you dare stop,” Tara said breathlessly.

  Ricci had no intentions of doing so, and set about proving it. Cupping Tara’s panties, Ricci groaned at the liquid heat she felt there. Rubbing the soaked material slowly, she relished every gasp, whimper and moan Tara uttered.

  “You’re mine,” Ricci whispered. Tara nodded in agreement, and about to explore the territory beneath the panties, they were wrenched apart by the sound of someone in the apartment.


  Pulling her hand from Tara’s underwear and falling heavily to the tiled floor, she noticed Tara pulling her dress down the instant before Alicia stepped out onto the terrace.


  Ricci glowered at her.

  “Am I interrupting something?”

  Tara escaped. Ricci gave her friend the death stare. Alicia burst out laughing, and twenty minutes later, Ricci’s apartment was full of people gathering in celebration.

  Ricci’s timing was once again woeful.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Starting All Over Again

  “So…you’re dating her?” Alicia shoved a handful of peanuts in her mouth and chewed.

  “Umm…” Ricci paused in her burger flipping and contemplated the flowers in the garden for a moment. “I think so.” She could practically hear Alicia rolling her eyes. “We’re probably going to be having a talk about that later.” Ricci grinned to herself.

  “When did you come up with this cockamamie pseudo-dating idea again?”

  “Just after I bought the warehouse.”

  “Right. So you two have been friends since then, and she’s on standby waiting for you to get your shit together.”

  Ricci turned to look at her. “There’s nothing wrong with being cautious. I didn’t want to rush into anything. And she’s not on standby. We agreed to wait. You know, until the timing is better or something.”

  “You’re being ridiculous. You have a beautiful woman just over there that, for some unknown reason, wants to be your girlfriend.”

  Ricci narrowed her eyes at Alicia. “It’s a big step for me and for her.”

  “You’re a clit tease.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You heard.”

  “I’m not a…” Ricci looked around to make sure neither her mother, her niece, nor Tara was nearby. “A clit tease.”

  “How many times have you slept with her since this deal?”

  Ricci wanted to cut off Alicia’s air-quoting fingers. “That’s none of your business.” While Alicia chuckled to herself, Ricci looked at Tara conversing with her family and sighed. She really wanted to be alone with the woman to set things right. Kissing and touching her earlier would have just left more questions to be answered than anything. Especially for Tara who had no idea about her revelation.

  “She’s moving back in,” Ricci said, thinking of an agreement they had come to a few days ago.


  “Tara. She’s subletting the apartment until her new one is finished and needed somewhere to stay.”

  “You’re living with her?”

  Ricci turned her gaze to Alicia. “No, she’s just renting a room.”

  “Oh yeah? Which one? Yours?” Alicia sniggered into her wine glass. “You’re pathetic.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Unlovable, too, I suppose.”

  “Oh, I don’t think so.” Frowning at Alicia, she followed her prompt to look over at Tara. Tara was beaming at her as she walked over.

  Ricci eyed her suspiciously. A look at her brother’s coy expression confirmed her suspicious. “Crap. She knows.”

  Alicia laughed. “I think the secret is out.” Standing, Alicia patted her on the back. “Perhaps it’s time to woman-up and quit denying the other thing. You’re head over heels for that woman, and what better day to start something new than your birthday.” Alicia pecked her on the cheek and skipped over to her boyfriend Keddy as he played with Stella and her new puppy.

  “Shit,” Ricci whispered under her breath as Tara reached her. Alicia might be right. Her stomach flittered about and she felt hyper all of a sudden. “Hi. Ready to eat?” She held up a burger patty with the tongs.

  “It seems you’ve been keeping things from me.”

  “Umm…yeah. I have.”

  Tara cocked an eyebrow as she put her hands on her hips. “Explain.”

  Putting down the tongs and clearing her throat, she knew what Tara was expecting to hear. Her thirtieth birthday was something she didn’t publicize, and she had sworn everyone to secrecy. Her brother, the lawyer, obviously had no idea how to keep his trap shut. However, that wasn’t what she wanted to explain. She wanted to blurt out all the things that had been growing in her heart, and tell Tara she was ready, and explain why she all but jumped her earlier. “Well…here’s the thing…” Ricci took a deep breath. “I’m…” She bailed out. It was too much to say.



  “Why didn’t you tell me it was your birthday?”

  “Umm…because it’s not a big deal.” Ricci shrugged, feeling her ulterior plan disintegrate the longer she stalled.

  Tara shook her head and pulled Ricci into a hug. “Happy birthday.” Tara kissed her on the cheek as she pulled back.


  Tara smiled and looked to the grill. “Need a hand with this?”

  “Ah…sure.” Ricci picked up a tray of cooked meat. “Take that up to the terrace for me?” Ricci held out the tray and avoided Tara’s eyes.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Hmm? Yeah. I’m great.” Ricci looked at her and smiled.

  Tara wasn’t fooled, and cocked her head with a frown. “What’s the matter?”

  Wetting her lips and taking a breath, she told herself to say it. “Umm…it’s just that…” She filled her lungs again and let the air rush out. Taking the tray from Tara’s hands, she placed it back down and took Tara’s hands in hers. “Okay. It’s this. I’ve been thinking, a lot if I’m to be honest. A lot, and for a long time. I know we’re taking our time, well, okay, I know that I’m taking my time, but I think it’s been long enough.” Ricci stopped and caught her breath.

  “What are you saying?”

  “It’s time I stopped pretending, and told you the truth.”

  Tara tensed.

  Ricci did too. This was a massive step for her. Hesitating thanks to its importance, her big reveal was sidetracked as a tennis ball bounced in the small gap between Tara and Ricci, quickly followed by Ferguson, the awkward St. Bernard puppy. He pushed the women apart in his quest for the ball, which bounced up and over the small counter beside the grill. The dog followed it, and knocked food in every possible direction, and sent the entire Saturday lunch into chaos. As much as Ricci wanted to finish her conversation with Tara, she was too bus
y trying to salvage lunch, and later, found the woman elusive and preoccupied with other conversations.

  It wasn’t until she’d thrown away all the pizza boxes in the skip bin outside the building that she found herself alone with the woman. Briefly.

  “Where are you going?” Ricci asked as she walked back through the terrace door to find Tara at the front door, bag in hand.

  “For a swim.” Tara pulled the door open and started out.

  “Wait.” Rushing across the tiles, Ricci made it to the door before it closed. “I wanted to talk to you.”

  “It can wait.”

  “It’s important.”

  Tara huffed. “Look, I know what you’re going to say, and forgive me, but I’d much rather delay that moment. I’m sure you understand.”

  “Umm…no. Not really.”

  Tara looked at her with bewilderment for a moment before shaking her head. “Of course you don’t.”


  Holding up a hand, Tara said, “I won’t be long, but I do need to clear my head. Say what you need when I get back…please?”

  “Oh. Okay. Sure. See you then?”

  With a curt nod, Tara was gone, leaving Ricci thoroughly confused. What was that about?

  Preoccupying herself with the build schedule for the loft apartments, Ricci was knee-deep in thought about the fixings for apartment six when Tara sat heavily beside her. Ricci jumped and sent paper flying. “Hell. Where did you come from?”

  “I’ve been back for a while. I showered.”

  Ricci looked at her slick wet hair. The blonde in it darkened when it was wet, making her eyes really pop.

  “I want to get in first,” Tara said.

  “For the shower?”

  Tara shook her head. “For this.” She gestured between them. “For whatever this has become. I want to say I have no regrets, and want to remain friends.”

  Ricci felt herself chill from the inside out. “You’re breaking up with me?”

  “Isn’t that what you were planning to do?”

  “No. What made you think I was going to do that?”

  Tara stared at her for a heartbeat before answering. “You said you’ve been thinking, that it’s been long enough and that it’s time to stop pretending.”

  “And from that, you assumed I was breaking up. Wait. Can we even really break up? Are we even together?”

  Tara pursed her lips. “I certainly thought so, especially if this afternoon was any indication.”

  Ricci blushed, thinking of the spontaneous kissing session that nearly ended in Tara’s orgasm. She cleared her throat. “Yeah. I see what you mean.” Ricci scratched her head. “Umm…okay. So we’re together then?”

  “I’m unsure now.”

  “Ugh. This is getting confusing.”

  “Yes. It is.”

  Ricci blew out a breath and covered her face with her hands. “Is it always going to be like this?”

  “Confusing? Difficult? Frustrating?”


  “With you? Yes.”

  Ricci peered between her hands. “No hesitation?”


  Ricci chuckled despite the weight of the emotion around her desk tucked away in the corner of the living area. Drawing her hands away from her face, she decided it was time to enlighten Tara, and maybe herself in the process. “Here’s the thing…I like this. Us. You’re…” Ricci bit her lip. “Different.”

  Tara’s eyebrows hit her hairline. “Different?”

  “Yes. Different from everything or anyone I’ve known. You’re so sure of yourself…well…you pretend to be, but I know that just under the surface is a vulnerable woman. A sweet one. You can be so thorny, but now that I know you, I can see it’s just an act to protect yourself. In fact, you did that tonight. Avoiding me, running off to the pool, and the highlight, breaking up with me.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that you don’t have to pretend with me. I prefer to argue with you outright than try to decipher your moods.” Ricci laughed to herself. “Actually, I don’t mind doing that either. Weird, right?”


  “Tara.” Ricci reached over and took the woman’s hands in her own. “What I was trying to say earlier was that I’ve been thinking a lot. About us. About the next step. I’m done pretending.” Ricci squeezed Tara’s hands as she hesitated. “I’m terrified, but…” She rushed out some air. “I’m in love with you, and I want us to start our future together.” Tara reared back taking with it Ricci’s confidence. That wasn’t quite the reaction she was hoping for. Especially for her first confession of love.


  “Umm…I love you?”

  “That was your big confession?”


  Tara shut her eyes and let her head rocked back on her neck. “Damn it, Rica. You scared the life out of me.”


  “I thought you’d decided to cut loose. That you couldn’t overcome your fears. I’m absolutely delighted that’s not the case.”

  Ricci knitted her eyebrows together. “My fears?”

  Tara smiled at her. “You know what I mean.”

  Ricci nodded. She did. Her father. Her mother. Her life-long avoidance of romantic emotion. She shrugged a shoulder. “I guess I just needed to find the right person.”

  Tara’s smile grew. “It won’t be easy.”

  “I never expected it would be. Did you not hear me mention that you’re moody?”

  Tara’s smile disappeared and she scowled.

  Ricci laughed and stood, pulling Tara to her feet. “One more thing.”


  Ricci pulled Tara against her, and kissed her without fear or trepidation. She kissed her like it was the first time and the last time. She memorized every taste, every movement, and every sound.

  Pulling back a fraction, Tara whispered, “Rica, I swear if you don’t take me to bed, I won’t be responsible for my next mood.”

  Ricci grinned against Tara’s lips. “Yes, ma’am.”

  It had been over six months since they first romped around in Ricci’s sheets under the influence of cocktails. This time, however, Ricci was glad to be clear of mind, and full of heart. Free to touch, and memorize the woman’s body, Ricci gave Tara as much pleasure as the woman would let her. Ricci, in turn, succumbed to Tara’s touch and couldn’t believe what she had found. It was a night of passion that turned into a lazy Sunday of love-making. The pair emerged into the world on Monday the same as they ever were, but inexplicably changed. Kissing each other goodbye at the door of what would become Ricci and Tara’s apartment at Parkland Apartments, Ricci thanked the powers that be, and Alicia, for the woman that had moved upstairs, and into Ricci’s life.


  Words from the Author

  Thank you for purchasing and reading The Woman Upstairs. Writing is my passion and my part-time obsession. This endeavor was a lone effort in quality control, and while not ideal, I hope I was able to meet enough literary standards to get a pass mark. I would like to thank Sam for her review of the raw story, and because of her input, this story only improved.

  I have many novels in varying stages of writing, editing, and development, but for now, I’m off to dream about all the wonderful ways people meet, clash, fall in love, and live happily (mostly) ever after.

  Until next time, happy reading,


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  Short Stories

  Celebrity Pass

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  Elizabeth Morris, successful entrepreneur, sexy-without-trying, and completely detached from her emotions. Peta Scott, an ever-optimistic assistant hoping to crack the hard shell of her boss. Peta Scott ... idiot. Thinking she had her boss figured out, when the company falls apart, so does their working relationship. Peta’s attempts to mend her heart and find another job fail, and it all points to the fault of one woman: Elizabeth Scott. What does Peta need to do to tame her ex-boss and take charge of her future?


  Chloe Bevan was an introvert that excelled in hiding behind the click of a camera and the viewpoint of a lens. One last-minute trip to the city of Melbourne on Australia’s south coast, found her redefining her dislike of strangers. Evie Fallon, fellow photographer, and coordinator of an Insta-meet group, could be the woman that had the power to bring Chloe out from behind her camera and take a chance on life…and a little bit of lust.




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