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Battle of Wills 1 - Retraining the sub

Page 4

by Denys Jennifer

  Her assumption was correct when he held up some nipple clamps.

  Two things happened. Firstly she nearly peed in fear, and secondly she nearly turned tail and ran. Only the superior look on his face stopped either. He clearly expected her to balk. She just stood there trying to calm her nerves.

  After a moment, during which she wondered if he was waiting for her to do something like run, he finally said, “Lie on the bed, please.”

  She complied, her body tense with nerves.

  “Arms over your head.”

  Luke then moved around the bed pulling out a handcuff already attached to the frame, and fixing it around her wrist very firmly. She was okay with this. She generally found being restrained fine, although was somewhat concerned by these ones as she couldn’t release them by herself.

  “I am deliberately using cuffs you can’t get out of, but don’t struggle as you could hurt your wrists. Remember at any time you can give your safe word to be released.”

  Ann frowned, a little confused. “But that means I have to leave, doesn’t it?”

  “Exactly, but I want you to know that you have that option at any time. I am not forcing you to do anything.”

  “What happens if I really can’t cope, or am hurting, or anything?”

  “That’s when you have to trust me to be aware of this, and I will stop instantly. But that’s where your problem lies, doesn’t it, Annabel?”

  Every time he called her that he said it almost derogatively. She tightened her lips wondering if he had any “problems”—ones that she could use against him, and vowed to watch out for them. Somehow she couldn’t associate this hard man with the boy she had known.

  He finished tying her hands, and she wondered if he would tie her ankles, too, but he didn’t. Instead he sat down on the bed to her right facing her, and reached out a hand to gently caress her breasts in a figure of eight. “You’ve put some weight on. These are bigger than I remember.”

  Yes, she did know. She had always been conscious that she was rather small on top, and when they had been dating she had been worried that he would dump her for a better-endowed girl. Not that they were much bigger now, but enough for her not to be so concerned. But she wasn’t the only one who had changed. Ann gazed languidly at him, taking in his muscular shoulders to start with. She smiled. He certainly hadn’t had those shoulders before, and she guessed he now worked out. Glancing at his head she wasn’t sure if she regretted the loss of his lovely thick blond hair, which she had enjoyed running her hands though, or was attracted to the short military cut, which made him rather sexy.

  Luke slowed his movements and stopped at her left breast. Holding her gaze, he ran his thumb over her nipple, which puckered instantly. She nearly jerked off the bed and bit her lip to hold back a moan.

  “You like that? Hm. I also seem to recall you used to like this.” With that he dipped his head, and ran his tongue around her areola, before flicking it cross the tip causing an intense reaction.

  Holy cow. She was going to die before her retraining was finished. A rush of fluid left her pussy. Thankfully she still had panties on. She could feel heat rising up her chest to her face as she began to get aroused. Damn. She was probably all blotchy.

  Moving across her body Luke kissed her skin, all the while fingering the nipple he had just been teasing. When his mouth closed over her right nipple sucking it into his mouth, she couldn’t hold her cries back any longer. “Oh dear God. Luuuuuuke. Please.”

  “Please what?”

  She had no idea what she had been pleading for—Luke to stop, or Luke to continue.

  He raised his head and sat upright. Before she knew what he was going to do he had gripped her nipple firmly between finger and thumb and was closing the clamp over it.

  Ann tensed. She knew from experience how painful she found clamps and was always amazed that other women could wear them so calmly, or even happily. She closed her eyes waiting for the moment they bit. And found it a slight anticlimax. Luke had clamped her so slowly that she didn’t feel that immediate agony she usually did, although her nipple was aching as the blood began to be restricted to that area.

  Feeling him do the same to the other breast, she breathed out several heavy breaths to control her panic.

  “Annabel, open your eyes please.” She did as he requested. His tone when he used her name was less sarcastic, and more concerned, this time. “Good. Now tell me what the pain is like on a scale of one to ten, one being mild, and ten you are dying.” Okay, now the mocking was back.

  Giggling, she had an urge to say eleven. Her breasts were starting to tingle, and she could feel pins and needles, so she admitted truthfully, “In the beginning it was about a four or five, but it is more like seven or eight now.”

  “Very good, tell me when you reach nine…”


  He gave her a look of exasperation, which made her want to laugh. “I was going to say I won’t take them off at nine. I just want to know.”

  Damn him.

  “In the meantime, this may help. If you’d ever trusted a Dom you would know they don’t want to cause undue stress.” At that, he caressed her breasts again in a circular motion, soothing, avoiding the clamped area.

  The pain was diminishing, but the ache was getting worse somehow. Probably because they were getting numb.

  “While you are still wearing them we will do something else to take your mind off the sensation.”

  Oh shit. What?

  Luke reached down, and pulled out from under the bed a spreader bar, which he then attached to her ankles. This was okay, she decided. Until he pulled a chain forward that was fixed to a bolt on the wall above her head, and clipped it onto the D ring in the middle of the bar forcing her knees back, and her legs to rise up. Her butt came off the bed a few inches, and she felt very vulnerable. What was he going to do to her like this—a prime position for him to fuck her, front or back?

  She tried to remember what else he had said when he had looked at her list of limits, and a slither of fear shot through her body. He intended to take her in the ass to prove to her that she could take it, and something about riding a bicycle, and getting back on after falling off. Hell. She wasn’t sure if she could do this. Particularly as her nipples were feeling quite numb.

  Spank. “Ow.” Now that she hadn’t been expecting. He hit her again with his hand. And again.

  “In case you are wondering, the point of this exercise is to provide pain elsewhere on your body to trick the mind into forgetting about the earlier pain.” He continued over and over.

  Oh, it did that all right. Her bottom felt hot, and slightly tender, but she had no sensation of ache in her breasts now.

  He continued alternating between her butt cheeks, or laying a spank across both, then the top of her thighs, which was rather painful, before returning to a buttock again. He was getting harder and harder, really putting effort into the swing judging by the ripple of his biceps and the gritting of his teeth.

  When she tensed, almost flinching, before his next hit, he stopped. “That’s what I was waiting for. The moment I know you’ve had enough, as will any good Dom.”

  As Luke started to let her down she couldn’t resist saying, “But the question, Master Lucas, is whether the Dom is trained well enough to know when to stop. They should be having the training, not me.”

  He let her legs down with a thump back onto the bed and distractedly untied them from the bar, looking down at her with incredulity on his face. Leaning over her body, his hands either side of her head he said, “As gratified as I am that you finally remembered to give me the respect of using my title, your comment was the most outrageous dictate that I have ever heard from a sub.”

  “Sorry, Sir.” But she wasn’t actually sorry. In fact, her whole body was thrumming with arousal as he stared at her, his need for her in turn clearly showing in his eyes. She resisted the urge to gasp, and almost unconsciously widened her legs, inviting him. She saw his face tig
hten as if trying to hold back, but then he relaxed onto her body, and dipped his head to take her lips in a punishing kiss. She tugged against her bonds wanting to wrap her arms around him instinctively, but couldn’t. Instead, she relished the rough kiss as he forced his tongue into her mouth, pressing hard against her lips to seek entry, and then exploring her intently when he did.

  God, he tastes wonderful. She felt tingles shoot down her back, and a throbbing in her clamped nipples. Had he been this good a kisser before?

  And then suddenly it was all over, and he lurched to his feet looking down at her confused. It was very nearly the old Luke looking at her. Then his face hardened, and she wondered if she had imagined it. In fact he looked at her now with a stony expression. “We’re done for this lesson. I’ll see you again next week. I’ll get someone to untie you.”

  Ann watched in astonishment as he pulled the door open so violently that it banged loudly against the doorframe, leaving her alone—and extremely aroused. As the dungeon monitor entered the room at Luke’s beckoning she relaxed back. Well, that was a turn-up for the books. She grinned and relaxed back against the bed. She thought she had gotten the better of that one after she had originally been of the impression that it was going to be hell on earth, and was conscious of the fact that she was looking forward to him kissing her again.

  This is going to be a rather interesting training program after all.

  Chapter Five

  Luke stood at the back of the room in a darkened corner watching Ann have a laugh with some of the other subs. He had been there for about fifteen minutes watching her, and could tell from her body language that she appeared to be in total command of the group, and he gritted his teeth. She looked so confident that everyone had their eyes on her.

  Damn her. Why did he have to fall under the spell of her stunning brown eyes again, just like he had done when he was just eighteen? It had only taken a second, and he had been Jell-O in her arms, even though she was still tied up. Somehow she had taken over the dominance in the relationship, and he had no idea how it had happened. Some Dom he was! No wonder the little madam was looking so cocky now. She must have known what she had done to him the other night.

  He groaned. The whole session was supposed to have been about him asserting control over her, showing her who the Master was. He had really been enjoying spanking her, although he had to stop before he got carried away. She had certainly turned that on its head, and to him, he who had been a Master for some years. How the hell had she done that? He closed his eyes in despair. And how could he get through the next session if she did it again?

  A hand clapped his shoulder, and he turned. It was Sean. “You look like you are about to face the gates of hell. Jeez, man. Lighten up. Get out of the fire if it is burning you.”

  “If I do that she’ll only win—again.”

  “I take it your initial session didn’t go well.”

  “Oh, it went just fine—up to the point where I nearly caved in and made love to her. And yes, I do mean love, and not have sex. And I had no intention of even having that with her.”

  Sean chuckled. “So what happened?”

  “God knows!”

  “Well, I know. It’s clear that you never got her out of your system. I thought this would be the ideal opportunity for you to show her who the Master is.”

  “So did I.”

  The owner of the club barked a laugh. “Okay, how about this? Think of something where you know you will be in control. Something that makes her, or used to make her, lose it, and take it a step further. Introduce BDSM into it.”

  It was a light-bulb moment, and suddenly Luke knew exactly what he would do. He grinned. Oh, this is going to be fun. Thanking Sean, he left him and briskly walked over to Ann. The crowd parted before him.

  Ann beamed at him as she saw him coming toward her. It was the smile of someone who knows they have been victorious, and letting those around her know it. Well, it wouldn’t last long if he had anything to say. “Good evening … Master Lucas.”

  He raised his eyebrows at her slightly overdone attempt at respect. He let that go since he knew what he had in store for her. He deliberately frowned harshly, his hands on his hips. “Will you please tell me that you have a very good reason for not coming to me immediately when you came into the Club?”

  Her grin faltered, and she suddenly looked at him unsure of herself, glancing nervously at her friends. “I’m sorry. I didn’t see you around.”

  “Did you attempt to ask the staff where I was? No, instead you ignored the possibility that I might be waiting for you, and chatted with your friends.” Actually he had deliberately stayed in the shadows avoiding her while he tried to gain courage before confronting her, but she didn’t need to know this.

  A pink flush crept over her cheeks. He almost felt ashamed, but hardened his resolve.

  “Come with me, now.” He strode away towards the door to the private rooms expecting her to follow in his wake. She had better because if he turned around to find her still with her friends he was going to look a right wally. As he stopped to pull open a door he could hear the tapping of her stiletto heels as she trotted after him, walking quickly to keep up. Excellent. Moving into the room he had reserved, he closed the door after her and leaned back, leaving her floundering a little in the middle of the room, clearly wondering what was going to happen.

  As he watched he could see her remembering how he had rushed out last time, and her shoulders went back forcing her lovely breasts out. She raised a hand to stroke the lacy edge of her purple camisole top. A time-honored gesture of “look at my gorgeous body”, and he had to work hard not to smile, particularly as it was something he had never seen her do in the past. Instead, Ann smiled seductively at him. “So … Master, what are we going to do today?”

  “I’ll give you points for remembering my title, Annabel, but you have clearly forgotten the bit about not taking the initiative, and waiting until your Master speaks to you first.”

  She pouted, and he couldn’t resist a chuckle, turning it into a mocking laugh. “And weren’t you ever taught to ‘present’ yourself?”

  “Oh!” Her confident façade crumbled, and she dropped onto her knees clumsily. She remembered to bow her head, but that was probably only to hide her red face.

  “Knees.” At his deliberately terse command she hurried to widen her knees to the required shoulder-width apart. “Hm. I’ve seen better. Tell me what you learnt last time.”

  “I—er—I. To do what the Master wants.” She looked up biting her lip as she tried to remember. “That he is the one in control, and not me.”

  “Is that it?”

  She began to look worried. “Er, to respect your Master.”

  “The most important lesson was trust. I can see we need to take this a step further if you’ve forgotten it already.” He huffed exaggeratedly. “All right, take your clothes off, and then lie on the padded table. Now, Annabel,” he said firmly as she hesitated.

  He watched her as she hurried to comply. He was quite a hard Dom with other subs, particularly when it came to punishing them, but with Ann he felt the desire to hurt warring strongly with his softer side and wondered why. He pushed that urge to one side.

  Lying on the table she rested her hands at her sides. He sauntered over and tapped her legs to get her to widen them, then casually walked around the table affixing each arm and leg to the ties already attached to the table legs. Her anxious eyes told of her worry over what he was going to do today, which was exactly what he had been aiming for. So he had got her all hot and bothered. The question was could he remain cool and calm when he touched her body, as he had been carefully avoiding her so far.

  Okay, time for action. Taking a subtle deep breath he ran a hand over her torso from breast to thigh and back up the other thigh, stopping to squeeze one breast. All the while he kept his gaze on hers, not looking at her body once. She let out a breath of relief as he skirted her pussy, but then her eyes widened when he f
ondled her breast very lightly. This was deliberate, although it took some work for him not to clasp it to the point of pain as was his usual wont.

  Dropping his gaze he looked down at her body as he moved back toward her pussy, very slowly teasing her skin with finger-tip strokes, and he could feel her body tremble beneath him.

  He had remembered earlier, after Sean had prompted him, how ticklish Ann was, and this was going to be his way to gain control again. Reaching her clit her gently pushed on her clit hood, revealing the little button, then released her as she whimpered.

  “So, Luke, are you going to take me this time?”

  Oh the little Madam thought she had him. He was almost tempted to slap her pussy, but restrained himself, and moved away without answering her to get a blindfold. When he turned back her eyes widened.

  “Wh—what are you going to do with that?”

  “I am sure you realize this is a blindfold. I could put it on your knees, but that would be somewhat pointless, wouldn’t it!” Lifting her head from the table he encircled her eyes completing the bind by pressing the end to the Velcro designed to hold it in place, and breathed a sigh of relief. This worked to his advantage on several levels, not least because she couldn’t now see how the sight of her body and the moans she made were affecting him already.

  He moved away again to get the next item from a rack on the wall. It was a flogger. He hadn’t picked up the one with several leather tentacles. In fact, that one, which had knots in the end, was one he really wanted to use on her backside and thrash the daylight out of her until she apologized, ignoring the fact that she had tried to do that until he had stopped her. But he wouldn’t use it this time. Not least because Sean had refused to let him use it on Ann until he was sure Luke could control his responses.

  “You asked me earlier what I am going to do today. I will be generous and tell you since this is a training program, and you need to be taught. I am going to teach you to trust me further by the use of sensation play.”


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