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Battle of Wills 1 - Retraining the sub

Page 5

by Denys Jennifer

  “Sensation? Isn’t that knives and stuff?” He could hear the horror in her voice.

  “I’m not sure who’s been teaching you before, but I don’t use knives. In fact I am pretty sure they are banned, from this club, at least. No, this is about introducing you to a sensation you are not expecting, particularly if you can’t see it coming, hence the blindfold. What will you therefore have to do in this case?”

  She sighed. “Trust you.”

  “Excellent. She’s got it already.”

  “Does that mean we’re finished … Master?”

  He couldn’t stop the laugh that came out. “We have hardly begun.” With that he let the soft furry ends of the flogger trail over Ann’s body from her face downwards. He could see her jerking her head.


  Ignoring her question he stepped a pace down the table bringing the ends over her breasts, where he stopped a moment to let it tickle her.

  She thrashed on the table trying to get away from the implement as he moved it back and forth very softly. “Ow, Luke! Please. Stop.” Her shrieks were a mixture of laughter and crying.

  He did stop to bend his head closer to hers, and softly asked, “Are you giving your safe word, Annabel?”

  There was silence for a moment. “You bastard.”

  Not expecting that response Luke was slightly stunned, but then he grinned and stepped back to raise the flogger, bringing it down on her breasts. Not as hard as he would have liked, but hard enough to make her gasp. “I’m a what, Annabel? Would you care to repeat that? Do you need further punishment? Actually, I think you do.” He flogged her several times before trailing the ends over her nipples as he raised the implement again, and he could see her buds hardening as well as her inclination to push her upper torso in the direction of the flogger. The softness meant it would never be that painful, but on the other hand, he knew how hard he could strike.

  When he brought it down again on her breasts her response was something between a gasp, an “ow”, and a moan. He guessed that one of the ends had hit her on a sensitive place. She was shaking slightly, so he ran his other hand over her bosom, caressing her, calming her until her panting began to lessen again.

  “Now that we understand each other, I will continue with this lesson. As you have ascertained I have a soft-tailed flogger in my hand. On the one hand the furry ends will tantalize, tease, caress, tickle, but on the other, it is still an implement of punishment, and when administered correctly will provide the requisite pain.” He stepped back again as he continued, “If I understand correctly you have had experience of Masters using instruments like floggers, but have taken no delight in them being used on you.”

  He pooled the furry ends on her stomach which cinched in while he waited for her response, which didn’t come.

  “Annabel—that was a statement, but it requires an answer.”

  “Oh. Um, no, I haven’t enjoyed them being used on me.”

  “Have they used this soft one before, or just the leather one? Don’t get me wrong. There is nothing incorrect about the leather ones being used, and at some stage I will show you how you can enjoy having it used on you.”

  “Er, I’ve never felt this one before.”

  “I suspected as much. You bring out the need in the Master to punish you, not provide you with enjoyment.” He bet that, not just himself but most of the Doms in the club felt the need to reprimand Ann.

  “But it really tickles. I’m not enjoying it! You, of all people, know how ticklish I am.”

  He grinned, but she, of course, wouldn’t see it. “Are you? I had forgotten.”

  There was a pause while he let her take that in, and decide if he had genuinely forgotten, or was doing this to torment her.

  “As for your assertion you do not like this, let me continue.” Raising the handle Luke trailed the ends down her pussy teasing the inside of each thigh knowing exactly how sensitive she was there.

  “Shit, Luke. Master Lucas!” Her thrashing got wild.

  “Don’t do that. You’ll just hurt your ankles and wrists.” It was a good job he had used very padded cuffs, but even so she could still hurt herself.

  “Then stop it, please.”

  He didn’t accede to her wishes, but continued to run the ends around her hips, up and down her thighs, even brushing it over her clit at one point. “Annabel, Annabel. I know exactly how much you are enjoying this by the cream trickling down your legs.” Stopping for a moment he opened her labia with his fingers briefly inserting one, then two in her wet sheath. “Oh, yes. Your body likes this—and now for the opposite sensation.”

  That was all the warning he gave her as he brought down the flogger on her thighs, once, then again, and again. He had to force himself to stop and calm down. He was so enjoying this. Changing angle he flicked it down onto her pussy and engorged clit, albeit more softly than he had done on her legs.

  “Oh dear God in heaven.” Ann’s butt lifted off the bed as she tried to close her legs irrationally, before thumping down onto the bed. She then tried to widen them. Her chest was heaving as her body trembled.

  Deciding she could take another he raised it once more bringing it squarely down on her clit. Her resulting cry as she climaxed resounded around the room, and she shook convulsively. God, she looks amazing. He’d forgotten how much he loved watching her in the throes of orgasm.

  Giving her a few minutes to recover he put the flogger away, and then walked to the head of the table and removed the blindfold from her flushed face. Narrowing his eyes he took great delight in telling her, “That is what you are missing when you cry your safe word too early, my love.”

  She didn’t respond but looked at him with confused eyes. Oh yes, that round to me!

  Chapter Six

  It was some days later, and Ann was entering the club from the locker rooms where one could get changed from street clothes. Her heart was in her throat.

  She had spent all the intervening time since the last session wondering how on earth Luke had turned the tables back on her. But more than that, how come he had made her trust him? Why him, when none of the other Doms could do it? Was it because she knew him from old, and remembered how caring he used to be? But the Luke she had nearly married wasn’t the Lucas he had become today, as he had shown several times now.

  So she was back at square one. Why did she trust him so much?

  And if she could work that one out, the next question was how could she break him? Of course, she was entirely ignoring the fact that it was she who was the sub here, and not the Dom. She shook her head. That was irrelevant. So what could she use to goad him?

  Coming to a full stop, her eyes scanned the room looking for Luke. They alighted on Mistress Emma leading her sub, Michael, down the corridor to the private rooms. Ann knew their story, and how Emma had nearly gotten banned from the club for having sex on the public floor, which was not only prohibited in this club, but public sex was illegal.

  That gave Ann an idea. So far Luke hadn’t attempted to have sex with her. Maybe she could push him into doing so. She considered this for a moment remembering that she had been afraid he would do that before, but then she recalled that Luke had always been putty in her hands after their lovemaking. Now that would get the ball—or balls—in her court. Ann grinned. She was enjoying their confrontation like she never had before. For a moment she sobered. What would life have been like for them if she had stayed? Would he have turned into this hard man or maybe someone like her father who controlled everything she did? No. By leaving it had given her the opportunity to develop as a person, even at the expense of Luke who might have stayed the sweet person he had been. She desperately wanted to explain and say sorry, but so far he had refused to let her talk about it.

  Seeing him off to the side, she pushed aside her tormented reflections and sauntered over to him in the sexiest, most seductive walk she could muster, narrowing her eyes, and licking her lips. She nearly lost it when he suddenly frowned at her, lookin
g apprehensive about her behavior. He would probably be expecting her to be nervous after their last session. Oh no, lover—women have wiles for a reason.

  “Master Lucas.” She kept her voice soft and polite, not wanting to give away anything.

  He glared down at her. She could see the suspicion in his eyes. “I don’t trust you, Annabel. You’re up to something.”

  She nearly giggled. “I thought I had to trust you, Master, not the other way round.”

  His answer was merely a “humph”, and, taking hold of her upper arm, he practically propelled her from the room.

  As soon as they got into their room he dropped her arm, and folded his own, trying to appear stern. Ann had to bite the inside of her cheek to avoid laughing. “Present yourself. And try to do a better job this time.”

  A slight smile on her face, she knelt slowly taking her time, deliberately opening her knees, and then a bit further, thrusting her breasts forward, tantalizing him, knowing her nipples were hardening through her thin shirt. She deliberately wasn’t wearing a bra.

  Lucas moved around her, assessing her as he went. “Very good. Now, I’ve been looking back at your list to see what area you need to work on for today’s session.”

  Her head jerked up. She’d sort of forgotten about the list. Shit. Her smile faltered as she desperately tried to remember what had been on it, and, hence, what he might do to her today.

  He came back around in front of her, and was now holding some rope, special bondage rope, that she knew wasn’t rough on a sub’s skin. “You indicated that you are okay with being restrained, but only when you can easily get out of it. But there we have the issue. You need to have experience of restraint you can’t get out of. Have you had ropes tied around you, Shibari-style?” Shibari was a form of rope bondage, occasionally demonstrated in the club.

  She swallowed nervously. He was right when he stated she only liked being restrained to a certain extent. She had been okay with the cuffs he had used the other day, but this sort of bondage would take some time for him to get her out of if she panicked. She hesitated.

  “Ann, I need an answer.”

  “Um, I’ve only seen it, never had it done.”

  “Why not? Tell me honestly.”

  “I suspect I would panic if I couldn’t get out easily.”

  “Exactly so. And why do you think you will panic?”

  “I’m not sure I understand the question.” She frowned.

  He cupped her chin to make her look at him. He was full of confidence. Damn him, he’s getting the upper hand again. “It’s very simple. It’s down to your lack of trust that your Master will release you. So, do you trust me or not?”

  It was easier said than done. If she said no, she was out of there. If she said yes, then she gave control over to him. Sighing to herself, she replied in a quiet voice. “Yes, Sir.”

  “Good. Stand and remove all your clothes, please. Lay them on the side, and then return to this spot.”

  After complying she stood where he had indicated, her heart beating rapidly in her anxiety. Considering this was the least of her fears, she wasn’t sure why she was being so irrational, possibly because she had expected to be in control this time and now it was all going out of the window.

  “Legs apart, with your hands behind your back.” As Luke moved behind her she stiffened automatically. In response he laid a hand on her neck, his thumb stroking gently. “Shh. I will watch you the whole time, and I’ll know if you start to panic.” His calm voice was unexpected, even if his tone was firm.

  “Can I please have a safe word just for this?”

  “Ann, look at me.” She turned her head as requested. “I thought you said you trusted me.”

  She dropped her gaze. She could feel tears welling up. Talking a few deep but ragged breaths, she nodded.

  When he spoke again his voice was low and soft. “Lift your arms away from your body. Hold them out to the side. I’m not going to restrain them until last.” Ann felt relief go through her body and did as he requested. Luke moved in front of her, and held up the purple-colored rope. “This is particular rope made for bondage, in case you didn’t know.”

  She did, but it was good of him to keep her informed. She wondered, at that point, why he had become a Dom, and how much training he had needed himself since she recalled him being such a sensitive person. Not for the first time she speculated whether she had destroyed that part of him, but the patience he was showing now suggested that she hadn’t—or was this part of his Dom training?

  “It is this thick to avoid any rope burns, but throughout I am going to be touching your skin to check it isn’t cold, which would indicate your circulation is being cut off. I also won’t be leaving the room at any time, and I have some strong scissors on the cupboard over there for emergency release if necessary, all right?”

  As he explained this she watched him as he folded the rope in two taking both ends in one hand, and the resulting loop in the other. Wrapping it around her waist, he pulled the ends through the loop so that they fell in front of her pussy. She had to resist the urge to close her legs as they dangled down, tickling her thighs.

  He then knelt on one leg in front of her, and made a knot along the length of the parallel ends about six inches from her waist. Ann looked down, intrigued. The knot was at the same height as her clit. Okay. That’s interesting. She wished she had paid more attention when she had seen others take part in rope bondage demos or scenes.

  Luke then stood and grinned at her. It was a rather evil smile. “Knots are often added into the length of the rope to bind it together to provide a structure, but also at pressure points as you will see.”

  Reaching behind her butt Luke dropped his arm to take hold of the dangling ends, and pulled it between her legs. As it looped up closer to her crease Ann grabbed hold of his hand.

  “Annabel.” Luke’s tone was one of warning. When she let go, somewhat reluctantly, he tightened the rope until it touched her folds. With the fingers of his other hand she felt him easing her folds open so that the rope lay between them. She cried at the unexpected shock, but it didn’t hurt. She could feel him pull the ends under the horizontal rope around her waist, and knot it off after pulling it taut. The knot at her clit pressed hard.


  “It’s not hurting, is it?”

  She shook her head. Hurt, no. Pressing on her sensitive areas causing arousal, yes. God, what am I in for this time? And she had thought he was suddenly turning back into the gentle Luke she knew. Instead he had planned this all along, lulling her into a false sense of security. Damn him.

  “Very good. Now, I am going to continue tying it around your upper body. Keep your arms out to the side.”

  Starting to get a little more nervous her chest rose rapidly as her breathing got shallower.

  Luke moved her hair to one side to place the two ends of rope over her left shoulder. Moving in front of her, but still holding the rope taut, he crossed it diagonally between her breasts and, continuing his circle around her body, brought it around to her back again. Ann felt him slip it under the rope already up her back, and then he went around the other way from right shoulder between her globes to the left side.

  “A Shibari master can make very intricate, beautiful, and artistic patterns with the rope. In fact, there are some set patterns one could use, but I prefer to use my own tried and trusted one.”

  “You’ve done this before then?” she asked. Her intrigue was stronger than her fear at this stage. In fact, Luke had done everything very slowly, checking that no fold of her skin or strand of her hair was caught beneath the rope at any time, or causing any friction. It had become more of a demonstration, with her as the centerpiece. She could get used to this. All her erogenous zones were at the center of attention, and it was very arousing.

  “Isn’t that obvious? So, Annabel, on a count of one to ten, how are you feeling at the moment? Before you speak,” he said before she got a chance to say anything. “If yo
u say ten, I am not stopping. I just want to know.”

  She nearly pouted. “About five or six.” Actually, if she was honest, it was more like three, but she wasn’t going to tell him that. At least, while her hands were free, it was that low. Her breasts were encased, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. She had worn bras that were more uncomfortable. In fact, most of her thoughts were still at the knot at her clit, and the feel of the rope in her cleft. She could feel her cream trickling down onto it.

  He tied the rope off at her back, or at least, it felt like it, although she was aware there were still two lengths hanging down. “That’s all right then. Now this is where I could tie your hands into the bonds at your back so that you rely on me totally.” He chuckled as she considered running out of the room. “You can stop jerking around in panic. I am just telling you what could happen. Or I could tie your hands to the hook in the ceiling, and leave you dangling there contemplating your future as a sub.” He laughed loudly at this.

  Narrowing her eyes Ann glared at him, and he shook his head at her fierce expression.

  “Giving me looks like that will only go against you.”

  “Sorry, Master.” She really was contrite, not wanting him to do either.

  “Instead, I am feeling magnanimous, and we will go with the beginner’s pose, and have you cross your arms over your chest, even though it hides those lovely breasts from my gaze. Go on.” He chuckled as she hesitated.

  Swallowing nervously, she did as he asked. Her hands tightened into fists close to her shoulders, and her heart started thumping fiercely as he brought the rope around her the right side of her body imprisoning it against her chest, looping the rope around the wrist furthest away, then back to loop around the other in a figure of eight, before binding her left arm as he had the right, as he walked around behind her back again. She noticed he didn’t have much rope left and was extremely thankful.

  Bringing it over her shoulder, he placed a hand on her hip. “All done. Here take the ends in your hand.” She found she could open her fingers, and did as he asked. “But whatever you do don’t let go, or it is the same as giving your safe word.”


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