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His True Fortune - His Every Whim, Part 4 (BBW Billionaire Erotic Romance Novella) (Billionaire Romance)

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by Liliana Rhodes

  “Ok. I’ll talk to Deborah about taking my position and then transition everything over to her.”

  His office line rang before he had a chance to respond. As I entered the hall I heard his tone deepen with anger. He quickly crossed the room and closed the huge door. I stopped in the hall wondering why he would close his office door. It wasn’t something he normally did no matter who he spoke with. Straining to listen I heard the furious tone of his voice rise and was glad I wasn’t on the receiving end of that phone call. But who was?


  The next morning, I gave in and had Xander drop me off at Drake’s museum. Ever since we found out I was pregnant Xander became even more protective than he was before.

  It was hard on me though. I liked my independence and missed feeling like I was in control of my own life. Normally I wouldn’t have given in and quit my job, but I knew I wanted to be home for the baby. I didn’t want a nanny or anyone else raising our child.

  Blowing a kiss to Xander as I climbed the many steps leading up to the main entrance, I could see worry in his face. I knew quitting was the right decision. I just wanted him to be as happy as he made me. Leaving a few months earlier than I planned wasn’t a big deal.

  The wind whipped past and I grabbed my black coat and tried closing it around me as I entered the building. While I hadn’t put on much weight in the months I had been pregnant, my stomach looked like I was shoplifting a volley ball.

  As my flats padded down the marble floored hall to the museum offices, I realized I hadn’t told Drake I was leaving. Now that everything had been set up and ran smoothly, he was hardly in the museum anymore. Plus, he seemed to be back to his old ways. I doubted he ever did much work.

  Deborah sat at her desk typing as I entered. Her black chin length hair fell forward covering her face like a veil as she looked over her notes. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the brick red jersey V-neck blouse with three-quarter length sleeves she wore.

  “Cute blouse! Where’d you get it? I love that color,” I said.

  “Thanks, I made it. I actually make most of my clothes.”

  “Really? I had no idea. You always wear the cutest things.”

  Suddenly I was aware of my pre-pregnancy coat, stretchy pregnancy pants and empire waist purple printed top. I didn’t see the point in buying a new coat when the weather was warming up, but I had to wear pregnancy clothes. I wished they were a little more fashionable.

  “Yeah, its my thing. My grandma was a seamstress and taught me how to sew when I was really young. Been doing it since.”

  “I’m impressed. I can’t even sew a button,” I said laughing. “Hey, I’d like to talk to you. Can you come in my office for a minute?”

  Opening the door at the back of the room, I turned on the lights in my office. It was small with a window that opened to the street behind the museum. Not much of a view, but I wasn’t there to daydream. In the corner I set up a small area with two modern plastic grey chairs and a birch end table between them. Sometimes Deborah and I ate our lunches there when the museum was especially crowded. I sat in one of the chairs and she took the other seat.

  “Am I in trouble?” She asked.

  “No, oh goodness no,” I said with a laugh.

  “You just look so serious.”

  “Sorry, just a lot on my mind lately. Anyway I wanted to talk to you about when I leave. I thought I would be here for another few months but there’s been a change of plans. You’ve been really great helping me here. I can’t imagine anyone else doing my job, so I’d love it if you took the job.”

  “What? You’re job? No, I can’t–”

  “Yes you can. You can do this. And if you need anything you can just call me. Or Drake,” I stopped before saying ‘if you can find him’.

  “It’s not that, Ashley. I’ve actually been thinking about leaving. You know I’ve been going to school. I haven’t talked about it much, but I’m close to graduating.”

  “Then you can stay here until you decide what you want to do.”

  “I know what I want to do. I’ve been going to school all this time for fashion. I need to find something so I’m closer to that. Anything in fashion.” She smiled at me before continuing. “It means so much to me that you think I could take over your position, but its not my dream. If I took the job, I’d get lazy. I’d probably stay here forever and always think about the things I wished I did instead.”

  “Trust me, I understand, Deb,” I said thinking back to my brief stint as a waitress just to make some money. “You need to follow your dream. Is there anything I can do? I have a friend who is a designer, maybe he can help. I’m sure he has some contacts.”

  “Sure, I’d love to talk to him. Even if its just to pick his brain. I’d love to have my own line. My dream is to show my line at Fashion Week. Any Fashion Week. New York, Milan, London, Paris, I really don’t care where.”

  Looking across at her, I could tell just talking about it reinvigorated her. I never saw her look more excited or more alive.

  “Then you have to go for it. I’m sure it would make your grandma proud. I’ll give Joshua a call and give him your number. Let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help.”

  “Thank you but you’ve done enough. You’ve been so flexible with my schedule and everything, I wouldn’t have been able to finish school without this job.”

  “Well when you’re a famous designer I hope you’ll make something for me to wear.”

  “You bet!”

  Chapter Seven


  Leaving Ashley at the museum, I couldn’t help but worry. I wasn’t worried about her working. I simply didn’t want her to work. Ashley should have everything she ever dreamed of and while she claimed she wanted a job, I really didn’t believe it. I thought she’d be happier with a life of leisure, having her days to herself. Plus there was a lot to be done before the baby’s arrival.

  The baby. Our son. I couldn’t hide my smile whenever I thought about him. A daughter would have made me just as happy, but I already had so many plans for what my son and I would do together. Things my own father was too busy to do when I was a child.

  Letting out a short snort as I moved the car back into traffic, my thoughts returned to Ashley and the secrets I kept from her. I had no choice but to keep her in the dark. I didn’t want her worrying about anything while she was pregnant. It was up to me to take care of providing for her and after the phone call yesterday, I didn’t know if I could do that.

  Whizzing in and out of traffic, I made it to my lawyer’s office in minutes. The building was affectionately referred to as the “Pagoda Building”. With only five floors, it was much smaller than the tall modern skyscrapers that filled the city’s skyline, but was probably better known.

  The Pagoda Building had dark, brownish-red tiered eaves marking each floor. Each eave winged upwards at the corners and was the reason for the building’s nickname. The only hint at the state of the art facilities housing Kensington and Associates were the glass walls circling each floor instead of stone which a traditional pagoda could have.

  The building’s interior was an open space with ivory walls and a modern glass staircase designed so the steps appeared to be floating. In the center was an atrium where the receptionist sat near a rectangular koi pond. Surrounding the open space were glass enclosed offices and conference rooms. As I walked past the tall light wood structure the receptionist sat at, I heard her speak quietly into the intercom.

  “Sir, Mr. Boone is on his way.”

  I climbed the steps two at a time, passing others who weren’t in as much of a hurry. I needed to get to the bottom of this situation and it had to happen as soon as possible.

  Donald Kensington sat behind his old fashioned mahogany desk, the concrete jungle honked and buzzed on the other side of the glass behind him. Despite the modern offices, Don’s office was very traditional. Dressed in a tailored, pinstripe navy suit similar to what I wore, he cut a striking image in his
leather executive chair and reminded me of visiting my father in his own office when I was a child.

  “Always good to see you Alexander,” he said as he put his hand out to shake mine. “Even in these not so pleasant circumstances.”

  “Don, I’m not here socially. Just cut to the chase,” I growled.

  He laughed and shook his head as he perched on the edge of his desk. “Just like your father. And if it wasn’t for that beard of yours, you’d be the spitting image of him. Why I remember back when he and I were in law school–”


  “Yes, yes, well this problem isn’t going away so quickly. As of right now I’ve done all I can do. They’ll freeze all your assets by the end of the week.”

  My stomach twisted and I sat down on one of his classic red leather chairs. Leaning forward I put my head in my hands.

  “For how long?”

  “Until they’re sure you weren’t involved.”

  Sighing, I sat up. “Explain this to me again. I thought all my investors were legit.”

  “I’ve been in touch with your CPA and everything seems fine. As far as we can tell one of your first investors became greedy and got involved in some shady deals. I reached out to some old friends and it looks like this happened after that initial investment with you.”

  “Then why are they freezing my assets?”

  “They need to make certain the funds you used were clean. If they weren’t we have a bigger problem on our hands. They could indict you on laundering charges.”

  “That’s bullshit!” I stood up and started to pace the room. “I returned his investment with his profit share. That’s all. I did nothing wrong.”

  “They’re being cautious. I’m sure it doesn’t help that you ended up becoming one of the wealthiest men in the world. You’d might as well wear a bullseye.”

  “Tell me,” I said as I stopped pacing long enough to look him in the eye. “What’s the worse that can happen?”

  “They could take everything, Xander. Everything you own.”

  “I have a baby coming. This has to go away now.”

  “I’m doing what I can.”

  “It doesn’t sound like enough.”

  “If you need money why don’t you ask your parents for a loan. I’m sure they’d be more than happy to help you out.”

  “More like my mother would be more than happy to hold that over my head,” I growled. “I don’t need money. We can live just fine. It shouldn’t impact anything short term. I just need to know I’m protected.”

  “I’m trying. Only so much I can do.”

  “Try harder.”

  “Have you spoken to your dad? Maybe he knows someone. He’s always been very connected.”

  “Yeah well it was through his connections that I ended up in this mess. I think I’m better off figuring this out on my own. This doesn’t affect my parents anyway.”

  “It was only a suggestion. I’ll give you a call when I hear anything else.”

  I stormed out of his office. I didn’t want to be there any longer than I needed to be.

  The feeling of helplessness overwhelmed me. Being in control is what helped make my business the success it was. I wasn’t in control now.

  Sitting in my car I checked the time and wondered if Ashley would be ready to head home. I couldn’t tell her what happened. She shouldn’t have to worry about this. I dialed her cell without thinking.

  “Hi hon! Let me guess, you’re ready to take me home.”.

  “Yes, my meeting is done,” I grunted.

  “You always did hate the city.”

  “I’m not in the mood for chit chat. I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

  As I hung up, I felt bad for how I acted on the phone. I should have calmed down before calling her. Needing to keep this mess from her was going to be harder than I thought. Don better figure out a solution quick.

  Chapter Eight


  The store reminded me of those warehouse stores I used to shop in with Jackie for groceries, except this one was filled with baby stuff. I waddled beside Jackie, her hair up in a ponytail, looking casual as usual in jeans and a body hugging pale yellow t-shirt. Normally looking at her reminded me of my weight, but since I got pregnant I didn’t worry so much. As we walked through the store, she pushed the cart as she babbled about all the things I still needed to do.

  “Will you please stop? Between you and Xander I don’t know who’s worse,” I said.

  “What do you mean? There’s so much that needs to be done before the baby comes. Have you even chosen a name? Painted his room?”

  “Please. Shut up!” I shook my head. “What is it with you people? I’ve got plenty of time. I’m not due for another two months.”

  “You do realize that’s sixty days, right?”

  “Why is everyone talking to me like I’m an idiot lately? Yes I realize that. The room is painted. I have everything ready for his arrival. Except for a name. Xander and I can’t seem to decide, but we’ve narrowed it down.”

  “Are you having a shower?” She asked.

  “No, we’re not. We thought about having one, just a party really to celebrate the baby. I don’t want people to feel obligated to buy us something. Plus I hate those girly showers with all the ridiculousness. Just a party would be nice. And I’d like my dad to be there.”

  “You need to have a shower. I know your mom isn’t around anymore, but what about your mother in law? I’m sure she would love to throw you a shower.”

  “Obviously you haven’t met her. She couldn’t care less that I’m pregnant.” I shook my head then plopped down on a dark wood glider with beige fabric and put my feet up on the matching ottoman. “I feel really bad for Xander. I don’t think she realizes how much she’s hurt him. He called her all excited about becoming a dad and she barely reacted. He’s told her a few things, sent her the ultrasound picture. She had no comment, nothing. There’s no way she’d even think of hosting a baby shower for me.”

  “But you’re the closest thing to a daughter she’ll ever have,” she said as she sat in a chocolate fabric rocking recliner with tan piping.

  “You’re thinking like a normal person. Seriously, you’ll have to meet her sometime. She’s a peach,” I grumbled.

  “Then that’s it. I’m throwing you a shower. I’ll invite your dad and it’ll be co-ed. None of that silly stuff you said you don’t like too, I promise.”

  “You can’t do that. Parties are expensive. It would make me feel bad.”

  “Now its your turn to shut up. We can do it at The Manor so you’ll already home. And I can ask Sam to cater as a favor. I know she’ll do it cheap.”

  “Let me at least pay for her.”

  “Ok, ok. I guess she does need the money now more than ever anyway,” she said softly.

  “What do you mean? Is everything ok?”

  “She’s pregnant.”

  My jaw dropped. Stunned I couldn’t say anything for a moment. I watched Jackie swivel in the chair then hit the lever to prop her feet up.

  “You really should get this one, Ash. Its really nice. And feel how soft it is. Its microfiber, I’m sure it’ll clean up nicely from all the spit-up.” She grinned at me then stood up.

  “Is it Drake’s?” I asked, my mind still on her news.

  Like a zombie I stood up and dropped into the recliner Jackie recommended. She was right. It was roomy and comfortable. I rocked briefly, still in shock over Samantha. I knew it had to be Drake’s. Jackie handed me a stuffed monkey and I held it in the crux of my arm.

  “Yup! And she won’t tell him.”

  “Seriously? Why not? He’s crazy about her. He thinks she’s the one.”

  “I know. He’s told her, but she’s stubborn. There’s no talking to her.”

  “Make sure you invite Drake to my shower.” I shot Jackie a look as I smiled.

  “You’re up to something. Absolutely I will. I might even tell him it starts earlier than it does,” she said sm

  As I stood up from the recliner, a sales person came over. She was dressed in the purple polo shirt uniform the store had and smiled sweetly at us.

  “Is there anything I can help you with?”

  “Yes,” I said. “I’d like to order this rocker recliner.”

  “That’s one of our best sellers. It comes in over 100 fabrics and colors.”

  “Just make it exactly like this one. These colors, everything.” As the sales girl wrote the information down, I turned back to Jackie. “We have to figure out how to get them together. They’re obviously both too stubborn to figure it out on their own.”

  “I think if we just get them alone together in a room it’ll happen. Mark my words, Ashley, your shower will be a big day.”


  I didn’t realize how much I bought at the baby store until I loaded my car with everything. Xander insisted on getting me an SUV. I knew a car seat wouldn’t fit in the sports car he previously gave me, but I thought one of his other cars would’ve been fine.

  After a little looking, Xander made some calls and bought a silver Mercedes-Benz GL-Class SUV for me. I was glad he didn’t go for the top of the line one. I hated the way it looked like a box on wheels. I would’ve preferred something less expensive but he wouldn’t hear it.

  While ordering my car, he also ordered an SLS AMG GT in red for his sports car collection. Sitting in the garage, that car looked like it was speeding without being on. I couldn’t wait to get behind the wheel of that car, but with my pregnant belly I didn’t fit now. I’d have to wait.

  As I made my way up the tree lined drive that led to the front of the mansion I still couldn’t believe was my home, I decided to park in front so I didn’t have as far of a walk to unload the car. I knew I could ask the staff for help, but I couldn’t get used to that. It didn’t seem right to me.

  Pulling up the circular gravel drive to the front of the house, I slid out of the car and popped open the trunk just as Tara jogged over from the stables. She was dressed as she always did in worn jeans, a plaid button shirt and battered brown boots, but this time she still wore the cowboy hat I noticed she donned anytime she worked with the horses. Her sandy colored ponytail was tucked underneath.


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