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His True Fortune - His Every Whim, Part 4 (BBW Billionaire Erotic Romance Novella) (Billionaire Romance)

Page 4

by Liliana Rhodes

  “I guessed right. I knew you’d come back with a ton of stuff!” She drawled as she approached. “Let me help you carry that stuff in.”

  “No, I can do it myself.”

  “I’m not taking no for an answer, Ashley. Besides, I haven’t seen the baby’s room yet.”

  “Ok ok, but only because I want you to see it. Otherwise I know you wouldn’t argue with a pregnant woman,” I said smirking.

  “Oh? I wouldn’t? And I thought you knew me so well,” she said and laughed.

  Tara grabbed as many bags as she could carry, leaving me with the smallest one. I picked it up and closed the lift-gate as I hurriedly tried to catch up to her as she made her way upstairs. She was too fast for me and when I finally caught up to her she was standing in the middle of the nursery, the bags at her feet.

  “This is absolutely adorable! I have to admit I’m a little surprised you didn’t go with blue, but this is definitely a boy’s room. I love the color of the walls,” she said as she walked over to one of them. “What would you call that? Tan? Its darker than that but not brown…maybe mushroom?”

  I picked up a dark brown wall hanging with jungle animals. A pale yellow lion, a light blue elephant, and a two-tone brown monkey were the main characters on it and I folded it over my arm so the monkey was prominent as I showed it to Tara.

  “I call that color monkey butt,” I said as I pointed to the lighter brown on the monkey. Moving the monkey closer to the wall, she saw it was a perfect match and we both started laughing.

  “Well that’s the best looking monkey butt I’ve ever seen. And trust me, I’ve dated a few monkey butts in my time.”

  “Is that why you never married?”

  “Its complicated,” she said, her voice uncharacteristically soft. “There was one man. Ooh boy was he ever a man!” She fanned herself with her hand. “The love of my life, I tell you.”

  “What happened to him?”

  “I wish I knew…” Her voice trailed off and she looked lost in a memory as she ran her hand over the fuzzy material of the wall hanging. “I didn’t grow up rich, but my parents knew horses were all I cared about. For my eighteenth birthday they scrimped and saved to buy me an old horse. We didn’t have land for the horse so he had to be boarded at a stable. I started working there to pay for my horse’s boarding. Ended up making it a career.”

  “Did your boyfriend work there too? Is that how you met him?”

  “Yes, he did. Mason’s family owned the stables. They actually owned the entire town. His family wanted him to learn the family horse business from the bottom up. Shovelin’ shit and all. Chances are if you’ve got a horse, the Abernathy family has lineage in it.”

  “So what happened?”

  “He went away. He left for college and never came back,” she said as she shrugged. “Not a day passes that I don’t think about him though.”

  Her eyes misted. I was so curious and wanted to know more, but I could see her eyes filling with tears. I never expected to see someone as strong as Tara cry. Feeling bad, I searched for some way to change the subject when the baby kicked

  “Oh! Give me your hand.” I grabbed her hand, the skin paper soft but rough from manual labor, and placed it on the side of my belly where I felt the kick. After a few seconds the baby kicked again and she jerked her hand away.

  “Oh my goodness that was strong!” She said.

  She held her hand up like she wanted to touch again. I took her hand and pressed it back in the same place until the baby kicked again.

  “Did you feel it?”

  “My word! I’ve felt foals moving within the fillies, but never a person. That’s one strong baby you got there.” She looked at me, her eyes still moist with tears, and a tender smile on her face. “Thank you.”

  Hugging her tight, I felt my own tears coming. Wishing I could tell Tara how much having her around meant to me, but knowing I’d end up crying like a baby, I kept my mouth shut. Instead I stepped back and started unpacking the bags of toys and baby gear, embarrassed by how emotional I was. Tara helped as we happily enjoyed each other’s quiet company.

  Chapter Nine


  It was late. The glass looked more like a mirror than a window from the darkness outside. I wasn’t sure what time it was but guessed it was past 3am.

  Lately I spent my nights going through years of paperwork, focusing on various financial dealings between my company and any others I did not know personally. I didn’t understand how I got into this mess, but I made damn sure it wouldn’t happen again.

  “Xander?” Ashley peeked into my office. She looked like an angel with her white cotton nightgown and loose black hair. She held back a yawn before she continued. “Aren’t you coming to bed?”

  “I’m in the middle of something. Go back to bed,” I growled hoping she would leave without questioning me.

  “I can’t sleep. I had another nightmare. You’ve been in the middle of something for weeks now. What’s going on?”

  “This doesn’t concern you. Now please, Ash, go back to bed.”

  I watched as her face slowly crumbled and tears burst from her eyes. Without a word she spun on her heel and left. I ran out from behind my desk and chased her down the hall.


  “Just leave me alone. I don’t know what I was thinking. It’s obvious there’s something going on, but you won’t tell me anything! You never tell me anything!”

  She stormed off as fast as she could with her pregnant stomach and entered the nursery. I caught the door as she turned to slam it. Her eyes were puffy and red, her cheeks tear-stained.

  “I’m trying to protect you. Can’t you see that?” I growled.

  “See what? That my husband is pulling more and more away from me? Is that what you’re protecting me from?”

  She threw a stuffed monkey at my head but I caught it and brought it back over to her. Looking around at our son’s room, I knew I was wrong. I had to tell her the truth. As hard as it was for me, I needed to open up to her.

  “You know, I come in here sometimes. By myself. Just to look around and imagine our son growing up in this room. Growing up, my dad was always so busy with work I hardly saw him. I don’t want our child to grow up like that. I want to be involved every step of the way.”

  “Why are you changing the subject?” She asked with arms crossed over her chest and her brow wrinkled like it did whenever she was mad.

  “I’m not. Just listen to me. I want to be the dad at baseball games or getting up in the middle of the night. I don’t want to be the one behind a desk or in a meeting.”

  “But that’s up to you. Aren’t you the one always reminding me that you’re a billionaire? Maybe you don’t know what that means,” she said sarcastically.

  “Yes,” I said then sighed wishing this came easier for me. I crossed the room to the dark walnut crib and ran my hand over the curved sleigh bed railing. “You’re right. I’ve been keeping things from you.”

  “Is there someone else?”

  “No! Of course not.” I turned to look into her dark almond shaped eyes and touched her cheek. “I’m in trouble. All our assets have been frozen while the company is under investigation.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I didn’t want you to worry. I thought I could handle it myself and you’d never have to know. It’s one of my early investors. They were involved in some shady deals and now the Feds need to make sure Boone Enterprises wasn’t involved. I don’t know how long this will take.”

  “We’ll make due. We don’t need all those fancy cars and everything, Xander. Not as long as we have each other.”

  “I know, but I can’t help but think about the baby. I want him to have whatever he wants, whatever he needs…” My voice trailed off and I looked down, embarrassed I never put it together before about my own father.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “My dad. I just realized why he was always so busy w
orking. He was trying to give me the same thing. And I turned it all away.”

  “You know, you’ve never really spoken about him before.”

  “I never had much to say. He still hasn’t changed much. He’s always working.”

  “Why do you think that is? I’m sure he has enough money he could just retire.”

  “And stay home with my mother?” I laughed. “I always suspected she was one of the reasons he worked so much. Just to stay away from her.”

  “Maybe you should reach out to him. When was the last time you two spoke?”

  “I don’t remember. Sad, isn’t it? You’re right. Maybe I’ll give him a call tomorrow. I’m surprised he didn’t call when he heard we were pregnant, but maybe she didn’t tell him.”

  “You should talk to him about your problem too. He’s been in business a long time, maybe he can help.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and held her tight. Feeling the baby kick, I let go afraid I might have held her too strongly. She smiled and took my hand and put it on her stomach. The baby shifted under my hand and I smiled thinking about how our son would soon be here.

  Later the next morning I took Ashley’s suggestion and called my father. The phone rang oddly and had a far away sound to it as if the line wasn’t very strong. He picked up on the third ring, his voice a bit muffled on the speakerphone.

  “Alexander? Is something wrong?”

  “Well hello to you too, Dad.”

  “You never call. Of course I’m going to assume something is wrong.”

  The lined buzzed and cracked.

  “I’m going to have to call you back. I must’ve gotten a bad connection.”

  “No, the connection is fine. I had my number forwarded to Penny.”

  “Does Mother know?”

  “Does your mother know I’m enjoying myself on my yacht? No. Does your mother know I love Penny more than her? Probably, but what can I say? This yacht will always understand me in ways your mother couldn’t. Besides, your mother and my relationship works better when I’m not around. At least for me it does,” he said as he chuckled.

  “Was she always like this? I remember her being fun and caring when I was younger.”

  “She’s changed, my boy. But maybe she hasn’t.” He was quiet for a moment. “When I think back there were hints of this. Things she would do or say. How she would treat people who didn’t conform to her ways. Maybe she’s simply being more of herself now.”

  “Did she tell you the good news?”

  “That you married? Yes. And I would’ve called but I wanted to congratulate you in person. Unfortunately time passes too quickly.” He was quiet for a moment. “As you can imagine your mother had nothing to say about your wife. Well except that you’re going to lose everything you worked so hard for to her.”

  “She’s right about that, but not because of Ashley.”

  “I’d love to meet her. Wait, what do you mean your mother’s right?”

  “My assets have been frozen. I’m under investigation because of one of my early investors.”

  “Why didn’t you call me sooner? I realize that you pulled away a long time ago and want nothing to do with my business, but I know a lot of people. I’m sure I could’ve handled this before it got so bad.”

  “About that, Dad. I’m sorry. I never realized until now why you worked so much when I was younger. I resented you not being around.”

  “I went about it wrong, son. I kept focusing on earning the money to give you a good life, not realizing that it was keeping me away from the small things that are so important. Learn from my mistakes.” He was quiet again and the line filled with static. “Then again I wouldn’t have been able to buy A Penny Earned if it wasn’t for all that work,” he said then laughed.

  “I am learning from you. And that’s why I reached out to you. I can’t believe Mother didn’t tell you.”

  “In her defense I’m never home.”

  “Yes, but still. I’d think she’d tell you you’re going to be a grandfather.” The phone filled with clicks and static again.

  “What?? The damned connection! It sound like you said I’m going to be a grandpa?”

  “Yes Dad. Ashley is due in a couple of months. We’re having a boy.”

  “Wahoo!” The sound of the yacht horn ripped through the phone line and caused the speaker to squelch. “I’m coming home. I’m turning this thing around right now! Oh and Xander, I know just the guy who can help you out. I’ll give him a call. He’s a bit old school, but a smart fella and as stand up as they come.”

  “Thanks Dad.”

  As I hung up the phone I heard my dad celebrating and blowing the yacht horn again. I shook my head and laughed as I wondered why I let so much time pass.

  Chapter Ten


  Standing in the middle of the nursery I felt like something was missing. I did stencils of jungle animals and trees on the walls that matched the ones on the wall hanging. I had the crib, sheets, drawers filled with onesies and sleepers, but it still felt like something was wrong. I couldn’t put my finger on it.

  “Excuse me Mrs Boone, there’s a delivery for you. It’s a brown recliner?” Gina, one of the housekeepers said.

  “Thank you, Gina. Can you ask them to bring it in here?”

  “Right away ma’am.”

  I doubted I would ever get used to hearing people call me ma’am like that. Gina was only a few years younger than me. The fact that I had staff who would do what I asked wasn’t something I could wrap my head around. Maybe Xander was right to remind me that I married a billionaire.

  Two delivery men dressed in jeans and t-shirts entered the nursery carrying the chair wrapped in plastic. I looked around the room trying to figure out where it should go when I caught a glimpse of Tara out the window riding one of the horses.

  The view was still as impressive as my first time at Jefferson Manor. The stables with the fields leading up to the backdrop of tall trees looked like a painting come to life. I turned to the delivery men.

  “Right here in this corner would be perfect,” I said.

  They put the chair down and unwrapped it. Once they left I sat and swiveled to look around the room again. It was finally perfect.

  I heard the door to Xander’s office open and voices approaching the nursery. I knew Xander was meeting with his father’s friend, but I had no idea I would be meeting him.

  Suddenly wishing I was dressed a little nicer than my grey cargo pants and a lavender cotton t-shirt, I quickly ran my fingers over my hair and adjusted the tummy panel of my pants as it hugged my belly.

  The two men entered the room and I immediately noticed that the man with Xander wore a pair of black cowboy boots with his grey suit. He was an attractive man, tall with a slightly weathered yet handsome face that made me think he was outdoors a lot.

  “Ashley, I want to introduce you to a friend of my father’s, Mason Abernathy,” Xander said.

  “Hi, wait, did you say Abernathy? As in the horses?” I asked. Surprised, my eyes immediately looked for a wedding ring. There wasn’t one.

  “Why yes, Miss. It’s a pleasure to meet you. Xander didn’t tell me you were so fond of horses. Despite there being a stable full here,” he drawled in a thick southern accent.

  “Well Mr. Abernathy, you’ve got to see our horses. Right now. Come, I’ll show you,” I said as I headed towards the door.

  “Ashley, I don’t think he has the time right now,” Xander said.

  “Please Mr. Abernathy? It would mean a lot to me.”

  Mason laughed, making dimples appear on his cheeks. There was a calm gentleness to him that seemed very comforting and I liked him immediately. If my guess was right, I knew someone who would be happy about this happy coincidence.

  “Please, call me Mason. I’d love to see your horses. It brings me back to days gone by.”

  As I led Mason back into the hall, Xander shot me a questioning look but I just smiled. The three of us left the mansion and
walked in the gravel towards the stables. The sun already began to set, giving the sky pink streaks.

  As we entered the large red building that housed the horses, the smell of hay was almost too much for me. I pushed through the smell and continued walking with Mason as he greeted the horses, scratching each one on its nose before taking a better look.

  “You’ve got some fine horses here. I can see they’re well taken care of,” he said.

  Tara entered the stables through the open barn-styled doors that led to the fields. She stopped, her arms filled with loose hay, and stared in our direction. With the sun at her back it was hard to see more than her silhouette, but I could tell she was surprised,

  Mason patted a colt on the neck as he stepped out of the stall. Facing Tara, he squinted hard towards the setting sun, then pulled out a handkerchief to wipe his hands.

  “Am I seeing an angel?” He half whispered.

  “I knew I recognized that voice,” Tara said. “I didn’t even need to see you.”

  As Tara came closer I noticed her occasional mannish gait was missing. Mason met her halfway but seemed awkward a d confused. Tara suddenly seemed girlish, like a part of her she locked away suddenly burst forth.

  “Your hair. It’s lighter,” Mason said.

  “And your face is older,” she said then laughed. “It’s been a long time Mason.”

  “Too long.”

  “Whose fault is that?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Never mind. It’s not something I care to relive right now.”

  “Let me take you to dinner. Lets catch up and talk about old times. Or not. Whatever you want. Just give me a little of your time,” he said.

  “I think I can manage that. Come get me in an hour. I’m a busy woman you know.”

  As Mason walked back to Xander and I, Tara shot me an excited look and I smiled back at her. She left the stables and even though I didn’t know for sure, I was positive she planned to look her best for her date and would take every second of that hour to get ready. It’s what I would do.


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