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Sold to the Alien Smugglers: A Fated Mates Romance (Captive Mates Book 4)

Page 13

by Corin Cain

  “Do you want me on all fours? Like a dog? Or do you want me to get down on my knees for you? I’ll do it – I agreed to, after all.”

  I know I’m being dangerously sassy, but I can’t help myself – because some sick, sadistic part of me wants him to show me who is really in charge here.

  And, as if to demonstrate that, the Aurelian’s cock suddenly surges at my words. It throbs, straining against the fabric of his thin, black shorts. I can see the outline of his enormous cock even more clearly than if it was exposed to me – and I sense it’s my tone and defiance that is truly turning him on, not something as tangible as my curves.

  I know his species craves the pleasure of punishing insolence, and I’m giving him what every Aurelian wants more than anything – a bratty attitude for them to delight in subduing.

  Yet, I don’t care. I don’t even know if I’m trying to provoke him anymore – or if I’m just asserting the fact that I’m not a meek, submissive woman like one of those who rush to join an Aurelian harem – aching to become their property.

  In fact, as the Aurelian’s cock surges – practically ready to rip the waistband of his shorts – I actually feel a strange sense of power.

  This dominant beast could bend and break me like a toy. He could toss me across the bed and bury that foot-long cock so deep inside of me I squeal. He could do anything he wants to me, and there’s nothing I could do to stop him…

  But the Aurelian can only control me physically.

  I can make him lose his mind.

  But instead of snapping, the Aurelian just smiles – and it’s the first genuine smile I’ve ever seen from a member of his species.

  This isn’t the rictus grin of Marcel, as he calmly threatened the Bullfrog and the Toads. This is a real smile – authentic, and raw. It reaches his eyes, and I can see that this Aurelian is so much more human than Marcel. The slate-grey eyes that stare hotly down at me are twinkling with confidence and burning with hunger.

  Then, he bites.

  I literally jump, but it’s the succulent honey-fruit the warrior sinks his teeth into – the sticky, golden juice dribbling down his chin just like the warm nectar is dribbling down my thighs.

  Yet the sight of that plump fruit, and the scent of it, awakens a different hunger inside of me.

  Suddenly, my stomach rumbles.

  I’m bloody starving.

  Running a thick tongue across his lips, the Aurelian murmurs:

  “I’d accept any of those suggestions. I’m sure they’d be deliciously pleasurable – for both of us.”

  Then, he takes another huge stride forward – and my mind is flooded with the vision of dropping to my knees in front of him. My fingers twitch as I imagine them hooking the waistband of those tight shorts and pulling them down the warrior’s muscular thighs – releasing the beast that lurks beneath.

  My mouth waters as I imagine stretching open my lips for the huge dick – even though I know I’d have to open my mouth painfully wide to be able to accommodate that thick shaft straining against his shorts.

  Lowering the fruit from his mouth, the Aurelian’s eyes flash.

  “Forget your little promise,” he purrs. “When I take you, it won’t be because I bought it from you. It won’t be because you bargained your body in exchange for the life of your friend. It will because you beg me to take you.”

  My jaw drops at the arrogance of this beast.

  Marcel is the leader of the triad – but this one drips with cockiness and confidence. He’s clearly used to getting his way with women.

  But not me. I’ll not give him that satisfaction.

  “I will never beg you,” I stammer, my voice catching.

  The Aurelian steps forward again, and I stumble backward without thinking. I wish I could have checked myself – stood up to him, instead of cowering in awe of his dominant presence.

  But this looming warrior is over two feet taller than me – not to mention three times as wide. He’s built like a mountain – all snow white, marble-hued muscle without an ounce of fat across his towering physique.

  My eyes survey his incredible body. The warrior’s biceps strain against his shirt and I just know that if he lifted the hem of that tight workout shirt, he’d reveal a rack of perfectly chiseled abs that looked like they’d been carved from stone itself.

  My mind races as I imagine what that solid bulk would feel like – how rock-like he’d feel as he pressed against me. I’d be helpless beneath his huge bulk – and yet my thighs are quivering at the delicious thought of exactly that.

  As if amused by my show of defiance, the Aurelian purrs:

  “I’ve learned you don’t need to beg for everything you want. Sometimes, you just have to ask nicely.”

  Then, slowly, he extends his hand – the one with the ripe fruit in it. The huge gouge his teeth sheared from the ripe flesh is dripping almost as much as I am – and that succulent juice trickles down his fingers, inviting my tongue to lick it from them.

  My mouth waters.

  I know I’ve lost track of time – but whether it’s been six hours since my last meal, or sixteen, the ravenous hunger would remain the same. For months, my only meals have been the measly, standard rations on board the transport ship Elnor. They’ve only ever been just enough to quiet the rumblings in my belly – without ever truly soothing or satiating my appetite.

  I’ve never even tasted honey-fruit before, but the scent of it is intoxicating.

  I can’t help myself.

  “M-may I have a bite?” I stammer – and the moment I ask, my eyes drop down submissively.

  “Ask nicely,” the Aurelian asks again, his voice dripping with need and his lips curling with sardonic amusement.

  I realize he wants me even more than I want him – even more than I want that honey-fruit! The tension in his body builds visibly – his muscles straining, and his veins popping. It’s as if this mountainous man is really a volcano – ready to spew hotly at the slightly provocation.

  “P-please,” I stammer out, and the sick thing is that my shame is actually pleasurable. My humiliating surrender turns me on.

  The Aurelian raises his eyebrows ever-so-slightly.

  “Please, sir,” I whisper, responding to his unspoken demand – the words turning me on so much, I’m worried he’ll see the wetness glistening on my thighs.

  For a moment, we stand there and stare at each other, as if seeing who’ll break first…

  …except we both know the answer. He broke me the moment he offered me that succulent, dripping fruit.

  Finally, the Aurelian nods – and then murmurs: “Come and get it, then.”

  I gulp.

  I’m so ravenous, it takes every ounce of willpower not to snatch the food from him like a hungry bird. Yet, I obey – and each step I take towards him makes me feel smaller and smaller.

  He towers over me as I approach, and it’s not just the height of the man that daunts me. It’s his width – his silent, unspoken strength. The Aurelian radiates with masculine power and utter assurance. If you stacked two human men side-to-side beside him, they’d both disappear in his shadow. The honey-fruit looks like a grape in his enormous palm.

  I reach out to take the fruit…

  …and then his left hand snatches with inhuman speed – wrapping those steel-like fingers around my wrist and rendering me instantly immobile.

  “Use your mouth,” he growls – and for all the man’s towering strength and brooding dominance, I can see he’s the one on the verge of losing complete control.

  Yet, so am I.

  The Aurelian’s huge cock is straining against his shorts – almost like it has a mind of its own, and it’s raging against the Aurelian’s hesitation. It’s like it’s trying to break free to get to me – and I want to let it.

  My mouth waters and my fingers twitch as I imagine pulling the Aurelian’s shorts down – just to see that thing.

  But we both know I wouldn’t just look. The time for that has long since pa

  He knows it, and I hate him for it in the most delicious way possible. The warrior is agonizingly arrogant – just so confident and in control. He’s so self-assured it makes me squirm with desire. He’s triggering something dark and instinctual, deep inside of me.

  I know I should resist – but instead, I surrender to the inevitable.

  I lean forward slowly, breathing in the scent of the honey-fruit. My mouth waters as I stretch open my lips, and then I take a gouge from the succulent fruit in his enormous hand.

  There’s a soft squish as my teeth sink into it. Juice blossoms on my tongue, running wetly down my lips and chin. As I tear the flesh away, my lips brush against the Aurelian’s palm and it’s suddenly as if I can’t control myself.

  My tongue flicks out against his skin. I lap up the sweet juice like a kitten – and, as I do so, I raise my eyes and meet the Aurelian’s hungry gaze.

  With a growl, he releases his grip on my wrist, and then he brings his left hand up slowly – to brush his finger against my bottom lip and wipe a dribble of juice from it.

  I chew, and golden, sweet flavor explodes across my tongue. Gods! I’ve never tasted anything so delicious before – not in all my life.

  I lose myself, and lurch forward to snatch another ravenous bite – only to have the Aurelian pull the delicious fruit away with a sadistic chuckle.

  I look up pleadingly – into those hungry, slate-grey alien eyes.

  “Bad girl,” the warrior purrs in a voice so low, it resonates between my thighs. “You only had permission to take one bite.”

  His voice is stern, but also filled with heat.

  I bite my fruit-sweet lip. All I can suddenly think of is this towering beast grabbing me – throwing me over his lap to punish me for this affront.

  I know how such a thing would end – we both do.

  I know he’d lose himself to the mating frenzy, and then he’d throw me down on the bed behind me and wrench up the hem of this pleasure dress to expose my glistening, eager pussy.

  Just one sight of that would be enough. He’d force every inch of that massive thing deep inside me, and even though it looks big enough to split me in two, I’m so wet right now that I’d eagerly accept as much as my body could take.

  That enormous cock pulsates beneath the fabric of his shorts, and a growing pool of wetness darkens the front of them. I realize it’s his pre-cum – oozing as sweetly as the flesh of that honey-fruit.

  My nipples tighten. I’d heard about Aurelian pre-cum – how it’s designed to flow like honey, slick and sweet, and allow them to force their oversized cocks into the tight little holes of human women.

  Something would have to. I’m wetter and more aroused than I’ve ever been before, but the silhouette of that cock is still too fucking huge to be real. Surely it would tear me in half…

  …and yet I’m eager to experience it.

  “W-what’s your name,” I manage to stammer, my voice cracking. My nipples are straining, begging for the touch of those huge, marble-white fingers. I want him to graze them – to tease them, and pinch them, and pull them taut while he gives me exactly what I’ve been craving.

  “Lucius,” the Aurelian drawls, and from his lips, the name tastes sweeter than any honey-fruit possibly could – succulent with promise, and darker with sin.

  “I’m Jamie,” I murmur – and then his eyes flash.

  “No,” he purrs, and I look up submissively into those big, alien eyes. “You’re my pet.”

  I shudder, and that serves to invite the towering warrior to lean forward and kiss me.

  Oh, Gods!

  Lucius’s thick, sensuous lips press against mine and I melt beneath his kiss. Then, his huge hands curl around my waist, pulling me up and against him. He lifts me effortlessly – like I’m just a doll. My legs wrap instinctively around him, and I melt into his arms as he kisses me deeply.

  Oh, Gods! How he kisses me!

  His soft, sweet lips devour mine with ravenous hunger. A man I should hate on principle is instead inflaming me with dark desires I never even knew I had. He pulls me closer and closer against him – his marble-white body as white as snow, but as hot as fire.

  The honey-fruit falls to the floor, instantly forgotten. Instead, I feel the pounding of his heart against my breasts – through both the thin t-shirt Lucius wears, and the squirming fabric of the pleasure dress.

  A drumming overwhelms my mind and body – my pulse racing in both my ears and between my thighs. His tongue invades my mouth and I’m suddenly dripping with sweet nectar like that honey-fruit. I desperately want that tongue to lick my entire body – every inch of it, trailing up and down my skin as if he’s devouring me.


  I hear a voice – but only barely, above the pounding of my heart.

  “Put her down!”

  The words sound rusty and strained – and oh-so-far-away as I melt beneath Lucius’s ravenous kiss.

  The wet sound of our writhing lips is suddenly replaced by a meaty thwack. A fist has found its way hard into the side of Lucius’s head, and he stumbles back in shock and anger.

  I drop from the Aurelian’s arms – landing on the floor with my legs too weak to support me.

  As I look up, I see the third Aurelian looming over me – following the first punch he’d thrown with a hard tackle that knocks Lucius down to the ground.

  With the element of surprise, the third member of their triad – the one with the hollow cheeks and the haunted look – manages to get on top of Lucius. As they wrestle, Lucius’s cock remains stiff and swollen – rearing straight up beneath his strained shorts. He’s still so lost in the mating frenzy he can’t even focus on fighting.

  “You cannot have her!” The third Aurelian bellows, punctuating that sentence with his fists.

  Footsteps sound, and I look up to see Marcel now standing in the doorway.

  “Stop your fighting!” His voice is not to be argued with. The two of them pause their wrestling, and Lucius slowly flops on the ground – regaining his rationality as the heat of the mating frenzy slowly subsides.

  When the beast within him has been temporarily leashed, Lucius stammers:

  “S-she wanted it.”

  Marcel growls:

  “It doesn’t fucking matter. We bought her. We can’t claim her.”

  I finally find my voice, my emotions awhirl.

  “W-what the hell does it matter?” It’s my trembling, desperate body speaking – rationality had long since abandoned me. I’d wanted it – as badly as Lucius had. “You’re Rogue Aurelians – this is what you do! You work with Toads!”

  And then, from the deep pit in my subconscious that I’d thrown her into, the rational part of my mind finds a foothold.

  I can’t believe what I almost just did!

  I almost gave myself to a sadistic, alien beast who buys slaves. I was practically begging for him to take me!

  I should have rejected him before it ever got this far! I should have called him out for the bastard he is the moment I saw Lucius framed in the doorway.

  I can’t even blame the pleasure dress for my reaction, though – this was all me.

  As I watch, the Aurelian who’d torn Lucius away from me finally releases Lucius’ hands – pulling himself to his feet. As he looms over his battle-brother, he turns to me with a glare. His eyes are angry and fierce.

  After a moment spent staring at me, the towering warrior snaps his fingers like the crack of bone.

  “You! In the other room. Now.”

  His voice is stern and commanding – so much so that I find myself powerless to resist his command. With eyes wide, I walk past Marcel – and when I find myself having to brush past his enormous bulk to make it through the door he’s blocking, I feel how his body tenses.

  I stagger out of the bedroom, and the moment I’m finally away from the overwhelming presence of the Aurelians, it’s like having a huge weight lifted from me.

  Gods! They’re too fucking in

  Together, they’re like a powder-keg of sexual tension – primed, and fused, and ready to explode at any moment. Then again, so am I. I can still feel the hot wetness between my thighs. Lucius and I had been oh-so-close to our breaking point. If that third Aurelian had come into the room even a second later, it would have been too late.

  That’s what they were arguing about, wasn’t it?

  That third Aurelian had been telling Lucius not to go into the room with me, I bet. That’s what I’d heard when the sound of their heated voices had traveled through the wall. They’d all known what would happen if he did.

  I look around the luxurious living room. Right now, Tessa’s door is cracked open. At least, I assume it’s her room – it’s very clearly where the Aurelians gestured for her to go; just like Marcel commanded me through the opposite doorway to take a shower.

  I rap my knuckles on the doorframe with a courtesy knock, and then look in to see Tessa lying on the bed through the cracked door. She smiles as she spots me – welcoming me inside. However, it’s a tired smile. She’s clearly exhausted.

  As soon as the adrenalin leaves my system, I know I’ll be hit equally as hard.

  Giving Tessa a smile, I close the door behind me and pad across the room toward my friend.

  Tessa is wearing a green pleasure dress, just like the one I’d been expected to put on. As she lies across the bed, I see her rubbing her thigh through the sheer material – clearly as distracted by the squirming, sensual fabric as I am.

  Nevertheless, she sits up as I approach.

  “I guess, now that you’re here, we’d better keep that door closed.”

  I furrow my brows. “What do you mean?”

  Tessa laughs faintly –a sound I haven’t heard in too long.

  “I’ve had my door cracked open the whole time, but instead of visiting me, all three of them argued about going to your room.” She rolls her pretty eyes. “Come on! You’re not blind, Jamie – although the Aurelians might as well be when it comes to me.”

  I look left and right, wrapping my arms around myself.

  “I don’t want their attention,” I say – but the golden pleasure dress curled around my body makes me feel like a liar.


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