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Sold to the Alien Smugglers: A Fated Mates Romance (Captive Mates Book 4)

Page 14

by Corin Cain

  Tessa shrugs, and I know she’s trying to appear nonchalant – but more emotion than that runs beneath the surface, and I’m not sure if it’s relief or jealousy.

  “You didn’t want it, but you got it. I’m just glad they bought me, too – even if it was only thanks to you.” Tessa shudders. “I tried imagining what would have happened to me if they hadn’t and…”

  Tessa leans forward. Her fingers tighten around my leg.

  I shake my head, stroking her arm soothingly.

  “Don’t think about it, Tessa – and don’t thank me.”

  I now sat on the bed beside her, and it feels so strange to be clean, comfortable, and feeling safe for once – or, as safe as we could be, in the possession of these three slave-trading Rogue Aurelians.

  But my life has been chaos as long as I can remember, so this is alarmingly close to stable. Normally, every time I think I have a moment to rest, something or somebody else throws it all into insanity once again.

  But this time? It feels different.

  I look up into my friend’s big, trusting eyes. I trust her, too. I trust Tessa instinctively, and I don’t trust easily.

  For example – the Aurelians? I’d trust them about as far as I can throw them.

  “What do you think this means, Jamie?” Tessa asks in a breathless whisper. “Aurelians on a Toad ship? It can only mean one thing, right?”

  I stiffen as I sit there. I know I should nod – I should concur with her. These three Aurelians must be Rogue, and in trading slaves they’ve revealed themselves to be beyond evil.

  But somehow, I can’t truly believe they are. My brain is still looking for any way to explain how they’re aboard this ship, and purchasing slaves like Tessa and myself, yet don’t have to be as reprehensible as the facts would suggest.

  I need some sign that the three men for whom my body aches aren’t evil – that I can surrender to my feelings for them, without surrendering my soul.

  But so far, they’ve given me nothing.

  Tessa flops back onto the cushions, and I notice that her hand falls to her thigh again – gently resuming her distracted stroking.

  “It can’t mean anything good,” she sighs.

  I sigh, too.

  “The third one,” I murmur, “the one that looks like he’s seen a ghost. He burst into the room and interrupted Lucius – the one with the lips – right while we were…”

  “Interrupted him when you were doing what?”

  My cheeks burn hotly.

  “When we were…”

  I’m feeling like a harlot, but Tessa leans forward, eyes wide with worry.

  “Did he try to force himself on you?”

  I look down sharply, staring at my hands. I feel guilty that she sounds concerned, and so ashamed that I don’t want to answer her question.

  In the end, I change the subject.

  “They don’t think of themselves as Rogue,” I respond, totally ignoring her question. “They said they had to resist me, because they bought me – but that doesn’t make any sense to me. They’re based here, on a Toad mothership. They just bought us at a slave auction! Why would they not take advantage of their property? And why don’t they think they’re Rogue? It doesn’t make any sense!”

  Tessa wrinkles her nose.

  “I think you have more of the story than I do.” Her eyes narrow. “Why did that Bullfrog have it out for you? The one who tried to buy you – it was like he knew you. Enough to nearly pick a fight with our triad over you.”

  Our triad – I don’t think Tessa even realizes she’d said it.

  But that’s merely a fleeting thought. The feeling that floods me instead is shame.

  Shame that’s even worse than begging a slave-trading Rogue Aurelian to fuck my brains out, like I’d been on the brink of doing back in that bedroom.

  I shiver. I don’t want to tell Tessa about my past.

  I don’t want to tell her about the woman I used to be, because I’m now merely a shadow of the woman I once was.

  That woman had been fierce. Strong. She wouldn’t be where I am right now – not wrapped up in a pleasure dress, throwing herself at the first towering warrior who’d offer her protection.

  That woman wouldn’t have kissed a slave-trading scumbag like Lucius – and she certainly wouldn’t be aching for the touch of not just him, but also his two battle-brothers; all three the type of amoral, evil men she should loathe.

  I sigh.

  “It’s a long story.”

  Tessa nods. “It’s a long fucking life, isn’t it?” She looks down at her outfit, and sighs. “We’ve got our futures to worry about, not our past. Gods, this dress is something, isn’t it? I’ve got to get out of it - I don’t know how you stand it.”

  “Not much other choice, unless you want to be naked.”

  Tessa winks at me – but everything she does seems faint and robotic – as if she’s merely going through the motions. I barely knew her before this nightmare began, but I sense that the girl smiling thinly at me now is just a shadow of her old self – just like I am of mine.

  Still, full of sudden energy, Tessa bounds to her feet.

  “Just you watch,” she says…

  …but the moment she stands, Tessa immediately loses her balance. I have to dart up to catch her before she falls to the hard deck.

  “Are you okay? What’s wrong?”

  Tessa winces, grimacing in pain.

  “That’s not what I meant you to see,” she laughs thinly. Then, eyes softening, she confesses: “It’s my leg. I don’t know what’s wrong with it. Being chained up to a wall must have messed it up, I guess.”

  I realize now that the area on her thigh she was stroking earlier was the location of some torn muscle or tendon – and it wasn’t the pleasure dress driving her fingers there.

  Tessa nods, as if reading my mind.

  “I’ve been trying to hide it,” she admits. “I know it wouldn’t be wise to show weakness around Toads or Aurelians.”

  Tessa gets her balance back and stands on her own wobbly feet. Then, reaching for the hem, she pulls the pleasure dress off over her head – totally unashamed at her nakedness.

  Then, Tessa pulls the sheet from the huge bed she’d been lounging in – yanking it free in one, smooth movement. She wraps and folds the draping cloth around her body – deft and assured in her tucks and knots. Soon, she’s fashioned herself a long, flowing toga – just like an Aurelian Warrior might wear on their home planet of Colossus.

  “How did you learn how to do that?” I gasp, open-mouthed.

  If I tried it, I’d have fallen on the floor – tripping myself up and probably winding up just as naked as I’d started.

  Tessa shrugs.

  “I learned it a couple of years ago, at a party. Everybody shouted ‘To-Ga! To-Ga!’ and one of the other girls showed me how to make one.” Her brow creases. “That was back on… Nevermind.”

  Shaking her head, Tessa immediately changes the subject – gesturing to her toga and apologizing:

  “I’m sorry, there’s isn’t another sheet.” She looks around eagerly. “I guess I could make you something out of a pillowcase…”

  But my mind is still processing what she’d said earlier.

  A party? She had a different life, back then. And where did she learn to swim like that? I wonder what her story is?

  Tessa seems committed to her plan, and I find myself looking at her pull one of the pillowcases off. Even though the pillows are made to suit Aurelian dimensions, I still feel ridiculous as I imagine myself cutting holes in a pillowcase to slip my arms and legs through, and then wearing it like a wrap.

  I’d look utterly ridiculous – but perhaps that’s what I need to keep the Aurelians off me. I laugh at the mental image of Marcel and his battle-brothers peering at me in my ridiculous outfit. For the first time in what feels like forever, I genuinely laugh.

  “I’ll stick with this,” I tell Tessa. “It’s really not that bad.”

  I s
mooth down the squirming fabric of the pleasure dress needlessly against my legs. It’s a useless gesture. The dress is already clinging to me like a second skin – like it’s alive, and it’s afraid I’ll take it off. My only respite is that – when I’m not near an Aurelian – the ceaseless tingle seems less overwhelmingly intense. It’s more like a light, soothing breeze – albeit one that breathes across every quivering part of me.

  Tessa shrugs at my choice, and then looks up to the ceiling, slumping back into the bed.

  “Gods, I need to sleep,” she sighs. “I’m exhausted. I hope those Aurelians get us off this floating garbage can – and soon.”

  The exhaustion is setting in for me, too. I lay down beside Tessa. There’s more than enough room – this bed could fit six more girls our size, since it was clearly made for the massive bulk of an Aurelian warrior.

  As I nestle into the pillows, I close my eyes and try to silence my chattering brain.

  It won’t shut up, though – warning me ceaselessly that on the other side of that bedroom door are three huge, alien warriors who stare at me with a terrifying, naked lust…

  …but also reassure me that no Toads will come anywhere near me or Tessa while we sleep. Not with those towering warriors, armed with those otherworldly Orb-Blades.

  “AI, lights off,” Tessa murmurs sleepily. A second passes. “Damn thing,” she sighs – and then the lights finally turn off and we’re left lying in the pitch blackness.

  The pounding in my head begins to fade. The exhaustion claims me, as the last of the adrenaline finally drains from my bloodstream. The illusion of safety, no matter how false, makes me feel as if I could go to sleep forever.

  As dreams coax me into slumber, I feel the warmth of the room embrace me – as reassuring as a hug from a trusted friend. The squirming, sensual touch of the pleasure dress morphs into a light, relaxing massage. Together, the sensations soothe my aching body and weary mind, and I let myself finally, sinking into oblivion.


  Darkness. Endless darkness.

  Cold sweat – and someone beside me.


  I thrash out, shoving the creature forcefully away from me before it can fulfil whatever deadly purpose it has.

  “What the fuck?”

  Instead of the beast’s snarl, I hear the sleepy, shocked cry of an oh-so-human voice – sounding out from beside me. I blink, getting my bearings as I realize I’m not under assault.

  “Oh, Gods! I’m so sorry, Tessa!”

  I finally remember where I am – and that the thing in my bed is as close as I have to a best friend in the entire universe; even though I’ve only known her a matter of days.

  As alertness grips me, I catch my breath and murmur:

  “Lights, twenty percent.”

  My mouth is dry and my lips are nearly cracked. The comforting warmth has now turned arid – similar to the desert climate of the Aurelians’ home world of Colossus.

  Then, I lift my fingers to my head – which had received more than one blow in the last day.

  Why doesn’t my head hurt anymore?

  Surely, I should have a pounding headache still – from the goose egg-sized lump I’d had cracked into it. My fingers massage painless flesh, though.

  As the light slowly brightens, I try to get my bearings, remembering where I am. I’m reassured to confirm that it’s just Tessa beside me in this oversized bed – the Aurelians are still on the other side of that steel door.

  “It’s okay,” Tessa mumbles sleepily, turning away from me and letting out a snore as she falls instantly back to sleep.

  I watch her lie there for a moment or two. I don’t blame her for sleeping so soundly. It’s been a long day – fuck, or what she said earlier: It’s been a long life.

  That’s what she’d said, and I feel it deep in my bones.

  But at least I’m not in my tiny sleeping compartment of the transport ship any more, or floating in space. Even more nightmarish would be the thought of waking up in a Bullfrog aquarium – or not waking up at all!

  It wasn’t all a nightmare.

  How long was I out?

  I can’t even remember the last time I’d felt so well-rested. I must have conked out for over a full, standard day. My body is covered in a light glistening of sweat from the heat, and now the pleasure dress is really sticking to me. As I awaken, so do the squirming tendrils of the dress – gently coaxing me from sleepiness to an infuriatingly sensual view of the real world.

  Then, all thoughts of sensuality disappear. My breath instantly catches in my throat.

  Both Tessa and I had failed to notice a huge figure now looming in the corner, watching us.

  Watching me.

  I jump to my feet, hands balling into fists…

  …then, I let my fingers loosen.

  It’s Marcel.

  Thank the Gods! It’s just Marcel.

  But was he watching me sleep? What the fuck?

  I look up at him expectantly, waiting for his word. Marcel’s silhouette is a huge, hulking shadow in the dim light. He stands like a fucking gargoyle – right down to those slate-grey eyes, which stubbornly betray nothing.

  My shock turns to irritation. I don’t have time for this. I need a drink.

  Ignoring the looming figure, I stumble to the bathroom, still groggy from the hours of sleep. Marcel doesn’t even move an eyebrow as I pass him. In fact, I wonder if Aurelians can sleep with their eyes open – because that’s what it looks like right now. Marcel’s eyes just stare out blankly – almost as inanimate as those of the gargoyle he so resembles.

  I close the bathroom door behind me and the lights flicker on automatically. I pad across to the sink and splash cold water on my face. Nothing has ever been so refreshing.

  As wakefulness returns, I look around – and find that this bathroom is an identical copy of the other one. Toads obviously don’t have the same view of interior design as humans or Aurelians do, so they merely copy what they think looks right, and then copy the same design over and over as and when it’s needed.

  Still, this is infinitely preferable to being chained in ankle-deep filth, as I had been when I’d first awoken on board this Toad mothership.

  I try the dispensers behind the sink one-by-one – until one dispenses a minty substance that I rinse my mouth out with. Then, I splash more water on my face and drink deep, refreshing mouthfuls of the clean, crisp tap water – replenishing myself.

  As my body gratefully accepts the cool refreshment, I try to take stock of my situation.

  I look monstrous. My hair is mussed up and tangled, and my body and face are glistening in sweat as if I’d just run a marathon. The only improvement in my appearance is the size of the goose egg-sized lump on my head. I notice it’s been mysteriously covered up with a clingy, sticky substance. I peel the covering off, wrinkling my nose as it tears painlessly away like a layer of dead skin.

  Dropping the offending item in the trash, I wash the site of my injury and find that while my head is still tender, whatever substance had been covering my injury worked wonders. It’s significantly healed my painful bump in just hours.

  Peeling my dress off, I next take a quick, ice-cold shower. That snaps me instantly back into alertness, and I’m shivering as I pull the pleasure dress back on over my head.

  Not that I had any other items to wear, but I’m pleased to discover that the pleasure dress doesn’t retain any lingering scent from my sweat-soaked slumber. It’s almost as if the thin, squirming tendrils of the fabric cleaned themselves – similar to the way a cat licks its glossy fur clean.

  Feeling fresher – and definitely looking somewhat more human – I finally leave the bathroom.

  The first thing I notice is that Marcel is gone.

  Did I just imagine him standing there, in my half-dazed state?

  “Lights off,” I whisper, crossing the room toward the door. I let it slide shut behind me to let Tessa rest. Maybe in her dreams she’ll find an escape from this si
tuation. Gods know my own dreams rarely give me rest.

  My mind had been blank as I’d showered. I feel like I’ve run out of options – but unless I can figure out why these Aurelians are on this Toad mothership in the first place, I won’t know for sure how to convince them to take Tessa and I far, far away from it.

  Some part of me still hopes I can make it to X12 one day, and start the new life I’d originally had planned.

  I rub my head, right where I should still have a big, aching bump. As I do, I take stock of the living room. Marcel is there – leaning against the kitchen counter with the same stony expression. Lucius is splayed across the couch, while the third Aurelian sits on a chair, not doing anything.

  He just stares forward – his eyes dark and glassy.

  That last Aurelian unsettles me – even if he is the reason Lucius was pulled from the mating frenzy I’d coaxed him into, during my moment of weakness.

  I narrow my eyes at Marcel, and murmur accusingly:

  “Were you watching me sleep?”

  He nods, unabashed. He’s clearly got no shame.

  “Yes. You had a head injury. You needed to be monitored.”

  I touch my head, where the sticky substance had covered my wound.

  I shudder as I imagine this looming warrior creeping into the bedroom I shared with Tessa, and gently placing the dressing on my head. He must have moved as stealthily as a panther not to have woken me.

  It’s difficult to imagine – someone so big and huge, standing over me as I slept. He’d been watching me while I was at my most vulnerable.

  It frightens me. I’ve seen how close these three have come to their breaking point – to succumbing to the Aurelian mating frenzy. What if it had overwhelmed Marcel while I was asleep? How close had I come to waking up with him pressing me down against the bed? To those huge hands ripping the pleasure dress from my body? Forcing that huge…

  I shudder, pushing the vivid image out of my mind. I’d been so tired, I didn’t feel him applying the salve to my head – and I wonder what else I might have missed while I’d been asleep.

  Bloody wonderful!

  So, I had a towering, lustful Aurelian warrior creeping into my room and secretly watching me while I slept. When I awoke, those same, big eyes were staring at me. He must have stayed up the entire night.


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