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Page 9

by Jenika Snow

Rye wanted me, even if he'd never do anything about it.

  I was just the virgin daughter of his business partner, not someone he'd ever get involved with. But that didn't stop me from lusting after him, from picturing his big body over mine, his hands touching me until I cried out for more.

  But I was tired of waiting. I would make the first move, and damn the consequences.

  Warning: The hero of this story might seem like the “bad guy,” but no fears because it’s a safe read, there isn’t any OW drama, and he only has eyes for one woman. It’s a hot and dirty story, short and to the point, and exactly what you’ve come to expect in the Real Man series.



  I'd known him nearly my whole life.

  My father's business associate, the man who put fear in everyone just by looking at them.

  Now here he was, sitting at our dining room table, the cigar in his mouth causing a cloud of smoke to fill the small room. He had a square-cut glass of bourbon in front of him, and although my father was speaking to him about the business, Rye watched me.

  Rye Jaxon.

  Even the sound of his name did something to me. He might've been a business partner with my father, their illegal dealings bringing in loads of money, so much they couldn't even count it, but Rye was the muscle of the two.

  He was big and strong, muscular and tall. He was a beast and he put fear in people. All somebody had to do was look at him and they knew their place. They took in his size and knew to give him a wide girth.

  “Jess, sweetheart, I need you to go to your room for a minute.”

  Although I was nineteen and knew the illegal operations my father and Rye did in order to make money, my father still wanted to protect me. Maybe he was naïve in thinking I didn't know what he really did, how he sold drugs and guns, how he did underground business to make a living.

  But I knew all of it, heard all the rumors. I’d even seen some of it go down.

  I stood up but kept my focus on Rye. My father was speaking to him about something, but Rye had his attention right on me.

  He lifted up his glass and took a long drink of liquor, his gaze locked on mine over the rim of the cup. I felt my body heat rise, but suddenly chill at the same time, goosebumps forming along my flesh.

  I shouldn't want him—not just because he was my father's business associate, not because he was older than me, but because he was dangerous.

  I left and went to my room, shutting the door softly and leaning against it. I felt my nipples harden, pushing against the material of my bra and shirt. I was also wet between my thighs, an instant reaction I had whenever I was around him.

  What I needed was to get myself under control because there was no way anything whatsoever was going to happen between us. Even if I threw myself at him, begged him to take my virginity, I knew Rye would never touch me.

  But then what was with the looks he gave me? What was with the possessiveness I felt from him as he watched me?

  Maybe I’m imagining those looks, that feeling?

  No, that wasn’t something I could ever imagine.

  I knew that I wanted Rye to be my first, wanted to feel his rough, strong hands on my body, holding me down, making me take all of him. This might be all in my head, a fantasy of mine, but it was something I wasn’t going to let go of.

  And Rye was who I wanted, who I’d have even if I had to tell him, show him how ready I was for him.


  I left Kash's house, my thoughts on Jessa. Hell, I thought about her constantly. She was too good for me, too sweet and innocent, too vulnerable. I was a dirty bastard for desiring her, for imagining the filthy things I wanted to do with her.

  She'd been living with her mother since last year, when she’d turned eighteen. But even before she’d lived with Kash permanently she’d come to visit Kash regularly. I never saw her as anything more than the daughter of my business partner.

  But then something in the last year had changed. At eighteen Jessa came and moved in with her father. Her mother had remarried and moved out of state. Jessa hadn't wanted to go with them, and so she stayed here.

  I remember the day she moved in with Kash, no longer a child but a woman. She’d just graduated high school, her body all curves. But I told myself not to even think those thoughts of her.

  She was far too young for me, nearly two decades younger, to be exact. But it wasn't the age difference so much that bothered me, but the fact that my life was not something I wanted her involved in, even if she was inadvertently because of her father.

  Kash also tried to shield her, protect her from the work we did. Maybe it wasn't a living to be proud of, but it was who we were, what we did, and there was no going around it. The best we could do was make sure Jessa was protected, and I made sure of that just as much as Kash did.

  I entered the bar Kash and I owned, walked past the customers, and headed to my office. The bar was a front, as were the other three businesses we owned: a strip club, a small corner grocery store, and one other bar that was on the other side of town. They were to make things go smoothly with the law, to pay our taxes and stay under the radar.

  The illegal gun business was where our money came from, and where we got all our connections.

  Once my office door was shut I moved to my desk and sat down behind it. I busied myself planning the gun drop for later this week, something to try and get my mind off the one woman who invaded my thoughts constantly.

  Kash and I were criminals in every sense of the word. I never tried to downplay it, or lie about that fact. But we didn't hurt people unless they tried to do harm to us or the ones under our protection. We didn’t terrorize people, didn’t bully them or use illicit violence just because. We made money, albeit the illegal way.

  We didn't deal guns to kids, didn't try to make an innocent into a criminal. We might not have been law-abiding citizens, but when someone needed our help we were there, no matter who they were, no matter what lifestyle they chose to have.

  Kash might have thought Jessa didn't know what we did, how we brought in money. But I was fully aware that she knew how we made a living. Even before she lived with her father I could see in her eyes the realization and truth of what she knew. She might never have brought it up to us, but she was smart as fuck.

  When the drop-off was secure I disconnected the call, tossed my cell on the table, and leaned back in the chair. I sat there for long seconds just staring at the wall, wanting to go to her, wanting to hold Jessa.

  I'd never been a man who thought I could find love, thought I'd ever settle down. But I wanted that with Jessa. I wanted her to be mine in all ways. I wanted to show her that underneath everything I was a good man.

  Or maybe I was a delusional bastard in thinking I could have her. Maybe I needed to get my shit straight and come to the realization that Jessa would never be mine. She could do better than me, could find a man who toed the line, who followed the rules.

  I growled low, the sound involuntary. Just thinking about her with somebody else, imagining some bastard touching her body, making her feel good, pissed me the fuck off.

  No. No one else would have her but me.



  I had my school papers spread out across the table, a pencil between my teeth, staring at the disarray that was in front of me. I was in my second year of college, and although my degree was undetermined, the prerequisites that I had to do were enough of a workload for me.

  The flash of headlights coming through the dining room window had me turning my head and staring out the glass. My father's SUV came to a stop on the gravel driveway.

  “Your dad here?”

  I looked over at Trevor, my study partner from my social studies course. Although we should've just stayed at the library and worked on this project, I had no problem bringing him back to my house. But we probably would have been focused better at a school setting.

  “You think he’ll be okay I’m here?”

“Yeah, it's okay. He won't have an issue with us working here.” It was late, and we were on a deadline for this report. I'd rather be home and relaxed than trying to study elsewhere.

  Trevor looked at his cell. “You know what, I should be going anyways, to be honest. I have an early class tomorrow morning and have a few things left to work on before I can go to bed.”

  I heard more than one door open and close, but the light from the kitchen and the darkness from outside made it impossible to see anything clearly.

  “Yeah, it is getting late.” I looked over and watched Trevor start gathering his things. I heard gravel crunching under heavy footfalls right outside the house.

  I heard the front door open and close at the same time I heard my father's SUV leaving. I felt my brows lower in confusion. If he was home then who was leaving with his vehicle?

  And then Rye walked around the corner, his huge body filling up the entryway. He had on a pair of worn jeans, and his black boots seemed lethal ... shit kickers to be exact. He wore a white T-shirt, the material stretched across his massive, muscular body.

  He was looking right at me, but when Trevor stood, his chair scraping across the floor, Rye turned his focus on my classmate.

  Trevor looked at Rye once he had all his belongings in his arms, and I could see the way his eyes widened as he took in the man in front of him. Yeah, Rye had everyone reacting that way every single time. Trevor then looked between Rye and me, clearly not knowing what he should do.

  “It’s late and best you leave now, boy,” Rye said, his voice deep, slightly serrated.

  Trevor nodded and looked at me again and I lifted my hand in a wave. “I'll see you at school.”

  Trevor nodded and walked past Rye, his body so much smaller than the man I'd been lusting after. Once Trevor was gone, Rye looked at me and the air seemed to heat, become thicker. I couldn't help but feel that Rye was annoyed that Trevor had been here.

  “Did I interrupt something between you and your boyfriend?” Rye said, his voice seeming deeper, as if he was angry.

  I stood and watched him walk into the kitchen, his focus still trained on me. He went to the fridge and grabbed a beer, popped the cap and faced me as he drank a long pull from it.

  “He’s not my boyfriend.” My throat felt thick, tight. “Where's my father?” I was on edge, his close proximity always doing something to me. The air was so hot, so thick, that I felt perspiration dot the valley between my breasts.

  “He got a call and had to go back to the bar.” He took a step closer to me and I found myself moving one back. Having him so close had my entire body worked up, my heart racing and my palms sweating.

  He was only a few feet from me now, his dark gaze locked on mine, his body heat spearing right into me. I couldn't breathe, couldn't even think coherently at the moment. And Rye didn't say anything, just continued to watch me.

  “So you just have random school guys come over?” His voice was low, the scent of him making me drunk.

  “Trevor isn’t some random guy. And when we have a report due then yeah, I have him over.”

  He didn’t say anything after that, the dark look in his eyes speaking louder than if he’d shouted at me.

  I thought about being bold, being brave and just telling him how I felt, maybe even reaching out and placing my hand on his wide, muscular chest. But I was a coward, and feared the repercussions of what my acts might do.

  I feared his rejection.

  “How long will he be gone?” I heard my voice shake, felt the tremble in my entire body.

  “A long time.” He didn't say anything after that, just lifted his beer and took another long drink as he stared at me. “I’ll stay here until he gets back.”

  God, he was so big, so masculine. If I pressed my body to his right now my head would rest right at the center of his chest. He made me feel so feminine and I never even touched him.

  And that's what I really wanted to do right now ... touch him.



  The next day

  The sound of my cell phone going off had me opening my eyes and staring at it as it vibrated and skidded across my nightstand. I reached for it and saw my dad's number flash across the screen.

  “Hello?” I said, my voice scratchy from sleep.

  I hadn't done anything last night concerning Rye. I'd been too afraid of how he'd react if I showed him what I wanted ... told him I desired him. So instead I'd gone to my room, shut the door, and lay in bed for the next three hours just listening to my heart thunder behind my ribs.

  “Hey, sweetheart. I have to leave town for the night. I won't be home until tomorrow evening. I wanted to let you know before I go.”

  For my father being such a dangerous badass, he took good care of me, making sure to let me know what was going on. It was because of those qualities that it was easy for me to overlook what he did for a living.

  Once the call was disconnected I lay back in bed and stared at the ceiling for long seconds. I had a full day of classes, but it was hard to focus on anything but Rye. He invaded my senses, my very thoughts.

  Having him so close last night, his focus trained right on me and the possessiveness and need coming off of him in waves, had made me wish I was braver.

  I wished I’d told him how I felt, what I wanted. I wished I would've cleared the table off and let him take me right then and there. Just thinking about it now had my nipples becoming hard little rocks, and my pussy getting wetter.

  I was tempted to touch myself, to go over the edge as I thought about him, imagined his hands on my inner thighs, his mouth right between my legs as he licked and sucked at my pussy.

  A shiver worked its way through me and I started breathing harder and faster.

  But I wouldn't resort to doing that, simply because it would make matters worse. It would make my need escalate. And I knew this because I'd done it before, and suffered the intense arousal that had simmered afterward.

  I could control myself, at least for the time being.


  Later that night

  I pulled my SUV to a stop in front of Kash's house. He’d asked me to swing by and check on Jessa since he had to head out of town for the gun trade.

  I curled my hands hard on the steering wheel, the leather creaking under my powerful grip. I was worked up knowing she was inside the house.

  I'd just been here last night, and although I'd been decent and hadn't touched Jessa, or made my desire known, my arousal had slowly been building. I wanted her like a fiend, wanted to grab her thighs and spread them open, wanted to place my mouth on her pretty cunt and run my tongue up her slit.

  I cut the engine and got out of the vehicle. I could've just called her, or left the car running as I went to the front door and made sure she was okay. But I was a dirty bastard and wanted to see her, wanted to take in the sweet scent of her.

  I might've overreacted when her little guy friend was at the house yesterday. But seeing him close to her, wondering if she was with him, if he touched her, kissed her, made this jealous rage fill me. He was a small guy compared to me, not even a threat in all reality, but just thinking about him with Jessa made me pissed.

  I brought my knuckles down on the front door, and only a minute later she opened it. I could see the surprise on her face that I was here. I tried to keep my cool, my composure. But all I could do was stare at her.

  She wore an oversized shirt, one part hanging over her shoulder and exposing her golden skin and delicate collarbone. And the shorts she wore, if she even had any on, had to be short as hell because they didn’t even go below the hem of the shirt.

  “Rye.” She said my name and licked her lips.

  My cock jerked like a hungry fucker for her.

  “What are you doing here?”

  I looked over her head to see if I could spot any little assholes that were here with her. “Your father asked me to come by and check on you since he's gone for the night.” I brought my attention back to
her face and looked her right in the eyes.

  We stood there for several seconds, neither saying anything, but I kept my focus trained right on her. I found myself looking down at her chest, her breasts slightly swelling under the shirt, her nipples hard. Fuck, she was obviously not wearing a bra.

  And then she moved to the side, as if silently asking if I wanted to come in. I didn't move, though.

  She cleared her throat and looked at the ground and finally did speak. “Would you like to come in for a little bit?”

  I should've said no, should've been stronger and turned around and went back to my vehicle. She was safe and fine at the house, and I had no business going inside. But because I was a weak fucking asshole who was hard-up for this woman—and only this one—I found myself stepping inside.

  The door shut behind me with a soft click, and a second later she was moving around until she was right in front of me.

  “You know, I am an adult and really don't need anybody checking up on me.”

  She was looking me right in my eyes, her voice soft, slightly trembling. I could tell my presence made her nervous, and I'd be lying if I didn’t admit it turned me on more.

  Truth was, I probably didn't need to check on her for safety reasons. Kash's house was wired up like it was the damn Pentagon. Cameras and alarms, all the bells and whistles, surrounded the outside of the house and would ensure that nobody even stepped foot on the property without him knowing.

  “I know. But your old man is paranoid when it comes to your safety.”

  She nodded, then glanced at the ground, as if she was too nervous to continue looking at me.

  I was about to tell her I was heading out, because if I stayed I knew I might do something that would be crossing the line. Before the words came out she was looking at me again, her eyes wide, her mouth partly open.

  Her lips were red and I wanted to lean down and run my tongue along the swells of them. I wanted to suck the bottom lip into my mouth, lightly biting it, hearing her moan for more. I imagined her on her knees in front of me, her mouth parted even wider as she guided my huge cock into her mouth.


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