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Page 10

by Jenika Snow

  I couldn't help the images that slammed into my head of her cheeks hollowing in and out, her head bobbing up and down as she took all of my length to the back of her throat.

  “Do you want to stay and visit for a little while?”

  God, her voice did things to my body, made me think of doing filthy fucking acts with her.

  I nodded instead of saying anything verbally because I didn't trust my voice in that moment. She led us into the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab two beers. She looked a little hesitant as she handed me one and kept the other for herself. Did she think I'd scold her for underage drinking? I sold guns illegally, for fuck sake. What was her drinking one beer going to hurt?

  She sat down at the table but I stayed standing and leaned against the kitchen counter. I was already having a hard time keeping myself in check, appearing like I had everything under control. In reality my body was on fire, my heart thundered, and all I wanted to do was pull her in close and feel her body against mine.

  She wasn't looking at me as she popped the cap of her beer and brought the bottle to her mouth to take a long drink. I felt myself get hard, felt my cock become stiff and painful as I watched her mouth curve around the tip of the bottle.

  And it was only when she glanced at me, her eyes wide, her cheeks pink that I realized I'd groaned out loud.

  Everything in me became tighter and I felt the air shift, going from warm to scorching hot. Beads of sweat covered my chest and back, and the longer she stared at me, the longer I wanted to say fuck it and take her in my arms.

  As the seconds moved by it became harder for me to breathe. I knew I wasn't going be able to get out of here without touching her. This was wrong on so many levels, and I should've been stronger and stayed away. But I had wanted Jessa for the last year. No other woman compared to her, no other female even interested me.

  It had been years since I'd been with a woman sexually because I wanted to focus on working. But over the last year I hadn't been with any females because all I wanted was Jessa.

  And then, as if I couldn't control myself any longer, as if my instinct was taking over, I set my beer on the counter and went to her. I took the bottle out of her hand and put it on the table and then lifted her up so she stood right in front of me. She was breathing harder, faster, and her pupils were fully dilated as she stared at me.

  “Rye.” She said my name so softly it was almost inaudible.

  I stared at her mouth, desperately wanting to claim it, mark her so she knew she was mine.

  “Kiss me,” she said softly and I groaned like a wild animal. I cupped the back of her head and slammed my mouth on hers, sweeping my tongue between her parted lips and moving it along hers.

  She made this sweet and sexual sound for me, and my cock jerked violently in my pants. I placed my other hand at the small of her back and pulled her impossibly closer to me.

  Her breasts were pressed to the center of my chest, and I felt her hard nipples through the material of our clothes. I knew she could feel how hard my dick was as it dug into her belly. I was being a dirty bastard as I ground myself against her and continued to mouth-fuck her.

  I pulled back, surprised I even had the willpower to do that. I looked at her face and saw the drugged-like expression she wore. “Tell me to stop and I will. Although it will be the hardest fucking thing I've ever done in my life.”

  She was silent for several seconds and I heard the thunder of my heart in my ears.

  “No, I don't want to stop.”

  Thank fuck. Because in all honesty I didn't think I'd be able to.



  “The way you’re looking at me is very dangerous.” Rye’s voice was low and rough, like sandpaper moving along my body.

  I shivered, wanting more of it, needing his hands on me, wanting him to take me like I knew he wanted to.

  “I’m not looking at you any way,” I said, a lie, knowing exactly the way I watched him: like a woman who needed to be fucked. I knew I was playing with fire, tempting a beast, but I couldn’t help it. I didn’t want to stop this.

  My breath stalled.

  “You’re looking at me like you want me to devour every inch of you.”

  God, I do.

  “You’re looking at me like you want me to fuck you until you can’t walk straight.”


  I might be a virgin, but I sure as hell knew what I wanted, and how I wanted Rye to take me.

  My heart pounded so hard that I felt like it would burst right through my chest. And when he looked down at my mouth and I licked my lips, the sound he made had me becoming wetter.

  My mouth tingled, warmed for another taste of him.

  He was so masculine and raw. I wasn’t going to deny myself what I’d wanted for so long. Rye made this gruff sound and pulled me forward even harder. He had his hand on my nape now.

  “Once we do this, there’s no going back.” He looked me right in the eyes. “You’ll be mine no matter what.”

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Christ, baby. I’m going to hell for being with you,” he growled out, and then slammed his mouth on mine once more.

  He pulled back far too soon, and I sucked in a gasp of air. My lips tingled and felt swollen.

  “I’m so ready for you, for this,” I whispered against his mouth.

  “Tell me how much you fucking want this, baby girl.” He cupped each side of my face and breathed hard against my mouth.

  His breath brushed along my lips, and a small sound left me. I felt helpless with this man, but only in the best of ways.

  I wanted to feel him slide his cock deep inside of me, claim my cherry, take it as his. There was no doubt in my mind he’d be huge, his shaft tunneling through me, stretching me, making the pain and pleasure morph into one.

  God, I’m so wet for him.

  “I want you,” I said on a breath.

  And then he leaned in and kissed me. “You deserve sweet and gentle, not a dirty fucking bastard like me.”

  “I want you,” I said, meaning every word.

  A dark look of possession covered his face, and it was directed right at me. He slid his hand over my thigh, along my hip, and up my side to rest right by my breast.

  God, yes. I need more.

  “Tell me you’ll only ever be mine.”

  “I’m only yours,” I said without hesitation. It was the truth and always would be.

  He growled low, this animal that was untamed.

  He slid his hand over my breast, and the pressure had me teetering on the edge of orgasm already. When he covered the mound a moan spilled from me involuntarily. He curled his hand around my sensitive flesh until a sting of pain filled me and mixed with the pleasure.

  “God, yes,” I whispered, not able to hold the words in. I let my head fall back slightly, closed my eyes, and then I felt his mouth on my exposed throat. He licked and sucked at my flesh, drawing goosebumps along my skin, making me writhe for him.

  Curling my hands around his wide, muscular shoulders, I dug my nails into his flesh, wanting him closer, needing him like I needed to breathe.

  I would not stop this, not until there was nothing left of me and I was a panting mess beneath Rye.


  Fuck. This is happening and I’m not going to do anything to stop it.

  Jessa tasted sweeter than anything I’d ever had, than anything I could ever imagine. She had her neck arched, her lids at half-mast, and looked at me like she was dying for another taste.

  I flattened my tongue and ran it up the length of her neck, over and over again. I couldn’t get enough, didn’t want to ever fucking stop. I wanted to memorize her body, have the flavor of her flesh on my tongue.

  Her breasts were pressed against my chest now, her nipples rock hard. I wanted to take those little tips in my mouth and suck on them until the blood rushed to the surface.

  My cock jerked against the zipper of my jeans, and I knew I could have come righ
t then if I kept this up. I’d spew my seed all over the front of my fucking jeans before I was even inside of her.

  “I’m so hard for you right now.” I ground myself against her belly, showing her. I started kissing her again, harder this time. I ran my tongue along her lips before dipping it into the hot recess of her mouth.

  She started breathing harder against my mouth, her need evident.

  “I want to leave my mark on you, want you filled with my cum. I want to pull back and see it slipping from your pussy.” Fuck, saying these things wasn’t helping my current situation. “I want to spread your legs and look at the pretty cunt that is all mine.”

  She made the sweetest sound for me.

  I didn’t want to talk anymore. All I wanted was us naked and on a bed with me between her thighs.

  I fucked her between her lips with my tongue, the same motions I’d be doing between her legs. A gasp left her, and I swallowed it. Kissing her harder, I didn’t give her time to even think.

  I slipped my hand under the hem of her shirt and tore the material up and over her head, tossing it aside like it meant nothing. “Take the bra off.”

  She did what I said right away, and my mouth watered when I saw her tits revealed, the nipples hard and pink. Without thinking about anything else, I moved us over to the couch.

  I was going to make her come before I was even in her, and then I’d fuck her until she knew she was mine.



  I wanted her spread out for me, wanted to feast on her like the starving man I was for her. I should have taken her to the bedroom, loved her good and fucking proper. I wanted that intimacy with her, wanted to show her that to me she was it.

  But I was too impatient for that.

  So instead I moved forward so she was forced to take a step back. I looked over her head to make sure the blinds were closed, knowing that this was a dirty fucking thing I was doing, but to hell with all of that.

  I was going to eat her pretty pussy out right here on the table, and then I’d have her come all over my face. After that I’d take her to her room and fuck her good and raw, show her that she was mine in all ways.

  When the table stopped her I looked at her face and silently told her to get on it. She obeyed me so damn well. I took a step back and just looked at her, wanting her like this fucking fiend who couldn’t control himself.

  “I should be honest with you,” she said, and I knew what she’d say already. “I’m a virgin,” she whispered.

  I was so weak when it came to her. “I know,” I said, already understanding that she was innocent in all ways. “And I’m going to pop your cherry, take your virginity for myself, and show you no other man will have you from this point on.” I’d have to be gentle, even though all I wanted was to have her screaming out my name as I fucked her tight little cunt good and hard. I wanted to fill her with my cum, make her take it all, watch it slip out of her pussy when I pulled out.

  I lowered my head and latched my mouth onto one of her nipples. Moving my tongue around her areola, I reveled in her flavor as I sucked the taut peak into my mouth and felt her tremble. She moaned for me and I took her flesh harder and more fiercely in my mouth.

  I alternated to the other breast, sucked, licked and nipped at her peaks until both of her nipples were wet, hard, and red from my ministrations. Her little pants and soft mewls for more wouldn’t stop me from escalating this.

  No, it would make me go harder, make me push her boundaries.

  “I want to see every fucking part of your body that will be mine.” I leaned forward and kissed her. After a few seconds I pulled back an inch. “And when I slide my dick into your pussy, tearing through your virginity, you’ll know you’re mine.”

  “Oh. God,” she moaned softly.

  She leaned forward slightly until our mouths were fused together once more. I ran my tongue along her bottom lip, licking, sucking, and making her feverish for me.

  Yes, she is mine.

  While we kissed I moved my hand between our bodies and placed it right over her pussy, through the material of her panties. I pulled back to look at her face again. “Look at me,” I said, demanding she open her eyes and see my face, know how serious I was about this. I wasn’t going to stop, not now, not ever. “This is mine.” I added pressure between her thighs. “You are mine.”

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  I ran my tongue over her collarbone. “You’re it for me.” I started kissing her again. She had her hands on my biceps, her nails digging into my skin.

  “I want to be inside of you so badly right now. I want to push my cock deep in your pussy, make you feel stretched, fill you up completely.” I groaned the words out, working myself up even more. “I want my cum filling you, slipping from the tight confines of your body as I watch it soak the sheets,” I said against her flesh, meaning every dirty fucking word I said.

  “God.” She moaned. She licked her lips and lifted her hip, causing my hand to press further against her.

  “I am going to fuck you so hard there won’t be a doubt in anyone’s mind who you belong to.” She gasped. “I’m going to make it so you can’t walk straight tomorrow.”

  I shouldn’t say this. I shouldn’t be here with her, doing this, being a dirty fucking bastard.

  I took her mouth brutally and twisted my hand so I could press my thumb to her clit. The nub was swollen, eager for more of what only I could give her. She writhed for me, held onto my biceps with an unyielding force, and curled her nails deeper into my flesh.

  All I could think about was that she was mine.

  A moan left her, and before she could suck in another lungful of air I was moving down her body until my face was at the junction between her thighs. “I need to taste you, need to drown in you.” I looked up the length of her body. “I need my lips numb from eating you out.”

  I pulled back and looked down between her legs. I rubbed my fingers over her underwear, the material soaked clean through.


  Jessa was breathing heavily, her chest rising and falling rapidly. “I need you now, Rye.”

  I loved hearing her beg. I ran my tongue along her inner thigh, and then moved to her other, needing more.

  “Rye.” She had her hands in my hair a second later, tugging at the strands forcefully.

  “Yeah. That’s so fucking it.” I squeezed my hands on her thighs, knowing I’d cause her bruises, leaving my mark on her. “You have no idea what you do to me.” She moaned a response. I latched my mouth right over her pussy, not caring that her underwear were in the way.

  I sucked on her through her panties until the material grew pliant and soaked from my saliva. I forced myself to pull away. I could see every part of her. Her panties were all but transparent due to her wetness, and my cock jerked. I reached between my legs and rubbed my cock through my jeans, needing the stimulation at the moment.

  “I need you,” she whispered, and that plea went through my entire body. I slipped a finger under the edge of her underwear, running the digit up and down the soaked material. I looked at her face as I pulled it aside. I looked back between her thighs and stared at her exposed pussy.

  God. So fucking hot.

  “Touch me.”

  A guttural groan left me, and I couldn’t hold back. I leaned forward and attacked her pink flesh like a starving man. I was starving for her, dying to have her flavor on my tongue, down my throat.

  The musky, sweet smell and flavor of her exploded on my tongue. I licked and sucked at her harder. The sounds she made were making me insane, making me harder.

  I kept her panties pushed to the side and pulled her pussy lips apart with my thumbs. And then I flattened my tongue and slowly dragged it up her slit. I sucked her clit into my mouth at the same time I teased her pussy hole, not penetrating her, but letting her know I was right here, ready to take her.

  She tasted so fucking good, sweet with a hint of musk that drove me fucking insane.

  I sucked
on the hard bundle of nerves at the top of her mound with increasing force, wanting her to come from this alone, needing her to do this for me like I needed to fucking breathe.

  “God, yes. Yes.”

  And then she did explode for me. I didn’t stop working my mouth on her, didn’t stop drawing the pleasure from her body.

  She had a grip on my hair, pulling the strands hard enough that my pleasure and pain went up a notch. I grunted in pleasure but didn’t stop what I was doing. I was so fucking turned on that I didn’t even hide the fact I was all but fucking the air, pushing my cock into the nothingness and wishing I was in her pussy right now.

  I pulled away, trying to stay calm, but having a really fucking hard time at it. The sight of the post-climatic high covering her face had my entire body strung tight.

  “Take me to my bedroom.” She whispered the plea to me. Her cheeks were red from the orgasm I had given her.

  I had her in my arms as soon as the words left her mouth. We were in the bedroom in a matter of seconds. I wasn’t about to waste time in having my dick so far up in her cunt she didn’t know where she started and I ended.

  I kicked her bedroom door shut with my foot and strode to her bed. Once I had her steadied on the ground I took a step back. “Get on the mattress and lie back with your legs spread as wide as you can get them, baby.”

  She did what I said without any hesitation, and a deep approving noise left me. When she had her legs spread wide and I saw how pink and wet she was, I ran a hand over my mouth, trying to rein in my control.

  “Fuck, baby. Yeah, that’s so it.”

  Her clit was hard, and the crack of her ass and roundness of her cheeks called out to me. I’d be fucking her ass at some point, pushing my dick through the tight ring of muscle and claiming this part of her as well.


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