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Page 11

by Jenika Snow

  For a moment all I did was stare at her, at the pussy that was mine and no one else’s.

  “God, yes, Rye.”

  “Say you’re mine,” I ordered, needing her to say the words again and again, needing her to be drunk from it all. I stared at her, waiting for her to say the words.

  “I’m yours.”

  Yeah she is.

  Slowly I moved my gaze from her pussy to her face. I held her attention with my own, making it known nonverbally that we were now connected. Once I had my cock up in her, claimed her, marked her, no other male would touch her. They wouldn’t even fucking dare to look at her, fucking think they could have her.

  She was the only woman who meant more to me than anything else on this fucking planet. And I’d make sure she knew that every single day for the rest of her life.



  I was on my bed, totally naked, and my legs spread so wide my inner thigh muscles protested. Rye looked at me like he was barely hanging on to his control.

  Hell, he looked like he was about to snap, and I wanted that, needed it. Before he came a step closer I watched as he started taking his clothes off. The air was thicker than before, so hot, so humid. I was hyperventilating, my arousal like a living entity in me, my need so strong that I couldn’t think straight.

  He removed his shirt, his muscles and tattoos so pronounced, so masculine that I felt wetness slip from my pussy, my lust climbing higher and higher. My throat was tight, my mouth dry. Every hard ridge, dip, and bulge of his muscles was shown in startling clarity, and my heart jackknifed. Rye was huge, tall and big all over, the epitome of what a male should look like. His short dark hair was disheveled from removing his shirt, but it looked good on him … so damn good.

  Giving in to Rye was easy, because being with him was what I’d wanted for a long time.

  “I want to make this good for you. I want to be sweet and gentle, take things slow, but having you so close, seeing you in this way, makes me frenzied.”

  “I don’t want you to have to hold back, to be someone you’re not.”

  He made this low, almost dangerous sound, and it made me want him more.

  He went for his belt, and when that was removed he undid the button of his pants and pulled down the zipper. I was so wet. Then he was naked for me, all his hardness, maleness coming at me like a derailed train. His chest was smooth aside from a dark line of hair that started right below his belly button and continued its downward path to his cock.

  My mouth dried at the sight of his erection. The ridiculous thought passed through my head that he wouldn’t fit inside of me, that his shaft was so thick and long that there was no way I could handle him. But I knew that wasn’t the case. I knew my body would accept him, would open up and take all of him inside of me. I’d stretch, there would be pain, but I wanted it all.

  I lifted my gaze from his cock to his face. His eyes were at half-mast, his head lowered. He looked feral as he stared at me. “You want me, Jessa?” He reached down and grabbed his cock. “You want this inside of you?”

  I looked down and watched him grab his monstrous cock.

  “Be with me,” I said softly.

  He moved closer to her, but stopped when he reached the edge of the bed. He reached out and smoothed a finger down the side of my neck. Goosebumps popped out along my skin.

  I rose so I was now sitting up slightly. My heart was thundering and my whole body was shaking in anticipation. He got on his knees on the bed and looked at me for a second.

  And then he cupped both sides of my face and leaned in to kiss me hard and possessively. I felt his hard cock press right against my belly, the tip slick with his need for me. This primal need to have him shoved deep inside of me, to have his seed covering the inside of my pussy, marking me, making me his, filled me.

  “I need you now,” I said against his mouth, all but begging.

  He groaned and delved his tongue between my lips, mouth-fucking me like I wanted him to do between my legs. Rye licked my bottom lip, his tongue smooth, his taste explosive.

  He used his upper body to push me back on the bed, his chest now covering me. He shifted so I was forced to spread my legs wide for him, his cock now pressed to my pussy. For long minutes all he did was kiss me—fucking my mouth with his lips and tongue. He started thrusting his cock against my pussy, his huge shaft moving up and down my slit easily, fluidly.

  “God damn, baby,” he groaned against my mouth.

  Having his mouth on mine, and feeling his dick rubbing up and down on my slit, had me on the verge of coming. He plunged his tongue in and out of my mouth and kissed me like he was starving for me. Rye picked up his speed in thrusting against me.

  He broke the kiss and moved his mouth to the hollow of my neck, licking, sucking, and gently biting. “God, I fucking want you right now.”

  And that’s when I came for him, his words and movements making me tingle and explode for him.

  It was a tightening of my body, this sharpness moving up my spine and outward that told me I was losing control. I let it consume me. I arched my back, my breasts thrust out, the pleasure consuming me.

  It was when the orgasm settled and I opened my eyes that I saw Rye was watching me as if transfixed by the sight. He was breathing hard, his chest rising and falling, his masculinity coming through loud and clear.

  “God, yes, baby,” he groaned and rested his forehead against mine, closing his eyes. “Seeing you unhinged like that because of me…” His entire body shook. “Yeah, so fucking hot.”

  Before I knew what was happening he flipped me onto my belly. I didn’t have time to react as he helped me onto my hands and knees.

  I looked over my shoulder at him. The way his jaw clenched under his stubble-covered face told me he was just as unhinged as I was.

  “Take my virginity.”

  “You sure about that?” he asked and ran his hand down the center of my back.

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  He made this pleased humming noise, the muscles in his body standing in stark relief.

  When he was positioned behind me, it was a heady and intoxicating sensation, but not as much as when he brought his open palm down on my ass with enough force that the sting had a small mewl leaving me. I felt the pain instantly, but when he smoothed his hand over my flesh, easing the sting away, all I felt was this lasting pleasure.

  We held each other’s gazes, and he spanked me again, over and over again. I felt like he wasn’t doing it as hard as he might want to, but that was okay because the pressure he exerted, the pain he gave me now, was unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

  I didn’t want it to end.



  Blood rushed to the surface of the erotically abused area.

  I wanted more.

  He continued to spank me over and over again. Rye made this low sound of need again, and then he was smoothing his hand over my ass. “I want to fuck your ass so badly, but not tonight.” When Rye pressed his hips forward I felt the hard length of him settle between my legs again. I wanted that thick length deep inside of me.

  I couldn’t think straight.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good and hard.” He dug his fingers into my flesh. “Once my cock is in you, I won’t stop.” He moved his hand between our bodies, and his knuckles brushed along my sensitive, soaked flesh. He positioned the thick, bulbous head of his erection at the entrance of my body, but didn’t thrust in right away. God, I wanted him to. I needed him to.

  “Ask me for it.”

  I looked over my shoulder, saw his dark eyes watching me, and felt the rumble from his voice spear right into me. I wanted to be bold and free like he was, not this innocent, inexperienced virgin.

  “I want this. I want you.” I was gasping. With his cockhead nudging at the entrance of my pussy, and his hands on my hips, I knew there was no going back from this. But that was good because I didn’t want to.

  He growled out low
and then in one move he pushed his length into me, breaking through my hymen, my virginity. I gasped, the pain and stretching almost unbearable. My eyes watered at the intrusion, but that discomfort morphed into pleasure with each passing second.

  He held very still, as if he wanted me to get used to his size. His balls were pressed right up against my slick flesh, and I felt my inner muscles clenching around him. I bit my lip hard enough I tasted blood.


  His word speared into me and created this delicious vibration that went straight to my clit.

  “Christ.” He slid his hand up the center of my back, gripped my nape, and tightened his hold. “I’m going to fuck you so hard you’ll know you’re mine.” And with that he started pulling out and pushing back in.

  Over and over again.

  In and out.

  Harder and faster.

  As the seconds moved by I felt his control slip. He started pushing into me harder and pulling out faster, with more force. The sounds that came from him were rugged, broken. Soon beads of sweat covered my flesh, and my throat was dry from the amount of oxygen I was sucking in, or trying to at least.

  “Yes, Jessa baby,” he hissed out. “That’s it. Fuck, that is so it.”

  The faster and harder he pumped into me, the higher my pleasure climbed until it was on the precipice of exploding and covering me in euphoria. Rye now had his hand on my belly, holding me still as he fucked me.

  “Come all over my cock, make it slick with your juices.”

  And just like that I got off for him.

  Before my ecstasy lessened, he pulled out of me. I gasped at the fact he was no longer in me. Rye flipped me around and onto my back a second later. He positioned his cock back at my entrance. I wanted him to just shove back into me, push all those thick inches into my body, but instead he slowly penetrated me. I opened my mouth on a silent cry as he filled me, stretched me.

  When the root of his cock bumped my clit, sparks of electricity slammed into me and I cried out. I tipped my head back and moaned.

  He didn’t give my body time to become accustomed to his size again. He just started fucking me. The expression on his face was fierce and filled with pleasure. He looked like a wild animal that had been set free after years of confinement.

  Beads of sweat lined his forehead, trailed down his temple, and landed on my chest. It turned me on so much, made this experience that much more intense.

  “Oh. God.” I squeezed my eyes shut tighter, knowing I’d come sooner rather than later. He was working me over so damn good I couldn’t even see straight. “I’m going to come.”

  “Yeah, that’s it.” He grunted and I clenched my inner muscles around him. He slowed his thrusting, as if torturing me was his ultimate goal. And then he leaned back, bracing himself on his knees, and placed his hands on my inner thighs, his fingers framing my pussy, and pushed my legs up and to my chest.

  The new position had him going even deeper inside of me.

  Curling my nails into his flesh, I moaned at the intensity with which he took me. And that’s exactly what this was … Rye claiming me. Even though I’d already orgasmed I felt like I was building up for another powerful one.

  He slammed his cock inside of me so hard I shifted up on the bed. Over and over he did this, hitting something deep inside so that it felt like fireworks were going off in me.

  “You’re so fucking hot and tight, so wet and mine.” He leaned over me, running his teeth over my neck. Rye bit at me gently, and I cried out in ecstasy.

  I was right on the precipice of climaxing.

  Rye kept sucking at my flesh at the same time he really started fucking me.

  “That’s it, baby,” he said, his mouth now right by my ear. “Come all over my cock. Make it slick with your cream.”

  That was all it took for me to get off. I felt the wave wash through me, the pleasure take control. I arched my back, my breasts thrust out, and closed my eyes. I just rode it until I couldn’t even breathe.

  Rye grunted. He slammed into me, then rotated his hips, pressing his body against the bundle of nerves that made up my slit. Sensations moved through me.

  “Kiss me.” I didn’t care if I was begging. And he didn’t make me wait or ask again. He had his mouth slammed on mine, his tongue speared between my lips. Our combined flavors mixed together as we pressed our tongues against each other. Rye was thrusting into me in quick, hard strokes.

  I moaned, unable to stop myself.

  On the fourth thrust he buried himself all the way inside of me. I moaned at the intensity I felt. The sound of his pleasure had my own rising higher. And then I felt the hot jets of his cum fill me, felt him get thicker inside of me. He groaned and shook atop me.

  God, it was arousing knowing that I caused this reaction in him.

  When his weight became almost too much for me, he rolled off, but kept me close to his body. I liked that, loved knowing that he needed to have me close to him. I felt myself start to relax even further, knowing what true happiness and completion felt like.

  For several seconds we did nothing but lie there, his big, muscular body curled around mine protectively. He reached between my legs, moved his finger around my pussy hole, and then pushed the digit into me.

  “My cum belongs in here, stays in here, and you’ll know you’re mine every fucking day for the rest of your life.”

  I gasped at the sensitivity between my legs. He shifted me so I was now facing him, his hand still between my legs, his finger still buried deep in me. I rested my head on his chest and listened to his heart beating. This was what I wanted in life: Rye holding me, telling me I was his. I wouldn’t fight how I felt anymore. I wouldn’t try and pretend this wasn’t where I was meant to be, who I was meant to be with. My father might or might not understand, but in the end I knew what I wanted.

  In the end this was my life and I needed to do what made me happy, damn the consequences.



  I stared at Kash from across the table, the side of my face throbbing from when he’d hit me just moments ago. But I'd let him punch the fuck out of me, let him get his aggression out over the fact I’d just told him Jessa was mine and I wasn't giving her up.

  I glanced to the side and saw my girl standing there, her hands twisted together, her expression worried. I wanted to go to her and tell her everything would be okay, that I'd make sure it was.

  Kash had come home just an hour ago and I'd been sitting here waiting for him, not about to deny any of this. I wanted him to know right away that Jessa was mine.

  As soon as Kash had walked through the door and seen me standing beside his daughter, the confusion and anger morphed across his face.

  He'd known before I said anything.

  And it had only taken a second after I got the words out that Kash had slugged the side of my face. But I let him hit me, let him get out his anger over what had transpired.

  Jessa took a step forward and stood beside me. I clenched my hands, wanting to pull her closer, wanting to have her right on my lap. But I respected Kash too much to be disrespectful like that. He was clearly trying to understand all of this, and shoving my affection for his daughter in his face wouldn’t do anything but piss him off more.

  Kash looked at Jessa, his expression unreadable. “How long has this been going on?” he asked, his voice void of emotion.

  After he hit me, Jessa had screamed out for him to stop. He'd done so instantly and took a step back, obviously trying to rein in his anger. I couldn't blame him. If the roles had been reversed I would've reacted the same way.

  “It hasn't been going on.” Jessa looked over at me. “But I've loved him for a while now, and I don't want to hold my feelings back any longer.”

  I curled my fingers even harder into my palms, my blunt nails digging into my flesh. I loved her too. I looked at Kash, staring at the man I had known for longer than I cared to admit, wanting him to see how genuine this was. I was a bastard in a lot of wa
ys, and had never really cared about anything.

  But when it came to Jessa she was it for me.

  And I was tired of pretending otherwise.

  “I love her, Kash. Nothing was ever done behind your back until this one time.” I saw his jaw clenching and knew that little bit of information had pissed him off. I couldn't blame him, but I was also going to be honest.

  He looked at his daughter then, his gaze softening. “You know this isn’t something that I can just accept?”

  She didn’t answer Kash right away. Jessa exhaled and closed her eyes for a moment. “I hope you do, though. I love him, and I know he cares for me. I’m not a fool, Dad. I don’t just jump head first into situations. You know that.”

  Kash rubbed a hand over his face and looked between the two of us. “Fucking hell,” he said without any heat in his voice. “You’re so much fucking older than her, Rye.”

  “I’ll protect her,” I said with determination in my voice. “I’ll make sure she never wants for fucking anything.” I could see the tenseness in Kash slowly starting to dissipate. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Yeah, I know you’ll do all of that.”

  I felt like this heaviness was lifting from me. I might be a badass to anyone who fucked with me, but Kash was a business partner, a friend, and seeing him pissed at me—and rightly so—felt like shit.

  “You’re okay with this … with us?” Jessa asked softly.

  Kash didn’t respond right away, but finally he exhaled. “Your happiness and wellbeing are all that I want.” He looked at me then. “And if being happy with Rye is what you want, then so be it. I know he’ll protect you with his life.”

  And I would. I will.


  Several days later

  I sat at one of the empty tables at my father and Rye’s bar, the glass of Coke in front of me warm and the ice already melted. I thought back to all the things that had happened up to this point. I thought about how my father had accepted what I wanted, and how he’d wanted to speak with Rye alone. I wondered what was being said, wondered if there would be threats to not hurt me, like I imagined fathers said to their daughters’ boyfriends.


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