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Abigail: Dr. Richards' Littles 11

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by Pepper North

  “Please!” Abigail’s head dropped forward to rest on April’s shoulder. She felt the caressing hand stroke and cup her breast. When it pinched her nipple lightly and then, more firmly, Abigail moaned and reached her lips up to press them against April’s.

  “Mmmmm, baby. You taste so good,” April murmured softly. She began unbuttoning Abigail’s crisp work shirt. When Abigail jumped and started to hold her gaping shirt together, April kissed her deeply and gently pulled Abigail’s hands away holding both restrained in one of hers. “Shhhhh, it’s just you and me here. Let me make you feel good.” She felt Abigail nod her agreement against her neck. “Good girl.” April released her hold on Abigail’s hands moving each to rest on her knees. “Keep your hands here for Mommy,” she instructed firmly. Again, she felt that small nod of agreement. April’s heart filled with hope. This Little girl was so compliant.

  Once she had the buttons unfastened, April ran her fingers along the lace bordering Abigail’s bra. Finding the front clasp, April released it with one hand and immediately swept a caressing hand across Abigail’s breasts. “You are so beautiful, baby,” she complimented. She leaned Abigail to the side and laid her gently on the concrete floor. Holding herself over Abigail, April pressed soft kisses to the tender tissue before sucking one puckered nipple into her mouth.

  Unconsciously, Abigail began to lift her hips toward April. She felt April brush a caressing hand down her ribcage to her stomach. Abigail sucked her tummy in desperately. She knew that she was overweight and needed to lose some pounds. She was afraid that she’d turn April off when April touched Abigail’s soft rolls of extra flesh. Abigail started to struggle against April desperate to stop her caresses.

  Chapter Four

  “What baby, what’s wrong?” April asked gently holding her in place.

  “Don’t touch my stomach,” Abigail asked desperately. “I’m too fat.” Abigail thanked the darkness for the first time in her life. At least, April couldn’t see her body.

  April immediately rolled Abigail over on her side and began spanking her round bottom. After several spanks, she quickly undid Abigail’s pants and pulled the pants and her underwear down to her knees. She rolled Abigail back on her side and starting to spank her bottom hard. The slaps on Abigail’s exposed bottom sounded through the room.

  Abigail tried not to cry. April was not holding back this time. “Why, why are you spanking me?” Abigail asked with heaving breath. This time the spanking was painful. She couldn’t get away from the sharp blows. She was totally overpowered by April.

  “You are never to call yourself fat again. You are beautiful and your body is beautiful. Do you think I want a skinny stick of a women without curves and a lush figure?” April demanded. She continued the punishing spanking. She could feel Abigail’s bottom heating up under her hands. April wished she could see.

  Abigail finally sobbed, “I’m sorry, April. I just was embarrassed.”

  April stopped spanking and pulled Abigail into her arms wiping her tears with a sleeve of her sweater. “I am very attracted to you,” April reassured her as she rolled Abigail back over on her back. When Abigail’s red, heated bottom touched the cold concrete, she arched up toward April who took advantage of her moment to suck a nipple deep in her mouth. Kissing both breasts, April brushed her hand lightly over Abigail’s plump tummy before sliding into the curly hair that guarded her pink folds.

  April brushed her fingers down Abigail’s labia finding her soaked with arousal. “You are so wet for Mommy,” she praised as she began to dip her fingers deeper into her inner folds. April smiled as she felt Abigail try to widen her legs but she was restrained by her pants. “Just let me help you, baby. Just feel.” April grazed Abigail’s clitoris circling it careful as Abigail moaned deeply. April slid her fingers to the opening of Abigail’s vagina. She found the opening very tight and realized that Abigail had never lost her virginity. Praising whoever had dropped this wonderful girl in her lap, April dipped one finger into her vagina caressing the interior walls.

  Abigail’s head thrashed from side to side slowly. She was almost there. “Please don’t stop,” she begged. Her answer was another slow press into her vagina. “Please,” she asked restlessly. Abigail needed something else. Her pleas were answered when April’s finger began to tease the rim of her bottom before pressing firmly inside. “Aaaaaahhhhhhh!” Abigail felt like she was exploding into a million pieces. She bucked up to wrap her arms around April’s toned body and hold on as the shudders racked her body.

  April smiled and held the Little girl tight to her chest. April tenderly kissed the tears that had oozed from her eyes during Abigail’s orgasm. She murmured soft words to calm her. She had known that Abigail was special but she’d had no idea how special she was. Now that she did, Abigail was never getting away.

  Chapter Five

  Abigail struggled to keep her eyes open. She’d worked very hard during her shift at the salon. Combining her work hours with the stress of being in a dark room, two spankings and a massive orgasm, Abigail’s body needed to recharge. She felt April’s warm hands helping her redress before she was pulled over to lay her head on April’s lap. Strong fingers gently stroked through her hair and Abigail drifted off to sleep.

  April laid her head back against the box she was leaning on and replayed the entire evening together with Abigail. They were going to have a serious talk when they got out of this room but for now, April was pleased to have the Little girl curled up on her lap. She allowed her eyelids to flutter closed and she also fell asleep.

  April jumped when she heard the cleaning crew coming in the back door. They were curious about her car still parked in the back lot. April carefully laid Abigail’s head on the concrete and she stood to stretch her sore muscles. Walking to the door, she pounded on it to get the cleaning crew’s attention. Joseph came to open the door and he grinned when he saw the boss and another employee trapped in the stockroom.

  “You’re way too dedicated boss when you lock yourself in the stockroom to make sure you finish the inventory. It would probably work better if you had a little light,” Joseph joked.

  “You are right there. Thanks for letting us out. We’ll gather our things and get out of your way,” April laughed tiredly. She turned to see Abigail sitting up on the floor rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Smiling at the young woman, April walked over to help her to her feet. April hugged her quickly before instructing her, “Go get your purse, baby. I’ll drive you home.”

  Abigail walked woodenly to the employee lockers and found her purse. She was still half asleep as she returned to find April by the back door. “I can take the bus. I don’t want to take you out of your way,” she mumbled.

  “Come on sleepy girl. My car is this way. I’m taking you home. No arguments,” she said putting her arm around Abigail’s shoulders and walking her to the luxury car. April opened the passenger door and helped her into the comfortable seat. Abigail groaned in reaction to the cushioned seat. “I know, Abigail. That floor was hard, wasn’t it?” April laughed softly leaning across to pull her seatbelt around her curvy body. She caressed the side of Abigail’s face as she closed her eyes and started to fall back asleep in her seat. By the time April rounded the car and slid behind the steering wheel, Abigail had begun to snore softly.

  April considered waking her up but decided to drive to the address that was listed on Abigail’s application. Pulling up to park at the curb, April gently shook Abigail. “We’re at your home, baby. Wake up.”

  Abigail’s eyes fluttered open. She looked at April before turning to stare at the house. She shook her head to wake up and tried to decide what to do. She’d made up this address, she didn’t really live here.

  “Would you like me to walk you up to the door?” April asked gently.

  “Ummmmm, I’m sorry, April. I don’t live here. I just used this address on my application. I don’t really have a home. I float between several friends’ houses. Last night, I was supposed to stay at Stacy
’s,” Abigail admitted. “I’ll get out here. I can walk to the bus stop from here.

  “Where does Stacy live?” April asked sharply. She was not pleased that Abigail had lied.

  “411 S. 13th St.,” Abigail answered softly. She sat quietly in the passenger seat. She knew April would not be pleased.

  “That’s not a good part of town, Abigail. You’re not safe there,” April said flatly.

  “I know. I try not to stay there often but that was the only place available for last night,” Abigail admitted.

  They drove through the city to the rough neighborhood. April demanded that Abigail point out the bus stop that she used when she stayed with Stacy. Several vagrants were asleep propped against the graffiti covered bus shelter. A man nearby was selling something in small packets to a man in a convertible that had pulled up to the side of the bus stop. April had no doubt that this was a drug deal. Her anger grew. How could Abigail put herself in such danger? This was not happening again.

  “We are going to pick up your things. You will not come here again, Little girl. You can stay at my house and we’ll figure out what is the best place for you to live.” She held up her hand as Abigail started to argue. “No arguments from you, Abigail. I will not allow you to get off the bus alone at that bus stop late at night.

  “I know what you’re thinking but it really looks worse than it is. No one usually bothers me,” Abigail started. She stopped when April looked over at her with disbelief. “Okay, you’re right. It’s awful but it’s better than living in the park.”

  “What happens to your paycheck? Why don’t you rent an apartment?” April asked quickly.

  “I have student loans I have to pay off. I can’t afford an apartment. I rented a room in a house for a while but the husband of the couple that lived there started to come to knock on my door at night. I couldn’t stay there,” Abigail explained.

  “No, you couldn’t,” April agreed. She was approaching her house and she pressed the garage door opener to store her car inside. April helped lift the heavy suitcase out of the car and she led Abigail into the house. “Follow me. I’ll show you the guest room.” Abigail followed April into the lovely bedroom.

  “Wow! This is beautiful. Thanks, April,” Abigail looked around the decorated guest room. She watched April walk up to stand close to her before April started to unbutton her uniform shirt. Abigail held her shirt together. “I can undress myself,” she protested as she yawned.

  “You’re too tired. Let me help you, Little girl,” April brushed her hands away and finished unbuttoning her shirt before pulling it off the chubby girl’s body.

  Abigail stood still. She was embarrassed to have April see her in the bright, morning light. She loved the attention and remembered all the sensations that she had felt in the stockroom as April had touched her. Abigail moaned as April’s fingers brushed her full breasts as she removed her bra next. Abigail felt her nipples clench in the cool air in the guest room.

  “What a beautiful Little girl, you are. Thank you for letting me take care of you, Abigail,” April said softly as she unfastened Abigail’s pants and slid them down to the ground. She pushed Abigail’s underwear down to her ankles as well before kneeling in front of her to untie her shoes and pull everything off. April looked up at the naked, generous curves and smiled before leaning in to kiss Abigail on her curly hair between her thighs. She smiled even more broadly when Abigail moaned and swayed toward her mouth.

  “Pleasure later, baby. Right now, let’s get you cleaned up so you can sleep comfortably,” April said standing up to turn Abigail by the shoulders to move into the attached bathroom. Turning on the shower, April helped Abigail step under the water. “Take your time. I’ll be here when you’re finished.”

  Abigail could see April through the clear shower door. She picked up the soap and began to rub it over her body as the older woman watched her carefully. Abigail could feel her body becoming aroused. Each brush of her own hands heightened her titillation. When she rubbed the soap through the pink folds guarding her vagina, Abigail could feel the slick moisture that had gathered there. She groaned in reaction.

  Suddenly, she saw April’s hand press against the clear shower door. “No playing around, Abigail. Your pleasure is mine alone to provoke. Finish bathing, baby.”

  Abigail didn’t know why this turned her on more. She wasn’t used to someone telling her what to do outside of work and even then, she had some flexibility in how she performed her job. The thought that April had taken control of her body sent shivers through her body. Shivers of both anticipation and reservation. Should she allow this to happen? Abigail didn’t know how they had gotten to this point but if she was honest with herself, she craved it.

  Chapter Six

  Abigail blinked her eyes and looked around the room disoriented. It took several minutes for her to remember that she was at April’s house. Abigail moved restlessly against the soft sheets. She pulled the covers up to her nose. She was naked. She never slept in the nude. She heard footsteps in the hall and her door opened slowly.

  April walked in dressed in a comfortable pair of leggings and a fitted tee shirt that showed off her trim figure. She was carrying a covered tray which she sat down on the bedside table. “Good morning, baby. Did you sleep well? You were very tired when I covered you up earlier.”

  Flashing back to her arrival at the house and her shower, Abigail blushed as she remembered April toweling her off with the softest towel she’d ever felt. She’d then been led to the bed where April had helped her lay on the soft bottom sheet. The older woman had kissed her tenderly before beginning to touch her breasts when Abigail had moaned a request for more. Her hands had spread Abigail’s legs before beginning to caress her slick, pink folds. Abigail remembered a toe-curling orgasm that zapped the last of her energy. As she’d closed her eyes, April had kissed her softly before pulling up the soft covers.

  Abigail flushed bright red and stammered trying to explain her behavior last night. “I guess I was really tired. I don’t usually take my clothes off in front of my boss.”

  Sitting down on the bed, April leaned over and kissed her softly. She was very pleased to feel Abigail’s instant response. “Little girl, I took your clothes off last night. I want you to forget that I am your boss. Your job is yours for as long as you wish. This,” she pressed her hand against her heart and then to Abigail’s “is totally separate from our work lives. Do you feel anything for me, Abigail? Are you interested in pursuing a relationship with me?”

  Abigail was frozen looking into April’s stunning green eyes. “I’m not sure what to say. I’ve never had a relationship like this. You know. You spanked me . . . and made me feel amazing things. I’m a little scared to give you all the control but I want all the feelings that you give me. Does that sound crazy?”

  “It doesn’t sound crazy, baby. It goes back to the rule book that you’ve been following all your life. It’s hard to change everything at once but you know it’s spectacular when you do.” April paused and seemed to be debating. “You are off work for the next three days. I have arranged to take some vacation time for those three days. I’d like to develop this relationship that I feel building between us. Would you like to stay with me and figure out where this can go?”

  Without a second thought, Abigail sat up and hugged April tightly. “I would love to stay with you.”

  “Let’s get you dressed and fed, baby. Then, we have a lot to talk about,” April said pulling back the covers to reveal Abigail’s curves.

  As Abigail scooted out of bed trying to angle her body away from April, she felt a restraining hand holding her on the bed. “If you stay here, Abigail, you will need to follow my instructions. Each morning before you get out of bed, I need to tend to your health. Roll over, baby, and lay on your tummy. That’s perfect.”

  Abigail heard the rustle of the cloth being removed from the tray. She couldn’t see what was on the tray. It was too high. She heard a jar open and then, she saw it.
April turned holding a large thermometer with a glob of lubricant on the end. Abigail started to push up only to be restrained by a strong hand in the center of her back.

  “I am going to take your temperature. I can do this after a spanking if you choose not to cooperate. Are you going to be a good Little girl?” April asked with a stern look and tone.

  Hesitating, Abigail thought rapidly. Finally, she nodded her head and lowered it to press her forehead against the covers. She felt April spread her buttocks and press the thermometer deep into her bottom. It eased in and out and turned as April adjusted its placement. Abigail fought to resist the urge to move as the instrument stimulated her inner tissues. It felt as if April was stamping her control over Abigail as she invaded her body. Abigail was embarrassed but so turned on. Finally, it was time and April pulled out the thermometer slowly to read Abigail’s temperature.

  “Good news! Your temperature is normal. I’m glad our adventure in the stockroom didn’t make you sick. All right, it’s time to get up now. I have some clothes for you to wear today,” April said as she helped Abigail turn over and sit up. Once out of bed, Abigail stood obediently as April helped her into the shorts decorated with bunnies with a light pink tee shirt.

  The clothes fit amazingly well. “My thanks to whoever forgot and left these clothes here. They’re really cute and just my size,” Abigail said as she leaned over slightly to look at the bunnies.

  April just smiled and took Abigail by the hand pulling her gently out of the bedroom and down to the kitchen. Once there, she had Abigail sit and she began to dish up some food that smelled amazing.

  Abigail’s stomach growled loud enough for both to hear. It had been a long time since she had eaten. Her dinner break last night had been at 4. They had arrived at this house at seven following the arrival of the cleaning crew at six. Her three-hour nap after her shower had stretched the time since she’d eaten to eighteen hours. Abigail never went eighteen hours without eating. She curled her hands across her plump stomach to muffle the sounds.


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