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Abigail: Dr. Richards' Littles 11

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by Pepper North

  “I think your tummy is about to attack us if you don’t get some food now,” April laughed as she set a plate in front of Abigail filled with scrambled eggs, bacon, and two golden biscuits. Before Abigail could pick up a fork, April pulled a towel like item over her head. It draped over her lap. “Just a napkin to keep your cute outfit clean.” She sat down next to Abigail with a similar plate of food and began to eat waving her fork at her companion to start eating.

  “MMMMMMmmmm! This is wonderful, April. You are a fantastic cook. I wish I could eat here often,” Abigail praised between bites.

  “Who knows, baby. Maybe you’ll decide to stay for a while,” April smiled at her. “My fingers are crossed that I can convince you to try.” She began to chat about lightly about the weather and local news.

  Abigail relaxed and enjoyed her breakfast. Too soon, she was finishing off her last biscuit and wiping the excess butter from her fingers to her napkin. “This towel thing is a good napkin. It seemed strange but it really works,” Abigail observed.

  With a laugh, April began to clear the dishes from the table. When Abigail tried to help, she was told to sit back down. Within just a few minutes, April had everything stacked in the sink and had returned to sit at the table. “I want to talk to you about something important, baby. Are you enjoying our time together?” Turning pink to match her covered tee shirt, Abigail nodded her head slightly. “No, Abigail. I need you to use words and tell me whether you are enjoying the care I’ve been taking of you. I’m referring directly to touching you and bringing you to pleasure, spanking you when you’re bad, and doing simple things like taking your temperature. Tell me how you feel.”

  “Ummm, I feel . . . strange. If I’m truthful even to myself, I’ve liked everything that you’ve done for me. Somethings seemed strange like the temperature thing. But, it was . . . stimulating,” she stuttered out looking at the table in embarrassment.

  April lifted her chin and met her eyes. “I want you to keep your eyes on mine. I know you’re embarrassed but I want to know how you’re feeling. Okay?” She waited for Abigail’s smile and nod. “I want to talk to you about how I live my life. I’d like you to be a part of that life – a big part.” She leaned in and kissed Abigail deeply.

  “I am gay. I am only attracted to women. I’ve been attracted to you since you came in to apply for a job. I’ve tried to keep my distance but it became impossible. I asked you to help with the inventory for the specific reason of trying to find out if you could be attracted to me as well. I didn’t mean for us to be locked in the stockroom but that definitely moved our relationship ahead. Now that I’ve gotten the chance to take care of you, I don’t want to let you go but I need to be truthful with you,” April took a deep breath and smiled at Abigail.

  “I am looking for an age play relationship. Do you know what that means?” When Abigail shook her head “no,” she continued. “In age play, two adults agree to act not as a couple but as a Mommy or Daddy and a child. No, there are no underage children involved in age play. Both participants are attracted to their partner’s adult body. The biggest component of age play for me is control. The child is strong enough to relinquish their control to their Mommy or Daddy who takes care of all their needs: physical, emotional support including pleasure, and often financial. I would like you to be my baby,” April said bluntly. “I’d like you to live here and allow me to take complete care of you. Could you see yourself in a relationship with me?”

  Abigail closed her eyes. She was overwhelmed. “How did you know?” she whispered peeking at April.

  “How did I know you dreamed of having someone strong take care of you?” April asked kindly. “I didn’t know for sure until our time in the stockroom. You responded so beautifully to my touch and care that I knew you were the one for me.” April scooted her chair over to be next to Abigail. She wrapped her arms tightly around the shocked Little girl. “I washed the clothes in your suitcase this morning, Abigail. I found your book.”

  Abigail hid her face against April’s neck. “I really love that book,” she admitted.

  “I think you can find your own perfect love story that will make “Little Penny” look like a boring reference book,” April squeezed the precious bundle in her arms.

  Without looking at her, Abigail asked with trepidation, “Are you going to do all the things to me that Penny’s Daddy did to her?”

  “All that and more, baby,” April kissed her soundly.

  Chapter Seven

  Minutes later, Abigail was still wrapped in her new Mommy’s arms when the doorbell rang. April reluctantly stepped away and walked down the hall to answer the door. Abigail heard the friendly conversation between April and her neighbors. She heard a tinkling of dog tags and then, a yip from a speeding bullet of dark fur.

  Abigail laughed and leaned over to pet the puppy as it circled her legs in absolute ecstasy to meet someone new. Immediately, Bruno raised his front feet to dance around asking for Abigail to pick him up. “Oh, you’re a comedian, aren’t you?” Abigail asked as she laughingly leaned over to pick up the young puppy. Bruno immediately began licking her face and neck.

  “So, I just leave you alone for a few minutes and already you’re letting someone else kiss you?” April teased.

  “He’s so cute,” Abigail laughed. “Can we take him outside to play?”

  “Definitely, he needs to burn some of that energy out of his system. Come on, let me show you the backyard,” April invited opening the backdoor.

  Abigail chased after Bruno as he launched himself out the door. Reaching the soft green grass, Abigail stopped and looked around. It was a beautiful backyard equipped just for someone Little. There was a large swing set complete with an adult sized princess fort and escape slide. On the other side was a large sand pit just perfect for building sandcastles. She dropped to her knees and petted an ecstatic Bruno while she looked around.

  “I’ve been planning for a long time for my own Little girl. I’m so glad someone can enjoy all the activities back here. It’s perfectly secluded and you can be Little without worrying what anyone else would say,” April shared with the awe-struck Abigail.

  “I love it,” said Abigail. She jumped to her feet and ran over to the swing set with Bruno barking at her side. Sitting in one of the adult-sized swings, Abigail lifted Bruno into her lap and began to push herself gently on the swing. It was too much for Bruno and when he started whining, Abigail set him down on his feet. The puppy raced off to explore as April joined her Little girl.

  Stepping behind her, April warned, “Hold on tight, baby.” She started to push Abigail in the swing. As Abigail got higher and higher, she began to squeal in excitement as her Mommy smiled. Too soon, April began to slow her pushes and finally, she pulled the swing to a stop.

  “I was having fun, April,” Abigail pouted. “Push me some more.”

  “Abigail, you need to call me Mommy now. Watch your tone, young lady. A Little girl doesn’t order her Mommy around. Be careful. I will spank you if you are rude,” April warned.

  “I don’t want to stop. Come on. Push me some more,” Abigail demanded.

  Before she knew it, Abigail was stretched over April’s lap as she sat on the slide. She felt her shorts slide down over her hips and the cool air blew over her naked bottom. “Abigail, you are talking very rudely to Mommy. Rude Little girls end up with a red bottom.” Without another word, April began to spank Abigail with heavy, scattered blows all over her exposed bottom. At first, Abigail struggled to get away but her Mommy had her securely pinned in place.

  When Abigail’s bottom and upper thighs were peppered with red marks, April asked, “What are you going to call me, Abigail?”

  Abigail still had some fight in her. She didn’t want to give in. She knew it would be a pivotal point of their budding relationship if she ceded control. “Your name is April and I’ll use it when I want!”

  April resumed spanking Abigail. Soon, she saw Abigail’s ribcage begin to expand in bursts and s
he melted over April’s lap as the tears began to fall from her eyes. “Baby, what do you call me?”

  Loud sniffs started and April covered her face with her hands, she whispered, “Mommy.”

  “Who gets to make the rules for you?” April slowed her spanks and began to rub the red flesh soothing it.

  “Mommy,” Abigail whispered.

  “Who loves you more than anyone else in this world?” April asked with emotion in her voice.

  “Mommy?” Abigail lowered her hands and looked over her shoulder to peek at April.

  “Yes, baby. Mommy loves her Little girl,” April helped Abigail sit up on her lap and she held her tightly in her arms. “I think we need to go inside. That’s enough play for now.” April helped Abigail stand up before standing herself. April leaned over to pull up Abigail’s shorts to cover her red, freshly spanked bottom. Intertwining her hand with her Little girl’s, April pulled her into the kitchen. Bruno came in also and laid down immediately on his doggy bed exhausted by all the activity. April reached in the fridge and withdrew a strange drink cup. “Let Mommy show you her favorite room in the house.”

  April led Abigail down the hall and opened a door pulling Abigail into a room that astounded her. Abigail stood just inside the room and looked around bewildered. “Come here, baby. Sit down with Mommy in our rocker. I have a treat for you.” April sat down and helped Abigail settle onto her lap. She laid her down to nestle against her inner arm and pulled off the lid of the drink cup revealing a large nipple.

  “Open your mouth, baby,” April cajoled as she brushed the nipple against Abigail’s lips. “That’s a good girl,” she pressed the nipple deep into Abigail’s mouth when she opened it to protest. “It will feel strange at first but suck, baby. You’ll love my special Little girl treat,” April encouraged. Nodding her approval as Abigail tentatively sucked on the nipple and then began to drink steadily.

  “It was good,” Abigail thought to herself. The nipple filled her mouth and felt weird at first but when she used her mouth and tongue to pull against it, her mouth filled with a wonderful sweet milk mixture. It was almost like a melted milkshake.

  She began to look around as she laid in her Mommy’s arms. The room was arranged as a nursery but with adult-sized furniture. The rocker that they were in was very comfortable for two people. There was a separate armless chair over on the side of the room next to a circle drawn on the wall. “I wonder what that’s for?” Abigail thought to herself. “Is that a changing table? Oh, my god! It has diapers folded underneath the padded top.”

  There were several cabinets on the side of the room. Abigail wondered what was in there until she saw one cabinet had a clear glass front. Hanging on display were several styles of enema devices from a large bag to a syringe with a long, wide nozzle. Abigail’s heart beat a little faster. She remembered that sections of the book where Penny’s Daddy had given her enemas for her health as well as punishments. “Was April going to give her enemas?” she thought rapidly as she looked up at her Mommy.

  When April followed her eyes to the display cabinet, she nodded her head solemnly. “Little girls have delicate tummies. Mommy knows how to help her Little girl be full of energy not fully of yucky poop. I’ll give you an enema after your nap to assess how often you need some help going to the bathroom,” she said as if discussing enemas was a perfectly normal conversation. April rocked her Little girl smiling at her blush as she held the bottle to her baby’s lips.

  Abigail sucked mindlessly. She looked at each area of the room noting things that she didn’t recognize as well as things she had a feeling she didn’t want to know. Her eyes began to droop as her tummy filled and the rocking motion began to soothe her. She was sleep deprived from their stay in the stockroom.

  Just as she was almost asleep, April removed the bottle from her mouth and helped her sit up. She pulled her tee shirt over her head and stood her up to slide her shorts off her bottom. Helping Abigail step out of her shorts, April gently towed the nude, yawning Little girl to the crib. She urged her up into the crib with a firm hand on her still red bottom. As Abigail settled on her back, April put the bottle back in her mouth and let Abigail hold it in place.

  Watching her Little girl’s eyes blink closed, April lifted her hips and wrapped a diaper around her bottom fastening it securely on each side. April spread a colorful, soft blanket over the dozing Little girl and lifted the crib railing to make sure she didn’t fall out. She stopped to look over the railing at the precious baby inside the crib. “How did I ever find her?” she asked herself mentally before walking quietly out of the room leaving plenty of light streaming in the door so her Little girl wouldn’t wake up scared to be in a new place.

  Chapter Eight

  A couple of hours later, April heard the railings begin to rattle through the nursery camera and monitor. Glancing at the screen on her way out of the kitchen, the image showed Abigail sitting in her crib stretching one arm through the bars trying to reach the mechanism that would lower the railing. Shaking her head, April walked to the nursery.

  “What are you doing, Little girl?” April asked quietly.

  “Hi . . . Mommy. I need to go to the bathroom. I can’t reach the lever that lowers the railing. Would you help?” Abigail said urgently holding the padded crotch of her diaper.

  “I’ll be glad to get you out of your crib to change your diaper. You just need to use your diaper like a good baby girl,” April instructed. She walked over to the sink at the side of the room and started the water running loudly in the sink. Hearing Abigail groan, she knew it wouldn’t take long.

  “Please, Mommy. I’ll use my diaper next time. Let me out. I really need to use the restroom,” Abigail pleaded. She was trying so hard not to wet her diaper that she didn’t notice that April had pulled an enema syringe out of the cabinet and was filling a large container with warm water, liquid cleanser, and a little baking soda. The soap could be very irritating for Littles new to receiving enemas. She’d learned from the other Mommies and Daddies that shopped at Gordon’s that adding a little baking soda helped Little bottoms take in more cleanser-filled liquid making an enema more effective.

  Abigail asked again, “Please, Mommy!” before she groaned loudly and curled her torso inward.

  April turned off the water and carried the syringe and the container of cleansing fluid over a table in the corner of the room next to a strange device. She covered the enema equipment with a cheerful yellow towel before walking over to the crib where Abigail wore the now heavy diaper. “Have you let it all out, baby?” she asked the embarrassed Little.

  At Abigail’s panicked look, April reached through the railing to press inward on her tummy and back to compress her bladder. Hearing her Little girl groan again, April held the pressure steady until she was sure that Abigail had totally emptied her bladder. Withdrawing her arms, April lowered the railing to pull Abigail into her arms and shush her apologies and tears. “Little girls always use their diapers. I know it’s hard the first time, baby. You’re doing exactly what I want you to do,” she reinforced wiping the tears from Abigail’s face.

  “I don’t know if I can do this, April,” Abigail said tearfully.

  “Call me, Mommy, Abigail. I’m not going to punish you this time because I know you’re upset. Look at me, baby.” April waited until Abigail met her eyes. “I care for you very much – probably way more than I should so quickly. But I know that you are meant to be my Little girl. I’m supposed to take care of you. Taking care of you means feeding you, helping you find your pleasure and the joy in life, as well as taking care of your body and your bodily needs. I know it’s tough to be a little baby but it’s what we both want, right? You want me to care for you completely and I want you to let me. I know you’re strong enough to let me care for you. Will you try for Mommy?” she asked kissing Abigail’s forehead.

  “I’ll try, Mommy. I really care for you, too. It’s just hard to be Little,” Abigail sniffed.

  April pulled her in to
hug her tightly. “I know, baby. I’m going to help you as much as possible if you’ll let me?” she looked questioning at Abigail. When her Little girl nodded thoughtfully, April smiled widely. “Good girl. Now, let’s get you cleaned up and Mommy need to check on your tummy. First, let’s get you out of the crib.”

  April led her over to the strange device and helped Abigail climb up to knee on the flat platforms. “Climb up here, baby, and Mommy will get you cleaned up,” April encouraged helping her lay her chest on the supports and quickly restraining her legs and arms. “I don’t want you to fall off and hurt yourself,” April reassured Abigail as the Little girl automatically tried to pull herself free.

  Pulling off the wet diaper, April carefully wiped all traces of urine from her baby’s delicate skin before scooping a dollop of lubricant on her finger of lubricant and applying it to Abigail’s clenched anus. “Mommy needs to clean your bottom on the inside as well, Abigail. Relax your bottom,” she instructed calmly as she pressed her finger deep into the restrained Little girl’s bottom. Holding her finger in deep while twisting it around to coat all the sides, she continued, “Abigail, this is an enema horsie. It’s designed to hold you in place so Mommy can wash your tummy out. It may be a little embarrassing and uncomfortable but your tummy is going to feel so much better,” she promised.

  Removing her finger, April pulled the towel off the tray behind Abigail’s restrained body and wiped her fingers clean of the lubricant. She patted Abigail’s bottom before picking up the bulb syringe and squeezing it in the bowl of cleansing fluid before releasing it. Abigail jumped to hear the sucking sound of the fluid being drawn into the syringe.


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