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Beyond Magic (Magical Love Book 1)

Page 10

by Lizzie T. Leaf

  He turned to look at Emma. Raising her eyebrows, she winked at him and nodded. Never had he had such a bond with an individual. At times, she seemed to know his thoughts. This woman would be easy to spend a lifetime with, or in his case, as many years as the fates would give him. If only he could get her to want the same and figure out a way to make her immortal, because losing her would be too painful to bear.

  Dinner came to an end. With any luck, the others would retire soon and he could have Emma to himself.

  “Sire.” Helmond stood in the doorway shifting from one foot to the other.

  Something bad had happened because Helmond was normally unflappable.

  “Yes, Helmond. Do you need my assistance?”

  “Ahhh, no Sire.” He glanced behind him. “I only wanted to say you have visitors.”

  The words were barely out of the butler’s mouth when two cloaked individuals appeared behind him. A small hand reached out and pushed Helmond aside, and the shorter of the pair swirled into the room.

  The blood drained from Ian’s face as he jumped to his feet. His shocked mind struggled to register the new arrivals.

  “Mother, Father, what the hell are you doing here?”

  Chapter Ten

  “What a horrid way to greet your parents. You were raised with better manners than that.” Shaylee glided over to Ian and offered her cheek for a kiss. “We’ve come to see our favorite son. Why else would we be here?”

  Good grief, they must have hung out with Southerners on their cruise from the drawl his mother had adopted. She tended to pick up accents like some people collected antiques.

  “Only son, Mother. Only son.”

  “Oh, Ian, I can’t believe you’re still so touchy about being an only child.” Shaylee reached for the clasp that held her cloak closed. “You’re not the first only child to have a working mother who wasn’t always at your beck and call.”

  “Father, please.” For once Ian was glad to have a mind speak connection with his father. “Make her use glamour to hide the wings.” Ian frantically glanced around at the table full of curious women. “As you can see, I have guests and they’re not aware of my true heritage.”

  Annarr stepped forward and placed his hands on the slender woman’s shoulders, halting her efforts to remove the velvet cloak. “Dear, our son has guests. We should have called before we dropped in unannounced.” His father’s fingers bit into the fabric.

  Shaylee turned and smiled at her husband. “I realize he is entertaining, but as his parents, we shouldn’t need to ask permission to visit. After all, we’ve not seen him for some time.” Shaylee slipped the cloak back, exposing the silver and crystal gown beneath.

  And whose fault would that be? I’m not the one gallivanting around the world on the party circuit.

  The group gasped. His mother twirled around to show the sparkling jewels sprinkled over the gold and silver strips on the full skirt. Only Ian knew the designer was from the Faerie Realm, not Paris or New York, and would have used magic to create this work of art. Thank goodness the faerie who created this one liked high necklines.

  “A little over dressed for this visit, aren’t you, Mother?” Ian held his breath as she slid the cloak down her shoulders, waiting for the wings to appear. Not all faerie lines had wings, but his did, inherited from the Queen’s bloodline. Shaylee loved to show off her iridescent appendages.

  “Stop teasing the boy, Shaylee, love.” Annarr draped the heavy cloak over his arm along with his own.

  Relief surged through Ian when he saw the glamour in place. At least he didn’t have to explain why his mother had a pair of gossamer silver wings protruding from her shoulders. If the splendor of her gown had impressed his guests, the beauty of her wings would have flabbergasted them. Now, he only needed to come up with a reason why his parents showed up at his home in a tuxedo and ball gown.

  His father came to the rescue. “Ian, we’re can’t stay long. We’re on our way to a costume ball and popped in to say hello.”

  Would it be unmanly to throw his arms around his father’s neck to thank him for the white lie? He saw the smile and wink from Annarr and knew it wasn’t necessary. He got the message on how grateful Ian was for the save.

  “Do you have time for coffee and dessert?” To avoid questions, especially from Emma, Ian needed to make the group aware he had a good relationship with his parents.

  “We’ll make the time.” Shaylee turned to include the ladies seated at the table, her gaze pausing when she reached Emma. “It will give us a chance to meet your guests.”

  “Excellent. I’ll have Helmond arrange to serve in the drawing room.” Ian stood and swept an arm toward the door. “Ladies, shall we?” He listened to the chatter as the women stood and made their way through the doorway. He reached for Emma’s arm, stopping her exit, while keeping an eye on his mother’s departure.

  So help me, if she floats out of the room, I’m going to strangle her.

  Thankfully, Shaylee behaved, taking the arm Annarr offered, and walked beside her husband as regal as any queen.

  Emma smiled up at him, and heat surged through Ian, forcing him to use magic to get a lower part of his body to play nice. He knew his mother suspected something from the way she paused when she came to the auburn-haired beauty during her survey of the ladies who sat around the table. How much of an inquisition Shaylee would make during coffee and dessert remained to be seen.

  “You’re in for a real treat with my mother.” He squeezed Emma’s hand, brushed a brief kiss on her full pink lips, and wished he could take back the comment. The last thing he wanted was to generate more questions about his mother.

  “She seems nice.” Emma brushed his cheek with her fingertips. “She’s beautiful, but you look more like your father.”

  Thank the Powers for that. Otherwise, he’d spend all of his time in the mortal world creating glamour to cover up his wings as his mother had to. He loved his mother, but the way his father allowed her boss him around drove Ian crazy. With any luck, Annarr would suggest they leave sooner rather than later, and Ian’s clenched stomach muscles could relax.

  Grateful to have the evening behind him and his parents gone, Ian poured a splash of whisky and added water to two glasses, handing one to Emma. “So how do you think it went? Did my mother say anything to offend you or your friends?”

  “Offend?” A pucker formed between Emma’s brows. “Heavens no, she’s delightful. I was a little perplexed as to why she spent so much time questioning me, though.”

  Ian sipped his whisky and smiled. He knew why Shaylee had conducted her inquisition and found it surprising Emma hadn’t figured it out. “Like any mother, she’s curious about the woman her son’s interested in.”

  “Oh, she picked up on your interest in Deena.”

  He loved the sparkle in Emma’s eyes and the sassy grin she shot him.

  “Yeah, right.” Ian moved over to the chair she occupied and took her hand, pulling her up against his chest. “That’s why I’m kissing you right now.” He covered her mouth with his, amazed as always at the softness of her lips.

  If things were different, he’d be able to kiss those yielding petals forever, but that was only a dream. He’d settle for now and live the rest of his life with the memories they created.

  Ian nibbled her ear and long her jawline before pulling back. “Let’s go upstairs.”

  Arms wrapped around each other’s waists, they made their way up the stairs, stopping in front of the door to Emma’s room.

  Ian stepped back and faced her. “I’d love to spend the night with you.” He watched her eyes for hesitation or doubt and saw none.

  “I’d like that also.” Emma pushed open the door and led him into the bedroom.

  The room that belonged to him as child and young man held a lot of memories, and his goal tonight was to make more. Decorated now in softer colors than he preferred as a young boy, the room, now a guest room, also bore feminine touches, something that was taboo when he�
�d used it. After all, the young Ian had needed to impress his human friends of his manliness when they visited and, with the exception of Morgana, his friends were mortal.

  Standing by the bed, Ian cupped Emma’s chin. His dream to completely possess her was about to come true. Had he made a mistake to let things proceed to this level? The touch and feel of her last night, before Morgana interrupted, still burned in his mind, and her savoring of him today on the moors would give him dreams for a long time to come. Once he sampled all she offered, would he be able to let her go?

  Her whisky-colored eyes darkened with passion as he stroked back and forth across her sweet lips with his thumb. Emma’s stare never wavered, and the heat intensified throughout his body, his cock dancing in anticipation of what was to come.

  He lowered his hand to the top button on her sweater and paused. “I don’t think you need to keep this on.” The raspy catch of his voice surprised him.

  Emma gasped when he brushed his fingers against her heated skin. She pushed at his jacket to get it off his shoulders. Their lips met in a crushing kiss, tongues exploring each other’s warm depths like Magellan on a quest to discover a new world. Though by now, they’d experienced several of these explorations and knew each other’s mouths intimately.

  Ian pulled back. He needed to feel her bare skin. Ian worked quickly to shed his clothes. Emma followed his example, and when they came together again, no restrictions remained between him and the smooth silkiness of her body.

  Ian’s heart swelled with tenderness as he laid her on the bed and caressed her perfection. Her creamy cheeks flushed when his fingers explored intimate regions. Her alabaster shoulders would bring a sculptor to tears, and Ian loved the smoothness as he trailed kisses across them. His real appreciation came when he cupped the fullness of her breasts. He lifted his head and watched the nipples harden to twin peaks.

  Unable to resist, he lowered his head and sucked, swirling his tongue around one of the rigid nipples. The sigh from Emma was enough for him to switch to the other breast. She moaned.

  He raised his head to reclaim her mouth, while his fingers traveled lower, skimming along her slender waist and curving out as he followed the line of her full hips. At last, a woman with curves enough to please any man. Even the old masters who had painted the female form in its full glory would find delight in Emma.

  His fingers lingered in the triangle of rich red curls between her thighs, and he smiled at her gasp when he slipped a finger into the most female part of her. Ian once again covered her mouth with his. Emma’s lips were ambrosia for him and he savored the taste before reluctantly pulling back. He looked into her eyes. Her pupils were dilated with the same passion that raged through him. The soft whimpers she sighed were enough to drive him mad.

  As much as he wanted to bury himself in her body, they had all night, and he wanted this first time of real connection to be one she remembered—they both remembered—when they took their leave of each other. The thought of spending forever without Emma in his life ripped at him like a jagged dagger, the pain in his gut almost as hot and intense as his desire.

  His mouth went dry, but he needed to share the words carried in his heart. “I’ve wanted to touch you like this from the moment I set eyes on you.”

  A smile touched her lips. “Guess I should feel lucky you didn’t ravish me while I lay unconscious, huh?”

  Shocked at her words, Ian went rigid at the idea she had such a low opinion of him, but then he saw the laughter in her eyes and relaxed at her teasing. “Fair Lady, I assure you your honor remained intact then.” He wiggled his eyebrows. “But, I make no such promise now.”

  Again he claimed the mouth that gave him so much pleasure and ran his left hand through her thick auburn hair, while he continued to stroke between her thighs.

  He worked a finger into her hot wetness, and his erection throbbed in anticipation of entering her heat. He moved his other hand to her waist and around to the silky back, sliding down to cup her luscious behind. Turning Emma toward him, Ian slipped a leg between hers and she ground her pelvis against his thigh.


  He lowered his head to a taunt nipple and sucked the peak between his teeth.

  “Oh, my heavens.” Emma used the hand closest to his chest and pinched one of his nipples.

  Her gasp of pleasure and the tingles her pinches created spiked his need.

  Pulling his leg away, he rolled her on her back and covered her body with his. The rock hardness of his erection had no trouble finding its target and he entered her slowly, an inch at a time. He wanted to create the exquisite agony for her that flowed through him.

  Emma wrapped her legs around his waist and rose to meet each thrust. “Deeper,” she encouraged.

  All intention of slow and gentle evaporated with her throaty plea, and Ian worked to meet her request, plunging harder with each entry.

  The increasing sensation of his release started deep in his groin, growing stronger with each stroke. The tightening of Emma’s muscles around his shaft squeezed and massaged, demanding more. Any thought of control became a thing of the past. He released into her as she ground her hips against him, and they both fell into the abyss together.

  Exhausted, Ian collapsed beside her, cuddling her warm body close. He could feel the quivers of her orgasm subsiding, just as his own were. “Now that was worth waiting for.” He raised his head and rained kisses across her closed eyelids and smiling face.

  “Most definitely,” Emma mumbled against his chest, tickling the bare skin.

  His cock twitched in response. The urge to love her again surged through him. “I’ve never wanted a woman so quickly again.” He rose up on his elbow and ran the fingers of his other hand across her swollen lips. They were in for a sleepless night.

  Chapter Eleven

  Emma hesitated a moment before entering the dining room to mentally prepare for the anticipated teasing she expected from the tour group. The afterglow of an early morning love making session probably still reflected in her eyes. How in hell had what she thought was a fun fling turned into losing her heart? Oh shit. I’m falling for this guy.

  Okay, so what if the man was brilliant, funny, compassionate, handsome, and hands down the best lover she’d ever had. Those weren’t reasons to fall in love. Were they? Or was this roller coaster of emotions just lust? It had been so long since she’d experienced strong lust, let alone the other “L” word.

  Maybe if she threw in loving to the list of adjectives that floated through her mind every time she thought of Ian McCabe it could all add up to what she was feeling right now. She’d sensed the tension last night when his parents showed up unannounced, especially between Ian and his mother, but even with that, she’d picked up on the love between him and his parents.

  And what parents! His father appeared to have stepped out of a Harry Potter movie with the long white blond hair of Lucius Malfoy and the sweet personality of Arthur Weasley.

  Ian’s mother was so beautiful she made other women want to see her cry so she’d ruin her makeup. To make matters even worse, the woman didn’t seem to notice her looks, she was nice.

  In addition to drop-dead gorgeous, Shaylee McCabe was well dressed and cultured, yet she appeared more interested in hearing about everyone else rather than talking about herself. Turned out she was one of those hard-to-hate beauties, no matter how much Emma wanted to.

  The buzz of conversation at the table came to an abrupt halt when Emma stepped into the room. All heads turned in her direction.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.”

  The smirk accompanying Barb’s greeting was hard not to miss. Emma suppressed a groan.

  “She looks well rested.” Mildred’s giggle echoed through the large room. “Or should I say well laid.”

  Heat crawled along Emma’s cheeks as hoots of laughter filled the room. She turned her back to the group and pretended to get a cup of coffee from the buffet. Several deep breaths steadied her enough to face the row
dy bunch again, and she slipped into her seat at the table.

  “So tell us, girl. What’s under his kilt?”

  Emma gave thanks for Helmond’s appearance, which saved the need to answer the question. She’d strangle the bawdy Mildred later. Being in her seventies didn’t stop the dirty old woman from having an acute case of “sex on the brain” and not caring who knew.

  “Good morning, ladies.”

  Ian’s voice played down Emma’s spine like his fingers had last night and earlier this morning, sending goose bumps all the way to her toes. What a sight he was in his Robin Hood shirt opened at the neck and his work kilt with the muted tartan colors. Did he ever wear anything other than kilts…or nothing? Her lips turned upward at the memory of exploring every inch of his hard bare body with her fingers.

  Come to think of it, my mouth covered a lot of territory too.

  “Did you rest well, Miss Grant?”

  Heat flamed her cheeks again. Ye gads, she hadn’t blushed this much as a teenager. He’d pay for his teasing, just as Mildred would, but in a much different manner. “Very well. Thank you for asking.” An evil impulse caused her to look into his eyes. “How about yourself? Did you get a good night’s sleep?”

  “If I were a betting woman, I’d say neither of you got much shut-eye from—”

  Mildred choked on the large piece of roll Deena stuffed in her mouth. Sue Ann, who sat on Mildred’s other side, pounded the choking woman on the back.

  “Ladies.” Ian paused until Mildred stopped coughing. “I spoke with the garage mechanic earlier, and your coach should be ready by this evening.”

  A mummer of excitement buzzed around the table, and Emma’s heart sank. Yes, they were here to tour Scotland, but leaving Ian so soon wasn’t something she looked forward to.


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