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Beyond Magic (Magical Love Book 1)

Page 11

by Lizzie T. Leaf

Probably better sooner than later, the way you feel, girlfriend. The longer you’re here, the more painful it will be to leave.

  “I’m sorry I won’t be here this evening. A business matter requires my attention, and I must leave for London this afternoon.” He turned to Emma and smiled. “If you can delay your departure until mid-morning tomorrow, I can make it back in time to see everyone off.”

  The words were addressed to the group, but the look he gave said they were meant for her. Disappointment at not spending her last night here locked in his arms surged through her, and she pushed her plate away. It took a hard bite on the inside of her cheek to force back the tears that threatened to pool in her eyes.

  “Before I leave, I hope you’ll be up to my showing you the sights we didn’t get to cover yesterday.” Ian squeezed her hand. “There doesn’t seem to be as much wind this morning.”

  His warm touch was a lifeline and it would be gone this afternoon.

  Stupid, stupid woman! Why did you leave yourself open to pain? When you leave here, you’ll never hear from him again.

  “Sure.” Emma forced a smile. “I’ll get a jacket.” She stood and rushed from the room, hoping no one saw the tears.

  Ian walked the moors with Emma’s hand clutched in his. The couple of hours he had before his departure were far too few. Canceling the trip occurred to him, but one didn’t stand up the Queen of England unless one was on his death bed, and maybe not even then.

  The morning spent in his room, while he devoured every inch of Emma’s beautiful body, was at the top of his best memories list, but he didn’t want to leave her thinking all he wanted from her was sex. There would be plenty of that in the future. He’d find a way to make sure she didn’t just pass briefly through his life.

  “It’s time for me to leave.” He claimed her soft lips in another kiss, one of the many he’d indulged in on their walk that left her mouth slightly swollen. “We’d better get back.”

  The sadness in her eyes wrenched at this heart.

  “I know.” Her lips quivered as she tried to smile. “It’s been fun, and like all fun things, this must come to an end.”

  “We’ve only just begun. We’re not ending. I’ll be back tomorrow to see you off and exchange all our contact information. In fact, why don’t you give me your number as soon as we get back to the castle in case I get delayed? I refuse to let you disappear out of my life.” He placed a hand around her neck and played with the hair at the nape.

  Goosebumps followed the shivers down her spine as he caressed her jawline. He loved the feel of her silky skin, but reluctantly pulled his hand away since he sensed they were being watched. They approached the castle as Toby, his chauffeur, pulled the car around.

  “Sire, we’d best be going or you’ll miss your plane.” The old man shuffled around and opened the trunk. “Helmond is bringing your bags down.”

  “Thank you, Toby. I’ll change and say goodbye to my guests.”

  Hand in hand, they continued up the steps and were greeted by a sour-faced Helmond with disgust dripping from his voice. “My Lord, she’s here again.”

  By the gods, if his mother showed up unannounced for more of her games he was going to ban her from his home. “Is Mother here?”

  “No, Sire.” Helmond’s lips puckered as if he’d bitten into a green lemon. “Worse. Morgana.”

  Morgana! Ian grimaced. He didn’t have time for her games, either. Why, by all the things magical, did the women of the faerie realm try to drive him crazy and at the most inopportune moments?

  “Let me change, Helmond.” Ian clasped Emma’s hand in his. “Come with me to give us a few more minutes alone.”

  In his room, Ian gave Emma a pen and paper. “Your contact information, please, my lady.” He quickly changed into the outfit Helmond had laid out. Not bothering with a comb, he ran his fingers through his windblown hair and called it good. He took Emma in his arms for one last kiss, allowing his tongue to explore and taste as if it were their first. He stepped back. “Come, darling, let’s go see what Morgana wants before I leave. I’ll send her on her way so you don’t have to contend with her this evening.”

  When he entered the library with Emma at his side, he could have cut the tension in the air with a knife. Obviously, Morgana wasn’t endearing herself to the other women either.

  “Morgana, what brings you by today?”

  “Ian, when do I have to have a reason to stop in? I’ve always been welcome in the past. Has that changed?”

  Her eyes carried the same challenge as the tone in her voice, and Ian clamped down on his temper that threatened to erupt. The faerie’s attitude annoyed him, even though he’d observed it on many occasions, but directed at others, not him.

  “Morgana, I always enjoy your company, but I have to leave.” Ian tried to catch her eyes to signal he wanted her gone too.

  The faerie ignored him, flitting around the room in a manner just shy of using her wings. Thankfully, her glamour stayed in place so the women gathered in the room couldn’t see the protrusions on her back.

  Since she chose to not look in his direction, Ian tried to prod her into leaving. “Morgana, don’t you have some place else you need to be?”

  “No.” She examined a piece of porcelain she’d seen a thousand times, as if it were the first time she’d set eyes on it.

  Ian attempted to send her a mind speak message, which she blocked. Ready to strangle the faerie, he glanced at his watch. He could no longer delay. He’d have to trust her to honor their friendship and not do anything to upset his guests.

  “I really must run. Ladies, I’ll return in time to see you off tomorrow.” He rested his gaze on Emma, and he was tempted to tell the Queen to hell with dinner. “Helmond will be here to see to your needs. If you have any problems or questions, direct them to him.”

  What he would give for one more kiss of Emma’s full mouth. He controlled the urge to take her in his arms in front of everyone.

  Instead, he turned to Morgana. “If you insist upon staying Morgana, be good.”

  She set the figurine down and smiled. “I’m always good, Ian, even when I’m bad.” Her voice came across deep and sexy. “You know that.”

  “Yeah, right.” Ian left the room, hating the expression on the faerie’s face. The look of a satisfied cat after consuming a bowl of cream meant trouble—probably for him.

  Relieved to escape the bitchy Morgana, Emma closed the door to her room and leaned against it. Why did the pesky female bring out her nasty side? It took all the effort Emma could muster to be civil to Morgana after Ian left.

  Morgana proved to be a first class bitch the way she baited everyone the rest of the afternoon. At one point, Emma expected a fist fight to break out between the small woman and Barb, who held her own in the war of cutting remarks the women exchanged.

  A knock on the door brought a groan. She wasn’t up to talking with anyone, especially Morgana. Grudgingly, Emma opened the door.

  “Sorry to disturb you, miss.” Helmond held out a portable phone. “The laird would like to speak with you.”

  When had the phones started working again? After she finished talking with Ian, she’d better try to reach the tour company and let them know what was going on.

  “Ian, you’ve finished dinner already?”

  Laughter, rich and deep, caressed her ear. “No. Dinner hasn’t started. I slipped away from the boring talk of politics for a moment to give you a quick call on my mobile. I needed to hear the sound of your voice.”

  Emma’s heart pounded against her ribcage. His words left her breathless. If she missed him this much after a few hours, how was she going to handle finishing out the tour and her return to the States? “It’s lovely to hear your voice too.” She almost giggled at her response. Now how British was that?

  She stretched out on the bed and let the sound of his words wash over her. In her mind, he caressed her body and her own fingers traced the path where his traveled this morning.

Morgana behave after I left?”

  She stopped circling a peaked nipple and rolled to her side. Should she be honest and tell him his lifelong friend was bitch to any woman who interested him? No, that was a conversation for the future, if there was a future for them. Right now, lying through one’s teeth seemed the best way to go.

  “Oh, Morgana is delightful.”

  And if this were my house, the snarky, rude bitch would be out on her ass.

  “Brilliant. I’m delighted to hear that.”

  She heard the relief in his voice. If he knew the woman was such a pain, why did he let her hang out here whenever the urge hit her? Men!

  “I’m afraid I have to run. Just received the word we’re going to be seated for dinner. Sleep well, my love.”

  My love. The words bounced in her head like a boomerang. Emma’s heart sang with delight.

  “You, too,” she whispered. Clutching the phone to her chest, she rolled on the bed and squealed with glee. Was she really his love? One thing for sure, he was fast becoming hers.

  Chapter Twelve

  Emma awoke from a restless sleep. Thoughts of Ian’s phone call flooded her mind, and she smiled as she relived the warm memory. Another thought pushed it aside, and she leaped out of bed. “Oh crap, I forgot to try to reach the office.” She glanced at the illuminated hands of the old alarm clock perched on the nightstand. Four o’clock here would put East Coast time in the states around nine in the morning. Perfect.

  She turned on the lamp and searched the room for her brief case where she kept her cell phone. She pulled the phone from the outside pocket and turned it on. “Damn it all to hell. I can’t believe it. Still no service.”

  She spied the portable phone Helmond had brought up when Ian called last night. Ian probably wouldn’t mind if she used it to call the office. The operator could give her the costs after she disconnected, and she’d leave the money to cover it. Unfortunately, she didn’t get a dial tone when she pressed the buttons. “Great, the battery’s dead.”

  Well, she was wide awake now, and there was a phone in the library. She’d use it and, after the call, stop by the kitchen to get a glass of milk. She pulled on her bathrobe and slippers and cautiously made her way down the stairs, using the dim nightlights as her only illumination.

  On the bottom step, she paused. The sound of voices came from the direction of the library. She must have been hearing things because it was a little spooky here in the muted light. Don’t be a wuss, she told herself and started down the hall toward her destination.

  Strange. A soft light glowed from the open door. Emma reached the doorway and froze in her tracks at the sight before her. Deep, rich laughter came from across the room—Ian’s laugh. He sat on his desk and was talking with someone. How had he gotten back so quickly?

  “Ahhh, Morgana love, that’s good.”

  Morgana. He’s with that bitch.

  “Yes, yes, you know what I like. No one has your talent.” He twisted his hands in the dark head of hair that bobbed up and down between his thighs.

  “Not even the American?” Morgana raised her head and licked her lips, swirling her tongue around. “Give us a kiss, then.”

  Ian leaned down and captured the upturned mouth and spread his legs farther as the small woman wiggled closer between them. He dropped a hand down and cupped a breast, pinching and teasing the nipple just as he had done to Emma.

  Rage surged through her as she watched, but her feet wouldn’t move. She understood why people killed their lover when they caught him in the arms of another. If she had a gun, she’d have shot both of them and not batted an eye.

  “Back to what you do best, love.” Ian broke off the kiss and pushed Morgana’s head downward.

  She offered no resistance and knelt in front of him, taking his erection in her mouth.

  Glued to the spot, Emma watched in disgust as Ian’s head dropped back and the dark head between his legs slurped and licked away. Groans and moans of pleasure emitted from both of them until Ian gave a loud guttural yelp and twisted his hands in Morgana’s hair, holding her mouth in place.

  Emma knew the drained look on his face when he’d spent his seed. She’d seen it often enough the past day or so. When he pulled the woman into his arms, pain lanced Emma’s heart sharper than a knife’s piercing, prompting her feet to finally move. Tears poured down her cheeks, and she tried to stifle the sobs that ripped from her throat as she made her way up the stairs. This was what she got for letting down her guard. Like all men, Ian McCabe couldn’t be trusted.

  Morgana stepped out of the shadows, and a venomous smile twisted her lips as she watched the mortal retreat to her room. That little illusion should take care of her. “Don’t fool with me, human. Ian McCabe belongs to me, and I need you gone so he can come to realize our destiny.”

  “Emma dear, are you all right?” Mary peered over the rims of her glasses, concern replacing the normal twinkle in her blue eyes.

  Emma knew she looked like death warmed over, but didn’t feel the need to share with anyone how she’d spent the last several hours crying her eyes out over a man. She couldn’t bear to hear any comments about giving her heart to someone she’d only known a few days. “I didn’t sleep well, but I’m fine. We need to get a move on. There’s a lot of ground to cover. Angus is already on the bus.”

  “Aren’t we supposed to wait for Ian’s return?”

  Sue Ann’s disappointment was hard to miss, even to Emma’s ears. The fading Southern belle obviously had a crush on the Laird of the Manor.

  “No. We don’t have time. I need to contact home office, and my phone still doesn’t work here.”

  And I just want to get as far away from this place as I can before Ian McCabe shows up. I never want to set eyes on the bastard again.

  “His Lordship should be back shortly, miss.”

  Helmond had tried to talk her out of leaving before Ian put in an appearance. Talk about loyalty. Ian had the little man lying like a champ to cover for him in the continued ruse that he was on his way back from London.

  Heartbroken as she was, she didn’t miss the look that passed between Helmond and Deena. Each of them looked like they were losing their best friend. Well, too bad. Deena could join her in a pity party after they put enough distance between them and this place to make Emma feel more secure in not setting eyes on Ian again.

  “He’ll be most disappointed, miss.”

  “I’m sorry, Helmond, if our leaving creates a problem for you, but tell him it’s all my doing. I need to get back to the real world. This place has been too much like a dream.”

  More like a nightmare I need to wake up from as soon as possible.

  Angus had all the luggage loaded and manned the driver’s seat as Emma took her customary place in the row behind him.

  “Let’s go, Angus.” Emma flopped against the cushioned seat back and stared at the mist that rolled in blanketing the vehicle in a world of grey, creating a world as bleak as the one that existed in her heart.

  “Aye, miss.”

  The rest of Angus’s comments or questions, she wasn’t sure which, eluded her. His pebble-mouthed vocals were as incomprehensible as they’d been from day one.

  “Just go, Angus. You have the itinerary.” She’d inform him of any changes after she talked with home office.

  As the bus bounced along the rutted road that led them away from what would be a painful memory for years to come, Emma leaned against the window and let the tears she’d held back flow. Movement beside her announced the arrival of company, but she didn’t have the energy to care who. Wrapping her arms tighter around her body, she pressed her forehead against the cool window glass. The mist had changed to a steady drizzle, a perfect omen.

  An arm reached around her shoulders and pulled her toward the warm body that filled the seat next to her. Surprised, yet knowing it was Deena from the perfume that tickled her nose, she welcomed the comfort and allowed the older female to cradle her against her ample bosom. The s
ilent tears turned into gut-wrenching sobs.

  “I tell you, Tanna, she has meddled one too many times in the lives of mortals and immortals.” Oberon, hands clasped behind his back, paced back and forth in front of his wife, missing the smile playing across her mouth.

  “Dearest, DooNell has mixed in the lives of others from any realm for longer than we can recall. You know there are things over which you have no control, and DooNell is one of those. Do not upset yourself so.” Tanna rose from her chair and moved to stand in front of him, bringing his frustrated pacing to an end.

  “I am her King. She must do as I command and I will demand she stop this infernal interference into the lives of others.” Oberon glared at his wife before a sheepish grin replaced the hard line of his lips, softening the scowl into an expression of humor. “Ah, the women in my life. DooNell, you, and my daughter—you’re all out to drive me mad.”

  “But think, dearest, without DooNell, you wouldn’t be able to add me or our daughter to the list.”

  A cough at the door interrupted their shared laughter.

  “Yes, Tomtom, what is it?” Oberon tried to keep the edge from his voice and not show the resentment that surged in him at the loss of his private moment with the woman he adored. Tanna, wise as always, was right in her assessment.

  He did owe DooNell a great deal, as she was the one who had brought them together. Still, as ruler of The Fae Folk, he couldn’t let the old woman go without censure. It wouldn’t set the right example.

  “Sorry to interrupt, Sire, but The hag, DooNell has arrived and says it is most urgent she speak with you.”

  Oberon bit back a smile. No need to upset the dwarf any more than already done. “Very well. Show her in.”

  He watched with admiration at the smart turn the little man executed. Any soldier would envy the accomplishment.

  “Well, my love, I guess it is time for me to stop talking about my intentions and act.” Oberon’s heart sank at the task before him.


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