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Passion For Hire (Passion #5)

Page 9

by J. a Melville

  “Damn her.” He muttered and when he was naked, he headed into the bathroom. Once the water was warm enough he stepped in and braced his hands against the tiles, his head bowed while his mind relived the evening. The thing that really frustrated him was that Faith had nearly made him lose control in so little time and that was after he’d just spent hours with Donna. He’d had no problem holding himself back from coming with her and yet Faith had the power to break through his defences and his control. Fuck it, she had the power to break him and he had to keep her away from him. Too much was riding on it. He had too many responsibilities, and he needed to be in control at all times. She was dangerous because he finally conceded he couldn’t trust himself around her.

  “Damn her.” He repeated, staring down at his cock which was still hard and he snorted at it, grabbing it and angrily flicking it, watching as it bounced and bobbed back, slapping him in the stomach. “You’re a traitor.” He cursed it. “You’re not supposed to want her.” He flicked it again before curling his hand around it, sliding his fist up until just the pierced head was showing in his grip.

  Again he slid his hand down to the base, and slowly back up again, brushing his thumb over the head. “I’m not giving you what you want you know.” He squeezed himself hard, wincing at the slight pain but it did nothing to ease the ache in his cock and balls. “She’s a virgin and we don’t dip into virgins. It wouldn’t be fair to her anyway. I can’t be what she wants. I can’t be the man she sees in her visions. They’re just dreams, not reality. Reality is this, reality is me paying for what I did and that means no relationships, no love, no virgins and no her.”


  When I pulled up at Fabian’s home, I hurried inside, relieved that no one else appeared to be home. As I rushed towards my bedroom, I heard some strange moans and a woman’s sigh coming from Damien’s room with a rhythmic bumping noise. I felt myself blush when I realised what those sounds were and when I realised the woman moaning was my sister. I hurried past their room and down the hall to mine, closing the door behind me and collapsing against it. Somehow hearing my sister in the throes of passion was awkward, and I’d probably blush when I saw her next. Still, if I was lucky, I would have an idea what it was all about myself by then, if I could get that stubborn black and blonde haired vampire to stop fighting me.

  I peeled myself off the door and stripped the skin tight dress off flinging it onto the chair by my bed. “You caused me all sorts of problems tonight.” I muttered as I headed for the bathroom.

  I’d bought myself some make up earlier, when I’d gone shopping for clothes I considered might make me able to seduce Adrian. I quickly applied some mascara that made my lashes appear really long and thick. I added some eyeliner to get that exotic look, or I hoped that was the look I’d achieved at least. I bent down and brushed my hair down to the floor from underneath it all then threw my head back to give it that wild, untamed look. It was like a huge crazy mane around me and deciding it was too much, I attempted to smooth it down a little.

  I studied my features in the mirror wondering if Adrian would find me desirable looking like this. My eyes looked a little over bright but I suspected that was the combination of excitement and fear I was feeling. I quickly sprayed some of my favourite perfume to my wrists and neck before heading back out to the bags of clothes I’d bought earlier. After rummaging around I found what I was looking for and pulled it out.

  It was a blue silk robe, a near match for the colour of my eyes and I slipped it on, cinching the belt tightly around my waist. It felt beautiful on, so smooth and satiny. I nervously went back to have a look at myself in the mirror and decided I was about as ready as I was ever going to be.

  I knew Adrian was home because I’d seen the Trans Am in the garage so with a deep breath to steady my nerves, I left my bedroom and walked the short distance to his room.

  After my gentle knock got me nowhere, I carefully turned the handle and stuck my head inside. The first thing that greeted me was Adrian’s clothes strewn across the floor like a paper trail leading to the bathroom.

  I groaned silently. Not again, he wasn’t in the shower surely? I couldn’t climb in there with him again. “Yeah because we all know how well that went the last time Faith.” I mumbled to myself.

  I crossed the room silently, my bare feet making no sound on the plush pile carpet and with my heart pounding, I stepped into the bathroom. The first thing I saw in the steam which was filling the room, was Adrian with his back to me, one hand braced on the tiles and the other one down in front of him.

  Curiously I stepped closer because even me in my virginal state I was pretty confident I knew what that other hand was doing, and I hoped I was right, because if he was turned on, that had to help my cause surely.

  I’d just made it to the glass door that separated him from me, and was about to try to get his attention when he spoke. I froze, thinking he was talking to me at first, until I realised he was talking to himself. Actually not himself, he appeared to be talking to his penis.

  “You’re not supposed to want her.” His voice wasn’t that loud but I heard him, I heard every word and my heart skipped a beat. Hopefully I was the one he was talking about.

  It was time to get his attention though before I chickened out of doing what I wanted to do. I untied the belt of my robe but held it together as I cleared my throat.

  Adrian’s reaction might have been comical if I wasn’t feeling so vulnerable. He froze, his shoulders tensing. His hand on the tiled wall curled into a fist and he swore loudly. “Faith, what the hell are you doing here?” He ground out, still not turning to me, so I grabbed the shower door and pulled it open.

  At the sound of it opening, finally he turned to me and when he did, my eyes shot straight to his penis, widening at the sight of it standing so long and erect in front of him. This close I could see he was pierced and that the studs through it were the centre of the eyes of the dragon tattoos that ran the length of it.

  “What do you want? Why don’t you listen to me? Why the fuck won’t you do like I tell you to? I need you to stay away from me.”

  “Why, why do you need me to stay away?”

  “You know Faith, you know. What happened at the club can’t happen again. Don’t you get it? I can’t touch you. It’s not fair to you because you know where I go at night. You know what I do. Can you seriously tell me that you would be fine with me leaving you to go and fuck another woman? It’s not fair to you. You’re sweet and innocent and you deserve better than me.”

  At his words I felt anger surge through me. I was tired of this crap, tired of everyone telling me I was sweet and innocent. I was a virgin only because I hadn’t found anyone I wanted to have sex with before. I was kind and compassionate but I wasn’t as sweet as everyone thought I was and I wasn’t sweet enough to spare Adrian now. I wanted him and I had to make him see that. Of course I hated the idea of him touching other women and having sex with them, but I could dismiss it by convincing myself it was his job, that it was simply a job.

  With a toss of my head, I met his eyes defiantly and before he could say or do anything I shrugged off the robe, and let it tumble to my feet.

  I watched his face, suddenly more interested in his reaction than my embarrassment at being before him naked. His large penis seemed to bob as if nodding and I saw his body tense up and his hands ball into fists by his side. “No Faith, please, don’t do this. I can’t…I…I can’t…” He fell silent and finally I met his eyes, and my heart contracted in my chest at the anguish I could see in them.

  I ignored his plea and stepped forward, about to climb into the shower with him, but he moved first, lunging forward and grabbing my shoulders. He stood outside the shower, water running down his magnificent body and I watched it before leaning forward to lick my way over one nipple, lapping up the water and tasting his smooth but firm skin with my tongue.

  “Fuck, fuck, Faith, dammit, dammit, damn you to hell.” He groaned and I could hear the torme
nt in his voice. “Fine, fine, I can’t do this anymore. You think you’re going to win but you’re not. You’re going to wish you’d never asked for this, because all I can give you is now, I can’t give you forever. Are you sure that’s what you want? Can you accept that? Can you let me take your virginity, one of the greatest gifts you will ever give a man? Can you give it knowing this night is all you will have? This is your chance to back away while you still can because once I touch you, really touch you, there’s no turning back, there’s no changing your mind. Well Faith?” He met my eyes, searching my face for something.

  I stared into those beautiful yet unusual pale eyes of his and the expression I saw in them, that fire, that glow that look which I now knew was desire made my heart skip. “Yes Adrian. Take me; make me yours, if just for this one night. Show me what it’s like for a man and woman to share their bodies, show me what it’s like to feel. Be my teacher, please.”

  He stared at me for a few moments longer before reaching past me and my heart began to beat faster. All he did though was grab a towel and begin to hastily dry himself off. Once he was dry, he turned to me again and held his hand out. I placed mine in his and as he led me from the bathroom I felt my heart rate pick up until it was thundering away in my chest so loudly, I was sure he’d be able to hear it.

  When he got me over to the bed he finally turned to me and tilted my face up until our eyes met. “Breathe sweetheart. If you’re having second thoughts, speak now.”

  “No…no I want this, I want you but yeah, I’m a little nervous. I can’t help that. You’re so big and…and what if you don’t fit?”

  Adrian chuckled. “Stop worrying. I will fit and anyway this is not about me, this will be for you.”

  “Oh but I…aren’t you going to? Won’t you…?” My voice trailed off when he chuckled quietly again.

  “You think too much.” He said and I gasped when he suddenly pulled me into his arms and his lips closed over mine. At the first touch of them, when his tongue invaded my mouth and began a slow sweep over mine, exploring me, caressing me, I gasped against his lips and raised my hands to tunnel my fingers into his beautifully soft and silky hair.

  With every caress, every sweep of his tongue, I felt my nerves settling and my senses becoming invaded by everything that was Adrian. His scent, his touch, his taste and when he suddenly pulled me against him, his naked body to mine, I felt it, his penis, straining up hard between us.

  His lips left mine and I dragged in a few gasps of air as he trailed them down my neck, his feather light touch bringing my nerve endings to life. One hand moved to cup my breast and with every flick of his thumb, every pinch of my nipple I felt an ache low down in my stomach.

  His hand moved down over the sensitive skin of my belly and I shivered in reaction and then tensed when he slipped between my legs and brushed his fingers over my clitoris. I jerked in his arms, moaning softly as he rubbed it over and over again.

  Suddenly eager to explore his body, I shifted my hands from his hair, over his shoulders, tracing each firm muscle, feeling them ripple under my palms. Down over his chest I moved them, his stomach and suddenly I felt him, I felt it, the rigid length of his penis. I hesitated unsure of what to do next but Adrian’s hand came out and he took mine, putting it against him and encouraging me to close my grip around him.

  The feel of him was not what I’d expected. He was hard, incredibly hard, and yet his skin there was so soft. Gently he moved my hand up and down the length of him before removing his hand from mine. Tentatively, I continued to caress him the way he’d shown me; my grip firm around him.

  He moved his fingers and I cried out as he pushed two inside me, thrusting them deeper before curling them and sliding them back out. Over and over he repeated the movement until I began to shake with the pleasure building inside me. My legs trembled and Adrian tightened his grip on me. “Time to get you in bed I think.” He whispered in my ear before removing his fingers from inside me. He took me by surprise when he swung me into his arms and lowered me gently to the bed with my head on one of the pillows.

  I watched him as he crawled towards me, that huge penis of his bobbing as he advanced on me. I braced myself thinking this was it, but he did nothing besides lie down by my side, snagging one of my legs and pulling it towards him. I lay there uncertain what he would do next but he leaned forward and flicked my nipple with his tongue, immediately causing it to harden. Over and over he nibbled his way from one breast to the other, teasing my nipples, teasing me. I found myself panting under his touch, needing something, needing him. I was unable to control my body, which began to shift restlessly on the bed. I wanted something although I wasn’t sure what. All I knew was I needed something to ease the throbbing that was building up between my legs.

  Adrian left my breasts and nibbled his way down over my stomach, his touch causing the muscles to flutter under the gentle graze of his teeth. He rose up, onto his knees, his eyes meeting mine briefly, before he lowered his head again, and I moaned when I felt his tongue flick over my swollen clitoris. At the first flick of his stiffened tongue, I nearly jack knifed off the bed as pleasure speared through me. I barely had time to sag against the mattress again, when he began to circle my sensitive little nub, licking it, back and forth, building me up higher and higher until I bowed, consumed by that one little part of me that Adrian caressed so skilfully.

  I could hear little thready gasps and realised they were coming from me as my hips moved restlessly pushing me against his mouth, needing something, needing the release that I knew was close. With a few more rapid flicks of his tongue I cried out, gasping and moaning, my head thrashing from side to side. Pleasure unlike anything I’d ever experienced other than that first night with him, exploding through me.

  Vaguely I heard Adrian’s voice, as I sobbed my way through the overwhelming release that held me in its grip. “Sweetheart, I’m going to break your hymen.” He said softly and finally in my dazed, euphoric state, his words penetrated and I tensed.

  He slipped two fingers into me again and thrust forward. I felt him hesitate and his eyes met mine. “You’re sure this is what you want? There’s no going back once I do this. I could fuck you and break it that way but I think this might work better for you. I’ll pierce it with my fingers and if you don’t hurt, then I might fuck you.”

  “What do you mean, might?” I asked huskily, my voice sounding strange to my ears. “Don’t you want me? Don’t you like me?”

  He thrust against my side. “Does this feel like someone who doesn’t want you? Trust me, I want you, I’m just trying to make this feel good for you. We both know I shouldn’t be doing this, and you can still back out. I’m not the man who should be taking your virginity, but I want you. You make it too hard to fight because you won’t back down, but despite that, I need you to be sure, and I need to give you a way out if you want it. Is this really what you want?”

  “I’m not going to change my mind. I want you to make love to me.”

  “Oh Faith, it’s not making love for vampires. We fuck and we fuck a lot, we fuck hard and we fuck fast and right now, my fingers are going to bring down that barrier so I can get my cock inside you.” He pulled them back out of me as he spoke, and I stared into his eyes, seeing the strain of what it was costing him to stay in control. “You’re so beautiful.” He whispered and suddenly drove his fingers back inside me hard and fast.

  There was a stinging, pulling feeling and with a little jerk, I felt him break through that barrier inside me. It hurt, more than I expected given he’d only used his fingers. I gasped and panted through the stinging pain as Adrian removed them from me and raised them to his lips, licking off the faint trace of blood I could see.

  “It is probably fortunate that I choice to do it this way Faith. You have quite a strong hymen and I think I would have put you through a lot more pain had I broken it the more conventional way.” He swept his tongue the length of his fingers once more, the look in his eyes as I watched him, makin
g me blush.

  With a hint of a smile, he crawled over me until we were face to face and he lowered his head, touching his lips to mine. It was only a fleeting kiss, not much more than a brief contact before he was gone again.

  Again I felt his fingers between my legs, rubbing my clitoris before gently pushing them inside. He buried his lips against my neck and I could feel the graze of his fangs which sent a shiver of excitement down my spine. Vaguely it registered through the sensual haze surrounding me, that he’d removed his fingers, and instead I could feel something hard between my thighs. It was him; the blunt head of his penis pressing against me, ready to gain entry to my body. I trembled, fighting a sudden burst of nerves but instead of pressing into me, he bit down on my neck and I cried out as the vein popped, causing a moment of pain. As quickly as it was there, the pain was gone again, and I felt the slow spread of pleasure through my body. As it built up in me, Adrian pushed forward, entering me, filling me, inch by unbelievable inch.

  He growled a deep guttural growl, in his throat and began to feed, swallowing mouthfuls of my blood while he still slowly pushed his way into me. I panted, fighting the fleeting discomfort I felt as he stretched me, my body conflicted with the pain of him possessing me and the pleasure of his bite. It was intense and amazing; I felt so full, so stretched, so overwhelmed because it was Adrian. He was on me, in me, owning me, drinking my blood and for now at least, he was mine.


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