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Passion For Hire (Passion #5)

Page 10

by J. a Melville

  When he sank his fangs into me deeper, that was all it took, and with a soft cry of his name, I came, my fingers digging into his shoulders, my body trembling as the pleasure held me in its grip through every moment of the mind numbing ecstasy.

  I barely had time to recover; I felt like I had lost control, and all I could do was hold onto Adrian as he began to move with deep, steady thrusts, in and out of me. God, he was so big and the feel of him moving, the friction of our bodies was pushing me towards another release. Was it always like this? Did all women experience this? I had heard of some women complaining that it wasn’t, and I’m sure a lot said the first time wasn’t good, but they hadn’t had Adrian as their first.

  He began to move faster, his hips driving the rigid length of him deeper and harder. Each thrust, each fluid movement of his body taking me higher and pushing me closer to the orgasm I felt building within me. I was poised, feeling like I was standing on the edge of a precipice, and when Adrian pulled back, making me fear he was retreating, that he was about to leave me empty and aching for him, he paused, teasing me with just the head of his shaft still in me.

  Restlessly my fingers trailed over the smooth skin of his back, but when he lunged, slamming into me so hard I felt him hammer against my womb, my nails dug into him, scoring furrows in his skin when yet another orgasm washed over me. Screaming, crying, almost sobbing his name, I bucked and writhed under him, my inner muscles clenching and squeezing him as I rode out my release.

  When finally it was over, I collapsed under him, my heart hammering in my chest, my lungs frantic for air. I watched Adrian lift his head, his eyes seeking out mine for a moment and he smiled; just one fleeting smile which made my heart contract in my chest at how incredibly handsome he was. He wasn’t just handsome, he was magnificent, so beautiful, such a stunning example of near male perfection.

  Whatever he’d seen on my face obviously satisfied him, because he pushed up onto his hands, his upper body lifted from mine and his head fell back as his pace increased. Fascinated by the sheer beauty of him as he gave himself over to his own pleasure, I curled my fingers around his wrists and held on as he thrust even harder and deeper.

  His eyes drifted shut, his face a mask of both agony and ecstasy, lips parted, fangs glistening and the veins in his neck bulging. He thrust into me a few more times, each stroke of his penis lighting up nerve endings inside me and I gasped as I watched him, unable to look away. He plunged hard one more time, before his body bowed over mine and his lips pulled back in what looked like a grimace. I felt him jerk, his eyes shooting open wide, almost startled looking as they met mine. He stared at me, his expression so intense, until his gorgeous face contorted again and he groaned out my name, before beginning to thrust into me rapidly, his control obviously gone.

  “Faith, fuck…fuck…FUCK!” He startled me when he suddenly shouted my name, cursing, and for a moment I thought he was angry with me, until I felt him pumping inside me as he started to come. It seemed to go on forever, or maybe I just wished it did as I lay under him, feeling him pulsing in me, filling me, his body trembling on mine as he rode out his release; it was breathtaking to watch him.

  Totally enthralled by him, unable to look away, I felt the thrill of my feminine power and my ability to bring this strong, alpha male undone. He was always so in control, so driven by his sense of duty, and yet now, for this short time, he wasn’t thinking of Lucas or Katherine, he wasn’t plagued by guilt, or any of the demons that tormented and tortured him. He wasn’t thinking of his clients, he wasn’t thinking of anything else right now. For this moment, for this time in his bed, in his bedroom, for the time he was still inside me, still holding me, for now, all his attention was purely and solely centred on me.

  Finally the tremors began to ease, his big body quietening and he lowered himself, allowing his weight to settle on me, his lips against my hair. He was heavy and it was hard to breathe under the weight of him, but I was reluctant to ask him to move. I wanted to freeze this moment in time forever because I knew, as I felt his body slowly tensing that he was beginning to withdraw from me. Not physically yet as he was still buried deep inside me. No, it was mentally that I knew he was already saying good bye.

  Chapter Eight


  He knew he had to get off Faith. He had to be crushing her under his weight but she wasn’t complaining at all, well not yet anyway. His mind was reeling from what had just happened. He’d had a lot of sex, the nature of his job meant he had a lot of sex. He’d had a lot of good sex, he’d had some great sex but he’d never had sex like that before, like he’d just experienced with Faith.

  Hell, there’d been no bells and whistles, no lengthy foreplay, no hours teasing or building the anticipation. They’d simply fucked, although even he had to concede, that had been more than fucking. It had been too intense, too overwhelming and mind blowing to merely call it fucking. It was making love in its purest and simplest form and he’d never experienced anything like it. He’d never felt that level of pleasure before. Fuck if he’d been human it would have stopped his heart from the sheer beauty of it.

  It shocked him and surprised him, but more than anything it scared the absolute crap out of him. Now he knew why he’d fought so hard to avoid this, to not give into her. It was like instinctively he knew it would be dangerous to do anything with her, to get involved with her. Just once, just one time inside her, and she made him forget everything. For those moments that he’d fucked her, all his attention, all his focus was on her and how she made him feel. Fuck, it was bad that she’d made him feel this way. He couldn’t have this. He couldn’t have her. He’d screwed up and he had eternity to pay for it. Nothing and no one could distract him from his responsibilities. He had to stay away from Faith because he knew already that she had the power to make him yearn for things he could never have. No, she was dangerous to him; he had to get out of her and get the hell away from her. This could only be a one-time deal, for her sake and his.

  He felt her shift marginally beneath him and again he realised he was probably crushing her; he was too heavy. He raised himself on his hands, meeting her eyes briefly and felt a stab of pain at the expression on her face. It was sorrow, a look of such sadness, and it tore at him because he knew he was responsible for that look.

  Just as he braced himself to pull free of her body, to sever that one final connection between them, she raised a hand and touched his cheek. “Don’t do this Adrian. Don’t sully the beauty of what just happened with regrets. Well, maybe it wasn’t beautiful for you. You do this all the time, but I only have this as an example of what it is like, and for me it was the most amazing experience of my life.”

  “You think it’s like this for me with my clients Faith? It’s not, it’s nothing like this. This was perfect and beautiful but there can’t be any more times like this. I warned you beforehand. This can only be a one-time deal. I’m sorry, I’m sorry if that hurts you, if you thought once I came inside you that something would happen, that I would consider this too profound to ignore and beg you for the fairy tale you see in your dreams at night. Then I’m sorry, sorry that you are going to be hurt. I didn’t want this because I knew it was unfair for you. I never wanted to hurt you.”

  He watched tears spring to her eyes and he closed his so he wouldn’t see her pain, knowing that he was responsible for it.

  “Why must you always be so cruel?” She cried. “You’re hurting me with your words and yet you’re still inside me. If you want to inflict pain on me, do it when I don’t still have your penis in me.”

  “Oh god sweetheart, I don’t want to hurt you, don’t you get that? I tried to protect you from this because I knew it could only end badly. I can’t be in a relationship and you have to see the reasons why. I’m not heading off to the office each day or the factory to work. I’m fucking women; I’m doing whatever I need to do to them sexually to get them off. I do what they pay me to do. It’s not fair to expect any woman to put up with that and you
deserve so much better Faith. Don’t dwell with the bottom feeder because you don’t think you can do better. You can do so much better than me, a man who can never commit to you.”

  “Why do you speak about yourself the way that you do? Wanting you, knowing that I am yours is not slumming Adrian. I know why you do as you do, and I know it can’t change, but why won’t you speak to your father? He might be more forgiving than you think. Plus, I’ve told you I want to help you. Let me help you.”

  He sighed and lifted himself off her, sliding free of her body and sitting back on his heels. His eyes dropped to her cunt seeing their combined release trickling from her, now he was no longer inside her. He closed his eyes again to block out the sight, and the temptation she was. All he wanted to do was slide back inside her and fuck her until they both came again but he couldn’t. He knew, if he weakened and gave into her, that for every time he gave into his desires, it would become harder and harder to walk away.

  Adrian jumped violently when something wet and warm closed around his cock and his eyes shot open wide at the sight before him. He’d been so distracted, so deeply engrossed in his troubled thoughts, he hadn’t noticed that Faith had shifted and now had her lips wrapped around him, sucking on him like her life depended on it.

  Damn, but for someone with her lack of experience her mouth on his cock felt fucking good. Too good and he knew he’d have to stop her, and he would, in a minute, he’d stop her in a minute.

  He watched her mouth take him in deep before she lifted again flicking her tongue over his piercings. She sucked hard on the tip of his cock and he braced himself ready to tell her to stop, but even as his mouth opened, the words died in his throat. God, he didn’t want to stop her. Her lips felt amazing on him; her mouth so warm and wet. Even with her lack of experience, she was rapidly pushing him to the point where he would have trouble stopping her.

  “Sweetheart, stop, you don’t need to do this.”

  She lifted her head from him and met his eyes. “Don’t you like it? Am I doing it wrong?” A flicker of what looked like disappointment crossed her face.

  “No, no that’s not it but…” His voice trailed off. God she looked so beautiful staring up at him and he hated to hurt her. “Oh fuck it, do your worst.”

  “I know what worries you Adrian. I know you don’t want me to think there can be more. I think you’re wrong but I will not argue. Just give me tonight, well today. Let me do this and let me sleep with you, in your arms, please.”

  One look into her stunning eyes and he couldn’t deny her. He knew it was wrong, he would only end up hurting her, and he hated the thought of doing that to her. She was too sweet, kind, loving and far too giving. He didn’t deserve her affections. He should get up and walk away now, but he couldn’t. Staring into those blindingly blue eyes of hers, and he could almost have given her the world. Of course he couldn’t, but he could give her this one day together and he could do as she’d asked, he would permit her to sleep in his arms. Tomorrow though, tomorrow, he would walk away, he had to, for both their sakes.


  When Adrian’s hands pushed through my hair, curving over the back of my head and he nodded, just once, I knew I’d won. Well, I hadn’t won, breaking through his resolve was not going to be easy, but I’d won this small round at least. He was giving me tonight or today now as it was close to dawn so it was a start. Now I just had to give him the blow job that would also blow his mind and maybe I could slowly convince him that he needed me.

  “Lie on your back Adrian please.” I asked him and he let me go so he could do as I’d asked. When he was lying on his back with his head on the pillows I shifted over to him on my knees, staring in fascination at the huge swollen length of his penis.

  I bent forward and kissed the tip, letting my tongue dart out to circle the broad head, tasting both of us on him. Curling my fingers around him, I slid them down to the base to grasp him firmly, while I opened my mouth, taking him deep, until I felt him brush the back of my throat.

  I settled into a rhythm of licking, sucking and kissing my way up and down his penis, while one hand cupped his balls, surprised at the feel of them. They were smooth so he obviously shaved them and I forced myself not to think about why he shaved them. Turning my attention back to what I was doing, I flicked my tongue over the little slit in the head of his rigid shaft. I had no idea if I was doing it right; I’d never done this before. I was running purely on instinct and since Adrian wasn’t complaining, I could only assume he liked what I was doing.

  I felt his hand on the back of my head, pushing me gently until I was taking him even deeper, and I forced myself not to gag when he repeatedly hit the back of my throat. I could hear little noises coming from him which encouraged me to keep going. He wasn’t very vocal during sex it seemed. Not like some although I wasn’t exactly experienced on that one, but I’d heard Damien and my sister moaning and groaning.

  Finally after I’d been working on him for a while, although I wasn’t sure how long and knowing that Adrian had remarkable control, I was surprised when he suddenly spoke, his voice husky. “Faith, if you don’t stop I’m going to come in your mouth and you might not like that.”

  I raised my eyes to his without breaking contact with his penis and responded by sucking even harder and faster, tracing the veins that stood out along its length and when his hands became restless in my hair and I felt his thighs tensing, I closed my mouth over him again, taking him deep. I wasn’t going to let him go; I wanted this, this small victory, because if he had his way, this was all I would have anyway.

  He made some tiny noise in his throat, his hands gripping my hair harder. “Fuck, now.” Just those two words from his lips, but I could hear the tension in his voice. His penis jerked in my mouth and I felt the first shot of his cum spurt into my throat. It was coolish because he had no body temperature but the taste was much better than I’d expected. In fact, it was good, sort of sweet so I started swallowing, struggling to keep up as he just kept coming.

  When he finally finished, I lifted my head and met his eyes which were narrowed to mere slits, just a little of the pale bluish grey, green showing. He said nothing just stared at me and I wondered what he was thinking. Did I do something wrong? Perhaps that wasn’t so good given my lack of experience.

  “You didn’t like that?” I tentatively asked. “I’ve never done it before so I know it was probably no good.”

  “Fuck!” His sudden expletive took me by surprise and when he reached down unexpectedly and hauled me over him until I was lying on his chest, eye to eye, he fisted my hair and pulled my head back enough to look at me properly.

  “You made me come sweetheart. I’m not the easiest man to make come because of what I do. I have to have excellent control and some of my clients like to see if they can make me come. I’m like a challenge to them. I will come for them but only when I decide. You, now when it comes to you, I seem to have a problem with my control. I came because your beautiful mouth and tongue made me come. You are a temptress Faith and something about you makes it harder to keep that control any of my clients would tell you I’m well known for.”

  Suddenly he rolled me over until I was under him and I could feel the hard ridge of his erection against my thigh. “Why are you always hard? You never seem to go down.” I asked curiously.

  “It’s a vampire thing. We can come a few times without losing our erections. Now shut up Faith. I have a strong desire to fuck you again and make you come this time. Open your legs.”

  I parted them and wrapped them instinctively around his hips, just as he lunged and slammed into me. It was unexpected, almost violent but exciting, so exciting that I gasped and wrapped my arms around him arching up to meet the driving thrust of his hips.

  He didn’t make love to me this time as he had the first, no this was more basic, more what he would describe as fucking. Relentlessly, endlessly he drove into me, hard, fast, and savagely.

  I could feel pressure building inside
me. With every stroke of his penis and with every graze of those studs I felt excitement spear through me.

  I scored my fingernails down his back, feeling the shift of muscles as he thrust. I continued on until I reached his buttocks, feeling them clench and release with every forceful drive of his hips. Cupping them, I pulled him closer, encouraging him to go harder, faster. I wanted him to bring me to that moment, to that feeling, that sensation, that release I could feel rising in me. I could feel it there, just out of reach and I wanted it, I needed it.

  Adrian slowed his pace and I groaned with frustration. I didn’t want him slowing down, I wanted harder and faster. “Adrian.” I moaned and I heard his soft chuckle before his lips touched my neck. At the feel of his fangs, I tensed slightly, tilting my head to one side to give him better access. When he bit down popping my skin and piercing the vein I cried out, my body convulsing and shuddering as pleasure so intense, exploded through me. I felt my inner muscles clench around Adrian’s penis as he continued to move almost lazily in me and when he finally finished feeding and began to thrust faster again, I tightened around him, unable to control my body’s response to him. It was, amazing, so completely and utterly mind blowing. I’d thought the first time we’d had sex was incredible, but this was more, so much more. I realised that I liked fucking, not making love but fucking; hard, fast, animalistic coupling. Adrian had given me a taste of something I wanted and soon it would all be taken away from me. He would leave me and go back to the women who paid him for sex.


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