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Passion For Hire (Passion #5)

Page 12

by J. a Melville

  I placed them in my palm, closing my fingers around them, concentrating hard to see if anything would come to mind. I nearly shouted with excitement when a clear image of Adrian driving filled my head. Quickly I wrapped the hair back in a tissue and quietly left the room, hurrying for the front door.

  “Where do you think you’re going looking like...well, looking like…?” Francesca’s voice stopped me dead in my tracks before I’d made it out of the house.

  When I turned to her she was eyeing me off with a look of disgust. “I’m just going out for a little while.”

  She raised an eyebrow at me. “Like that? You’re going out like that? Is this some new kind of fashion trend you’re trying to start? What would you call it? The homeless look perhaps, second hand Rose maybe? Don’t you have anything better to wear than that?”

  “I bought some new things but they’re all good things, sexy things.” I told her. “I just want to go to the supermarket to get some food. I don’t want to dress like a whore for something so mundane.”

  “So the derelict look is so much better.” She mocked. “Ok then, run along in your low budget, ugly clothes.” She waved a dismissive hand to me and I gave her a tight smile.

  “Sometimes looks can be deceiving.” I muttered. “I’ll prove it, I’ll prove that what I see is real and maybe he’ll believe me when I’m a…” I stopped abruptly when I realised Francesca was watching me curiously. “I won’t be long.” I told her before plucking a set of keys off the line up and hurrying out the door.


  “Dammit, I knew it was going to be a mistake letting her get closer to me.” Adrian moaned as he drove away from his other home, the home where Katherine and Lucas lived.

  He’d spent as long as he could with his son and allowed him to feed plus he’d taken human food for him and he’d fed Katherine, before carefully stripping her and helping her into the shower so she could bathe. Once she was done and settled, he sat to brush her hair, his touch on her giving him flashes of how much she liked him and trusted him. Fuck if she only knew. He wasn’t to be trusted. He’d condemned her and her son to this prison because of what he’d done. It wasn’t fair to her either, because her health wasn’t good and Adrian had no idea how much longer she had. She was locked inside this house all the time which wouldn’t help with her health issues.

  “What’s wrong with you?” Lucas asked as he watched his father brush his mother’s hair. “You seem distracted.”

  “It’s a woman. Can you believe I’m actually allowing a woman to mess with my head? Her name is Faith, and damn her, she’s so beautiful, so sweet and caring, but a fool; she has to be a fool to want someone like me.” He snapped, throwing the hairbrush across the room in a fit of frustration. When Katherine squealed with fright Adrian immediately settled enough to calm her and quickly made sure she was comfortable again before finishing her hair. Once he was sure she was settled and had everything she needed, he took Lucas back to lock him in his quarters.

  He left them after that and climbed back in his car to head for the first job he had for the evening. It wasn’t someone he had to fuck fortunately, because with his head so filled with Faith he was worried he’d struggle to perform, but Stacy’s needs from him were a little different. She liked to dance and strip and act like she was a fucking professional stripper. It had been something she’d once longed to do, but circumstances had changed for her, and her dream had been lost. With him, she got to act out her lost dream and he was her captive audience. All he had to do was sit in a chair and jerk off as he watched her. She got off on watching him watching her and she would dance with a vibrating egg buried in her cunt. That was all he had to do, control the egg by remote and when he was about to come, he had to make sure she was on the edge too.

  When he pulled up and knocked on Stacy’s door, he waited, wondering how she’d be dressed tonight. She seemed to have a never ending wardrobe of costumes, so when the door opened and she stood there in yet another one, he really could do little else but smile.

  “Sugar, come in, come in.” She gushed and he stepped inside, raising her hand to touch his lips to the back of her hand. She giggled and hurried ahead of him and he followed behind, watching her ass wiggle in the sequined panties she was wearing.


  I drove the Mercedes towards what I hoped would be Adrian’s home where his son and Lucas’s mother lived. I had to stop frequently and clutch his hair to me to get more visions but slowly, I got more and more information from the flashes in my head to recognise landmarks, and finally work out that his home was in a fairly wealthy part of Hobart.

  Eventually after numerous stops and getting more directions from my visions, I pulled up outside a large home with high fences running the entire boundary of the property. It was very private and I wasn’t sure if the idea was to keep people out or keep those in the house in.

  I suddenly panicked that maybe the front gate would be locked and that Adrian would have the only key which would kind of ruin my plans to get inside and live my vision.

  I locked the car and walked towards the house nervously glancing around, hoping that Adrian was well and truly gone and not likely to show up anytime soon.

  With my heart pounding so hard I’m sure I could hear it, I put my hand through the square opening to test to see if the bolt would slide open and let me in or if it was locked. When it smoothly glided across and I was able to push the heavy wooden gate open, I breathed a sigh of relief. I stepped through and gasped when I found myself in a beautiful front yard with various rockeries, and a quite large pond with what appeared to be carp in it. There was no lawn; the entire area was made up of square blocks with coloured gravel around each one, giving the area the appearance of a chess board. It was beautiful, tranquil and expensive. “Being a gigolo pays well obviously.” I muttered as I headed for the front door.

  The front of the house was stunning. It was one of those modern looking boxy homes with the huge floor to ceiling windows but I couldn’t see inside any of them due to the blinds that covered them all. The door was huge, heavy, wooden, painted black and with a door knocker that looked like a large cow bell. At the side of the door I spotted a door bell so rather than bothering with the door knocker, I rang the bell and waited nervously for someone to answer.

  It was only after a few minutes of me standing there that I began to realise that maybe no one would answer. I think Adrian kept Lucas locked up, and Katherine might not be able to make her way to the door to answer it. I couldn’t give up without trying again though so I pushed the button for the doorbell holding it down for longer and then waited again.

  I was about to give up when I heard a woman’s voice call out. “Whose there please?”

  “My name’s Faith, I’m a friend of Adrian’s. It’s alright to let me in. Can you make it to the door ok?” I called back.

  “Faith, oh yes, Adrian mentioned something about you. Hold on dear.”

  I waited for what felt like a couple more minutes and listened as someone seemed to fumble with the door latches, until finally the door swung open and I got my first real look at Katherine.

  She was probably in her early fifties, her hair shoulder length and sort of a mousy brown with streaks of grey through it. Her eye colour was blue but they were clouded with an almost opaque look to them.

  She was looking up at me or at least in the direction she thought I was in, and there was a curious kind of expectant look on her face.

  “Katherine, you’re Katherine?” I asked. “Adrian has mentioned you a few times.”

  Her face lit up at the mention of his name. “Oh he’s such a sweet boy. He takes good care of me. He comes every day to look after my son and I. Poor Lucas became ill close on two years ago and Adrian took on caring for him. It’s affected him mentally a bit so he can’t be around me all the time for my safety. He has his own wing in this house where he lives, and when Adrian comes he brings my son out to see me and spend some time with me, while he’s h
ere to keep an eye on him. So how do you know him?”

  I had to smile at Katherine calling Adrian a sweet boy. It sounded funny hearing a vampire being described as sweet but at the same time, Adrian was sweet in his own way. I wonder what it would do to her if she knew what he really was, and her son too, for that matter?

  “I met Adrian through my sister. Her partner is friends with him.” I told her having to fabricate a story that was close enough to the truth without revealing anything I couldn’t.

  “I’d tell you to go and meet my son but without Adrian here it might not be safe for you.”

  “It’s ok Katherine, another time. You wouldn’t mind if I used your bathroom please?” I asked her, wanting an excuse to leave her and go and try to find Lucas.

  “Oh of course not dear, it’s down the hall. Just ignore the contraption on it. It’s just so I can manage to use the toilet alone when I’m in this thing.” She gestured to her wheelchair.

  “Thank you.” I said and walked away, heading down the hall before stopping and slowly tip toeing back towards another hallway that led in the opposite direction to Katherine’s suite. I could see a closed door down the end of it and as I approached I saw that there was a bolt keeping the door locked to anyone on the other side of it.

  When I got up to the door, I tapped as quietly on it as I could. “Lucas?” I called softly.

  “Who’s that?” The voice was deep but startled sounding.

  “I’m Faith; I’m a friend of Adrian’s. If I come in, will you harm me? I know what you are. I know you’re vampire. Adrian told me what happened.”

  There was silence for a few moments and I wasn’t sure Lucas would agree to me coming in to see him, or whether he could be trusted to see me. I wanted him to do as he did in my vision not just suck me dry and kill me.

  “It’s safe, you can come in. I won’t hurt you. Father over reacts and keeps me locked up so I won’t hurt my mother, but I wouldn’t do that; please, come in.”

  Slowly and as quietly as I could, I slid the bolt across releasing it and with my palms sweating; I turned the door knob and slowly swung the door open.

  When it opened fully I saw a young man, not as young as I’d first thought in my visions; probably about my age or slightly older. He had dark brown hair cut short on the back and sides but the top was quite long, and a thick lock fell over one eye. He had grey eyes that were now watching me closely and when he gave me a hint of a smile, he had a dimple in one cheek. My god, the first thing that registered with me was how gorgeous he was. Not like Adrian was, but still an incredibly attractive man all the same. He was tall too but not as tall as Adrian and although very fit looking; he had a slimmer, more athletic build.

  “So what are you doing here because I know this is no social call? In the two years or so since my father turned me, he’s never brought anyone to see us and my guess is he doesn’t know you’re here now does he?”

  Wow, Lucas was good. He’d read me like a book in just a couple of minutes. “You’re right; I’m here for a reason. I’m here to ask a favour of you. I have visions, I see things in my dreams that are going to happen, and last night I had a vision that I came to see you. You turned me, so that is what I want you to do. I want you to turn me vampire.”

  Chapter Ten


  Adrian was relieved when it was time to head home for the night. He’d had a difficult evening. Damned Faith was already interfering with his work. It had taken him thinking about her to come in front of Stacy even though he was in the company of a curvy, sexy woman. Normally he had no problems at all but not tonight.

  He had to stay away from Faith or she’d affect his work and he couldn’t have that. It had been even harder at Lisa’s home. She wanted him to spend time making her come with his hands and mouth and then she got him to fuck her up the ass.

  Making her come wasn’t the problem, it was his own sexual gratification when he’d fucked her to the point where she nearly collapsed under him; that was the problem. He’d thrust into her for what felt like an eternity, struggling to come. Normally fucking Lisa’s tight little ass wasn’t a problem. Tonight it had taken all he had to make it through it, and only when he’d pictured Faith had he finally been able find his release.

  Lisa had stared at him strangely because of how long it had taken for him to come and he felt bad. He didn’t want her thinking it was her, and that she couldn’t turn him on any more. She suffered from enough self-esteem issues due to her bastard husband. He didn’t want her thinking he didn’t find her attractive.

  He’d tried to make her feel better by kissing her long and slow, his lips moving over hers. He pushed his tongue into her mouth and he’d built her up again before taking his fill of her blood. Feeding from her had pushed her into another orgasm then he’d made her forget that part where he’d fed from her before taking his money and leaving her.

  “Damn Faith.” He muttered under his breath as he drove home. “I need to keep her as far away from me as possible. I can’t let her fuck up my life and she already made tonight hard.”

  For the rest of the drive he cursed her, working himself up into a more enraged state so by the time he pulled up in the driveway, he was angry and frustrated. He could see a couple of the cars were missing so some of his family were out and hopefully Faith was too so there was no risk of running into her.

  He didn’t run into anyone when he entered the house and walked to his bedroom. Once he was in his room he stripped and went to shower. He always liked to shower when he got home to wash away the scents of the women he’d spent the evening fucking.

  Once he was clean and dressed again he went in search of anyone who might be home. There was no sign of Flame or Damien so they must have been out hunting. Fabian would be at the club with Sirene while she worked. His father was so protective of her and despite the club having bouncers, Fabian still preferred to go there to keep away any potential men who might put their hands on her. Then of course there was Faith but she was probably out with her sister. Well, he hoped she was anyway.

  He was just starting to accept he was home alone when he heard a car pull into the driveway and not long after that, Francesca entered the house.

  “All alone brother dear; the little dutiful virgin isn’t home yet? Although I’m not entirely sure she’s quite the little virgin anymore now is she?” Her eyes were shrewd as she met his.

  “Butt out Francesca. It’s none of your business whether she is or isn’t.”

  “Oh Adrian your determination to say nothing actually says everything.” She gave him a sardonic look.

  “Think what you like Fran but stop meddling in my life.” He looked over at her finally seeing her ruffled just fucked hair and when he breathed in, he could smell sex on her. “Seems you’ve had a good night then?” He grinned.

  She ignored him. “So where is everyone?”

  “I don’t know, I’m not long home myself. I presume Faith is with her sister and Damien.”

  Francesca chuckled quietly. “Oh no brother, she’s not with Flame and Damien at all. She went out alone, telling me she was shopping for food but I don’t know. She was acting funny, suspiciously even, plus she was dressed like she was a subscriber to Hobo Weekly. I think she was lying to me you know little bro, but who can know for sure.”

  Suddenly Adrian sat up, his expression alert. “What did she say to you exactly?”

  “I’ll prove it, I’ll prove that what I see is real, and maybe he’ll believe me when I’m a…” She stopped abruptly. “Those were her final words to me, so not sure what the fuck she meant by that. It did seem like she has a point to prove to you little brother.”

  Adrian’s mind ticked over trying to decipher what Faith’s last words to Fran could have meant. “What car did she take, do you know? When did she go, can you remember?”

  “She took the Mercedes and it would have been a few hours ago now. She left not long after you did. I passed you on your way out but you didn’t see me. I�
�ve been out a few times tonight.”

  This was not sounding good about Faith now and the more Adrian thought about it, the more he suspected something had either happened to her or she was up to no good. He would have to go and look for her but where, that was the question?

  “Does she have a phone on her?” Fran’s voice cut through his thoughts.

  “I don’t know and even if she does I don’t have a number for her.” He stood up. “I’ll go grab my phone from my room and give Flame a call just in case Faith’s caught up with her and Damien.”

  “I thought you didn’t care about the little woman.” Fran called out to him as he left the room. “If you show her too much affection she’ll be like the stray dog you can’t get rid of.”

  Adrian felt a rush of anger at his sister’s mocking words but he wasn’t going to waste time fighting with her now, he needed to find Faith, because his gut instinct was telling him she was up to no good.

  When he got back to his room he grabbed his mobile phone and noticed straight away that there were several missed calls on it. Immediately his body tensed. It wasn’t that he’d had a call; he got them from clients making appointments with him. It was who had been trying to call him. The caller ID showed that a couple of the missed calls came from Katherine, and the last few were from Lucas. They rarely rang him so a burst of missed calls from them was enough to get him worried.

  With his stomach tightening, he played back the voice messages. There were no voice messages from Katherine, only Lucas and when he listened to them all Adrian closed his eyes, threw his head back and simply screamed. “FUCK!”


  I think if Lucas’s eyes could have bugged out of his head they would have. “What the fuck did you just say?” He asked.


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