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Passion For Hire (Passion #5)

Page 11

by J. a Melville

  I felt his movements become less co-ordinated and when I opened my eyes he was on his elbows, eyes open and fixed ahead, not seeing anything I suspected as he thrust. Suddenly he reared up, raising himself on his hands and he arched his back, swivelling his hips as he ground his pelvis hard against mine. “Fuck Faith.” His voice sounded strained just before his eyes locked with mine and I saw and felt his body shudder. As he stared at me, his face twisted with intense pleasure, I felt him pump into me, triggering my inner muscles to tighten around him, milking him of every drop.

  “Fuck Faith.” He moaned again before collapsing on top of me. I gasped and panted struggling to draw breath into my lungs under his weight and he must have realised because he pulled free of me, rolling onto his back by my side. Instantly I felt empty, bereft and wanted him back, wanted him inside me again. I wanted to hold him, wrap my arms and legs around him and never let him go, never let him walk away from me as I knew he would when this time together was over.

  I rolled onto my side away from him and felt the prick of tears behind my eyes. I hated that he’d given me this moment with him that he’d shown me paradise and yet he was going to leave me, and by tonight he would be doing all this to one of his clients.

  As if sensing my inner turmoil I felt the mattress shift as he settled behind me, his arm coming around me and pulling me close, his stomach to my back, his lips against my hair. The weight of his muscled arm over mine was oddly calming given I was already beginning to hurt over the knowledge that these few hours were all I would ever have of him. I could dream as much as I liked, I could hold onto my visions and treat what they told me as gospel but Adrian would never change. He had made a life changing mistake a couple of years ago and was paying the price for it now, and inadvertently by wanting him, I too was paying the price, wanting a man I could never have. I didn’t want to accept that. I still believed in love always being able to find a way. I just had to find a way for him to be mine, for him to truly be the man of my dreams.

  For what felt like the longest time, I lay there, my mind turning over with thoughts of this night with Adrian and that sense of despair over what tomorrow would bring. I felt his arm grow more heavy on mine and realised he was asleep. Gently I raised his hand to my lips and rained feather kisses over it, being careful not to wake him but after a while I felt my eyelids growing heavy and with my hand holding his against my breast, I succumbed to the fatigue and drifted off to sleep.

  When the first vision came to me in a series of flashes and images, I struggled to bring more clarity to them, frowning even in my sleep. As I strained to see them more clearly, to make sense of the images I was getting, there was a blinding flash of light and suddenly the vision began to play in my head for me.

  The first thing I noticed was the location. It was the house that Adrian owned where Katherine and her son Lucas lived. Lucas appeared to be in a bedroom, his bedroom perhaps? I wasn’t sure and I wasn’t sure how relevant to the vision it was. He was talking to someone, Adrian I presumed although I couldn’t see the other person.

  I got the impression the conversation was almost heated, as if he was fighting and curious, I strained to see more clearly.

  I jumped in my sleep when a woman walked into view. She had her back to me and she was wearing some large beanie or something on her head. I was pretty sure it was a woman due to the slender body but I couldn’t be sure as she wore quite shapeless clothing.

  As I watched, Lucas approached her and seemed to stare into her face for several minutes before his fangs suddenly lowered and I’m sure I gasped audibly when he lunged biting into the neck of the woman.

  It felt like a lifetime that he fed from her and it was only when the woman’s legs began to buckle that he released his hold on her and watched as she slipped almost gracefully to the floor in front of him.

  I could see what looked like panic on Lucas’s face and his eyes shifted from side to side nervously before he dropped to the floor beside the person he’d just fed from. He bit into his wrist and literally tore a chunk of flesh away, immediately beginning to bleed freely and pushed the torn flesh to the mouth of the woman. His arm blocked my view of her and I was suddenly curious to see the woman’s identity. Who the hell was Lucas doing all this too?

  I wasn’t sure what was going on but it seemed almost as if something was wrong. Lucas appeared more and more agitated and he finally got up, leaving the woman and disappearing from view. When he came back, I thought now would be my chance to see the identity of her but again more flashes of light appeared and I realised it was rolling into another vision.

  I could see Lucas holding the woman he’d fed from and he was upset, rocking her in his arms but still his body blocked my view of her.

  I saw Lucas look up, his eyes widening and fear in his expression and I wondered who or what had entered the room to make him react like that. I saw the broad shoulders and long legs of a man and when I saw that black and blonde streaked hair I knew it was Adrian.

  He and Lucas appeared to be in the middle of a short but heated argument before he dropped to the floor by the woman. When he turned her, for the first time I got a look at her face and I think even in my sleep, all the colour drained from mine, and my heart skipped a beat.

  Nothing could have prepared me for the shock of seeing the face of the woman with Lucas. That wasn’t the end of it apparently because as I continued to watch feeling very much like a deer caught in the headlights, I saw Adrian rip into his own wrist and press the gaping wound to her open mouth. As he held his wrist against her, he began to massage her throat with his other hand and after a few moments I saw her start to swallow; weakly at first, but gradually gaining strength.

  For me, I was still in shock, my mind reeling with the images playing out in my vision. Finally Adrian pulled his arm away from her and as I watched, the wound healed and he lifted her against his chest as he sat on the floor. For just the briefest moment, a split second her eyes opened and I felt like she was looking at me; brilliant blue to brilliant blue. Eyes I’d looked into through the mirror for twenty years. I’m not sure anything could have prepared me for the shock of seeing that the woman in the vision was me and that not only was it me, I was now vampire and I’d been turned by both Adrian and his son.

  With another flash of light, my vision changed, jumping forward and I found myself staring into the face that was mine but at the same time somewhat different. Her hair was full and gleaming, her skin perfect, totally blemish free, her lips plump and her eyes such an intense, vivid blue I couldn’t look away. As I stared at her, slowly coming to terms in my sleep with what I was seeing in this vision, she spoke, taking me by surprise. Her/my voice had a sultry, almost seductive sound to it and as I watched her she quirked an eyebrow up at me. “Don’t act so surprised. You wanted this.” She said and with a flash of light she/I was gone, everything was gone and my eyes snapped open as I woke up suddenly, gasping and panting from the shock of what I’d just seen.

  Chapter Nine


  It was the sound of Faith’s moans that woke Adrian and he turned to her as she tossed and turned. She was still asleep, but it was a troubled sleep obviously. She was agitated and appeared to be in the grip of a nightmare, crying out and mumbling incoherently

  “Oh my god Adrian, no, don’t be mad, I want this. It’s ok, really it’s ok.” She cried and he knew he had to wake her. He didn’t know what was troubling her or what she was talking about, but it clearly had her all wound up.

  “Come on Faith, sweetheart, wake up.” He shook her gently but she didn’t respond. “Faith, come on, you’re having a nightmare, wake up.” He spoke louder this time and finally her eyes opened. She blinked a few times clearly confused before she turned to him. As she stared at him, her eyes widening, she clamped a hand to her mouth briefly, before her whole body relaxed and she appeared to calm down a bit.

  “What were you dreaming about?” He asked her and her eyes skittered away from his, a faint
blush tinting her cheeks.

  “Nothing, I don’t remember.” She told him and he knew she was lying. He put a hand on her suspecting part of her dream had been sexual but he couldn’t get any clear reading off her. “I suppose I’d better go now and let you get on with whatever you have to do.” She went to sit up but he lunged, and hauled her against him.

  “You don’t need to rush off Faith. Just because our time together is over doesn’t mean that I expect you to leave immediately. I will get up soon to go shower and prepare for my evening out, plus I need to feed Katherine and Lucas.”

  “Take me with you.” She begged him. “I want to meet your son and his mother. Please Adrian. I won’t do anything to upset you, and I won’t tell anyone about them, just let me meet them, please.”

  He sighed at the imploring tone of her voice and the look in her eyes. “I will Faith but not tonight. Please be patient. You forget; I’ve been dealing with this situation for a couple of years now. I don’t know what you hope to gain by meeting them. I’m not used to letting anyone in. I have trouble trusting people with a secret of this magnitude, you have to understand that.”

  “Fine, forget I asked.” She muttered, her expression clearly showing she wasn’t happy with his decision.

  He chuckled and leaned over her. “Oh sweetheart, you look so cute when you get that face. Seeing that bottom lip stuck out like that and you pouting the way you are. You know what it makes me want to do?”

  “What?” Her eyes swung to him her expression still sullen.

  He rolled on top of her, his rigid cock slipping between her thighs. He nudged the engorged head against the heat of her cunt. She was soaking wet and he gave a muffled groan. He should get up and go shower. It wasn’t wise to fuck her again. He’d told her one night and here he was thinking about fucking her again. He cursed how quickly this woman caused his control to unravel, leaving him like a horny teenager who would shoot his load at the sight of a bit of tit or ass.

  Her eyes widened, and he knew she’d felt him hard against her wet heat, but he groaned and threw himself off her again and onto his back on the bed. His traitor of a cock was all for fucking her but he knew it was dangerous to continue dipping into that sweet cunt of hers. This was Faith, beautiful, sweet Faith. He didn’t want to hurt her and the more he entered her, the more she might expect from him, and it wasn’t fair to lead her on. Not her, not Faith. She deserved so much more than that, and she sure as hell deserved a whole lot better than him.

  He needed to get out of his bed and put some space between them. Climbing out, he glanced back briefly at her lying there and immediately wished he hadn’t. She looked so beautiful with her blonde hair all around her like a halo and that kind of sleepy, sexy, wanton look in her eyes. He had to get away from her or he’d weaken, he just knew it, and climb back in with her.

  Turning away from the temptation of a naked Faith in his bed, he walked through to the shower and turned the taps on. Once the temperature was right he stepped in and went to close the door but it wouldn’t shut. When he turned to see what the problem was, the woman who tormented his mind stood there, naked, beautiful, desirable and too damned sexy to resist. He might have been ok if she’d stayed away, but when she joined him under the warm spray and he watched the water running down her breasts and stomach in rivulets, he felt the tenuous hold on his control snap.

  He grabbed her, lifting her in his arms. As he lifted her, she wrapped her legs around his hips and her arms circled his neck, hanging on. His fingers bit into the soft flesh of her buttocks as he lifted her, holding her poised over his aching cock, the head against her sweet cunt, and with a deep groan he lowered her, feeling her body opening and taking him inside.

  Adrian stepped closer to the tiled wall of the shower and with her back pressed hard against it, he buried his face into her neck and really started to move, thrusting hard up into her over and over again.

  When he heard her moans start, then become breathy, needy sounding, he bit into her, feeding hungrily. She cried out, the sound, bouncing off the tiles and echoing in the bathroom. He felt her flutter around him, the muscles gripping him as she came, milking him, pushing him closer to his own release. As her blood filled his mouth and Faith held him in her arms and within her body, he could no longer hold back his own orgasm.

  Shouting her name, he thrust once, twice more before his control snapped and helplessly he emptied inside her. His arms tightened, holding her, as he drank her sweet blood. With every mouthful of her life force, with every moment spent in her arms and in her warm body, he felt as if someone held his heart in their fist, squeezing it; the pain spreading through him was that extreme. Never had he felt such pleasure, never had he felt such a desire to be held and cherished and to hold and cherish, but sadly he knew, what he wished for, what he dreamed of, could never be more than just that, dreams. He had to end this now, he had to walk away. He would only destroy her if he didn’t.

  With his thoughts scattering he gently lowered Faith to her feet and their eyes met for the longest moment. “It’s ok.” She whispered, touching her palm to his cheek. He closed his eyes, nuzzling into her momentarily before struggling to pull himself back together.

  He could see what looked like sadness in her eyes and he felt his stomach clench knowing he was probably hurting her but knowing that the alternative would hurt her even more. “Faith.” He whispered her name, unsure what he was going to say to her anyway, but she put a finger over his lips, shaking her head.

  “No Adrian, don’t.” She said softly before stepping out of the shower and quickly drying off as he watched her. Without a backwards glance, she left the bathroom, his bedroom and more than likely his life too, but then that was the way it had to be.


  When I got back to my room, I quickly had a proper shower since Adrian’s cum was running down my legs and after I’d dried off, I rummaged in my wardrobe until I found a pair of track pants. They weren’t mine so I wasn’t sure who owned them but they were a bit big, hanging loosely off me. I dug around and my heart nearly stopped when I found a beanie and a sweater that matched the clothes I’d seen in the vision. Quickly I put them on and after tying up my hair to get it back off my face, I pulled on the beanie. Finding the clothing that I’d worn in the vision only proved to me that it was meant to be. They weren’t some sort of dreams like Adrian thought, they were real and I was going to make at least one of them come true. Like it or not, I was going to do whatever was necessary to make the vision I’d had become a reality and I was doing it tonight. I realised the more I thought about it that the outcome was something that felt right for me. It would be the perfect solution overall. One way or another I was sure.

  It was still early and when I left my room, and I could tell none of the other vampires were up yet. I smirked at that though. I could hear noises coming from Fabian and Sirene’s room so someone was up, or more specifically something was up. I shuddered when that image filled my head. I didn’t want to be thinking about Fabian with an erection. That was just creepy from the man who although too young looking to be my father, felt like one given he’d done so much already to care for me.

  I tip toed back to Adrian’s room and placed my hands against the door, concentrating hard until finally I got an image of him. He was dressing and looked magnificent. He was such a stunningly handsome man and now that I’d given myself to him, I was even more determined to prove we were meant to be together.

  He was dressed in black jeans, a white long sleeved shirt that was unbuttoned halfway down the front and a black leather vest over it which hung open. He had his hair back in a ponytail and I felt my heart contract when he suddenly stopped what he was doing and walked to the bed. He bent and lifted one of the pillows I’d been lying on and raised it to his nose, taking a deep breath. His eyes closed and such a bleak look crossed his face, I longed to go to him; but before I could act on my desire, he tossed the pillow back on the bed and started walking towards the door. I turned and
sprinted back to my bedroom, closing my door as quietly as possible.

  I heard him walk past and when I was sure he was out of range, I opened the door and hurried down the hallway on my toes before peering around the corner to see where he was. He was just plucking a set of keys off the key ring before he opened the door and disappeared outside, shutting it behind him. I waited until I heard the roar of the V8 engine start up and knew he’d taken the Trans Am before I scurried back to his room.

  I wasn’t sure it would work what I had in mind but I would find out soon. I couldn’t get Adrian to take me to his son and although he said he would eventually, I suspected he’d always find excuses to put off taking me. I was going to have to go by myself and if I wanted what I’d seen in my vision to become a reality, I was definitely going to have to go there alone. The more I thought about it, the more I realised it was the perfect solution to the problem. Of course it wouldn’t change his feelings towards me, his need to push me away, but hopefully it would make him stop treating me like I was delicate and needed to be protected. There was even a part of me that hoped I might not be attracted to him anymore, and I could move on. Become like I’d heard the others had been before they found partners, having sex with someone different every night. Hell, I could have sex with Adrian’s son Lucas. Now that might get me some attention from Mr Elusive himself.

  Grinning at the path my thoughts had taken and shaking my head because of what I was thinking, I let myself into his room and looked around for something that would still have a strong connection to him on it. I needed something that was either used frequently by him, or worn often enough for him to have left quite a strong tie to the item, so I could hopefully track him better.

  I looked through his clothes but everything appeared freshly laundered so that would be no good. It was only when I walked into his bathroom that I spotted his hairbrush and picked it up. There were several more strands of his hair in it which reminded me of the ones I’d collected earlier. Plucking the new ones from his hairbrush, I headed back to my room and put them all together.


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